CCL 24.09.25 PhD Student, Microscopic Modelling of Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarisation, U of Oulu, Finland | |||||||||||||
From: jobs at (do not send your application there!!!) To: jobs at Date: Wed Sep 25 06:27:49 2024 Subject: 24.09.25 PhD Student, Microscopic Modelling of Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarisation, U of Oulu, Finland The NMR Research Unit ( at the University of Oulu, Finland, invites applications for a four-year PhD studentship in spin physics and magnetic resonance theory. In the project we investigate one or both of the following nuclear spin hyperpolarisation methods: 1. Spin-exchange optical pumping (SEOP), where a large degree of spin polarisation is first achieved for the unpaired electrons of alkali-metal atoms by optical pumping with circularly polarised light, and subsequently transferred to noble gas, e.g., 129/131Xe and 3He nuclei in gas-phase collisions between the two species. We simulate computationally the detailed spin transfer process at different experimental conditions (temperature, pressure, gas composition, choice of alkali metal and noble gas pair), to maximise the nuclear spin polarisation levels of the noble gas. Also of interest are the applications of the polarised substance in gas-phase metrology and fundamental physics. 2. Hyperpolarised chemical exchange saturation transfer, where SEOP-hyperpolarised, bulk 129Xe gas is exchanged into a host biosensor molecule, then saturated with a sweeping radio-frequency (rf) irradiation and exchanged back to the bulk solution. This results in polarisation depletion in the bulk, which is measurable in the intense, so-called z-spectrum as a function of the rf frequency. We model the relaxation, spin transfer and exchange effects in different cage systems, including paramagnetic ones. By this we seek microscopic understanding of the factors leading to the specific chemical shift and shape of the z-spectrum, paving way to sensing applications. We require a MSc degree (or equivalent) in physics, physical/theoretical/computational chemistry, materials science, or a related field. The successful candidate has experience in quantum and statistical mechanics, as well as scientific computing. Knowledge of NMR spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, spin dynamics, molecular dynamics, or reaction kinetics is considered a merit. Further information about the PhD student position is available at Applications (deadline October 31, 2024) can only be made through the appropriate link given above.NOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to ** to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change ** to @ For example: change joe** to Please let your prospective employer know that you learned about the job from the Computational Chemistry List Job Listing at If you are not interested in this particular position yourself, pass it to someone who might be -- some day they may return the favor. |
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