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This is the REACT package.
to make it first compile the lsoda integrater then edit this
makefile to reflect where you are keeping the integrater code then
make react. If that succeeds make select extract extracter.

NOTE: as time goes buy ports may be made to other platforms; check
the makefile for defines for your system!

Send correspondance, bug reports to 

|Mike Whitbeck             |      |
|Desert Research Inst.     | |
|POB 60220                 | whitbeck@sanjuan.UUCP        |
|RENO, NV 89506            | 702-673-7348                 |

Files in the reaction simulation package

A.e		sample file for select, extract
A.m		sample file for react
A.p		sample file for react
A.r		sample output (not ascii)
A.s		sample output 
bail.c		routine for bad exit
derivs.c	compute derivatives for lsoda
errors		error messages, bug reports
extract.c	extract selected data from root.r to stdout
extracter.c	extract all data from root.r to stdout
initial.c	initialize parameters  etc.
inlist.c	check species list for membership
makefile	make react select extract extracter
parse.c		parse a mechanism in root.m
posting1	notice of original release
rates.c		compute reaction rates
reader.c	sample prm that reads root.r
readme		this file
reprint.c	unused routine that reprints the mechanism with
		each species replaced with a number (coded).
rxn.c		the main routine to make react
rxn.h		important parameters shared across programs and
select.c	extract selected data from root.r to stdout with
		column headings
setfiles.c	initialize file names
wr_results.c	write root.r file as it is generated
wr_species.c	write root.s file that goes with root.r
Modified: Tue May 14 16:00:00 1991 GMT
Page accessed 5101 times since Sat Apr 17 21:58:36 1999 GMT