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Up Directory CCL rxn.h
/* include for rxn.c */
#define SIZE 100  /* max line length for a reaction record */
#define SPESIZE 4000 /* max length of species list */
#define MSPR 10  /* max species per reaction */
#define MNR  100 /* max no. reactions */
#define MNS  100 /* max no. species */
typedef struct {
  double k;  /* rate constant */
  int s[MSPR], n; /* list of participating species and count */
  double rate;  /* computed reaction rate */
} RXN; 
RXN R[MNR];  /* reactions */
double *Y, *DY;  /* concentrations */
char *SPECIES;  /* list of species */
int RP_FLAG;  /* reactant vs product flag */
int NR;  /* no. reactions read in */
int NS;  /* no. species used */
extern void bail();
FILE *params, *mech, *Ywrite, *Swrite;
char *parameters, *mechanism, *results, *select, *Species, *fitdata;
char *altlist;
Modified: Fri May 31 16:00:00 1991 GMT
Page accessed 4291 times since Sat Apr 17 22:30:07 1999 GMT