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 ------------------------ Mol2Mol 3.01 Demo Version ------------------------
 --------------------------- 5th September 1995 ----------------------------


To install the Mol2Mol demonstration program, first download the file
"moldemo.exe" and place it in a new directory on your hard drive (For
example, called "DOWNLOAD").  Exit from all Windows applications.  Using the
Windows Program Manager, unpack this self-extracting zipfile by selecting
'Run' from the 'File' menu and type the path for the file (For example,
"C:\DOWNLOAD\MOLDEMO.EXE"). After it has decompressed, use the File|Run
option again to run the file entitled "setup.exe" that has been extracted
from the zipfile (For example, "C:\DOWNLOAD\SETUP.EXE").  You will be asked
to confirm that you want to install the demonstration program in a directory
on your hard drive entitled "MOLDEMO".  Select 'Continue' unless you wish to
change this default.  The Mol2Mol files will now be copied to this directory
and a program group and icon will be created in the Windows Program Manager.
To run the demonstration program, double-click on the Mol2Mol icon.

Note for Windows '95 users:
Installation is identical with the following exceptions - Choose 'Run' from
the Start menu and a Mol2Mol folder is installed in the Programs folder.

The Mol2Mol demonstration also comes with a demonstration guide in various
file formats:

demo.doc - Demo Guide in Word 6.0 format
demo.txt - Demo Guide in plain text format  - Demo Guide in PostScript format

If you have a PostScript printer but do not have Word 6.0 you can print a
copy of the Demo Guide by entering at the DOS prompt:-

print lpt1:

Substitute the port to which your printer is connected for lpt1: if necessary.
If your printer doen't have PostScript, you should use the plain text

print demo.txt lpt1:

To get help when Mol2Mol is running choose Help|Contents, or press F1.

About Mol2Mol

This demo version of Mol2Mol supports all the features of the full version,
except that saving and the pasting of text files have been disabled.

The full version comes with a user manual.  This includes a tutorial and
detailed chapters on converting molecular files.  You can order a full version
of Mol2Mol on our risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you have any technical questions about Mol2Mol please contact Cherwell
Scientific at any of the addresses below.  Our support team are ready to help
you before and after you buy.

To order Mol2Mol telephone, fax, or send your order direct to Cherwell
Scientific at one of the following addresses:

In the UK and Worldwide:

Cherwell Scientific Publishing Ltd
The Magdalen Centre
Oxford Science Park
Oxford OX4 4GA
Great Britain	

Tel: +44 (0)1865 784800
Fax: +44 (0)1865 784801

In the USA:

Cherwell Scientific Publishing, Inc.
744 San Antonio Road #27A
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Tel: (415) 852 0720
Fax: (415) 852 0723

In Germany:

Cherwell Scientific Publishing
c/o CHEM Research GmbH
Hamburger Allee 26-28
D-60486 Frankfurt

Tel: +49 (0)69 970841-11
Fax: +49 (0)69 970841-41
Modified: Tue Sep 5 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 8477 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:26 1999 GMT