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This directory contain the DOS versions of MOPAC and GO32.
What follows is the original e-mail by Ivar Koppel on the
subject. Any problems please contact Ivar, I'm helping
him in the distribution but I had no part in the development
of this software.

Files in the directory are:

MOPAC.EXE.Z & GO32.EXE.Z are the compressed versions of the files.

MOPACDOS.ZIP is the pkzipped version (include _both_ files).


Some weeks ago somebody was interested in MOPAC running under 
DOS. Now I can say that we have ported MOPAC 6.0 under MSDOS. It 
can handle currently 38+38 atoms and is basicly the same program 
as for VMS or IBM (currently only time and date functions are 
missing i.e date is Today and time is 00 sec). In my 33 Mhz 486 
with 4 M RAM it runs as fast as under Linux, compleately in RAM. 
(No swapping required). It was compiled using DJ Delories Gnu CC 
port to MSDOS (DJGPP) and f2c compiler. The size of .EXE file is
ca 1.3 Mb, the only program you need to run MOPAC is a small 
program called go32.exe from DJGPP GCC package (free). If you are
interested, send E-mail to or

     		Best regards, Ivar.

                Ivar Koppel 


 This program is public domain MOPAC 6.0 port to MS-DOS. It was ported by
 Peeter Burk and Ivar Koppel at the University of Tartu, Estonia, and
 compiled using f2c and gcc ported to MSDOS by DJ Delorie. (GCC is
 copyright Free Software Foundation, but free).
 I get the message INPUT FILE MISSING OR EMPTY; what shall I do?
 a: move the input to the file for005.
 The program displays something like "MOPAC 6.00 for dos etc." and crashes;
 a: The program won't write anything to screen while computing, so maybe
 it's not a crash. On some 386-s, however, its possible that your math CPU
 (80387) gets too much heat and stops working. We had the same problem on
 our 386 , while it worked 20 sec without and 2 minutes with external cooling.
 How can I run the program under Windows background? You must have at least
 8 Mb of RAM. Be sure that you turn Dos Prompt settings to Background ON.
 The files GO32.EXE and MOPAC.EXE should be in the same directory!
 More questions? Mail
 		Ivar Koppel
Modified: Sun Jan 9 17:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 7858 times since Sat Apr 17 21:29:50 1999 GMT