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Environment Variables
Eric Pepke
September 11, 1992

Summary: Description of environment variables used by SciAn

SciAn uses a number of environment variables for debugging and for setting 
default parameters.  All variables begin with SCIAN_.

   If this variable is defined (any definition will do), then SciAn will
   print to standard output the decisions it makes about the machine while
   setting it up.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will not use RGB mode even if it
   is present.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will not use color map mode even
   if it is present.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will not use double buffers even
   if it can.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will not use the Z-buffer even
   if there is one.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will try to use the Z-buffer even
   if there isn't one.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will not use overlay planes even
   if they are there.  This causes SciAn not to work most of the time.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will try to use overlay planes
   even if they are not there.

   If this variable is defined, then SciAn will try to scavenge colors from
   the existing color map as much as it can instead of define new entries.
   This keeps the color map more pristine and may be a good idea on systems
   with not very much memory.  However, it may take longer.

   This variable can be defined as an integer giving the start of the 
   colors in the color map that SciAn writes over for its own use.

   This variable can be defined as the number of colors that SciAn can use.
   It overrides assumptions about the system.

   This variable should be a string which is the path of the terminal device
   used to drive a videodisc recorder connected to the machine.

   Any variable of this form is a default preference if no preferences file
   is found.  Names and values of preferences can be found in 
   ScianPreferences.c.  Look for the shortName field of prefInfo.

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