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Date:  October 4, 1992

File:  FVIEW10.ZIP (75677 bytes)

AUTHOR:    Rick Coupland
EQUIPMENT: Supported VGA Cards (See below)
NEEDS:     An UnZIPing Program

Type:      Shareware

FullView is an image viewer program for 80286, 80386 or 80486 
based systems with a VGA or Super VGA display adapter.  FullView 
features fast decompression and display of all supported image 
formats.  The 16 bit (32,768 color) modes of Super VGA cards using 
the Tseng 4000 and the Siera HiColor DAC are supported.  Images of 
any size may be displayed but will be truncated to the total size 
of display memory.  Images whose size exceeds the screen size, in 
the current display mode, may be scrolled horizontally and/or vertically.  

The following types of image files may be displayed:

    JPEG (.JPG) files, JFIF format; 24 bit full color or 8 bit

    Targa (.TGA) files; all formats.

    Graphics Interchange Format (.GIF) files; both the 87a and 89a
    standards are supported.

Extended Super VGA display modes are available only if the VGA board 
uses one of the supported chip sets or if a VESA interface is provided 
by the video BIOS.  If your VGA board is not based on a supported chip 
set and VESA is not available, FullView will be limited to those 
display modes available on a standard IBM VGA.  The following Super 
VGA chip sets are currently supported:

    Chips & Technology 82C451, 82C452 and 82C453
    Paradise (Western Digital) PVGA1A, WD90C00, WD90C10 and WD90C11
    Tseng Labs ET3000, ET4000 & ET4000 with Siera HiColor DAC
    Oak Technologies OTI-037C and OTI-067

This distribution includes the following files:

FV.EXE        - FullView executable.
FULLVIEW.DOC  - FullView user documentation.
GRAY1.JPG     - Monochrome test image.
COLOR1.JPG    - 24 bit color test image.
REGISTER.TXT  - Form for registering FullView.
README.TXT    - This file.

FullView is distributed as shareware.

Modified: Mon Aug 29 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 6823 times since Sat Apr 17 21:29:54 1999 GMT