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This is a text version of the MOPAC7 manual produced from
the LaTeX (actually DVI) version of a manual with a program
"dvi2tty". It is really useless, since it has long lines (132
characters), and all the mathematical expressions, tables, 
etc., are nonexistent or messed up. However, if for some
reason you cannot process LaTeX manual from the mopac7-man.tar.Z
or cannot print the PostScript, then here it is. Do not use
is please...

Jan Labanowski

 MOPAC   Manual   (Seventh   Edition)
                          Dr  James  J.  P.  Stewart


                             PRODUCTION  WORK)

                                            January  1993
    This document is intended for use by developers of semiempirical programs and software.  It is
not intended for use as a guide to MOPAC.
    All the new functionalities which have been donated to the MOPAC project during the period
1989-1993 are included in the program.  Only minimal checking has been done to ensure confor-
mance with the donors' wishes.  As a result, this program should not be used to judge the quality
of programming of the donors.  This version of MOPAC-7 is not supported, and no attempt has
been made to ensure reliable performance.
    This program and documentation have been placed entirely in the public domain, and can be
used by anyone for any purpose.  To help developers, the donated code is packaged into files, each
file representing one donation.
    In addition, some notes have been added to the Manual.  These may be useful in understanding
the donations.
    If you want to use MOPAC-7 for production work, you should get the copyrighted copy from
the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange.  That copy has been carefully written, and allows
the donors' contributions to be used in a full, production-quality program.

Description of MOPAC                                                                   1
    1.1    Summary of MOPAC capabilities  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     1
    1.2    Copyright status of MOPAC :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     2
    1.3    Porting MOPAC to other machines  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     2
    1.4    Relationship of AMPAC and MOPAC   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     3
    1.5    Programs recommended for use with MOPAC  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     3
    1.6    The data-file   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    @
           1.6.1     Example of data for ethylene   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     5
           1.6.2     Example of data for polytetrahydrofuran   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     6

2   Keywords                                                                              9
    2.1    Specification of keywords   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     9
    2.2    Full list of keywords used in MOPAC :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :     9
    2.3    Definitions of keywords :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    12
    2.4    Keywords that go together :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    39

3   Geometry specification                                                                    41
    3.1    Internal coordinate definition   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    41
           3.1.1     Constraints  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    41
    3.2    Gaussian Z-matrices   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    42
    3.3    Cartesian coordinate definition   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    43
    3.4    Conversion between various formats   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    43
    3.5    Definition of elements and isotopes  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    44
    3.6    Examples of coordinate definitions   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    46

4   Examples                                                                             49
    4.1    MNRSD1 test data file for formaldehyde  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    49
    4.2    MOPAC output for test-data file MNRSD1   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    50

5   Testdata                                                                                  55
    5.1    Data file for a force calculation   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    55
    5.2    Results file for the force calculation  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    56
    5.3    Example of reaction path with symmetry   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    63

6   Background                                                                               65
    6.1    Introduction :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    @
    6.2    AIDER   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :   @
    6.3    Correction to the peptide linkage  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    66
    6.4    Level of precision within MOPAC :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    67
    6.5    Convergence tests in subroutine ITER   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    69
    6.6    Convergence in SCF calculation  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    69
    6.7    Causes of failure to achieve an SCF :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    70
    6.8    Torsion or dihedral angle coherency :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    71
    6.9    Vibrational analysis   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    71
    6.10   A note on thermochemistry   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    71
           6.10.1    Basic Physical Constants   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    71
           6.10.2    Thermochemistry from ab initio MO methods  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    72
    6.11   Reaction coordinates  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    76
    6.12   Sparkles  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    @
    6.13   Mechanism of the frame in FORCE calculation   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    86
    6.14   Configuration interaction   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    87
    6.15   Reduced masses in a force calculation   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    91
    6.16   Use of SADDLE calculation  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    91
    6.17   How to escape from a hilltop   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    93
           6.17.1     EigenFollowing    :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    94
           6.17.2    Franck-Condon considerations :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    96
    6.18   Outer Valence Green's Function :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    97
           6.18.1    Example of OVGF calculation   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    98
    6.19   COSMO (Conductor-like Screening Model)   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    99
    6.20   Solid state capability  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :    99

7   Program                                                                           101
    7.1    Main geometric sequence :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  101
    7.2    Main electronic flow   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  102
    7.3    Control within MOPAC   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  102
           7.3.1     Subroutine GMETRY   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  103

8   Error messages produced by MOPAC                                                    105

9   Criteria                                                                             113
    9.1    SCF criterion  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  113
    9.2    Geometric optimization criteria  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  113

10  Debugging                                                                            117
    10.1   Debugging keywords   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  117

11  Installing MOPAC                                                                    121
    11.1   ESP calculation  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  124

A   Names of FORTRAN-77 files                                                           127

B   Subroutine calls in MOPAC                                                           129

C   Description of subroutines                                                          137

D   Heats of formation                                                                  147

E   References                                                                          149
    o  New Functionalities:

          -   Michael  B.  Coolidge, The Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory, U.S. Air Force
              Academy, CO 80840, and James J. P. Stewart, Stewart Computational Chemistry,
              15210 Paddington Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-2512.  (The Air Force code was
              obtained under the Freedom of Information Act)

              Symmetry is used to speed up FORCE calculations,  and to facilitate the analysis of
              molecular vibrations.

          -   David  Danovich, The Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dynamics, The
              Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel.

              Ionization potentials are corrected using Green's Function techniques.  The resulting
              I.P.s are generally more accurate than the conventional I.P.s.

              The point-group of the system is identified, and molecular orbitals are characterized
              by irreducible representation.

          -   Andreas  Klamt Bayer AG, Q18, D-5090 Leverkusen-Beyerwerk, Germany.

              A  new  approach  to  dielectric  screening  in  solvents  with  explicit  expressions  for  the
              screening energy and its gradient has been added.

    o  Existing Functionalities:

          -   Victor  I.  Danilov, Department of Quantum Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of
              the Ukraine, Kiev 143, Ukraine.

              Edited the MOPAC 7 Manual,  and provided the basis for Section 6.17.2,  on excited

          -   Henry Kurtz and Prakashan Korambath,  Department of Chemistry, Mem-
              phis State University, Memphis TN 38152.

              The  Hyperpolarizability  calculation,  originally  written  by  Prof  Kurtz,  has  been  im-
              proved so that frequency dependent non-linear optical calculations can be performed.
              (Prakashan Korambath, dissertation research)

          -   Frank  Jensen, Department of Chemistry, Odense Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-
              5230 Odense M, Denmark.

              The efficiency of Baker's EF routine has been improved.

          -   John  M.  Simmie, Chemistry Department, University College, Galway, Ireland.

              The MOPAC Manual has been completely re-formatted in the LaTeX document prepa-
              ration system.  Equations are now much easier to read and to understand.

          -   Jorge  A.  Medrano,  5428  Falcon  Ln.,  West  Chester,  OH  45069,  and  Roberto
              Bochicchio (Universidad de Buenos Aires).

              The BONDS function has been extended to allow free valence and other quantities to
              be calculated.

          -   George  Purvis  III,  CAChe  Scientific,  P.O.  Box  500,  Delivery  Station  13-400,
              Beaverton, OR 97077.

              The STO-6G Gaussian expansion of the Slater orbitals has been expanded to Principal
              Quantum Number 6.  These expansions are used in analytical derivative calculations.

    o  Bug-reports/bug-fixes:

          -   Victor  I.  Danilov, Department of Quantum Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of
              the Ukraine, Kiev 143, Ukraine.

              Several faults in the multi-electron configuration interaction were identified, and rec-
              ommendations made regarding their correction.
Chapter   1

Description   of   MOPAC

MOPAC is a general-purpose semi-empirical molecular orbital package for the study of chemical
structures and reactions.  The semi-empirical Hamiltonians MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1, and PM3
are used in the electronic part of the calculation to obtain molecular orbitals, the heat of formation
and its derivative with respect to molecular geometry.  Using these results MOPAC calculates the
vibrational  spectra,  thermodynamic  quantities,  isotopic  substitution  effects  and  force  constants
for molecules,  radicals,  ions,  and polymers.  For studying chemical reactions,  a transition state
location routine and two transition state optimizing routines are available.  For users to get the
most out of the program, they must understand how the program works, how to enter data, how
to interpret the results, and what to do when things go wrong.
    While MOPAC calls upon many concepts in quantum theory and thermodynamics and uses
some  fairly  advanced  mathematics,  the  user  need  not  be  familiar  with  these  specialized  topics.
MOPAC  is  written  with  the  non-theoretician  in  mind.   The  input  data  are  kept  as  simple  as
possible so users can give their attention to the chemistry involved and not concern themselves
with quantum and thermodynamic exotica.
    The  simplest  description  of  how  MOPAC  works  is  that  the  user  creates  a  data-file  which
describes a molecular system and specifies what kind of calculations and output are desired.  The
user then commands MOPAC to carry out the calculation using that data-file.  Finally the user
extracts the desired output on the system from the output files created by MOPAC.

   1.  This is the "sixth edition".  MOPAC has undergone a steady expansion since its first release,
       and users of the earlier editions are recommended to familiarize themselves with the changes
       which are described in this manual.  If any errors are found, or if MOPAC does not perform
       as described, please contact Dr. James J. P. Stewart, Frank J. Seiler Research Laboratory,
       U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840-6528.

   2.  MOPAC runs successfully on normal CDC, Data General, Gould, and DEC computers, and
       also  on  the  CDC  205  and  CRAY-XMP  "supercomputers".  The  CRAY  version  has  been
       partly  optimized  to  take  advantage  of  the  CRAY  architecture.   Several  versions  exist  for
       microcomputers such as the IBM PC-AT and XT, Zenith, etc.

1.1        Summary  of  MOPAC  capabilities

   1.  MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1, and PM3 Hamiltonians.

   2.  Restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and Unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) methods.

   3.  Extensive Configuration Interaction

        (a)   100 configurations

        (b)   Singlets, Doublets, Triplets, Quartets, Quintets, and Sextets
         (c)  Excited states

        (d)   Geometry optimizations, etc., on specified states

    4. Single SCF calculation

    5. Geometry optimization

    6. Gradient minimization

    7. Transition state location

    8. Reaction path coordinate calculation

    9. Force constant calculation

  10.  Normal coordinate analysis

  11.  Transition dipole calculation

  12.  Thermodynamic properties calculation

  13.  Localized orbitals

  14.  Covalent bond orders

  15.  Bond analysis into sigma and pi contributions

  16.  One dimensional polymer calculation

  17.  Dynamic Reaction Coordinate calculation

  18.  Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate calculation

1.2        Copyright  status  of  MOPAC

At the request of the Air Force Academy Law Department the following notice has been placed

       Notice of Public Domain nature of MOPAC.

       "This computer program is a work of the United States Government and as such is not
       subject to protection by copyright (17 U.S.C. # 105.)  Any person who fraudulently
       places a copyright notice or does any other act contrary to the provisions of 17 U.S.
       Code 506(c) shall be subject to the penalties provided therein.  This notice shall not
       be altered or removed from this software and is to be on all reproductions."

    I recommend that a user obtain a copy by either copying it from an existing site or ordering an
`official' copy from the Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange, (QCPE), Department of Chem-
istry, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 47405.  The cost covers handling only.  Contact
the Editor, Richard Counts, at (812) 855-4784 for further details.

1.3        Porting  MOPAC  to  other  machines

MOPAC  is  written  for  the  DIGITAL  VAX  computer.  However,  the  program  has  been  written
with the idea that it will be ported to other machines.  After such a port has been done, the new
program should be given the version number 6.10, or, if two or more versions are generated, 6.20,
6.30, etc.  To validate the new copy, QCPE has a test-suite of calculations.  If all tests are passed,
within the tolerances given in the tests,  then the new program can be called a valid version of
MOPAC 6.  Insofar as is practical, the mode of submission of a MOPAC job should be preserved,
   (prompt)  MOPAC    [...]

