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Date: Fri, 12 May 1995 15:40:35 -0400
From: mfrancl (Francl Michelle M)
To: srusso
Subject: chelp.output
X-UIDL: 800307735.008

A matrix
2.0384 2.0209 1.9131 1.9640 1.7143 2.1273 1.9097 2.0422 1.6777 1.6449 1.6172 0.5000
2.0209 2.0980 2.0094 2.0733 1.8437 2.0472 1.9046 2.0072 1.8263 1.7766 1.7294 0.5000
1.9131 2.0094 1.9952 1.9392 1.7622 1.9758 1.7905 1.8657 1.7828 1.7164 1.6282 0.5000
1.9640 2.0733 1.9392 2.1487 1.9125 1.9059 1.8866 1.9730 1.8682 1.8201 1.8443 0.5000
1.7143 1.8437 1.7622 1.9125 1.7659 1.6638 1.6466 1.7071 1.7570 1.6908 1.7121 0.5000
2.1273 2.0472 1.9758 1.9059 1.6638 2.3642 1.9590 2.0790 1.6396 1.6064 1.5502 0.5000
1.9097 1.9046 1.7905 1.8866 1.6466 1.9590 1.8478 1.8827 1.6280 1.5509 1.5675 0.5000
2.0422 2.0072 1.8657 1.9730 1.7071 2.0790 1.8827 2.1391 1.6317 1.6540 1.6225 0.5000
1.6777 1.8263 1.7828 1.8682 1.7570 1.6396 1.6280 1.6317 1.8308 1.6590 1.6730 0.5000
1.6449 1.7766 1.7164 1.8201 1.6908 1.6064 1.5509 1.6540 1.6590 1.6739 1.6130 0.5000
1.6172 1.7294 1.6282 1.8443 1.7121 1.5502 1.5675 1.6225 1.6730 1.6130 1.7287 0.5000
1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000
1 -1.0830624955449204E-02
2 -2.3452675983712394E-02
3 -3.8835342328137777E-02
4 -2.3138789465898699E-02
5 -1.9675329321543131E-02
6 -6.9812047488581816E-03
7 -1.3601323383281083E-02
8 -1.0331347074440584E-03
9 -2.2920615829164354E-02
10 -2.0149314226280363E-02
11 -1.3223057512296660E-02
col vectr y -1.0830624955449204E-02 -2.3452675983712394E-02 
-3.8835342328137777E-02 -2.3138789465898699E-02 -1.9675329321543131E-02 -6.9812047488581816E-03 -1.3601323383281083E-02 -1.0331347074440584E-03 -2.2920615829164354E-02 -2.0149314226280363E-02 -1.3223057512296660E-02 
A inverse
1541.8382 -571.1881 75.5195 -20.2364 549.2144 -368.3797 -400.9046 -401.1232 -112.7698 -112.3738 -179.5966 -0.9113
-571.1881 437.7910 -120.8130 -74.8731 -391.0792 118.0032 144.1986 126.0222 86.1921 96.7269 
149.0193 -0.2884
75.5195 -120.8130 58.3919 30.2796 95.5626 -17.0593 -17.0275 -9.2520 -28.9766 -33.4803 -33.1449 0.2001
-20.2364 -74.8731 30.2796 201.1917 -615.7034 20.9858 -12.1652 1.2430 162.1857 167.5296 139.5627 -2.3225
549.2144 -391.0792 95.5626 -615.7034 3307.7253 -135.7553 -84.8646 -87.5692 -847.7272 -904.2004 -885.6030 -1.7649
-368.3797 118.0032 -17.0593 20.9858 -135.7553 97.6138 89.8997 94.4545 31.1222 29.5145 
39.6005 -0.4536
-400.9046 144.1986 -17.0275 -12.1652 -84.8646 89.8997 119.9678 102.8494 10.6799 17.0957 
30.2708 2.3688
-401.1232 126.0222 -9.2520 1.2430 -87.5692 94.4545 102.8494 114.6322 18.1343 10.6153 
29.9934 0.5146
-112.7698 86.1921 -28.9766 162.1857 -847.7272 31.1222 10.6799 18.1343 229.6567 231.1007 
220.4019 0.3445
-112.3738 96.7269 -33.4803 167.5296 -904.2004 29.5145 17.0957 10.6153 231.1007 262.7632 
234.7086 2.0633
-179.5966 149.0193 -33.1449 139.5627 -885.6030 39.6005 30.2708 29.9934 220.4019 234.7086 
254.7872 1.2495
-1.8225 -0.5768 0.4001 -4.6450 -3.5299 -0.9071 4.7375 1.0293 0.6890 4.1266 
2.4989 -1.9152
1	6 -0.9109317529721412
2	6 1.227508827741689
3	8 -0.6957711161710398
4	8 -0.6627133224077737
5	6 0.2306631449846641
6	1 0.2367597232141143
7	1 0.2175852643446850
8	1 0.2394830073962005
9	1 3.5731892987484581E-02
10	1 1.8230890747771066E-02
11	1 6.3453440134348504E-02
sum of squares 2.0795092233098060E-04
s y/x 1.4566908344088744E-03
rms, % 0.9049010176033537	24.60728308167231

Charges from Electrostatic Potentials

methyl acetate 100 points VdW factor of 1.0, range 1-2 

checkpoint file: methylacetate.arc


Atomic Number	X	Y	Z

6	-1.0035107 0.0000000 -3.3968938

6	0.3541665 0.0000000 -0.9073338

8	2.6024839 0.0000000 -0.5695378

8	-1.3207678 0.0000000 1.0263139

6	-0.3270291 0.0000000 3.5849183

1	0.3503035 0.0000000 -4.9194621

1	-2.2043021 1.6522900 -3.5123773

1	-2.2043021 -1.6522900 -3.5123773

1	0.8122176 1.6613174 3.9052603

1	0.8122176 -1.6613174 3.9052603

1	-1.9616231 0.0000000 4.7953436

The total charge is constrained to: 0

Dipole moment constrained to: x= 0.00000 y= 0.00000 z= 0.00000 


Atomic number	Charge

6	-0.9109

6	1.2275

8	-0.6958

8	-0.6627

6	0.2307

1	0.2368

1	0.2176

1	0.2395

1	0.0357

1	0.0182

1	0.0635

Fit to electrostatic potential at 100 points 

Root mean square deviation is	0.90 kcal/mole

Modified: Mon May 22 16:00:00 1995 GMT
Page accessed 5991 times since Sat Apr 17 22:01:32 1999 GMT