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Up Directory CCL README

Dear reader,

In this directory you will find the SCARECROW program(s), both
as two binary distributions (IRIX4 and IRIX5) and as a full setup
including libraries and the source code.

Binary distribution:

-rw-r--r--  1 laaksone  4844491 Jan 13 14:54 scarecrow1.6.bin.IRIX4.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 laaksone  4493960 Jan 13 15:03 scarecrow1.6.bin.IRIX5.tar.Z

Full distribution (including source and libraries):

-rw-r--r--  1 laaksone  6372821 Jan 13 15:34 scarecrow1.6.tar.Z

Apart from the program there is a bit of documentation:

-rw--r--   1 laaksone csc        49939 Dec 17 10:54

  PostScript version of the license agreement form. If you haven't
  returned me one, please do it now.

-rw-r--r--   1 laaksone csc         4972 Dec 17 10:21 agreement1.6.hqx

  Agreement form (Microsoft Word for Macintosh file) as a HQX file.

-rw-r--r--   1 laaksone csc         3584 Dec 17 10:33 agreementmw.doc

  Agreement form (Microsoft Word for Windows) as a binary file.

-rw-r--r--   1 laaksone csc      1138373 Dec 17 10:20 scarecrow1.6.hqx

  SCARECROW manual (Microsoft Word for Macintosh file) as a HQX file.

-rw-r--r--   1 laaksone csc      1077760 Dec 17 10:22 scarecrowmw1.6.doc

  Scarecrow manual (Microsoft Word for Windows) as a binary file.

Please return the user agreement form if you like the programs and
you start using SCARECROW.


-Leif Laaksonen

Leif Laaksonen                     |  
Center for Scientific Computing    | Phone:      358 0 4572378
P.O. Box 405                       | Mobile:     358 400425203
FIN-02101 Espoo                    | Telefax:    358 0 4572302
FINLAND                            | Mail:

Modified: Thu Jun 1 16:00:00 1995 GMT
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