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MicroEmacs 3.12 for 386/486 computers
    Daniel Taupin and Art Kagel
This is a 386 version of MicroEmacs 3.12, written by Daniel M. Lawrence,
based on code by Dave G. Conroy.

 *	(C)Copyright 1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993 by Daniel M. Lawrence
 *	MicroEMACS 3.12 can be copied and distributed freely for any
 *	non-commercial purposes. MicroEMACS 3.12 can only be incorporated
 *	into commercial software with the permission of the current author.

This version is taken from the source C by Daniel M. Laurence, slightly
modified to be correctly compiled by the "djgpp/GCC" compiler by D.J. Delorie.
Therefore, while the TurboC version of MicroEmacs is bound to approximately
600 kbytes of working memory, the Kagel/Taupin version can handle very big files,
since it works with 32 bit addressing and is practically limited by the core
memory of your 386/486, usually 4-8 Mbytes.

The character handling routine "char.c" has been updated by D. Taupin to
consider Western European accented letters as letters, and to be able to
uppercase/lowercase them with the usual MS-DOS 850 character coding.

Simple installation
 Using anonymous ftp to "" get the file
"pub/pc/microemacs386/memacexe.exe" in binary. Put it in a directory belonging
to your "path", e.g. "\memacs" (or create it, updating accordingly your
"autoexec.bat" and rebooting); then execute the command:


 This is a self-extracting routine which will put all necessary files in
that directory. Then, if you want to edit a file named "mytext.tex", say:

  emacs386 mytext.tex 

Getting the manual
 Using anonymous ftp to "" get the file
"pub/pc/microemacs386/memacdoc.exe" in binary. Keep in the same directory,
e.g. "\memacs", and execute the command:

  memacdoc -d -n

where the -d and -n options are PKUNZIP options to rebuild the useful
subdirectories. Then, in directory "\memacs\doc" you fill find the source
manual "memacs.tex", the TeX compiled DVI "memacs.dvi", the PCL output
"memacs.lj" and the PostScript output "". Print one of these
as you like.

Getting the C source
 Using anonymous ftp to "" get the files
"pub/pc/microemacs386/memacsrc.exe" and "pub/pc/microemacs386/memacsrc.exe" in
binary. Keep in the same memacs root directory, e.g. "\memacs" and execute the

  memacsrc -d -n
  memacinc -d -n

Then, in directories "\memacs\source" and "\memacs\include" you fill find the
sources needed to compile, in case of a change being needed. To recompile
memacs you need:
  1. to have a comprehensive installation of the "djgpp" C compiler,
     including "coff2exe.exe", the up-to-date "go32.exe" of "djgpp" distribution
     and the the up-to-date "make.exe" of "djgpp" distribution,
  2. to update the "makemacs.bat" command file to state exactly where the
     "go32.exe" and "coff2exe.exe" routines are located,
  3. to run "makemacs.bat" in the source directory,
  4. to move the resulting "memac386.exe" into a directory of your path.

Modified: Tue Jul 18 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 6766 times since Sat Apr 17 21:32:54 1999 GMT