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GC-Estimate (TM), Version 1.01
Copyright 1994 by Samer F. Naser. 

Uses the Easy C Base (TM) interface which
provides a Unified Graphical Interface to 
Group Contribution Methods. Methods implemented 
in this version are Fedors (calculates Density,
Cohesive Energy, and Solubility Parameter), 
and Joback (calculates Critical Properties,
Heat Capacity, Liquid Viscosity, Enthalpy of 
Formation, Gibbs Energy of Formation, Enthalpy 
of Vaporization, Enthalpy of Fusion, Boiling and 
Freezing Points). Name the structures and save 
calculation results and text with them. Use the 
clipboard to copy text and structures to other 
applications. Search the directory containing 
the structure files using exact structure,
a substructure, or fragments of a structure. Search
the directory for a string that occurs in the
structure's name or associated text. Combine the
structure search with a string search. Search results
display structure name and file name. Edit structures
and text using the standard Windows Edit menu commands.
The Molecular Formula and Weight are continuously
updated as you draw or edit. Open multiple files.
Requires Windows 3.1. CompuServe SWREG 6294.  

Files in this release:
GCE.EXE        ---> Easy C Base Windows executable file.
GCE.HLP        ---> Easy C Base Windows help file.
README.TXT     ---> This text file.
*.ECB          ---> Several sample Chemical Record Files.
*.ECD          ---> Method Database files

Copy all files in this release to the directory 
where you want GC-Estimate installed. For example, to 
install GC-Estimate on drive C: in a directory called GCE, 
do the following:

*In the File Manager, select drive C: then choose Create 
Directory from the File menu.
*In the dialog box enter GCE, then click OK.
*Using the mouse, drag the files in this release to 
the directory you just created.

To add the GC-Estimate icon to the Windows Program Manager 
*Choose New from the File menu in the Program manager.
*In the dialog box click on the New Group button, then 
click OK.
*In the following dialog box, in the Description box, 
enter: GC-Estimate, then click OK.
*A Program Group is created.
*Choose New from the File menu in the Program Manager.
*In the dialog box click on the New Item button, then 
click OK.
*In the dialog box that follows: 
in the Description box, enter: GC-Estimate, 
in the Command Line box, enter: C:\GCE\GCE.EXE,
in the Working Directory box, enter: C:\GCE, then Click 
*A GC-Estimate icon is created.

You may use different path names for the command line and 
working directories.
If you wish to add GC-Estimate to an existing Program 
Group, skip steps listed under First.
To uninstall, delete the directory you created and all
the files in it.

Problems? Comments? Suggestions? Contact:
Dr. Samer F. Naser 
Novel Advanced Systems Corporation
P. O. Box 130304
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0304
CompuServe: 73543,3541
America Online: snaser

Modified: Thu Jul 13 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 8587 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:25 1999 GMT