    Any  changes  which  do  not  violate  the  FORTRAN-77  conventions,  and  which  users  believe
would be generally desirable, can be sent to the author.
1.4        Relationship  of  AMPAC  and  MOPAC

In 1985 MOPAC 3.0 and AMPAC 1.0 were submitted to QCPE for distribution.  At that time,
AMPAC differed from MOPAC in that it had the AM1 algorithm.  Additionally, changes in some
MNDO parameters in AMPAC made AMPAC results incompatable with MOPAC Versions 1-3.
Subsequent versions of MOPAC, in addition to being more highly debugged than Version 3.0, also
had  the  AM1  method.   Such  versions  were  compatible  with  AMPAC  and  with  versions  1-3  of
    In order to avoid confusion, all versions of MOPAC after 3.0 include journal references so that
the user knows unambiguously which parameter sets were used in any given job.
    Since 1985 AMPAC and MOPAC have evolved along different lines.  In MOPAC I have endeav-
oured to provide a highly robust program, one with only a few new features, but which is easily
portable and which can be relied upon to give precise, if not very exciting, answers.  At Austin,
the functionality of AMPAC has been enhanced by the research work of Prof.  Dewar's group.  The
new AMPAC 2.1 thus has functionalities not present in MOPAC. In publications,  users should
cite not only the program name but also the version number.
    Commercial concerns have optimized both MOPAC and AMPAC for use on supercomputers.
The quality of optimization and the degree to which the parent algorithm has been preserved differs
between MOPAC and AMPAC and also between some machine specific versions.  Different users
may prefer one program to the other, based on considerations such as speed. Some modifications of
AMPAC run faster than some modifications of MOPAC, and vice versa, but if these are modified
versions of MOPAC 3.0 or AMPAC 1.0, they represent the programming prowess of the companies
doing the conversion, and not any intrinsic difference between the two programs.
    Testing  of  these  large  algorithms  is  difficult,  and  several  times  users  have  reported  bugs  in
MOPAC or AMPAC which were introduced after they were supplied by QCPE.

Cooperative Development of MOPAC

MOPAC has developed,  and hopefully will continue to develop,  by the addition of contributed
code.  As a policy, any supplied code which is incorporated into MOPAC will be described in the
next release of the Manual, and the author or supplier acknowledged.  In the following release only
journal references will be retained.  The objective is to produce a good program.  This is obviously
not a one-person undertaking; if it was, then the product would be poor indeed.  Instead, as we are
in a time of rapid change in computational chemistry, a time characterized by a very free exchange
of ideas and code, MOPAC has been evolving by accretion.  The unstinting and generous donation
of intellectual effort speaks highly of the donors.  However, with the rapid commercialization of
computational chemistry software in the past few years,  it is unfortunate but it seems unlikely
that this idyllic state will continue.
1.5        Programs  recommended  for  use  with  MOPAC

MOPAC is the core program of a series of programs for the theoretical study of chemical phenom-
ena.  This version is the sixth in an on-going development, and efforts are being made to continue
its further evolution.  In order to make using MOPAC easier, five other programs have also been
written.  Users of MOPAC are recommended to use all four programs.  Efforts will be made to
continue the development of these programs.

HELP is a stand-alone program which mimics the VAX HELP function.  It is intended for users
on UNIX computers.  HELP comes with the basic MOPAC 6.00, and is recommended for general


DRAW, written by Maj. Donn Storch, USAF, and available through QCPE, is a powerful editing
program specifically written to interface with MOPAC. Among the various facilities it offers are:

    1. The on-line editing and analysis of a data file, starting from scratch or from an existing data
       file, an archive file, or from a results file.

    2. The option of continuous graphical representation of the system being studied.  Several types
       of terminals are supported, including DIGITAL, TEKTRONIX, and TERAK terminals.

    3. The drawing of electron density contour maps generated by DENSITY on graphical devices.

    4. The drawing of solid-state band structures generated by MOSOL.

    5. The sketching of molecular vibrations, generated by a normal coordinate analysis.


DENSITY,  written  by  Dr.  James  J.  P.  Stewart,  and  available  through  QCPE,  is  an  electron-
density plotting program.  It accepts data-files directly from MOPAC, and is intended to be used
for the graphical representation of electron density distribution, individual M.O.'s, and difference


MOHELP, also available through QCPE, is an on-line help facility, written by Maj. Donn Storch
and  Dr.  James  J.  P.  Stewart,  to  allow  non-VAX  users  access  to  the  VAX  HELP  libraries  for


MOSOL (Distributed by QCPE) is a full solid-state MNDO program written by Dr. James J. P.
Stewart.  In comparison with MOPAC, MOSOL is extremely slow.  As a result, while geometry
optimization,  force  constants,  and  other  functions  can  be  carried  out  by  MOSOL,  these  slow
calculations are best done using the solid-state facility within MOPAC. MOSOL should be used
for two or three dimensional solids only, a task that MOPAC cannot perform.
1.6        The  data-file

This  section  is  aimed  at  the  complete  novice  _  someone  who  knows  nothing  at  all  about  the
structure of a MOPAC data-file.
    First of all, there are at most four possible types of data-files for MOPAC, but the simplest
data-file is the most commonly used.  Rather than define it, two examples are shown below.  An ex-
planation of the geometry definitions shown in the examples is given in the chapter "GEOMETRY
1.6.1       Example  of  data  for  ethylene

       Line     1  :        UHF  PULAY  MINDO3  VECTORS  DENSITY  LOCAL  T=300
       Line     2  :          EXAMPLE  OF  DATA  FOR  MOPAC
       Line     3  :             MINDO/3  UHF  CLOSED-SHELL  D2D  ETHYLENE
       Line     4a:       C
       Line     4b:       C       1.400118   1
       Line     4c:       H       1.098326   1   123.572063   1
       Line     4d:       H       1.098326   1   123.572063   1   180.000000   0     2   1   3
       Line     4e:       H       1.098326   1   123.572063   1     90.000000   0     1   2   3
       Line     4f:       H       1.098326   1   123.572063   1   270.000000   0     1   2   3
       Line     5  :

    As can be seen, the first three lines are textual.  The first line consists of keywords (here seven
keywords are shown).  These control the calculation.  The next two lines are comments or titles.
The user might want to put the name of the molecule and why it is being run on these two lines.
    These three lines are obligatory.  If no name or comment is wanted, leave blank lines.  If no
keywords  are  specified,  leave  a  blank  line.  A  common  error  is  to  have  a  blank  line  before  the
keyword line:  this error is quite tricky to find, so be careful not to have four lines before the start
of the geometric data (lines 4a-4f in the example).  Whatever is decided, the three lines, blank or
otherwise, are obligatory.
    In the example given, one line of keywords and two of documentation are shown.  By use of
keywords, these defaults can be changed.  Modifying keywords are +, &, and SETUP. These are
defined in the KEYWORDS chapter.  The following table illustrates the allowed combinations:

   Line  1          Line  2        Line  3   Line  4     Line  5   Setup  used

   Keys             Text           Text     Z-matrix  Z-matrix   not  used
   Keys  +          Keys           Text       Text       Z-matrix   not  used
   Keys  +          Keys  +        Keys       Text       Text          not  used
   Keys  &          Keys           Text     Z-matrix  Z-matrix   not  used
   Keys  &          Keys  &        Keys     Z-matrix  Z-matrix   not  used
   Keys  SETUP   Text           Text     Z-matrix  Z-matrix  1  or  2  lines  used
   Keys  +          Keys  SETUP  Text       Text       Z-matrix  1  line  used
   Keys  &          Keys  SETUP  Text     Z-matrix  Z-matrix  1  line  used

    No other combinations are allowed.
    The proposed use of the SETUP option is to allow a frequently used set of keywords to be
defined by a single keyword.  For example, if the default criteria are not suitable, SETUP might

           "  SCFCRT=1.D-8   SHIFT=30  ITRY=600  GNORM=0.02  ANALYT  "
           "                                                                                "

The order of usage of a keyword is:

Line  1  >  Line  2  >  Line  3.
Line  1  >  SETUP.
Line  2  >  SETUP.
SETUP  >  built  in  default  values.

    The next set of lines defines the geometry.  In the example, the numbers are all neatly lined up;
this is not necessary, but does make it easier when looking for errors in the data.  The geometry
is defined in lines 4a to 4f; line 5 terminates both the geometry and the data-file.  Any additional
data, for example symmetry data, would follow line 5.
    Summarizing, then, the structure for a MOPAC data-file is:
Line 1     Keywords.  (See chapter 2 on definitions of keywords)

Line 2     Title of the calculation, e.g.  the name of the molecule or ion.

Line 3     Other information describing the calculation.

Lines 4     Internal or cartesian coordinates (See chapter on specification of geometry)

Line 5     Blank line to terminate the geometry definition.

    Other layouts for data-files involve additions to the simple layout.  These additions occur at
the end of the data-file, after line 5.  The three most common additions are:

    o  Symmetry data:  This follows the geometric data, and is ended by a blank line.

    o  Reaction path:  After all geometry and symmetry data (if any) are read in, points on the
       reaction coordinate are defined.

    o  Saddle data:  A complete second geometry is input.  The second geometry follows the first
       geometry and symmetry data (if any).

1.6.2       Example  of  data  for  polytetrahydrofuran

The following example illustrates the data file for a four hour polytetrahydrofuran calculation.  As
you can see the layout of the data is almost the same as that for a molecule, the main difference
is in the presence of the translation vector atom "Tv".

   Line  1  :T=4H
   Line  2  :          POLY-TETRAHYDROFURAN  (C4  H8  O)2
   Line  3  :
   Line  4a:     C       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0
   Line  4b:     C       1.551261   1       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     1   0   0
   Line  4c:     O       1.401861   1   108.919034   1       0.000000   0     2   1   0
   Line  4d:     C       1.401958   1   119.302489   1  -179.392581   1     3   2   1
   Line  4e:     C       1.551074   1   108.956238   1   179.014664   1     4   3   2
   Line  4f:     C       1.541928   1   113.074843   1   179.724877   1     5   4   3
   Line  4g:     C       1.551502   1   113.039652   1   179.525806   1     6   5   4
   Line  4h:     O       1.402677   1   108.663575   1   179.855864   1     7   6   5
   Line  4i:     C       1.402671   1   119.250433   1  -179.637345   1     8   7   6
   Line  4j:     C       1.552020   1   108.665746   1  -179.161900   1     9   8   7
   Line  4k:   XX       1.552507   1   112.659354   1  -178.914985   1   10   9   8
   Line  4l:   XX       1.547723   1   113.375266   1  -179.924995   1   11  10   9
   Line  4m:     H       1.114250   1     89.824605   1   126.911018   1     1   3   2
   Line  4n:     H       1.114708   1     89.909148   1  -126.650667   1     1   3   2
   Line  4o:     H       1.123297   1     93.602831   1   127.182594   1     2   4   3
   Line  4p:     H       1.123640   1     93.853406   1  -126.320187   1     2   4   3
   Line  4q:     H       1.123549   1     90.682924   1   126.763659   1     4   6   5
   Line  4r:     H       1.123417   1     90.679889   1  -127.033695   1     4   6   5
   Line  4s:     H       1.114352   1     90.239157   1   126.447043   1     5   7   6
   Line  4t:     H       1.114462   1     89.842852   1  -127.140168   1     5   7   6
   Line  4u:     H       1.114340   1     89.831790   1   126.653999   1     6   8   7
   Line  4v:     H       1.114433   1     89.753913   1  -126.926618   1     6   8   7
   Line  4w:     H       1.123126   1     93.644744   1   127.030541   1     7   9   8
   Line  4x:     H       1.123225   1     93.880969   1  -126.380511   1     7   9   8
   Line  4y:     H       1.123328   1     90.261019   1   127.815464   1     9  11  10
   Line  4z:     H       1.123227   1     91.051403   1  -125.914234   1     9  11  10
   Line  4A:     H       1.113970   1     90.374545   1   126.799259   1   10  12  11
   Line  4B:     H       1.114347   1     90.255788   1  -126.709810   1   10  12  11
   Line  4C:   Tv     12.299490   1       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     1  11  10
   Line  5  :     0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0

    Polytetrahydrofuran  has  a  repeat  unit  of  (C4 H8 O)2 ;  i.e.,  twice  the  monomer  unit.   This  is
necessary in order to allow the lattice to repeat after a translation through 12:3 A. See the section
on Solid State Capability for further details.
    Note the two dummy atoms on lines 4k and 4l.  These are useful, but not essential, for defining
the geometry.  The atoms on lines 4y to 4B use these dummy atoms, as does the translation vector
on line 4C. The translation vector has only the length marked for optimization.  The reason for
this is also explained in the Background chapter.
Chapter   2


