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Welcome to the Model Science Home Page

This page is dedicated to providing information on our current software developments

Model Science Software is dedicated to developing advance simulation software for use in education and industry. We are currently developing a number of technologies and applications. Including our chemistry lab simulation software, known as ChemLab for Windows.

ChemLab for windows is a real-time 2-D simulation of a chemistry lab in which the user interacts with animated lab equipment, similar to lab work. Each lab simulation is contained in a separate simulation module, thus many different labs are possible using the common lab interface.

A lab simulation module contains code and resources, such as chemical list, indicator list, available menu options and instructions specific to each lab. New lab modules can be added to ChemLab by copying them to the program directory. These lab modules are in fact extensions to the main ChemLab program which presents a common interface into which a lab module can plug into.

ChemLab allows users to quickly run-through chemistry labs, in a fraction of the time of an actual lab, while emphasizing the critical principles and techniques of experimental chemistry. It is ideal for lab run-throughs, demonstrations, pre-lab work, dangerous labs and labs which cannot be performed due to time limitations.

Future work for ChemLab includes a 3-D version based on OpenGL, the integration of multimedia formats into ChemLab, the addition of analysis tools and a chemistry back-engine for general chemistry problem solving. Techniques to allow users to easily create new lab simulations will soon be incorporated in ChemLab 1.2.

ChemLab Versions:


Operating Systems



ChemLab 1.0f

Windows 3.1x

Win16, single lab version, with fractional crystallization lab. Implements basic lab interface with interactive lab equipment.


ChemLab 1.1d

Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Win3.1x* with WIN32s

Win32, multi-lab version with loadable lab modules. Includes labs for Acid-base titration, fractional crystallization, specific heat, gravimetric analysis and volumetric analysis of unknown chloride


* ChemLab 1.1d requires that WIN32s (v1.3 or higher) be installed first to run under Windows 3.x

ChemLab Software

Please download ChemLab and tell us what you think...

ChemLab 1.1d for Windows 95, NT and Win32s with 6 Labs (including Acid-Base titration, Fractional Crystallization, Specific Heat, Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis)

Version 1.1d for Windows 95, NT 3.51 and Win32s

  1. Download the file into an empty directory on your hard disk.
  2. Unzip in that directory (ChemLab will require about 1MB of disk space).
  3. Run chemlab.exe from windows
  4. When ChemLab starts pick a simulation module to load from the simulation dialog-box.
  5. Read the lab introduction in the introduction text window. The introduction will explain the basic science behind the lab. After reading the lab introduction read the procedure.
  6. Select the procedure tab above the text window. Then perform the lab following the steps in the procedure. While performing the procedure you can record your observations in the observation text window, these will be saved in the ChemLab file.

ChemLab 1.1 User's Guide - Word 6.0 format

Version 1.0 for Windows 3.1x

  1. Download the file into an empty directory on your hard disk.
  2. Unzip in that directory (ChemLab will require about 670K of disk space).
  3. Run chemlab.exe from windows
  4. Read the help file (from menu or lab manual button) on using ChemLab.
  5. To perform the Fractional crystallization lab select it from the experiment menu and select the lab manual and follow instructions.

If you are unable to download ChemLab, versions are also available from

ZDNet's Software Library

We are pleased to announce that ChemLab 1.1d is a finalist in the 1997 Ziff-Davis Shareware awards competition

BEST OF THE NET AWARD, August 1997 Shareware & Freeware for MACs and PCs, The Mining CompanyBEST OF THE NET AWARD, August 1997, Shareware & Freeware for MACs and PCs, The Mining Company

Deutsche Version

ChemLab 1.2a (alpha) now available for early trial, with "Lab Wizard" for customized user lab creation.

Macintosh and PowerMacintosh users can also run chemlab under SoftWindows from Insignia Solutions

Some other useful chemistry links:

CambridgeSoft ChemFinder

Chemistry Teaching Resources

Chemware - Interactive Chemistry software

Resources for Chemistry Teachers

Last Revised Friday August 15, 22:30:00 1997

Hits since August 15th, 1997: 26

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Modified: Sat Aug 16 16:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 4265 times since Mon Nov 16 20:48:44 2009 GMT