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Installing Java 1.4.1 under SPARC Solaris 2.8

Oct 1, 2002, By Jan Labanowski,
1. Went to click on QuickLinks J2SE 1.4.1 download
   Retrieved  SolarisTM SPARCTM 32-bit binary  Filesize = 42471963 bytes.
   and saved it to /tmp (but you probably want to keep the original
   distribution in some more permanent directory in case you want to
   reinsall Java.

2. created a directory, cd-ed to it and unpacked the archive
       mkdir /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp
       cd /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp
          Answered: yes to the question asking if I agree with the license.

3. This created directory: j2sdk1.4.1 under /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp
   Since I did not like it (/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp/j2sdk1.4.1)
   I did:
       cd /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp
       mv j2sdk1.4.1 ../j2sdk1.4.1_00
       cd ..
       ln -s j2sdk1.4.1_00 j2sdk1.4.1
       rmdir /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1_00-temp
4. Added the following to the .profile file for the account which uses
   Bourne type shell (i.e., /bin/sh, /bin/ksh) as default:


   Alternatively, you could create a small sript file with the above
   definitions (say: j4). In my case it was:

      . /home/webrun/j4

   when you want to switch to using J2SDK1.4.1

   If you still use C-sh (e.g.,  /bin/csh or /bin/tcsh) you should
   switch to Bourne type shell. The C-shell has some problems. One
   which will hit you soon is the fact that environment variables are
   restricted to 1024 characters -- you can easily go above this limit
   with longer CLASSPATHs and PATHs.  But if you insist, add this to     
   .cshrc file for the account

      setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1
      setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1/bin
      setenv MANPATH /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.1/man:${MANPATH}

   or save it in a small file (say: j4-csh) and run it as:
      source j4-csh
   before switching to J2SDK1.4.1

5. Default distribution on Java SDK comes with weak encryptions (some
   governments do not like you to install strong encryption and want
   to read your stuff -- they say it is for your protection, since
   they want to read files of bad guys -- the problem is that
   bad guys are using strong encryption and do not give a damn what
   government wants. Moreover, government knows it very well).
   To upgrade your encryption, you need to download another file from
   Sun. Go to: and get
   to the bottom of the page and get Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
   Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files: Filesize = 9,715 bytes.

   Unzip the file anywhere: (e.g., you can use a command:

       jar xvf

   or if you have unzip installed:


It will create a subdirectory jce and, under it, the following files:
        README.txt            This file
        COPYRIGHT.html        Copyright information
        local_policy.jar      Unlimited strength local policy file
        US_export_policy.jar  Unlimited strength US export policy file

   Copy these files to lib/security directory of your Java Runtime Environment
   In short, I did:

       mkdir ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/limited-strength
       cp -p ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/*.jar \
       cd /full/path/to/jce_policy_files/from_above/jce
       cp * ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security

6. Installed patches for Solaris. 
   Went to the page which shows a table of downloads for J2SE 1.4.1 
   and downloaded Solaris OS Patches for Solaris SPARC
   First, it shows you a table of available patch clusters. I chose
   J2SE Solaris 8 4/15/2002 (Click on README to learn how to install them).
   I did it as:
      a) Retrieved it from the FTP site. They tell you that it will be about
         4.5 MBytes of stuff, but it is actually: 41478274 Bytes (i.e, 41MB).
         as of Oct 1, 2002. 
         You should get a file:

      b) Unzip the file anywhere (e.g., in /tmp) and you will get:

      c) Apply patches:
            cd  J2SE_Solaris_8_Recommended
         and wait for a while (I mean, a good while -- 43 MBytes to chew).
         Some patches may already be installed, or newer patches are already
         there, so it will tell you that Installation failed, especially
         towards the end of the list. Since in my case some newer patches
         were installed and some old ones were not, I had to actually run
         the install_cluster twice, to make sure that dependencies are

         Then at the end I rebooted the machine by using the command:
              /usr/sbin/shutdown -i 6 -g0 'Rebooting heechee after patches'
         In my case, I had to additionally log in to a console server, since
         machine does not have a monitor and dumps stuff to a serial port.

7. To see if things work, run the simple test: compile and execute Java
   HelloWord test application:
     a) Save the following in the file

         class HelloWorld {
            public static void main(String[] args) {
               System.out.println("Hello World, my dear");
     b) Compile the source as:

     c) Run Java application as:
          java HelloWorld
        It should say:
          Hello World, my dear

8. Now, it is time to install docs. The site:
   contains documentation for J2SDK. It is a file called:   32765641 bytes long as of Oct 1, 2002
   I unpacked it in $JAVA_HOME, which creates the directory ./doc

       cd $JAVA_HOME
       unzip /full/path/

   You can link this directory to some name within your Web Server Document
   Root for viewing.
Modified: Thu Oct 3 18:15:58 2002 GMT
Page accessed 12690 times since Tue Jul 23 03:05:30 2002 GMT