2.1        Specification  of  keywords

All  control  data  are  entered  in  the  form  of  keywords,  which  form  the  first  line  of  a  data-file.
A description of what each keyword does is given in Section 2.3.  The order in which keywords
appear  is  not  important  although  they  must  be  separated  by  a  space.  Some  keywords  can  be
abbreviated,  allowed abbreviations are noted in Section 2.3 (for example 1ELECTRON can be
entered as 1ELECT). However the full keyword is preferred in order to more clearly document the
calculation and to obviate the possibility that an abbreviated keyword might not be recognized.  If
there is insufficient space in the first line for all the keywords needed, then consider abbreviating
the longer words.  One type of keyword, those with an equal sign, such as, BAR=0.05, may not be
abbreviated, and the full word needs to be supplied.
    Most keywords which involve an equal sign, such as SCFCRT=1.D-12 can, at the user's discretion,
be written with spaces before and after the equal sign.  Thus all permutations of SCFCRT=1.D-12,
such as SCFCRT  =1.D-12, SCFCRT  =  1.D-12, SCFCRT=  1.D-12, SCFCRT   =   1.D-12, etc.  are al-
lowed.   Exceptions  to  this  are  T=,  T-PRIORITY=,  H-PRIORITY=,  X-PRIORITY=,  IRC=,
DRC= and TRANS=.  ` T=' cannot be abbreviated to ` T ' as many keywords start or end with
a `T'; for the other keywords the associated abbreviated keywords have specific meanings.
    If two keywords which are incompatible, like UHF and C.I., are supplied, or a keyword which
is  incompatible  with  the  species  supplied,  for  instance  TRIPLET  and  a  methyl  radical,  then
error trapping will normally occur, and an error message will be printed.  This usually takes an
insignificant time, so data are quickly checked for obvious errors.
2.2        Full  list  of  keywords  used  in  MOPAC

 &             -  TURN  NEXT  LINE  INTO  KEYWORDS
 +             -  ADD  ANOTHER  LINE  OF  KEYWORDS
 0SCF        -  READ  IN  DATA,  THEN  STOP
 1SCF        -  DO  ONE  SCF  AND  THEN  STOP
 AM1          -  USE  THE  AM1  HAMILTONIAN
  CHARGE=n  -  CHARGE  ON  SYSTEM  =  n  (e.g.  NH4  =>  CHARGE=1)
  EIGINV     -
                   TO  BE  FILLED
 MAX          -  PRINTS  MAXIMUM  GRID  SIZE  (23*23)
 NONR        -
 ORIDE       -
 STEP        -  STEP  SIZE  IN  PATH
  T=n          -  A  TIME  OF  n  SECONDS  REQUESTED
2.3        Definitions  of  keywords

The  definitions  below  are  given  with  some  technical  expressions  which  are  not  further  defined.
Interested users are referred to Appendix E of this manual to locate appropriate references which
will provide further clarification.
    There are three classes of keywords:

    1. those which CONTROL substantial aspects of the calculation, i.e., those which affect the
       final heat of formation,

    2. those which determine which OUTPUT will be calculated and printed, and

    3. those  which  dictate  the  WORKING  of  the  calculation,  but  which  do  not  affect  the  heat
       of formation.  The assignment to one of these classes is designated by a (C), (O) or (W),
       respectively, following each keyword in the list below.

&  (C)

An `_&' means `turn the next line into keywords'.  Note the space before the `&' sign.  Since `&'
is a keyword, it must be preceeded by a space.  A `_&' on line 1 would mean that a second line
of keywords should be read in.  If that second line contained a `_&', then a third line of keywords
would be read in.  If the first line has a `_&' then the first description line is omitted, if the second
line has a `_&', then both description lines are omitted.
    Examples:  Use of one `&'


    Test on a totally weird system:  Use of two `&'s

   LARGE=-10  &  DRC=4.0  T=1H  SCFCRT=1.D-8  DUMP=30M  ITRY=300  SHIFT=30
+  (C)

A `_+' sign means `read another line of keywords'.  Note the space before the `+' sign.  Since `+'
is a keyword, it must be preceeded by a space.  A `_+' on line 1 would mean that a second line of
keywords should be read in.  If that second line contains a `_+', then a third line of keywords will
be read in.  Regardless of whether a second or a third line of keywords is read in, the next two
lines would be description lines.
    Example of `_+' option

      RESTART  T=4D  FORCE  OPEN(2,2)  SHIFT=20  PM3  +
      SCFCRT=1.D-8  DEBUG  +  ISOTOPE  FMAT  ECHO  singlet  ROOT=3
      THERMO(300,400,1)  ROT=3

    Example of data set with three lines of keywords.  Note:  There are two lines of description,
this and the previous line.

0SCF  (O)

The data can be read in and output, but no actual calculation is performed when this keyword
is used.  This is useful as a check on the input data.  All obvious errors are trapped, and warning
messages printed.
    A  second  use  is  to  convert  from  one  format  to  another.   The  input  geometry  is  printed  in
various formats at the end of a 0SCF calculation.  If NOINTER is absent, cartesian coordinates
are printed.  Unconditionally, MOPAC Z-matrix internal coordinates are printed, and if AIGOUT
is present, Gaussian Z-matrix internal coordinates are printed.  0SCF should now be used in place
of DDUM.


The final one-electron matrix is printed out.  This matrix is composed of atomic orbitals; the array
element between orbitals i and j on different atoms is given by:

                                     H(i; j) = 0:5 x (fii + fij ) x overlap  (i; j)

    The matrix elements between orbitals i and j on the same atom are calculated from the electron-
nuclear attraction energy, and also from the U (i) value if i = j.
    The one-electron matrix is unaffected by (a) the charge and (b) the electron density.  It is only
a function of the geometry.  Abbreviation:  1ELEC.

1SCF  (C)

When users want to examine the results of a single SCF calculation of a geometry, 1SCF should
be used.  1SCF can be used in conjunction with RESTART, in which case a single SCF calculation
will be done, and the results printed.
    When 1SCF is used on its own (that is, RESTART is not also used) then derivatives will only
be calculated if GRAD is also specified.
    1SCF is helpful in a learning situation.  MOPAC normally performs many SCF calculations,
and in order to minimize output when following the working of the SCF calculation, 1SCF is very


AIDER  allows  MOPAC  to  optimize  an  ab-initio  geometry.   To  use  it,  calculate  the  ab-initio
gradients using, e.g., Gaussian.  Supply MOPAC with these gradients, after converting them into
kcal/mol.  The geometry resulting from a MOPAC run will be nearer to the optimized ab-initio
geometry than if the geometry optimizer in Gaussian had been used.

If  the  geometry  (Z-matrix)  is  specified  using  the  Gaussian-8X,  then  normally  this  will  be  read
in without difficulty.  In the event that it is mistaken for a normal MOPAC-type Z-matrix, the
keyword  AIGIN  is  provided.   AIGIN  will  force  the  data-set  to  be  read  in  assuming  Gaussian
format.  This is necessary if more than one system is being studied in one run.


The ARCHIVE file contains a data-set suitable for submission to MOPAC. If, in addition to this
data-set, the Z-matrix for Gaussian input is wanted, then AIGOUT (ab initio geometry output),
should be used.
    The Z-matrix is in full Gaussian form.  Symmetry,  where present,  will be correctly defined.
Names of symbolics will be those used if the original geometry was in Gaussian format, otherwise
`logical' names will be used.  Logical names are of form [][] where  is `r'
for bond length,  `a' for angle,  or `d' for dihedral,   is the atom number,   is the atom to
which  is related, , if present, is the atom number to which  makes an angle, and ,
if present, is the atom number to which  makes a dihedral.


By default, finite difference derivatives of energy with respect to geometry are used.  If ANALYT
is specified, then analytical derivatives are used instead.  Since the analytical derivatives are over
Gaussian functions_a STO-6G basis set is used_the overlaps are also over Gaussian functions.
This will result in a very small (less than 0.1 kcal/mole) change in heat of formation. Use analytical
derivatives  (a)  when  the  mantissa  used  is  less  than  about  51-53  bits,  or  (b)  when  comparison
with finite difference is desired.  Finite difference derivatives are still used when non-variationally
optimized wavefunctions are present.

AM1  (C)

The AM1 method is to be used.  By default MNDO is run.

BAR=n.nn  (W)

In  the  SADDLE  calculation  the  distance  between  the  two  geometries  is  steadily  reduced  until
the transition state is located.  Sometimes,  however,  the user may want to alter the maximum
rate at which the distance between the two geometries reduces.  BAR is a ratio, normally 0.15,
or 15 percent.  This represents a maximum rate of reduction of the bar of 15 percent per step.
Alternative values that might be considered are BAR=0.05 or BAR=0.10, although other values
may be used.  See also SADDLE.
    If CPU time is not a major consideration, use BAR=0.03.


Note:  BIRADICAL is a redundant keyword, and represents a particular configuration interaction
calculation. Experienced users of MECI (q.v.) can duplicate the effect of the keyword BIRADICAL
by using the MECI keywords OPEN(2,2) and SINGLET.
    For molecules which are believed to have biradicaloid character the option exists to optimize
the lowest singlet energy state which results from the mixing of three states.  These states are, in
order, (1) the (micro)state arising from a one electron excitation from the HOMO to the LUMO,
which  is  combined  with  the  microstate  resulting  from  the  time-reversal  operator  acting  on  the
parent microstate, the result being a full singlet state; (2) the state resulting from de-excitation
from the formal LUMO to the HOMO; and (3) the state resulting from the single electron in the
formal HOMO being excited into the LUMO.
                                    Microstate  1                Microstate  2          Microstate  3
                            Alpha  Beta     Alpha  Beta       Alpha   Beta           Alpha   Beta
         LUMO              *                           *                                           *       *
                            ---   ---        ---   ---           ---   ---                ---   ---
         HOMO                      *           *                      *       *
                            ---   ---        ---   ---           ---   ---                ---   ---

    A configuration interaction calculation is involved here.  A biradical calculation done without
C.I.  at  the  RHF  level  would  be  meaningless.  Either  rotational  invariance  would  be  lost,  as  in
the  D2d  form  of  ethylene,  or  very  artificial  barriers  to  rotations  would  be  found,  such  as  in  a
methane molecule "orbiting" a D2d ethylene.  In both cases the inclusion of limited configuration
interaction corrects the error.  BIRADICAL should not be used if either the HOMO or LUMO
is degenerate; in this case, the full manifold of HOMO x LUMO should be included in the C.I.,
using MECI options.  The user should be aware of this situation.  When the biradical calculation is
performed correctly, the result is normally a net stabilization.  However, if the first singlet excited
state  is  much  higher  in  energy  than  the  closed-shell  ground  state,  BIRADICAL  can  lead  to  a
destabilization.  Abbreviation:  BIRAD. See also MECI, C.I., OPEN, SINGLET.


The rotationally invariant bond order between all pairs of atoms is printed.  In this context a bond
is defined as the sum of the squares of the density matrix elements connecting any two atoms.
For ethane,  ethylene,  and acetylene the carbon-carbon bond orders are roughly 1.00,  2.00,  and
3.00  respectively.  The  diagonal  terms  are  the  valencies  calculated  from  the  atomic  terms  only
and are defined as the sum of the bonds the atom makes with other atoms.  In UHF and non-
variationally optimized wavefunctions the calculated valency will be incorrect, the degree of error
being proportional to the non-duodempotency of the density matrix.  For an RHF wavefunction
the square of the density matrix is equal to twice the density matrix.
    The  bonding  contributions  of  all  M.O.'s  in  the  system  are  printed  immediately  before  the
bonds matrix.  The idea of molecular orbital valency was developed by Gopinathan, Siddarth, and
Ravimohan.  Just as an atomic orbital has a `valency', so has a molecular orbital.  This leads to
the following relations:  The sum of the bonding contributions of all occupied M.O.'s is the same
as the sum of all valencies which, in turn is equal to two times the sum of all bonds.  The sum of
the bonding contributions of all M.O.'s is zero.

