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Enclosed is a port of rayshade 4.0.6enh2 to OS/2 2.1.
Most of the patches posted through July 20, 1993 to the
rayshade-users mailing list have been added.

The only problem I have noticed so far is that sweptsph doesn't seem
to be working properly.  It looks like it is sweeping the bounding
box, not a sphere.

This executable was compiled with Borland C++ v1.0 for OS/2.
It has a stack size of 2 meg, so it shouldn't have any trouble
with any but the most complex of scenes.

David Browne
Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.
College Station, Texas
Modified: Wed Dec 11 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 3917 times since Sat Apr 17 22:30:36 1999 GMT