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GAR2PED, a Gaussian 94 output postprocessing utility written
         by J.M.L. Martin and C. Van Alsenoy

(0) Conditions

The program may be freely distributed, as long as this happens unaltered
and in its entirety, including the present notice.

Published papers including work with GAR2PED should cite

J.M.L.Martin and C. Van Alsenoy, GAR2PED (University of Antwerp, 1995)

(1) Functionality


* normal mode animation
* isotopic substitution effect (including on IR intensities)
* potential energy distribution
* isotopic substitution assignment
* Newton-Raphson optimization steps

The present version of the program handles no heavier elements than Br.

(2) Building

Simply UUDecode and untar the distribution file. Then type


That's all on most machines!

If you are compiling on a Silicon Graphics machine or another machine
where the Fortran compiler uses dynamical allocation, please edit the
Makefile and follow the comments.

(3) Running

The syntax to run is easy enough:

pullarc MYFILE

will scan MYFILE.log for an archive record and prompt you to ask if
it is the one you want. If yes, it will write it to MYFILE.arch

gar2ped MYFILE

will read MYFILE.arch and generate the following:

* :      Atomic Polarizability Tensor charges
*     Normal modes (as vectors)
*   (where nn runs over all the vibrational modes)
                        animations of the vibrational modes
* MYFILE.xyznew         Geometry after Newton-Raphson step (useful if
                        a frequency calculation reveals the geometry wasn't
                        quite as optimum as you thought)

All of the above files are in XMol 1.3 (University of Minnesota) 
compatible format.

In addition, computed frequencies, IR intensities, potential energy
distribution (this requires internal coordinate definition, the input for
which is fairly self-explanatory), and the like will be written to the screen. 

Additional isotopomers can be specified, for which the calculation will
be repeated and, in addition, the overlap between the normal modes and those
of the most abundant isotopomer will be computed. (This is useful for certain
assignment issues.)

Written autumn 1995 by J.M.L. Martin and C. Van Alsenoy
      Incorporating some internal coordinate code written by P. Pulay

(4) Contact

Email for questions and problems:

Modified: Sun Nov 17 17:00:00 1996 GMT
Page accessed 6667 times since Sat Apr 17 22:01:40 1999 GMT