C.I.=n  (C)

Normally configuration interaction is invoked if any of the keywords which imply a C.I. calculation
are used, such as BIRADICAL, TRIPLET or QUARTET. Note that ROOT= does not imply a
C.I. calculation:  ROOT= is only used when a C.I. calculation is done.  However, as these implied
C.I.'s involve the minimum number of configurations practical, the user may want to define a larger
than minimum C.I.,  in which case the keyword C.I.=n can be used.  When C.I.=n is specified,
the n M.O.'s which `bracket' the occupied- virtual energy levels will be used.  Thus, C.I.=2 will
include  both  the  HOMO  and  the  LUMO,  while  C.I.=1  (implied  for  odd-electron  systems)  will
only  include  the  HOMO  (This  will  do  nothing  for  a  closed-shell  system,  and  leads  to  Dewar's
half-electron correction for odd-electron systems).  Users should be aware of the rapid increase in
the size of the C.I. with increasing numbers of M.O.'s being used.  Numbers of microstates implied
by the use of the keyword C.I.=n on its own are as follows:

      Keyword             Even-electron  systems                 Odd-electron  systems
                         No.  of  electrons,  configs           No.  of  electrons,  configs
                         Alpha     Beta                                Alpha  Beta

        C.I.=1           1          1                1                   1        0                     1
        C.I.=2           1          1                4                   1        0                     2
        C.I.=3           2          2                9                   2        1                     9
        C.I.=4           2          2              36                   2        1                   24
        C.I.=5           3          3             100                   3        2                 100
        C.I.=6           3          3             400                   3        2                 300
        C.I.=7           4          4           1225                   4        3                1225
        C.I.=8     (Do  not  use  unless  other  keywords  also  used,  see  below)

    If a change of spin is defined, then larger numbers of M.O.'s can be used up to a maximum of 10.
The C.I. matrix is of size 100 x 100.  For calculations involving up to 100 configurations, the spin-
states are exact eigenstates of the spin operators.  For systems with more than 100 configurations,
the 100 configurations of lowest energy are used.  See also MICROS and the keywords defining
    Note that for any system, use of C.I.=5 or higher normally implies the diagonalization of a 100
by 100 matrix.  As a geometry optimization using a C.I. requires the derivatives to be calculated
using derivatives of the C.I. matrix, geometry optimization with large C.I.'s will require more time
than smaller C.I.'s.
    Associated keywords:  MECI, ROOT=, MICROS, SINGLET, DOUBLET, etc.


In addition to specifying the number of M.O.'s in the active space, the number of electrons can
also be defined.  In C.I.=(n,m), n is the number of M.O.s in the active space, and m is the number
of doubly filled levels to be used.  Examples:

   Keywords                 Number  of  M.O.s   No.  Electrons

   C.I.=2                              2                     2  (1)
   C.I.=(2,1)                        2                     2  (3)
   C.I.=(3,1)                        3                     2  (3)
   C.I.=(3,2)                        3                     4  (5)
   C.I.=(3,0)  OPEN(2,3)        3                     2  (N/A)
   C.I.=(3,1)  OPEN(2,2)        3                     4  (N/A)
   C.I.=(3,1)  OPEN(1,2)        3                 N/A  (3)

Odd electron systems given in parentheses.


When the system being studied is an ion, the charge, n, on the ion must be supplied by CHARGE=n.
For cations n can be 1, 2, 3, etc, for anions -1 or -2 or -3, etc.  Examples:

         ION                        KEYWORD                      ION                KEYWORD

         NH4(+)                 CHARGE=1                     CH3COO(-)          CHARGE=-1
         C2H5(+)                CHARGE=1                     (COO)(=)           CHARGE=-2
         SO4(=)                 CHARGE=-2                   PO4(3-)             CHARGE=-3
         HSO4(-)                CHARGE=-1                   H2PO4(-)           CHARGE=-1

The cartesian derivatives which are calculated in DCART for variationally optimized systems are
printed if the keyword DCART is present.  The derivatives are in units of kcals/Angstrom, and
the coordinates are displacements in x, y, and z.


Certain keywords have specific output control meanings, such as FOCK, VECTORS and DEN-
SITY.  If  they  are  used,  only  the  final  arrays  of  the  relevant  type  are  printed.   If  DEBUG  is
supplied, then all arrays are printed.  This is useful in debugging ITER. DEBUG can also increase
the amount of output produced when certain output keywords are used, e.g.  COMPFG.


The density matrix at the end of the calculation is to be output in a form suitable for input in
another job.  If an automatic dump due to the time being exceeded occurs during the current run
then DENOUT is invoked automatically.  (see RESTART)


At the end of a job, when the results are being printed, the density matrix is also printed. For RHF
the normal density matrix is printed.  For UHF the sum of the alpha and beta density matrices is
    If density is not requested, then the diagonal of the density matrix, i.e., the electron density
on the atomic orbitals, will be printed.

DEP  (O)

For use only with EXTERNAL=.  When new parameters are published, they can be entered at
run-time by using EXTERNAL=,  but as this is somewhat clumsy,  a permanent change can be
made by use of DEP.
    If DEP is invoked,  a complete block of FORTRAN code will be generated,  and this can be
inserted directly into the BLOCK DATA file.
    Note that the output is designed for use with PM3.  By modifying the names, the output can
be used with MNDO or AM1.

DEPVAR=n.nn  (C)

In polymers the translation vector is frequently a multiple of some internal distance.  For example,
in polythene it is the C1-C3 distance.  If a cluster unit cell of C6H12 is used, then symmetry can
be used to tie together all the carbon atom coordinates and the translation vector distance.  In
this example DEPVAR=3.0 would be suitable.

DFP  (W)

By default the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method will be used to optimize geometries.
The older Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method can be invoked by specifying DFP. This is intended
to be used for comparison of the two methods.


Used  in  the  ESP  calculation,  DIPOLE  will  constrain  the  calculated  charges  to  reproduce  the
cartesian dipole moment components calculated from the density matrix and nuclear charges.

Similar to DIPOLE, except the fit will be for the X-component only.


Similar to DIPOLE, except the fit will be for the Y-component only.


Similar to DIPOLE, except the fit will be for the Z-component only.

DMAX=n.nn  (W)

In the EF routine, the maximum step-size is 0:2 (Angstroms or radians), by default.  This can be
changed by specifying DMAX=n.nn. Increasing DMAX can lead to faster convergence but can also
make the optimization go bad very fast.  Furthermore, the Hessian updating may deteriorate when
using large stepsizes.  Reducing the stepsize to 0:10 or 0:05 is recommended when encountering
convergence problems.


When a configuration interaction calculation is done, all spin states are calculated simultaneously,
either for component of spin=0 or 1/2.  When only doublet states are of interest, then DOUBLET
can be specified, and all other spin states, while calculated, are ignored in the choice of root to be
    Note that while almost every odd-electron system will have a doublet ground state, DOUBLET
should still be specified if the desired state must be a doublet.
    DOUBLET has no meaning in a UHF calculation.

DRC  (C)

A Dynamic Reaction Coordinate calculation is to be run.  By default, total energy is conserved, so
that as the `reaction' proceeds in time, energy is transferred between kinetic and potential forms.

DRC=n.nnn  (C)

In a DRC calculation, the `half-life' for loss of kinetic energy is defined as n.nnn femtoseconds.  If
n.nnn is set to zero, infinite damping simulating a very condensed phase is obtained.
    This keyword cannot be written with spaces around the `=' sign.


Restart  files  are  written  automatically  at  one  hour  cpu  time  intervals  to  allow  a  long  job  to
be  restarted  if  the  job  is  terminated  catastrophically.   To  change  the  frequency  of  dump,  set
DUMP=nn to request a dump every nn seconds.  Alternative forms, DUMP=nnM, DUMP=nnH,
DUMP=nnD for a dump every nn minutes, hours, or days, respectively.  DUMP only works with
geometry optimization, gradient minimization, path, and FORCE calculations.  It does not (yet)
work with a SADDLE calculation.


Data are echoed back if ECHO is specified.  Only useful if data are suspected to be corrupt.
EF  (C)

The Eigenvector Following routine is an alternative to the BFGS, and appears to be much faster.
To invoke the Eigenvector Following routine, specify EF. EF is particularly good in the end-game,
when the gradient is small.  See also HESS, DMAX, EIGINV.


Not recommended for normal use.  Used with the EF routine.  See source code for more details.


This is a very useful tool for analyzing the energy terms within a system.  The total energy, in
eV, obtained by the addition of the electronic and nuclear terms, is partitioned into mono- and
bi-centric  contributions,  and  these  contributions  in  turn  are  divided  into  nuclear  and  one-  and
two-electron terms.

ESP  (C)

This is the ElectroStatic Potential calculation of K. M. Merz and B. H. Besler.  ESP calculates
the  expectation  values  of  the  electrostatic  potential  of  a  molecule  on  a  uniform  distribution  of
points.  The resultant ESP surface is then fitted to atom centered charges that best reproduce the
distribution, in a least squares sense.


ESPRST restarts a stopped ESP calculation.  Do not use with RESTART.

ESR  (O)

The unpaired spin density arising from an odd-electron system can be calculated both RHF and
UHF. In a UHF calculation the alpha and beta M.O.'s have different spatial forms, so unpaired
spin density can naturally be present on in-plane hydrogen atoms such as in the phenoxy radical.
    In the RHF formalism a MECI calculation is performed.  If the keywords OPEN and C.I.= are
both absent then only a single state is calculated.  The unpaired spin density is then calculated
from the state function.  In order to have unpaired spin density on the hydrogens in, for example,
the phenoxy radical, several states should be mixed.


The  state  to  be  calculated  is  the  first  excited  open-shell  singlet  state.  If  the  ground  state  is  a
singlet,  then the state calculated will be S(1);  if the ground state is a triplet,  then S(2).  This
state  would  normally  be  the  state  resulting  from  a  one-electron  excitation  from  the  HOMO  to
the LUMO. Exceptions would be if the lowest singlet state were a biradical,  in which case the
EXCITED state could be a closed shell.
    The EXCITED state will be calculated from a BIRADICAL calculation in which the second
root of the C.I. matrix is selected.  Note that the eigenvector of the C.I. matrix is not used in the
current formalism.  Abbreviation:  EXCI.
    Note: EXCITED is a redundant keyword, and represents a particular configuration interaction
calculation.  Experienced users of MECI can duplicate the effect of the keyword EXCITED by
using the MECI keywords OPEN(2,2), SINGLET, and ROOT=2.
EXTERNAL=name  (C)

Normally,  PM3,  AM1  and  MNDO  parameters  are  taken  from  the  BLOCK  DATA  files  within
MOPAC. When the supplied parameters are not suitable, as in an element recently parameterized,
and the parameters have not yet installed in the user's copy of MOPAC, then the new parameters
can be inserted at run time by use of EXTERNAL=, where  is the name
of the file which contains the new parameters.
     consists of a series of parameter definitions in the format:


where the possible parameters are USS, UPP, UDD, ZS, ZP, ZD, BETAS, BETAP, BETAD, GSS,
GSP, GPP, GP2, HSP, ALP, FNnm, n=1,2, or 3, and m=1 to 10, and the elements are defined by
their chemical symbols, such as Si or SI.
    When new parameters for elements are published, they can be typed in as shown.  This file is
ended by a blank line, the word END or nothing, i.e., no end-of-file delimiter.  An example of a
parameter data file would be (put at least 2 spaces before and after parameter name):

   Line   1:        USS          Si          -34.08201495
   Line   2:        UPP          Si          -28.03211675
   Line   3:        BETAS       Si           -5.01104521
   Line   4:        BETAP       Si           -2.23153969
   Line   5:        ZS           Si             1.28184511
   Line   6:        ZP           Si             1.84073175
   Line   7:        ALP          Si             2.18688712
   Line   8:        GSS          Si             9.82
   Line   9:        GPP          Si             7.31
   Line  10:        GSP          Si             8.36
   Line  11:        GP2          Si             6.54
   Line  12:        HSP          Si             1.32

    Derived  parameters  do  no  need  to  be  entered;  they  will  be  calculated  from  the  optimized
parameters.  All "constants" such as the experimental heat of atomization are already inserted for
all elements.
    NOTE: EXTERNAL can only be used to input parameters for MNDO, AM1, or PM3.  It is
unlikely, however, that any more MINDO/3 parameters will be published.
    See also DEP to make a permanent change.

