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DGauss Basis Sets optimized for DFT

Basis sets used by DGauss DFT Code

The basis sets were kindly provided by Oxford Molecular Ltd., and represented here by permission. Please refer to the comments in individual files on the conditions of use.

The latest version of basis sets is available from Oxford Molecular ftp servers:
in US:
in UK:

Two versions of basis set database are included here, in CCL archives:
  1. The older format file used with DGauss 3 and earlier. It is contained in the file basis.v3
  2. The new format, as used by DGauss 4.0 and later, is in the file basis.v4
Please join us in thanking Oxford Molecular for this contribution.

For perl utilities to convert basis sets to other format look up the following links:
For version 3.0:
For version 4.0:

Jan Labanowski
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Modified: Thu Sep 10 14:26:46 1998 GMT
Page accessed 9213 times since Sat Apr 17 16:13:37 1999 GMT