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	        	 HORB version 1.3.b1


		           HIRANO Satoshi

Welcome to HORB. Enjoy distributed computing!

* State

Beta test quality.

* At first

Don't run make.

If you are seeing ^M characters, don't worry. You can use this package
on your Unix, Windows 95, Windows NT....

You should have a file named CopyrightAndLicensing.txt in this
directory. If you don't have it, you have to unpack the package

You need Sun Java JDK 1.0 or newer or such a Java development tool to
use this package. You can download JDK from

* What's HORB?

It's your magic carpet for network computing. HORB is a framework of
distributed computing. Your Java program runs on separate machines.

* WHERE do you go for NEXT?

Read WELCOME.HTM with your WWW browser. It contains instruction for
installation. See Installation in the Documentation page.

Next, go to the HORB flyer's guide in the Documentation page or the
examples directory.

Enjoy flying with HORB!

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Modified: Thu Oct 1 18:04:21 1998 GMT
Page accessed 5910 times since Thu Jun 24 00:07:43 1999 GMT