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From Tue Feb 21 15:57:59 1995
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Subject: CCL:New Program Upload
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 14:44:52 -0500 (EST)
From: "J. Eric Slone" 

I have just uploaded to a new program I downloaded
from Compuserve.  In light of the Intel FPU problems, this Windows
calculator program will work without error.  It's a slide rule
calculator, just like the good old Keuffel & Esser.  For anyone who
misses their old slide rule, this will be a welcome addition to your




 J. Eric Slone                         George Mason University
                                       Department of Chemistry
                                       Fairfax, Virginia  22030-4444
 Compuserve: 73757,2776                "True science teaches, above all, to
 Fax:        (703) 751-6639             doubt, and to be ignorant."
 Pager:      (202) 597-2373                               Miguel de Unamuno
 Voice:      (703) 461-7078

*                   Slide Rule for Windows Ver1.21E  (FREE SOFT)            *
*                                                                           *
*                          Copyright(C)1994 by K.Hirayama                   *
*                                   Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa             *
*                                   Release 1994/12/19                      *
  Thank you for down-loading Slide Rule for Windows. 

  Slide Rule for Windows is a revolutionary new software!? It is a single sided
slide ruler for Windows 3.1 users.  This software tries to replicate the
slide ruler which was so popular way back than. Unfortunately because of the
screen resolution, numbers are displayed digitally.

  Use it to learn how people used to calculate before calculators became
common.  Please use it instead of a calculator to do your calculations!

Requirements *****************************************************************
	    80386 or higher machine
	    4MB or more RAM memory
	    Windows 3.1

Liability *******************************************************************
  The author and the developer of this software will not take any
responsibilities for any damages that may occur with the use of this
software.  The files contained in SLIDE.LZH are distributed "as is" and
without any expressed and implied warranties.  The user assumes the entire
risk of using the software.

Included Files ***************************************************************
  The following files are included in the SLIDE.LZH file:
	SLIDE.EXE	Execution file
	SLIDE.HLP	Help file
	README.TXT	Introduction (the file you are reading right now)
	PROGLIST.TXT	List of other programs

Installation ****************************************************************
  After decompressing SLIDE.LZH file in a directory, execute SLIDE.EXE
file from the File Manager or from the Program Manager (choose [FILE]-[RUN]).

How to Use *****************************************************************
 I think you will be able to learn how to use Slide Ruler for Windows by
reading Slide Rule Help.

Distribution ***************************************************************
  Slider Rule for Windows can be freely distributed if the following
conditions are obeyed: 
	1. If it is to be copied to another forum or to another distribution
	   channel, please contact the developer to let us know exactly
	   where it is to be copied.  We will need this information to
	   maintain and upgrade Slider Rule for Windows at all locations.
	2. This program can be distributed only in the original archived
	   SLIDE.LZH formatted file.  Do not change this file or any files
	3. Please make it apparent that Slider Rule for Windows is a FREE SOFT.
	   It is necessary to state this in the program description.
	4. If this program is to be mentioned in any article, please send
	   a E-mail to one of the developers.
  If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. CD-ROM), please
contact the developer.  The developer is willing to discuss other means of
distribution.  Please send a mail to one of the E-mail addresses in the
support section below.

Copyright *******************************************************************
 Slide Rule for Windows is copyrighted by K.Hirayama.  No part of this
program or data may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without a
written permission from K.Hirayama.

Support **********************************************************************
  Support for Slide Rule for Windows is provided by CompuServe E-mail. 
If you have any question, opinion, suggestions, or any other comments, please 
send an E-mail to:

  K.Hirayama	  Nifty Serve:	PFC03510
  Hitoshi Ozawa	  CompuServe:	100220,3402

  Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States of America and other countries.  Other brand
and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

Modified: Tue Feb 21 17:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 10866 times since Sat Apr 17 21:22:43 1999 GMT