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X-Posting-Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 17:45:00 -0400 (EDT)
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sci.chem #27236 (418 more)
From: (perks mark)
Subject: Re: C60 publication statistics?
Date: Tue Sep 20 12:31:33 EDT 1994
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lines: 29
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
sci.chem #27284 (371 more)
From: (Bill Hibbard)
Newsgroups: sci.geo.geology,sci.astro,,,sci.chem
Subject: VIS-AD available by anonymous ftp for sci. vis.
Date: Wed Sep 21 11:31:02 EDT 1994
Organization: University of WI, Madison -- Computer Sciences Dept.
Lines: 64

The VIS-AD system for interactively visualizing and steering
scientific computations is freely available by anonymous ftp.

This system provides:

 * An interactive computational environment combining a flexible
   interpreted language with linkages to Fortran and C.

 * A data model that lets users design data types appropriate
   to their applications.

 * A novel and flexible way to visualize computations.

VIS-AD includes a large number of example programs and data sets
that demonstrate its flexibility.  While it has been developed
primarily to meet the needs of environmental scientists, its
flexibility makes it useful to any scientists who develop
algorithms or use computers to analyze data.

Version 1.1 adds support for a greater variety of map projections
than were available under Version 1.0, and support for user-defined
map projections (in VIS-AD these are called sample sets and are
finite samplings of 1-D, 2-D or 3-D real spaces).

Version 1.1 of VIS-AD runs on Silicon Graphics workstation.
Later versions will be ported to other vendors' workstations.

To get VIS-AD by anonymous ftp:
        % ftp
        % ftp

        login: anonymous
        password: myname@location

        ftp> cd pub/visad
        ftp> ascii
        ftp> get README
        ftp> binary
        ftp> get visad.1.1.tar.Z
        ftp> bye

        See section 2 of the README file for complete
        installation instructions.

The ftp distribution includes:
        Complete source code and makefiles
          (the system is also available as executable files)
        Documentation and on-line help facility
        A large number of demo programs and data sets
        Built-in functions for reading McIDAS data files
        Support for importing data from other file formats
        Support for linking with software written in C and Fortran

        Bill Hibbard (
        Brian Paul (

        Space Science and Engineering Center
        University of Wisconsin - Madison
        1225 W. Dayton St.
        Madison, WI  53706
Modified: Thu Sep 29 16:00:00 1994 GMT
Page accessed 6932 times since Sat Apr 17 21:32:31 1999 GMT