Q-Chem incorporates the features highlighted here, among others:
Properties Analysis |
Automated Geometry and
Transition Structure Optimization |
Optimizes in Cartesian, Z-Matrix or
delocalized internal coordinates |
Eigenvector Following (EF) algorithm for
minima and transition states |
GDIIS algorithm for minima |
Can impose bond angle, dihedral angle
(torsion) or out-of-plane bend constraints |
Freezes atoms in Cartesian coordinates
Desired constraints need not be satisfied in
the starting structure |
Geometry optimization in the presence of
fixed point charges |
Vibrational Spectra |
Electronic Excitation Spectra
Excitation energies may be calculated at the
CIS, XCIS and CIS(D) levels |
Visualization via attachment-detachment
analysis at the CIS level of theory |
Electrostatic Potentials
Molecular Orbital and Density Plotting
Seamless integration with HyperChem and
UniChem plotting features |
Natural Bond Orbital Analysis
Attachment-Detachment Analysis for
Excited States |
A unique new tool for visualizing electronic
transitions |
Automated visualization available within
HyperChem and UniChem interfaces |
Theoretical Methods |
Hartree-Fock Theory
Automated optimal blend of in-core and
direct SCF methods |
Linear-cost exchange algorithms for large
molecules (QCTC, ONX) |
Local and Gradient-Corrected Density
Functional Theory |
Slater, Becke and GGA91 exchange
functionals |
VWN, PZ81, Wigner, Perdew '86, LYP and
GGA91 correlation functionals |
Linear-cost XC algorithm for large
molecules |
Hybrid HF-DFT Methods
B3P |
User-definable hybrids |
Continuous Fast Multipole
Method (CFMM) |
Linear-cost calculation of Coulomb
interactions |
Finds exact Coulomb energy; no
approximations are made |
MP2 Perturbation Theory
Energy via direct and semidirect
methods |
Analytical gradient via efficient semidirect
methods |
Proper treatment of frozen orbitals in
analytical gradient |
Excited states treated via the corresponding
CIS(D) method |
CIS, XCIS and CIS(D) Methods for
Excited States |
Restricted, unrestricted and restricted open
shell CIS supported |
Energies and gradients available for
restricted and unrestricted CIS with energies available for all
other methods |
CIS implementations are direct methods designed
for large molecules |
CIS(D) treats electron correlation effects on
electronic transitions |
Efficient direct and semidirect implementation
of CIS(D) makes the cost of this method per state similar to MP2
COLD PRISM for Two-Electron
Integrals |
Incorporates the latest advances in
integrals methodology |