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MestRe-C for Windows 95

This is a freeware NMR data processing program for Windows 95. 


MestRe-C 1.0 requires the following:

    - 486 or higher CPU (a pentium processor is highly recommended).
    - Windows 95.
    - Microsoft (or compatible) mouse.
    - At least 8 MB RAM and 1MB of free hard disk space.

The program was tested under the following conditions:

    -CPU:Pentium 120 and Pentium 133 Mhz
    -Operating System: Windows 95.
    -Screen resolution:800x600 pixels, 16 millions of colors.
    -Printer: Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4L.


How to get MestRe-C: you can download MestRe-C (as a ZIP file), by anonymous FTP, from
any of the following sites:

Install MestRe-C as follows:

1.  Create a new directory on your hard disk for the MestRe-C files
    (C:\MestRe-C is a good choice).

2.  Copy the MestRe-C compressed file ( into the
    directory you created in step 1.

3.  Unzip the file You will need a to unzip the file, such as
    pkunzip or StuffIt Expander.
    If you do not have any of them, you can download pkunzip, by anonymous ftp, from

4.  The following files should be now in the directory.
               -MestRe-C.exe : The executable file.
	       -MestRe-C.hlp : The help file.
	       -Test files: FidX32 and Acqus (Bruker X32 file)
                	    FidA3000 (Bruker Aspect 3000 file)
                            Fidvxr and Procpar (Varian VXR/Unity)
                            Fidnuts (Nuts file)
No changes will be made either in the registry or in any other system 

Although MestRe-C is freeware, we ask you to register your copy so we can keep you 
updated about new versions, improvements,...

To register, send an e-mail message, containing your name and full address, to


To start MestRe-C, double click on the MestRe-C Icon. 
MestRe-C uses a consistent windows 95 interface. The program has a title
bar where the name of the current FID/Spectrum is displayed.
All the actions of MestRe-C are available in a menu bar although the most fre-
quently used functions can be executed from the tool bar. The work area is the main
window where all the graphical display is displayed.
In the bottom is the window state which is used to show messages (i.e.the
cursor position) and tips. 


->Opening/Importing files

The first thing you have to do is to OPEN file. This file must be in 
MestRe-C format (extension MRC), otherwise you will have to IMPORT it. MestRe-C
can import files coming from Bruker X32, Bruker Aspect 2000/3000 and Varian
VXR/Unity. It also can import files from Nuts. This option was implemented in
order to take advantage of  the base data that exists in the Nuts format in the 
Pacifif Lutheran University. 

->Manipulating the FID

Normally the file you have opened is an FID. You can apply a 
suitable weighting function to the raw data. MestRe-C has implemented the following filter functions:
     - Exponential multiplication.
     - Gaussian multiplication.
     - Lorentzian-Gaussian multiplication.
     - Sinebell multiplication.
     - Squared sinebell multiplication.

->Transforming the FID

To obtain the spectrum you have to transform data from an FID into frequency domain spectral 
data. Fast Fourier Transform can be performed up to 64K complex points. The user can select different 
options: direct, inverse, real, complex, singlature, quadrature, drift correction, zero-
-filling and truncation. 

->Phase correction

The spectrum can be manually phase corrected by changing the values of both zero and first 
order correction angles.

->Baseline correction

The spectrum baseline can be ajusted, either manually or automatically.


Integrals can be meassured and set to a user-defined value. All the other integrals will be
normalized to that value.


This option locates peaks in the spectrum and writes the list of peaks to the Edit Peaks 
dialog box that can be printed out or transfered to a word proccesing program.


-New convertes will be added:Varian (XL, Gemini), Nicolet, JEOL...	
-More weighting functions:traficante, trapezoidal...
-A module for simulating NMR spectra.
-Capabilities to work with two spectra at the same time and perform arithmetic
 operations with them.
-Work with 2D spectra. 
-Incorporate OLE technology.

You can get support directly from the authors (e-mail:
Bug reports and suggestions to improve the program are always welcome.

Check out our WWW Home Page:

From our home page you can download the latest  version of MestRe-C and find out the
latest information on improvements and plans for future versions.  

Many thanks to the people that made this possible:

    - Giuseppe Balacco (our inspiration, we would like to be like him some day)
    - Jose Saá Merino (who got us out of a lot of programming problems)
    - Shamil Latypov (for all his spectroscopic help)
    - To all the people that didn't complain for our overuse of the deparment 


Modified: Sun Sep 22 16:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 2593 times since Mon Nov 16 23:04:32 2009 GMT