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Up Directory CCL simplex1.f
c          This program implements a SIMPLEX algorithm to find the best
c     parameters that will fit a function to a set of points.
c     PARVERT is a 1-D array that will contain the NPAR-parameters for
c               each of the (NPAR+1)-vertex.
c     SSD is a 1-D array that contains the sums of std. dev. for each
c                one of the (NPAR+1) vertex.
c     REFL, EXP, & CONT are 1-D arrays that will contain the NPAR-parameters
c                for the reflected, expanded, and contacted vertex respec-
c                tively.
c     VAR is another 1-D array that will contain the values of the varia-
c                bles (X1,X2,...,XNVAR,Y) for each of the NPOINT-points.
      implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
      integer npar,nvar,npoints,seed
      character*256 line
      character*80 reply
      character*132 hdng
      character*2 mf
      character*17 wf
      logical sdconv,parconv
      common /nums/npar,nvar,npoints
Modified: Fri Dec 11 17:00:00 1992 GMT
Page accessed 6482 times since Sat Apr 17 22:01:38 1999 GMT