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# *** $RCSfile: README.src,v $
# *** $Revision: 1.5 $
# *** $Date: 1998/02/06 06:04:49 $

			Compiling MMIO
	Peter S. Shenkin, March, 1995,

1.  See instructions at the top of for making a new Makefile
    appropriate for your machine, and for making the code.  Make
    sure that the line in containing the definition
    "MMIO_SRC_DIR = ." is not commented out (does not begin with a '#').

    To summarize the instructions, you'll have to first say:
        make makefile VERSION=something
    where "something" depends upon the machine you're compiling on;
    the list of possible "something"s appears in  This
    makes a version of the Makefile appropriate to your system.  Then
    you just say:
    This will make the C and Fortran libraries, several test programs 
    and conversion programs, and the files README.C and README.Fortran
    that describe the C and Fortran APIs.

2.  The test programs cmmio and fmmio can be exercised by the scripts 
    ctest and ftest.  Each script performs four simple tests;  each should 
    end with a remark that the test was successful, followed by a brief 
    "diff" output.  The diff for each test might be null, or it could 
    consist of title lines that differ only in whitespace, or it could also
    exhibit coordinates that differ in the last significant figure (only).
    Any of these signifies a successful test.

    To use ctest and ftest, you need to have an environment variable
    defined called PAGER.  Example for csh:  "setenv PAGER more".

3.  Though there are flags in the Makefile for many platforms, only the
    flags for the following platforms are known to work;  the others 
    will nearly certainly require tweaking:

    If you do successfully tweak flags and/or port to a new platform, 
    please convey your changes back to the author so that they may be 
    incorporated into the general distribution.

4.  Comments and suggestions for improvement will be cheerfully ignored.
    (Just joking :-) )

Modified: Fri Feb 6 06:05:29 1998 GMT
Page accessed 4984 times since Sat Apr 17 21:57:47 1999 GMT