FILL=n  (C)

The  n'th  M.O.  in  an  RHF  calculation  is  constrained  to  be  filled.   It  has  no  effect  on  a  UHF
calculation.  After the first iteration (NOTE: not after the first SCF calculation, but after the first
iteration within the first SCF calculation) the n'th M.O. is stored,  and,  if occupied,  no further
action is taken at that time.  If unoccupied, then the HOMO and the n'th M.O.'s are swapped
around,  so  that  the  n'th  M.O.  is  now  filled.  On  all  subsequent  iterations  the  M.O.  nearest  in
character to the stored M.O. is forced to be filled,  and the stored M.O. replaced by that M.O.
This  is  necessitated  by  the  fact  that  in  a  reaction  a  particular  M.O.  may  change  its  character
considerably.   A  useful  procedure  is  to  run  1SCF  and  DENOUT  first,  in  order  to  identify  the
M.O.'s; the complete job is then run with OLDENS and FILL=nn, so that the eigenvectors at the
first iteration are fully known.  As FILL is known to give difficulty at times, consider also using
C.I.=n and ROOT=m.


The predicted and actual changes in the geometry, the derivatives, and search direction for each
geometry  optimization  cycle  are  printed.   This  is  useful  if  there  is  any  question  regarding  the
efficiency of the geometry optimizer.

Details of the construction of the Hessian matrix for the force calculation are to be printed.


A force-calculation is to be run.  The Hessian, that is the matrix (in millidynes per Angstrom) of
second derivatives of the energy with respect to displacements of all pairs of atoms in x, y, and z
directions, is calculated.  On diagonalization this gives the force constants for the molecule.  The
force matrix, weighted for isotopic masses, is then used for calculating the vibrational frequencies.
The system can be characterized as a ground state or a transition state by the presence of five (for
a linear system) or six eigenvalues which are very small (less than about 30 reciprocal centimeters).
A transition state is further characterized by one, and exactly one, negative force constant.
    A FORCE calculation is a prerequisite for a THERMO calculation.
    Before a FORCE calculation is started, a check is made to ensure that a stationary point is
being used. This check involves calculating the gradient norm (GNORM) and if it is significant, the
GNORM will be reduced using BFGS. All internal coordinates are optimized, and any symmetry
constraints  are  ignored  at  this  point.   An  implication  of  this  is  that  if  the  specification  of  the
geometry relies on any angles being exactly 180 or zero degrees, the calculation may fail.
    The geometric definition supplied to FORCE should not rely on angles or dihedrals assuming
exact values.  (The test of exact linearity is sufficiently slack that most molecules that are linear,
such  as  acetylene  and  but-2-yne,  should  not  be  stopped.)   See  also  THERMO,  LET,  TRANS,
    In a FORCE calculation, PRECISE will eliminate quartic contamination (part of the anhar-
monicity).  This is normally not important, therefore PRECISE should not routinely be used.  In
a FORCE calculation, the SCF criterion is automatically made more stringent; this is the main
cause of the SCF failing in a FORCE calculation.


Normally the program will stop with a warning message if two atoms are within 0:8 Angstroms of
each other, or, more rarely, the BFGS routine has difficulty optimizing the geometry.  GEO-OK
will over-ride the job termination sequence, and allow the calculation to proceed.  In practice, most
jobs that terminate due to these checks contain errors in data, so caution should be exercised if
GEO-OK is used.  An important exception to this warning is when the system contains, or may
give rise to, a Hydrogen molecule.  GEO-OK will override other geometric safety checks such as
the unstable gradient in a geometry optimization preventing reliable optimization.
    See also the message "GRADIENTS  OF  OLD  GEOMETRY,  GNORM=  nn.nnnn".

GNORM=n.nn  (W)

The geometry optimization termination criteria in both gradient minimization and energy mini-
mization can be over-ridden by specifying a gradient norm requirement. For example, GNORM=20
would allow the geometry optimization to exit as soon as the gradient norm dropped below 20.0,
the default being 1.0.
    For high-precision work, GNORM=0.0 is recommended.  Unless LET is also used, the GNORM
will be set to the larger of 0.01 and the specified GNORM. Results from GNORM=0.01 are easily
good enough for all high-precision work.


In  a  1SCF  calculation  gradients  are  not  calculated  by  default:  in  non-variationally  optimized
systems this would take an excessive time.  GRADIENTS allows the gradients to be calculated.
Normally, gradients will not be printed if the gradient norm is less than 2.0.  However, if GRA-
DIENTS  is  present,  then  the  gradient  norm  and  the  gradients  will  unconditionally  be  printed.
Abbreviation:  GRAD.


Information needed to generate electron density contour maps can be written to a file by calling
GRAPH. GRAPH first calls MULLIK in order to generate the inverse-square-root of the overlap
matrix, which is required for the re-normalization of the eigenvectors.  All data essential for the
graphics package DENSITY are then output.

HESS=n  (W)

When the Eigenvector Following routine is used for geometry optimization,  it frequently works
faster if the Hessian is constructed first.  If HESS=1 is specified, the Hessian matrix will be con-
structed before the geometry is optimized.  There are other, less common, options, e.g.  HESS=2.
See comments in subroutine EF for details.


In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated heat of formation changes
by 0.1 kcal/mole.  Abbreviation:  H-PRIO.

H-PRIORITY=n.nn  (O)

In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated heat of formation changes
by n.nn kcal/mole.

IRC  (C)

An Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate calculation is to be run.  All kinetic energy is shed at every point
in the calculation.  See Background.

IRC=n  (C)

An Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate calculation to be run;  an initial perturbation in the direction
of normal coordinate n to be applied.  If n is negative, then perturbation is reversed, i.e., initial
motion is in the opposite direction to the normal coordinate.  This keyword cannot be written
with spaces around the `=' sign.


Generation  of  the  FORCE  matrix  is  very  time-consuming,  and  in  isotopic  substitution  studies
several vibrational calculations may be needed.  To allow the frequencies to be calculated from the
(constant) force matrix, ISOTOPE is used.  When a FORCE calculation is completed, ISOTOPE
will cause the force matrix to be stored, regardless of whether or not any intervening restarts have
been made.  To re-calculate the frequencies, etc.  starting at the end of the force matrix calculation,
specify RESTART.
    The two keywords RESTART and ISOTOPE can be used together.  For example, if a normal
FORCE calculation runs for a long time, the user may want to divide it up into stages and save
the final force matrix.  Once ISOTOPE has been used, it does not need to be used on subsequent
    ISOTOPE can also be used with FORCE to set up a RESTART file for an IRC=n calculation.

The  default  maximum  number  of  SCF  iterations  is  200.   When  this  limit  presents  difficulty,
ITRY=nn can be used to re-define it.  For example, if ITRY=400 is used, the maximum number
of iterations will be set to 400.  ITRY should normally not be changed until all other means of
obtaining a SCF have been exhausted, e.g.  PULAY CAMP-KING etc.

IUPD=n  (W)

IUPD is used only in the EF routine.  IUPD should very rarely be touched.  IUPD=1 can be used
in minimum searches if the message


occurs every cycle for 10-20 iterations.  Never use IUPD=2 for a TS search!  For more information,
read the comments in subroutine EF.

K=(n.nn,n)  (C)

Used in band-structure calculations, K=(n.nn,n) specifies the step-size in the Brillouin zone, and
the  number  of  atoms  in  the  monomeric  unit.   Two  band-structure  calculations  are  supported:
electronic and phonon.  Both require a polymer to be used.  If FORCE is used, a phonon spectrum
is assumed, otherwise an electronic band structure is assumed.  For both calculations, a density of
states is also done.  The band structure calculation is very fast, so a small step-size will not use
much time.
    The output is designed to be fed into a graphics package, and is not `elegant'.  For polyethylene,
a suitable keyword would be K=(0.01,6).

KINETIC=n.nnn  (C)

In a DRC calculation n.nnn kcals/mole of excess kinetic energy is added to the system as soon as
the kinetic energy builds up to 0.2 kcal/mole.  The excess energy is added to the velocity vector,
without change of direction.


Most of the time the output invoked by keywords is sufficient.  LARGE will cause less-commonly
wanted, but still useful, output to be printed.
    1.  To save space, DRC and IRC outputs will, by default, only print the line with the percent
sign.  Other output can be obtained by use of the keyword LARGE, according to the following

LARGE        Print all internal and cartesian coordinates and cartesian velocities.

LARGE=1           Print all internal coordinates.

LARGE=-1           Print all internal and cartesian coordinates and cartesian velocities.

LARGE=n           Print every n'th set of internal coordinates.

LARGE=-n           Print every n'th set of internal and cartesian coordinates and cartesian velocities.

    If LARGE=1 is used, the output will be the same as that of Version 5.0, when LARGE was
not used.  If LARGE is used, the output will be the same as that of Version 5.0, when LARGE
was used.  To save disk space, do not use LARGE.

There are two line-minimization routines in MOPAC, an energy minimization and a gradient norm
minimization.  LINMIN will output details of the line minimization used in a given job.

LET  (W)

As MOPAC evolves, the meaning of LET is changing.
    Now LET means essentially "I know what I'm doing, override safety checks".
    Currently, LET has the following meanings:

    1. In  a  FORCE  calculation,  it  means  that  the  supplied  geometry  is  to  be  used,  even  if  the
       gradients are large.

    2. In a geometry optimization, the specified GNORM is to be used, even if it is less than 0.01.

    3. In a POLAR calculation,  the molecule is to be orientated along its principal moments of
       inertia before the calculation starts.  LET will prevent this step being done.


The  occupied  eigenvectors  are  transformed  into  a  localized  set  of  M.O.'s  by  a  series  of  2  by  2
rotations which maximize <_4 >.  The value of 1=<_4 > is a direct measure of the number of centers
involved in the MO. Thus the value of 1=<_4 > is 2.0 for H2, 3.0 for a three-center bond and 1.0
for  a  lone  pair.  Higher  degeneracies  than  allowed  by  point  group  theory  are  readily  obtained.
For example, benzene would give rise to a 6-fold degenerate C-H bond, a 6-fold degenerate C-C
sigma bond and a three-fold degenerate C-C pi bond.  In principle, there is no single step method
to  unambiguously  obtain  the  most  localized  set  of  M.O.'s  in  systems  where  several  canonical
structures are possible, just as no simple method exists for finding the most stable conformer of
some large compound.  However, the localized bonds generated will normally be quite acceptable
for routine applications.  Abbreviation:  LOCAL.


In a grid calculation, the maximum number of points (23) in each direction is to be used.  The
default is 11.  The number of points in each direction can be set with POINTS1 and POINTS2.


At the end of the calculation details of the Multi Electron Configuration Interaction calculation
are printed if MECI is specified.  The state vectors can be printed by specifying VECTORS. The
MECI calculation is either invoked automatically, or explicitly invoked by the use of the C.I.=n


The microstates used by MECI are normally generated by use of a permutation operator.  When
individually defined microstates are desired, then MICROS=n can be used, where n defines the
number of microstates to be read in.

