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Up Directory CCL ScianTemplates.c
  Template routines for SciAn controls
  Maintained by tl command
  Eric Pepke
  August 10, 1992

#include "Scian.h"
#include "ScianIDs.h"
#include "ScianTypes.h"
#include "ScianControls.h"
#include "ScianButtons.h"
#include "ScianSliders.h"
#include "ScianTextBoxes.h"
#include "ScianTitleBoxes.h"
#include "ScianTemplates.h"
#include "ScianTemplateHelper.h"
#include "ScianTemplateLib.h"
#include "ScianColors.h"

#ifdef PROTO
Bool GetTemplateBounds(TemplatePtr template, char *name, int *l, int *r, int *b, int *t)
Bool GetTemplateBounds(template, name, l, r, b, t)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
int *l, *r, *b, *t;
/*Gets the bounds of the given template, returns true if there.*/
    int k;
    for (k = 0; ; ++k)
	if (template[k] . name[0] == 0)
	    /*End of the line*/
	    return false;
	if (0 == strcmp2(template[k] . name, name))
	    *l = template[k] . l;
	    *r = template[k] . r;
	    *b = template[k] . b;
	    *t = template[k] . t;
	    return true;

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateSlider(TemplatePtr template, char *name, int style)
ObjPtr TemplateSlider(template, name, style)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
int style;
/*Returns a templated slider*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewSlider(l, r, b, t, style, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateSlider", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateIconButton(TemplatePtr template, char *name, int whichIcon, int hiColor, int style)
ObjPtr TemplateIconButton(template, name, whichIcon, hiColor, style)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
int whichIcon, hiColor, style;
/*Returns a templated icon button*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewIconButton(l, r, b, t, whichIcon, hiColor, name, style);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateSlider", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateColorWheel(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplateColorWheel(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated color wheel*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewColorWheel(l, r, b, t, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateSlider", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateTitleBox(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplateTitleBox(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated title box*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewTitleBox(l, r, b, t, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateTitleBox", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateColorBar(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplateColorBar(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated color bar*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewColorBar(l, r, b, t, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateColorBar", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateRadioButton(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplateRadioButton(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated radio button*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewRadioButton(l, r, b, t, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateRadioButton", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateButton(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplateButton(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated button*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewButton(l, r, b, t, name);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateButton", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateCheckBox(TemplatePtr template, char *name, Bool value)
ObjPtr TemplateCheckBox(template, name, value)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
Bool value;
/*Returns a templated check box*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewCheckBox(l, r, b, t, name, value);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateCheckBox", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplateTextBox(TemplatePtr template, char *name, int style, char *value)
ObjPtr TemplateTextBox(template, name, style, value)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
int style;
char *value;
/*Returns a templated text box*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewTextBox(l, r, b, t, style, name, value);
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateTextBox", errStr);

#ifdef PROTO
ObjPtr TemplatePanel(TemplatePtr template, char *name)
ObjPtr TemplatePanel(template, name)
TemplatePtr template;
char *name;
/*Returns a templated panel*/
    ObjPtr retVal;
    int l, r, b, t;
    if (GetTemplateBounds(template, name, &l, &r, &b, &t))
	retVal = NewPanel(greyPanelClass, l, r, b, t);
	SetVar(retVal, NAME, NewString(name));
	return retVal;
	char errStr[256];
	sprintf(errStr, "Template '%s' not found", name);
	ReportError("TemplateTextBox", errStr);

Modified: Sun Nov 17 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 4555 times since Sat Apr 17 21:54:21 1999 GMT