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NoteSwitch Version 1
Copyright (C) Marc Brewerton 1993 All Rights Reserved

This program is Shareware, you may evaluate it, for a period of no 
more than 30 days. After this period, you must either register 
(read REGISTER.TXT) or remove it from your system. Failure to comply 
with this condition is a violation of the law. Please register if 
you use this program for more than the trial period.

N.B. This program requires VBRUN300.DLL (This file is freely available 
at many sites)


Program Usage

Do you get annoyed when "Windows Notepad" says "File Too Large For Notepad" 
and then continues to load ? 

Well, this little program, when associated with *.TXT or any other file 
type will check to see if the file is too large before calling "notepad". 
If it is O.K. it will call "notepad", if not it will call "write" instead.

How To Use Associate

1) Go Into "FileManager".
2) Create A Directory Called c:\N-Switch.
3) Copy The program into c:\N-Switch.
4) Copy VBRUN300.dll into the windows directory.
5) Select the file ns.txt so that it is highlighted with the mouse
   And From the "FileManager" Menu, select "Associate"
6) Choosing the Browse Command Button, select the program from the 
   c:\N-switch directory. From now on, all text files when loaded 
   by double-clicking will be checked to see if they are too large 
   for "notepad"


No warranty or guarantee is implied by this software and no responsibly 
can be attributed to the author, concerning data loss or corruption.


Verison 1 - Program written 8/11/93. Designed to swap between notepad 
	    and write.


Configurable to which program you wish to send the too large file too.
i.e. favourite editor instead of write.

Bugs & Suggestions.

Please report any bugs or problems to :

Marc Brewerton
2,St.John's Meadow
Blindley Heath
Surrey. RH7 6JU

email address : 


Windows, Notepad, Write and File Manager are Trademarks and Copyright To The 
Microsoft Corporation.
Modified: Mon Aug 29 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 8636 times since Sat Apr 17 21:30:08 1999 GMT