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Purpose: Determination of the metrical symmetry of a lattice following
         an algorithm published by Y. LePage (NRC-Ottawa/Canada)

The Program LEPAGE is distributed in .EXE format and should run on
all IBM-PC, PS/2 or compatibles, with or without co-processor, with
or without colour monitor. It is written in TURBO-BASIC, however
no version of this compiler is necessary to execute te program.

The program may be implemented by copying it to an appropriate disk
and executed by typing the instruction LEPAGE.

The available options of the program are listed on the bottom line
of the screen output as a series of 1 character inputs:
typing just H will give an HELP-screen; cell data may be entered
following typing D (default values are in red and in parentheses
and are used on a ENTER). Test data are available by typing T.

The author will be interested in any errors found:

Laboratorium voor Kristal- en Structuurchemie,
Vakgroep Algemene Chemie,
University of Utrecht,
The Netherlands,
Tel    :31-(0)30-532538
Modified: Mon May 9 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 6259 times since Sat Apr 17 21:29:32 1999 GMT