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                         MOVIEMOL version 1.2
       - an easy-to-use molecular display and animation program

Moviemol displays  o molecular structures
                   o movies (e.g. MD trajectories, normal vibrations)
                   o crystal structures

Moviemol features: o Easy-to-use, simple input (flexible when desired)
                   o Ball-and-stick molecules
                   o Fast animation & rotations
                   o Interfacable to an MD simulation run (for workstations)
                   o Nice postscript output
Moviemol runs on   o PC (under DOS)
                   o Silicon graphics Indigo and IBM RS/6000 workstations

Moviemol can be obtained
                   by anonymous ftp from ''.
                   In the '/moviemol' directory you will find executable
                   Moviemol modules, six test examples and manual. See also:

                   Free-of-charge for academic usage, modest fee for teaching
                   and non-academic usage.

More information can be obtained from:
 Kersti Hermansson & Lars Ojamae
 Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry     |  Dept. of Quantum Chemistry
 Uppsala University               |  Uppsala University
 Box 531, S-75121 Uppsala, Sweden |  Box 518, S-75120 Uppsala, Sweden
 Fax: +46 18 508542    e-mail:
Modified: Sat Dec 30 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 8544 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:01 1999 GMT