Format for Microstates

After the geometry data plus any symmetry data are read in,  data defining each microstate is
read in, using format 20I1, one microstate per line.  The microstate data is preceded by the word
"MICROS"  on  a  line  by  itself.   There  is  at  present  no  mechanism  for  using  MICROS  with  a
reaction path.
    For a system with n M.O.'s in the C.I. (use OPEN=(n1,n) or C.I.=n to do this), the populations
of the n alpha M.O.'s are defined, followed by the n beta M.O.'s.  Allowed occupancies are zero
and one.  For n=6 the closed-shell ground state would be defined as 111000111000, meaning one
electron in each of the first three alpha M.O.'s, and one electron in each of the first three beta
    Users are warned that they are responsible for completing any spin manifolds.  Thus while the
state 111100110000 is a triplet state with component of spin = 1, the state 111000110100, while
having a component of spin = 0 is neither a singlet nor a triplet.  In order to complete the spin
manifold the microstate 110100111000 must also be included.
    If a manifold of spin states is not complete, then the eigenstates of the spin operator will not
be quantized.  When and only when 100 or fewer microstates are supplied, can spin quantization
be conserved.
    There  are  two  other  limitations  on  possible  microstates.   First,  the  number  of  electrons  in
every microstate should be the same.  If they differ, a warning message will be printed, and the
calculation continued (but the results will almost certainly be nonsense).  Second, the component
of spin for every microstate must be the same, except for teaching purposes.  Two microstates of
different components of spin will have a zero matrix element connecting them.  No warning will
be given as this is a reasonable operation in a teaching situation.  For example, if all states arising
from two electrons in two levels are to be calculated, say for teaching Russel-Saunders coupling,
then the following microstates would be used:

              Microstate           No.  of  alpha,  beta  electrons   Ms   State

                 1100                                2        0                      1     Triplet
                 1010                                1        1                      0     Singlet
                 1001                                1        1                      0     Mixed
                 0110                                1        1                      0     Mixed
                 0101                                1        1                      0     Singlet
                 0011                                0        2                     -1     Triplet

    Constraints on the space manifold are just as rigorous, but much easier to satisfy.  If the energy
levels are degenerate,  then all components of a manifold of degenerate M.O.'s should be either
included or excluded.  If only some, but not all, components are used, the required degeneracy of
the states will be missing.
    As an example, for the tetrahedral methane cation, if the user supplies the microstates corre-
sponding to a component of spin = 3/2, neglecting Jahn-Teller distortion, the minimum number
of states that can be supplied is 90 = (6!=(1!5!))(6!=(4!2!)).
    While the total number of electrons should be the same for all microstates, this number does
not  need  to  be  the  same  as  the  number  of  electrons  supplied  to  the  C.I.;  thus  in  the  example
above, a cationic state could be 110000111000.
    The format is defined as 20I1 so that spaces can be used for empty M.O.'s.

MINDO/3  (C)

The default Hamiltonian within MOPAC is MNDO, with the alternatives of AM1 and MINDO/3.
To use the MINDO/3 Hamiltonian the keyword MINDO/3 should be used. Acceptable alternatives
to the keyword MINDO/3 are MINDO and MINDO3.


If the system contains a peptide linkage, then MMOK will allow a molecular mechanics correc-
tion  to  be  applied  so  that  the  barrier  to  rotation  is  increased  (to  14.00  kcal/mole  in  N-methyl

MODE is used in the EF routine.  Normally the default MODE=1 is used to locate a transition
state,  but  if  this  is  incorrect,  explicitly  define  the  vector  to  be  followed  by  using  MODE=n.
(MODE  is  not  a  recommended  keyword).  If  you  use  the  FORCE  option  when  deciding  which
mode  to  follow,  set  all  isotopic  masses  to  1.0.   The  normal  modes  from  FORCE  are  normally
mass-weighted;  this  can  mislead.  Alternatively,  use  LARGE  with  FORCE:  this  gives  the  force
constants and vectors in addition to the mass-weighted normal modes.  Only the mass-weighted
modes can be drawn with DRAW.


Useful for checking the MECI calculation and for teaching.  MS=n overrides the normal choice
of magnetic component of spin.  Normally, if a triplet is requested, an MS of 1 will be used; this
excludes all singlets.  If MS=0 is also given, then singlets will also be calculated.  The use of MS
should not affect the values of the results at all.


A full Mulliken Population analysis is to be done on the final RHF wavefunction.  This involves
the following steps:

    1. The eigenvector matrix is divided by the square root of the overlap matrix, S.

    2. The Coulson-type density matrix, P , is formed.

    3. The overlap population is formed from P (i; j)S(i; j).

    4. Half the off-diagonals are added onto the diagonals.


The gradient norm is to be minimized by Bartel's method.  This is a Non-Linear Least Squares
gradient minimization routine.  Gradient minimization will locate one of three possible points:
    (a) A minimum in the energy surface.  The gradient norm will go to zero, and the lowest five
or six eigenvalues resulting from a FORCE calculation will be approximately zero.
    (b) A transition state.  The gradient norm will vanish, as in (a), but in this case the system is
characterized by one, and only one, negative force constant.
    (c) A local minimum in the gradient norm space. In this (normally unwanted) case the gradient
norm is minimized, but does not go to zero.  A FORCE calculation will not give the five or six zero
eigenvalues characteristic of a stationary point.  While normally undesirable, this is sometimes the
only way to obtain a geometry.  For instance, if a system is formed which cannot be characterized
as  an  intermediate,  and  at  the  same  time  is  not  a  transition  state,  but  nonetheless  has  some
chemical significance, then that state can be refined using NLLSQ.


RHF  open-shell  derivatives  are  normally  calculated  using  Liotard's  analytical  C.I.  method.   If
this  method  is  NOT  to  be  used,  specify  NOANCI  (NO  ANalytical  Configuration  Interaction


In the event that the G-DIIS option is not wanted, NODIIS can be used.  The G-DIIS normally
accelerates the geometry optimization, but there is no guarantee that it will do so.  If the heat
of formation rises unexpectedly (i.e., rises during a geometry optimization while the GNORM is
larger than about 0.3), then try NODIIS.

The interatomic distances are printed by default.  If you do not want them to be printed, specify
NOINTER. For big jobs this reduces the output file considerably.


Normally a copy of the archive file will be directed to the LOG file, along with a synopsis of the
job.  If this is not wanted, it can be suppressed completely by NOLOG.


All  four  semi-empirical  methods  underestimate  the  barrier  to  rotation  of  a  peptide  bond.   A
Molecular Mechanics correction has been added which increases the barrier in N-methyl acetamide
to 14 kcal/mole.  If you do not want this correction, specify NOMM (NO Molecular Mechanics).


Not recommended for normal use.  Used with the EF routine.  See source code for more details.


In a normal geometry optimization using the BFGS routine, Thiel's FSTMIN technique is used.
If normal line-searches are wanted, specify NOTHIEL.


The cartesian coordinates are printed by default.  If you do not want them to be printed, specify
NOXYZ. For big jobs this reduces the output file considerably.


In an ESP calculation, NSURF=n specifies the number of surface layers for the Connolly surface.


A density matrix produced by an earlier run of MOPAC is to be used to start the current cal-
culation.   This  can  be  used  in  attempts  to  obtain  an  SCF  when  a  previous  calculation  ended
successfully but a subsequent run failed to go SCF.


If multiple geometries are to be run, and the final geometry from one calculation is to be used
to start the next calculation,  OLDGEO should be specified.  Example:  If a MNDO, AM1,  and
PM3 calculation were to be done on one system, for which only a rough geometry was available,
then after the MNDO calculation, the AM1 calculation could be done using the optimized MNDO
geometry as the starting geometry, by specifying OLDGEO.

OPEN(n1,n2)  (C)

The  M.O.  occupancy  during  the  SCF  calculation  can  be  defined  in  terms  of  doubly  occup-
ied,  empty,  and  fractionally  occupied  M.O.'s.  The  fractionally  occupied  M.O.'s  are  defined  by
OPEN(n1,n2), where n1 = number of electrons in the open-shell manifold, and n2 = number of
open-shell M.O.'s; n1/n2 must be in the range 0 to 2.  OPEN(1,1) will be assumed for odd-electron
systems unless an OPEN keyword is used.  Errors introduced by use of fractional occupancy are
automatically corrected in a MECI calculation when OPEN(n1,n2) is used.

Do not use this keyword until you have read Simons' article.  ORIDE is part of the EF routine,
and means "Use whatever  's are produced even if they would normally be `unacceptable'."
J. Simons, P. Jorgensen, H. Taylor, J. Ozment, J. Phys.  Chem.  87:2745 (1983).


Use  this  keyword  with  extreme  caution!   The  AM1  method  has  been  parameterized  for  only  a
few elements, less than the number available to MNDO or PM3.  If any elements which are not
parameterized at the AM1 level are specified, the MNDO parameters, if available, will be used.
The resulting mixture of methods, AM1 with MNDO, has not been studied to see how good the
results are,  and users are strictly on their own as far as accuracy and compatibility with other
methods is concerned.  In particular, while all parameter sets are referenced in the output, other
programs may not cite the parameter sets used and thus compatibility with other MNDO programs
is not guaranteed.

PI  (O)

The normal density matrix is composed of atomic orbitals, that is s, px, py and pz.  PI allows the
user to see how each atom-atom interaction is split into oe and ss bonds.  The resulting "density
matrix" is composed of the following basis-functions:- s-oe, p-oe, p-ss, d-oe, d-ss, d-ffi.  The on-diagonal
terms give the hybridization state, so that an sp2  hybridized system would be represented as s-oe:
1.0, p-oe:  2.0, p-ss:  1.0.

PM3  (C)

The PM3 method is to be used.

POINT=n  (C)

The number of points to be calculated on a reaction path is specified by POINT=n.  Used only
with STEP in a path calculation.

POINT1=n  (C)

In  a  grid  calculation,  the  number  of  points  to  be  calculated  in  the  first  direction  is  given  by
POINT1=n.  `n' should be less than 24; default:  11.

POINT2=n  (C)

In a grid calculation,  the number of points to be calculated in the second direction is given by
POINT2=n.  `n' should be less than 24, default:  11;


In an ESP calculation, write out surface points and electrostatic potential values to UNIT 21.


The polarizability and first and second hyperpolarizabilities are to be calculated.  At present this
calculation  does  not  work  for  polymers,  but  should  work  for  all  other  systems.   Two  different
options are implemented:  the older finite field method and a new time-dependent Hartree-Fock
 Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock

This procedure is based on the detailed description given by M. Dupuis and S. Karna (J. Comp.
Chem.  12, 487 (1991)).  The program is capable of calculating:
      Frequency Dependent Polarizability                      alpha(-w;w)
      Second Harmonic Generation                              beta(-2w;w,w)
      Electrooptic Pockels Effect                             beta(-w;0,w)
      Optical Rectification                                   beta(0;-w,w)
      Third Harmonic Generation                               gamma(-3w;w,w,w)
      DC-EFISH                                                gamma(-2w;0,w,w)
      Optical Kerr Effect                                     gamma(-w;0,0,w)
      Intensity Dependent Index of Refraction                 gamma(-w;w,-w,w)
    The input is given at the end of the MOPAC deck and consists of two lines of free-field input
followed by a list energies.  The variables on the first line are:
      Nfreq =       How many energies will be used to calculate
                    the desired quantities.
      Iwflb =       Type of beta calculation to be performed.
                    This valiable is only important if iterative
                    beta calculations are chosen.
                    0 - static
                    1 - SHG
                    2 - EOPE
                    3 - OR
      Ibet =        Type of beta calculation:
                    0 - beta(0;0) static
                    1 - iterative calculation with type of
                    beta chosen by Iwflb.
                    1 - Noniterative calculation of SHG
                    -2 - Noniterative calculation of EOPE
                    -3 - Noniterative calculation of OR
      Igam =        Type of gamma calculation:
                    0 - No gamma calculation
                    1 - THG
                    2 - DC-EFISH
                    3 - IDRI
                    4 - OKE
    The vaiables on the second line are:
      Atol =          Cutoff tolerance for alpha calculations
                      (1.0e-4 seems reasonable)
      Maxitu =        Maximum number of iteractions for beta
      Maxita =        Maximum number of iterations for alpha
      Btol =          Cutoff tolerance for beta calculations
    Nfreq lines follow, each with an energy value in eV's at which the hyperpolarizabilites are to
be calculated.


Details of the working of POWSQ are printed out.  This is only useful in debugging.


The criteria for terminating all optimizations,  electronic and geometric,  are to be increased by
a factor, normally, 100.  This can be used where more precise results are wanted.  If the results
are  going  to  be  used  in  a  FORCE  calculation,  where  the  geometry  needs  to  be  known  quite
precisely, then PRECISE is recommended; for small systems the extra cost in CPU time is minimal.
PRECISE is not recommended for experienced users, instead GNORM=n.nn and SCFCRT=n.nn
are suggested.  PRECISE should only very rarely be necessary in a FORCE calculation:  all it does
is  remove  quartic  contamination,  which  only  affects  the  trivial  modes  significantly,  and  is  very
expensive in CPU time.


The default converger in the SCF calculation is to be replaced by Pulay's procedure as soon as
the density matrix is sufficiently stable.  A considerable improvement in speed can be achieved
by the use of PULAY. If a large number of SCF calculations are envisaged, a sample calculation
using  1SCF  and  PULAY  should  be  compared  with  using  1SCF  on  its  own,  and  if  a  saving  in
time results, then PULAY should be used in the full calculation.  PULAY should be used with
care  in  that  its  use  will  prevent  the  combined  package  of  convergers  (SHIFT,  PULAY  and  the
CAMP-KING convergers) from automatically being used in the event that the system fails to go
SCF in (ITRY-10) iterations.
    The combined set of convergers very seldom fails.


