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This graphics package provides an easy means of generating data plots.  To
use this software, copy all of the files into a sub-directory on your hard
disk.  It is best to create a separate subdirectory for these programs.  Then
unpack the programs from the archived LG_EXE*.ZIP files.  You will need to use
PKUNZIP or an equivalent program to do this.  After uncompressing the files,
type INSTALL and answer all questions.  The programs will then be installed
and ready to use.  Type in PLOTHELP and read the OVERVIEW topic, and then
run the demo program by typing in DEMO.  Then run some of the example plots
as directed in PLOTHELP topic EXAMPLES.  Beyond this brief introduction, read
the printed documentation and the help files.

If you have also downloaded the LG_DOC*.ZIP files, you may uncompress them
and print the manual using an HP Laserjet.  To print the files, do not use
the PRINT command; instead copy the files to the printer using the copy
  COPY /B G3*.HP LPT1:
Do not omit the /B option!  If you do, the files will be incompletely printed.
Be forewarned that the documentation is over 100 pages long, and includes
example plots imbedded in the document.  It will take 20 minutes or more to
print.  Note that the documentation files are also in .zip form and must
be unzipped.

Function:             To generate plots of various types.

System requirements:  PC or compatible,
                      Graphics screen:  CGA, EGA, VGA, or HGC
                      Memory:           512 K or more
                      Printer:          Epson 8 or 24 pin
                                        C. Itoh Prowriter
                                        HP Laserjet
                      Dos:              Version 3.0 or higher
                      Math Coprocessor: Not necessary, but used if present
                      Hard disk:        Required

Plot types:           Single line plots
                      Multiple line plots
                      Three dimensional perspective plots
                      X-Y plots
                      Polar Plots
                      Scatter diagrams
                      Vector diagrams

Output:               High resolution plot generation (up to approximately
                         2400 by 3000 pixels)
                      Low resolution screen dumps
                      Save screen plots to disk file
                      Plot disk files compatible with some word processors

Additional Features:  Gallery program to review previously generated plots
                      Hidden line removal on three dimensional plots
                      Optional axis auto-scaling
                      Optional user-defined axis numbering and tic marks
                      Automatic conversion to log scale
                      Automatic error bars
                      Split screens (multiple plots per page)
                      Disk paging if bit-map is too large for RAM
                      Support for Hewlett-Packard Laserjet format soft-fonts
                      Can be used as graphics driver

Advantages:           The programs are simple enough to plot a data file
                      with a single command, yet powerful enough to generate
                      very high-quality plots on a laser printer.

                      Virtually all plot characteristics may be user defined,
                      but default settings are included so that the user does
                      not need to bother with unnecessary details.

                      All plot commands may be entered on the DOS command line.
                      This allows a string of plot commands to be put in a
                      batch file for execution without requiring constant user

Disadvanteges:        Slow operation for some plots:  For high-resolution
                      plots, the number of pixels which must be handled
                      can be tremendous.  For example, a 2000 by 2500 pixel
                      laser printer plot will have five million pixels which
                      must be accounted for.  On a basic 4.77 Mhz 8088
                      computer, handling this many pixels can take an
                      annoyingly long time.  Even for a low-resolution plot,
                      a large data file and slow disk drive will slow things

                      Relatively steep "learning curve":  the software was
                      written to be very easy to use.  This was accomplished
                      at the expense of making it less easy to learn.  It is
                      hoped that the help files and demo will ease the novice's

Liability:            The software is provided as is; the authors assume
                      no liability for any problems or expenses arising
                      from its use or misuse.

Documentation:        On-line help files
                      Printed documentation will be sent to registered users

Licensing:            Any user, registered or not, may use and distribute this
                      software at will, provided:

                         1) the software is not modified,
                         2) no part of the software is sold for a charge
                            exceeding a nominal copying charge.

                      When copying the software, please distribute only the
                      original archived files (LG*.ZIP) and this file
                      (LG_READ.ME).  This ensures that all users will obtain
                      a full working copy.

Registration:         If you find this software to be useful, a $49
                      contribution will be appreciated.  Users contributing
                      this amount will receive the next update of Laser

                      Registration may be mailed to:

                      J. M. Baden
                      1500 Mill Creek Court
                      Marietta GA 30060

                      When registering, please specify the following:

                      1) Laser Graphics version you presently have
                      2) Preferred disk media for update (5.25" 360K or
                         1.2M, or 3.5" 720K or 1.44M).
                      3) Your address

Modified: Mon Jan 22 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 5825 times since Sat Apr 17 21:29:55 1999 GMT