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Up Directory CCL install
@echo off
echo                *** SMOG installation procedure. ***

if .%1 == . goto wrong_param

goto disk_log


echo  Log into the directory where you wish to create the subdirectory
echo  for SMOG files, and then initiate the installation procedure as
echo         X:INSTALL XYZ X:
echo  (if loading from another disk)
echo              or
echo         INSTALL XYZ
echo  (if you want to create your working directory at the same disk
echo  where your INSTALL.BAT and SM_DISTR.ZIP files are situated and
echo  PKUNZIP is accessible)
echo      Here,
echo  X is the source disk drive (A, B, ... ) and
echo  XYZ is the working subdirectory that will be created for SMOG files
echo  ( for example:   A:INSTALL SMOGWORK A:    ; INSTALL GENERATE C:).
goto end


rem if not exist SM_DISTR.ZIP goto which_disk

rem echo To install SMOG, you must be logged onto the directory on the
rem echo DESTINATION disk where you want to create your working subdirectory,
rem echo not onto the SMOG source diskette.
rem goto end


if exist %1\nul goto to_dir

md %1
if errorlevel 1 goto to_dir

echo Creating working subdirectory...
cd %1
goto subdir

cd %1
if errorlevel 1 goto bad_dir

echo Working directory "%1" already exists. Press Ctrl-Break to quit
echo or any other ley to proceed with installation.

goto subdir

echo Working directory "%1" cannot be created and does not exist.
goto end

md bases
if errorlevel 1 goto bad_base
goto instart

echo Subdirectory \BASES cannot be created or properly filled.
goto end


if .%2 == . goto nodirspec

copy %2SM_DISTR.ZIP %1 > nul
cd %1
echo Extracting files from archive
%2pkunzip -o SM_DISTR.ZIP > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto bad_arch
move *.std bases > nul
echo         Success!!! Welcome to SMOG!
del SM_DISTR.ZIP > nul
goto end

copy SM_DISTR.ZIP %1 > nul
cd %1
echo Extracting files from archive
pkunzip -o SM_DISTR.ZIP > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto bad_arch
move *.std bases > nul
echo         Success!!! Welcome to SMOG!
del SM_DISTR.ZIP > nul

goto end

if errorlevel 50 goto diskfull
echo Archive cannot be processed, installation terminated.
goto end

echo Disk full, cannot install program.
goto end

echo Some files absent from the distribution archive!
goto end


Modified: Mon Dec 9 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 6083 times since Sat Apr 17 21:29:39 1999 GMT