RHF interpretation:  The desired spin-state is a quartet, i.e., the state with component of spin =
1/2 and spin = 3/2.  When a configuration interaction calculation is done, all spin states of spin
equal to, or greater than 1/2 are calculated simultaneously, for component of spin = 1/2.  From
these states the quartet states are selected when QUARTET is specified, and all other spin states,
while calculated, are ignored in the choice of root to be used.  If QUARTET is used on its own,
then a single state, corresponding to an alpha electron in each of three M.O.'s is calculated.
    UHF interpretation:  The system will have three more alpha electrons than beta electrons.


RHF interpretation:  The desired spin-state is a quintet, that is, the state with component of spin
= 0 and spin = 2.  When a configuration interaction calculation is done, all spin states of spin
equal to, or greater than 0 are calculated simultaneously, for component of spin = 0.  From these
states the quintet states are selected when QUINTET is specified,  and the septet states,  while
calculated, will be ignored in the choice of root to be used.  If QUINTET is used on its own, then
a single state, corresponding to an alpha electron in each of four M.O.'s is calculated.
    UHF interpretation:  The system will have three more alpha electrons than beta electrons.


RECALC=n calculates the Hessian every n steps in the EF optimization.  For small n this is costly
but is also very effective in terms of convergence.  RECALC=10 and DMAX=0.10 can be useful
for difficult cases.  In extreme cases RECALC=1 and DMAX=0.05 will always find a stationary
point, if it exists.


When a job has been stopped,  for whatever reason,  and intermediate results have been stored,
then the calculation can be restarted at the point where it stopped by specifying RESTART. The
most common cause of a job stopping before completion is its exceeding the time allocated.  A
saddle-point calculation has no restart, but the output file contains information which can easily
be used to start the calculation from a point near to where it stopped.
    It is not necessary to change the geometric data to reflect the new geometry.  As a result, the
geometry printed at the start of a restarted job will be that of the original data, not that of the
restarted file.  A convenient way to monitor a long run is to specify 1SCF and RESTART; this
will give a normal output file at very little cost.

Note 1:     In the FORCE calculation two restarts are possible.  These are (a) a restart in FLEPO if
       the geometry was not optimized fully before FORCE was called, and (b) the normal restart
       in the construction of the force matrix.  If the restart is in FLEPO within FORCE then the
       keyword FORCE should be deleted, and the keyword RESTART used on its own.  Forgetting
       this point is a frequent cause of failed jobs.

Note 2:     Two restarts also exist in the IRC calculation.  If an IRC calculation stops while in the
       FORCE calculation, then a normal restart can be done.  If the job stops while doing the IRC
       calculation itself then the keyword IRC=n should be changed to IRC, or it can be omitted if
       DRC is also specified.  The absence of the string "IRC=" is used to indicate that the FORCE
       calculation was completed before the restart files were written.

ROOT=n  (C)

The n'th root of a C.I. calculation is to be used in the calculation.  If a keyword specifying the
spin-state is also present, e.g.  SINGLET or TRIPLET, then the n'th root of that state will be
selected.  Thus ROOT=3 and SINGLET will select the third singlet root.  If ROOT=3 is used on
its own, then the third root will be used, which may be a triplet, the third singlet, or the second
singlet (the second root might be a triplet).  In normal use, this keyword would not be used.  It is
retained for educational and research purposes.  Unusual care should be exercised when ROOT=
is specified.

ROT=n  (C)

In the calculation of the rotational contributions to the thermodynamic quantities the symmetry
number of the molecule must be supplied. The symmetry number of a point group is the number of
equivalent positions attainable by pure rotations.  No reflections or improper rotations are allowed.
This number cannot be assumed by default, and may be affected by subtle modifications to the
molecule, such as isotopic substitution.  A list of the most important symmetry numbers follows:

                  ----       TABLE  OF  SYMMETRY  NUMBERS       ----
           C1  CI  CS        1          D2  D2D  D2H   4           C(INF)V     1
           C2  C2V  C2H     2          D3  D3D  D3H   6           D(INF)H     2
           C3  C3V  C3H     3          D4  D4D  D4H   8           T  TD        12
           C4  C4V  C4H     4          D6  D6D  D6H   12          OH           24
           C6  C6V  C6H     6          S6                3


The transition state in a simple chemical reaction is to be optimized.  Extra data are required.
After the first geometry, specifying the reactants, and any symmetry functions have been defined,
the second geometry, specifying the products, is defined, using the same format as that of the first
    SADDLE often fails to work successfully.  Frequently this is due to equivalent dihedral angles
in the reactant and product differing by about 360 degrees rather than zero degrees.  As the choice
of dihedral can be difficult, users should consider running this calculation with the keyword XYZ.
There is normally no ambiguity in the definition of cartesian coordinates.  See also BAR=.
    Many of the bugs in SADDLE have been removed in this version.  Use of the XYZ option is
strongly recommended.

SCALE=n.n specifies the scaling factor for Van der Waals' radii for the initial layer of the Connolly
surface in the ESP calculation.

SCFCRT=n.nn  (W)

The default SCF criterion is to be replaced by that defined by SCFCRT=.
    The  SCF  criterion  is  the  change  in  energy  in  kcal/mol  on  two  successive  iterations.  Other
minor criteria may make the requirements for an SCF slightly more stringent.  The SCF criterion
can be varied from about 0.001 to 1.D-25,  although numbers in the range 0.0001 to 1.D-9 will
suffice for most applications.
    An overly tight criterion can lead to failure to achieve a SCF, and consequent failure of the


In an ESP calculation, SCINCR=n.nn specifies the increment between layers of the surface in the
Connolly surface.  (default:  0.20)


If,  on  the  keyword  line,  the  word  `SETUP'  is  specified,  then  one  or  two  lines  of  keywords  will
be read from a file with the logical name SETUP. The logical file SETUP must exist, and must
contain at least one line.  If the second line is defined by the first line as a keyword line, and the
second line contains the word SETUP, then one line of keywords will be read from a file with the
logical name SETUP.

SETUP=name  (C)

Same as SETUP, only the logical or actual name of the SETUP file is `name'.


RHF interpretation:  The desired spin-state is a sextet:  the state with component of spin = 1/2
and spin = 5/2.
    The sextet states are the highest spin states normally calculable using MOPAC in its unmodi-
fied form.  If SEXTET is used on its own, then a single state, corresponding to one alpha electron
in each of five M.O.'s, is calculated.  If several sextets are to be calculated, say the second or third,
then OPEN(n1,n2) should be used.
    UHF interpretation:  The system will have five more alpha electrons than beta electrons.

SHIFT=n.nn  (W)

In  an  attempt  to  obtain  an  SCF  by  damping  oscillations  which  slow  down  the  convergence  or
prevent an SCF being achieved, the virtual M.O. energy levels are shifted up or down in energy
by a shift technique.  The principle is that if the virtual M.O.'s are changed in energy relative to
the occupied set, then the polarizability of the occupied M.O.'s will change pro rata.  Normally,
oscillations are due to autoregenerative charge fluctuations.
    The  SHIFT  method  has  been  re-written  so  that  the  value  of  SHIFT  changes  automatically
to give a critically-damped system.  This can result in a positive or negative shift of the virtual
M.O. energy levels.  If a non-zero SHIFT is specified, it will be used to start the SHIFT technique,
rather  than  the  default  15eV.  If  SHIFT=0  is  specified,  the  SHIFT  technique  will  not  be  used
unless normal convergence techniques fail and the automatic "ALL CONVERGERS : : :" message
is produced.

The McIver-Komornicki gradient norm minimization routines, POWSQ and SEARCH are to be
used.   These  are  very  rapid  routines,  but  do  not  work  for  all  species.   If  the  gradient  norm  is
low,  i.e.,  less  than  about  5  units,  then  SIGMA  will  probably  work;  in  most  cases,  NLLSQ  is
recommended.  SIGMA first calculates a quite accurate Hessian matrix, a slow step, then works
out the direction of fastest decent, and searches along that direction until the gradient norm is
minimized.  The Hessian is then partially updated in light of the new gradients, and a fresh search
direction found.  Clearly, if the Hessian changes markedly as a result of the line-search, the update
done will be inaccurate, and the new search direction will be faulty.
    SIGMA should be avoided if at all possible when non-variationally optimized calculations are
being done.
    If the Hessian is suspected to be corrupt within SIGMA it will be automatically recalculated.
This frequently speeds up the rate at which the transition state is located.  If you do not want the
Hessian to be reinitialized _ it is costly in CPU time _ specify LET on the keyword line.


When a configuration interaction calculation is done, all spin states are calculated simultaneously,
either for component of spin = 0 or 1/2.  When only singlet states are of interest, then SINGLET
can be specified, and all other spin states, while calculated, are ignored in the choice of root to be
    Note that while almost every even-electron system will have a singlet ground state, SINGLET
should still be specified if the desired state must be a singlet.
    SINGLET has no meaning in a UHF calculation, but see also TRIPLET.


In an ESP calculation, SLOPE=n.nn specifies the scale factor for MNDO charges. (default=1.422)


The spin matrix, defined as the difference between the alpha and beta density matrices, is to be
printed.  If the system has a closed-shell ground state, e.g.  methane run UHF, the spin matrix
will be null.
    If SPIN is not requested in a UHF calculation, then the diagonal of the spin matrix, that is
the spin density on the atomic orbitals, will be printed.


In a reaction path, if the path step is constant, STEP can be used instead of explicitly specifying
each point.  The number of steps is given by POINT. If the reaction coordinate is an interatomic
distance, only positive STEPs are allowed.

STEP1=n.nnn  (C)

In a grid calculation the step size in degrees or Angstroms for the first of the two parameters is
given by n.nnn.  By default, an 11 by 11 grid is generated.  See POINT1 and POINT2 on how to
adjust this number.  The first point calculated is the supplied geometry, and is in the upper left
hand corner.  This is a change from Version 5.00,  where the supplied geometry was the central
STEP2=n.nnn  (C)

In a grid calculation the step size in degrees or Angstroms for the second of the two parameters is
given by n.nnn.

STO3G  (W)

In an ESP calculation STO3G means "Use the STO-3G basis set to de-orthogonalize the semiem-
pirical orbitals".


Used by the ESP, SYMAVG will average charges which should have the same value by symmetry.


Symmetry data defining related bond lengths, angles and dihedrals can be included by supplying
additional data after the geometry has been entered.  If there are any other data, such as values for
the reaction coordinates, or a second geometry, as required by SADDLE, then it would follow the
symmetry data. Symmetry data are terminated by one blank line. For non-variationally optimized
systems symmetry constraints can save a lot of time because many derivatives do not need to be
calculated.  At the same time, there is a risk that the geometry may be wrongly specified, e.g.  if
methane radical cation is defined as being tetrahedral, no indication that this is faulty will be given
until a FORCE calculation is run.  (This system undergoes spontaneous Jahn-Teller distortion.)
    Usually a lower heat of formation can be obtained when SYMMETRY is specified.  To see why,
consider the geometry of benzene.  If no assumptions are made regarding the geometry, then all
the C-C bond lengths will be very slightly different, and the angles will be almost, but not quite
120 degrees.  Fixing all angles at 120 degrees, dihedrals at 180 or 0 degrees, and only optimizing
one C-C and one C-H bond-length will result in a 2-D optimization, and exact D6h  symmetry.
Any deformation from this symmetry must involve error, so by imposing symmetry some error is
    The layout of the symmetry data is:


where the numerical code for  is given in the table of symmetry functions
    For example, ethane, with three independent variables, can be defined as:

        ETHANE,  D3D                                                       NA  NB  NC

         C       1.528853  1                                                 1
         H       1.105161  1   110.240079  1                           2   1
         H       1.105161  0   110.240079  0   120.000000  0     2   1   3
         H       1.105161  0   110.240079  0   240.000000  0     2   1   3
         H       1.105161  0   110.240079  0     60.000000  0     1   2   3
         H       1.105161  0   110.240079  0   180.000000  0     1   2   3
         H       1.105161  0   110.240079  0   300.000000  0     1   2   3
         0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
           3,       1,       4,       5,        6,        7,        8,
           3,       2,       4,       5,        6,        7,        8,

    Here atom 3, a hydrogen, is used to define the bond lengths (symmetry relation 1) of atoms
4,5,6,7 and 8 with the atoms they are specified to bond with in the NA column of the data file;
similarly, its angle (symmetry relation 2) is used to define the bond-angle of atoms 4,5,6,7 and 8
with the two atoms specified in the NA and NB columns of the data file.  The other angles are
point-group symmetry defined as a multiple of 60 degrees.
    Spaces, tabs or commas can be used to separate data.  Note that only three parameters are
marked to be optimized.  The symmetry data can be the last line of the data file unless more data
follows, in which case a blank line must be inserted after the symmetry data.
    The full list of available symmetry relations is as follows:


    Function 18 is intended for use in polymers, in which the translation vector may be a multiple
of some bond-length.  1,2,3 and 14 are most commonly used.  Abbreviation:  SYM.
    SYMMETRY is not available for use with cartesian coordinates.

