Here are some possible error messages you might encounter.
impossible error in derivs!
should not happen
No parameter file!
Could not open parameter file
looking for foo.p after invoking react foo
insufficient memory
Could not open mechanism file
looking for foo.m after invoking react foo
too many reactants + species
no reactants or products
insufficient memory
insufficient memory
Could not open results file
could not create foo.r after invoking react foo
reduce tolerances
integrater is not achieving desired tolerance, try a lower
(larger numerically) tolerance, 0.0001 is often good.
possible singularity
there may be something wrong with your reaction mechanism
make sure it is correct
not converging
the integrater is failing to converge, check the mechanism
can it be simplified?
component vanished
one of the species in the mechanism is too darn close to
zero, increase abs. tolerance may be required
code problem
should not happen
Cant open output file for species list
could not create foo.s after invoking react foo
In addition the core intergrater might complain with some problems.
If this happens, or the integration is too slow reduce the
tolerance requirements (make them larger).
When reporting problems please email a copy of the foo.m and foo.p
files, state the machine used to run react (sun, msdos, etc), and
if possible the output (or relevant parts) from react.