T=  (W)

This  is  a  facility  to  allow  the  program  to  shut  down  in  an  orderly  manner  on  computers  with
execution time cpu limits.
    The total cpu time allowed for the current job is limited to nn.nn seconds; by default this is
one  hour,  i.e.,  3600  seconds.  If  the  next  cycle  of  the  calculation  cannot  be  completed  without
running a risk of exceeding the assigned time the calculation will write a restart file and then stop.
The safety margin is 100 percent; that is, to do another cycle, enough time to do at least two full
cycles must remain.
    Alternative specifications of the time are T=nn.nnM, this defines the time in minutes, T=nn.nnH,
in hours, and T=nn.nnD, in days, for very long jobs.  This keyword cannot be written with spaces
around the `=' sign.


The thermodynamic quantities, internal energy, heat capacity, partition function, and entropy can
be calculated for translation, rotation and vibrational degrees of freedom for a single temperature,
or  a  range  of  temperatures.  Special  situations  such  as  linear  systems  and  transition  states  are
accommodated.  The approximations used in the THERMO calculation are invalid below 100K,
and checking of the lower bound of the temperature range is done to prevent temperatures of less
than 100K being used.
    Another limitation, for which no checking is done, is that there should be no internal rotations.
If any exist, they will not be recognized as such, and the calculated quantities will be too low as
a result.
    In order to use THERMO the keyword FORCE must also be specified, as well as the value for
the symmetry number; this is given by ROT=n.
    If  THERMO  is  specified  on  its  own,  then  the  default  values  of  the  temperature  range  are
assumed.  This starts at 200K and increases in steps of 10 degrees to 400K. Three options exist
for overriding the default temperature range.  These are:

THERMO(nnn)  (O)

The thermodynamic quantities for a 200 degree range of temperatures, starting at nnnK and with
an interval of 10 degrees are to be calculated.

THERMO(nnn,mmm)  (O)

The thermodynamic quantities for the temperature range limited by a lower bound of nnn Kelvin
and an upper bound of mmm Kelvin, the step size being calculated in order to give approximately
20 points, and a reasonable value for the step.  The size of the step in Kelvin degrees will be 1, 2,
or 5, or a power of 10 times these numbers.

THERMO(nnn,mmm,lll)  (O)

Same as for THERMO(nnn,mmm), only now the user can explicitly define the step size.  The step
size cannot be less than 1K.


In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated time changes by 0.1 fem-
toseconds.  Abbreviation, T-PRIO.

T-PRIORITY=n.nn  (O)

In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated time changes by n.nn fem-


The imaginary frequency due to the reaction vector in a transition state calculation must not be
included in the thermochemical calculation.  The number of genuine vibrations considered can be:
3N - 5 for a linear ground state system, 3N - 6 for a non-linear ground state system, or 3N - 6
for a linear transition-state complex, 3N - 7 for a non-linear transition-state complex.
    This keyword must be used in conjunction with THERMO if a transition state is being calcu-

TRANS=n  (C)

The facility exists to allow the THERMO calculation to handle systems with internal rotations.
TRANS=n will remove the n lowest vibrations.  Note that TRANS=1 is equivalent to TRANS on
its own.  For xylene, for example, TRANS=2 would be suitable.
    This keyword cannot be written with spaces around the `=' sign.

The triplet state is defined.  If the system has an odd number of electrons, an error message will
be printed.

UHF interpretation

The number of alpha electrons exceeds that of the beta electrons by 2. If TRIPLET is not specified,
then the numbers of alpha and beta electrons are set equal.  This does not necessarily correspond
to a singlet.

RHF interpretation

An RHF MECI calculation is performed to calculate the triplet state.  If no other C.I. keywords
are used, then only one state is calculated by default.  The occupancy of the M.O.'s in the SCF
calculation is defined as (: : :2,1,1,0,: : :),  that is,  one electron is put in each of the two highest
occupied M.O.'s.
    See keywords C.I.=n and OPEN(n1,n2).

TS  (C)

Within the Eigenvector Following routine, the option exists to optimize a transition state.  To do
this,  use TS. Preliminary indications are that the TS method is much faster and more reliable
than either SIGMA or NLLSQ.
    TS appears to work well with cartesian coordinates.
    In the event that TS does not converge on a stationary point, try adding RECALC=5 to the
keyword line.

UHF  (C)

The unrestricted Hartree-Fock Hamiltonian is to be used.


The eigenvectors are to be printed.  In UHF calculations both alpha and beta eigenvectors are
printed; in all cases the full set, occupied and virtual, are output.  The eigenvectors are normalized
to unity, that is the sum of the squares of the coefficients is exactly one.  If DEBUG is specified,
then ALL eigenvectors on every iteration of every SCF calculation will be printed.  This is useful
in a learning context, but would normally be very undesirable.


The user can supply the initial velocity vector to start a DRC calculation.  Limitations have to be
imposed on the geometry in order for this keyword to work. These are (a) the input geometry must
be in cartesian coordinates, (b) the first three atoms must not be coaxial, (c) triatomic systems
are  not  allowed  (See  geometry  specification  -  triatomic  systems  are  in  internal  coordinates,  by
    Put the velocity vector after the geometry as three data per line, representing the x, y, and z
components of velocity for each atom.  The units of velocity are centimeters per second.
    The velocity vector will be rotated so as to suit the final cartesian coordinate orientation of
the molecule.
    If  KINETIC=n.n  is  also  specified,  the  velocity  vector  will  be  scaled  to  equal  the  velocity
corresponding to n.n kcal/mole.  This allows the user to define the direction of the velocity vector;
the magnitude is given by KINETIC=n.n.

Within the ESP calculation, the Connolly surface is used as the default.  If the surface generation
procedure of Donald Williams is wanted, the keyword WILLIAMS should be used.


In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated geometry changes by 0.05 A.
The geometry change is defined as the linear sum of the translation vectors of motion for all atoms
in the system.  Abbreviation, X-PRIO.

X-PRIORITY=n.nn  (O)

In a DRC calculation, results will be printed whenever the calculated geometry changes by n.nn A.

XYZ  (W)

The SADDLE calculation quite often fails due to faulty definition of the second geometry because
the  dihedrals  give  a  lot  of  difficulty.   To  make  this  option  easier  to  use,  XYZ  was  developed.
A  calculation  using  XYZ  runs  entirely  in  cartesian  coordinates,  thus  eliminating  the  problems
associated with dihedrals. The connectivity of the two systems can be different, but the numbering
must be the same.  Dummy atoms can be used; these will be removed at the start of the run.  A
new numbering system will be generated by the program, when necessary.
    XYZ is also useful for removing dummy atoms from an internal coordinate file; use XYZ and
    If a large ring system is being optimized, sometimes the closure is difficult, in which case XYZ
will normally work.
    Except for SADDLE, do not use XYZ by default:  use it only when something goes wrong!
    In order for XYZ to be used, the supplied geometry must either be in cartesian coordinates
or,  if  internal  coordinates  are  used,  symmetry  must  not  be  used,  and  all  coordinates  must  be
flagged for optimization.  If dummy atoms are present, only 3N-6 coordinates need to be flagged
for optimization.
    If at all possible, the first 3 atoms should be real.  Except in SADDLE, XYZ will still work
if one or more dummy atoms occur before the fourth real atom, in which case more than 3N-6
coordinates will be flagged for optimization.  This could cause difficulties with the EF method,
which is why dummy atoms at the start of the geometry specification should be avoided.  The
coordinates to be optimized depend on the internal coordinate definition of real atoms 1, 2, and 3.
If the position of any of these atoms depends on dummy atoms, then the optimization flags will
be different from the case where the first three atoms defined are all real.  The geometry is first
converted to cartesian coordinates and dummy atoms excluded.  The cartesian coordinates to be
optimized are:

      Atoms   R  R  R   R  R  X   R  X  R   X  R  R   R  X  X   X  R  X   X  X  R   X  X  X

                 X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z   X  Y  Z
     Atom  1
            2   +          +          +  +       +  +       +  +  +   +  +       +  +  +   +  +  +
            3   +  +       +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +
        4  on   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +   +  +  +

    Where  R  and  X  apply  to  real  and  dummy  atoms  in  the  internal  coordinate  Z-matrix,  and
atoms 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the real atoms in cartesian coordinates.  A `+' means that the relevant
coordinate is flagged for optimization.  Note that the number of flagged coordinates varies from
3N - 6 to 3N - 3, atom 1 is never optimized.
2.4        Keywords  that  go  together

Normally only a subset of keywords are used in any given piece of research.  Keywords which are
related to each other in this way are:

   1.  In getting an SCF: SHIFT, PULAY, ITRY, CAMP, SCFCRT, 1SCF, PL.

   2.  In C.I. work: SINGLET, DOUBLET, etc., OPEN(n,m), C.I.=(n,m), LARGE, MECI, MS=n,

   3.  In excited states:  UHF with (TRIPLET, QUARTET, etc.), C.I.=n, C.I.=(n,m).

   4.  In geometry optimization:

        (a)   Using BFGS: GNORM=n.n, XYZ, PRECISE.

        (b)   Using EF: GNORM=n.n, XYZ, PRECISE

         (c)  Using NLLSQ: GNORM=n.n, XYZ, PRECISE

        (d)   Using SIGMA: GNORM=n.n, XYZ, PRECISE

   5.  In Gaussian work:  AIGIN, AIGOUT, AIDER.

   6.  In SADDLE: XYZ, BAR=n.n
Chapter   3

Geometry   specification

FORMAT: The geometry is read in using essentially "Free-Format" of FORTRAN-77.  In fact, a
character input is used in order to accommodate the chemical symbols, but the numeric data can
be regarded as "free-format".indexdata!free-format This means that integers and real numbers can
be interspersed, numbers can be separated by one or more spaces, a tab and/or by one comma.
If a number is not specified, its value is set to zero.
    The geometry can be defined in terms of either internal or cartesian coordinates.

3.1        Internal  coordinate  definition

For any one atom (i) this consists of an interatomic distance in Angstroms from an already-defined
atom (j), an interatomic angle in degrees between atoms i and j and an already defined k, (k and
j must be different atoms), and finally a torsional angle in degrees between atoms i, j, k, and an
already defined atom l (l cannot be the same as k or j).  See also dihedral angle coherency.

   1.  Atom 1 has no coordinates at all:  this is the origin.

   2.  Atom 2 must be connected to atom 1 by an interatomic distance only.

   3.  Atom 3 can be connected to atom 1 or 2, and must make an angle with atom 2 or 1 (thus
       3-2-1 or 3-1-2); no dihedral is possible for atom 3.  By default, atom 3 is connected to atom

3.1.1       Constraints

   1.  Interatomic distances must be greater than zero.  Zero Angstroms is acceptable only if the
       parameter is symmetry-related to another atom, and is the dependent function.

   2.  Angles must be in the range 0.0 to 180.0, inclusive.  This constraint is for the benefit of the
       user only; negative angles are the result of errors in the construction of the geometry, and
       angles greater than 180 degrees are fruitful sources of errors in the dihedrals.

   3.  Dihedrals angles must be definable.  If atom i makes a dihedral with atoms j, k, and l, and
       the three atoms j, k, and l are in a straight line, then the dihedral has no definable angle.
       During the calculation this constraint is checked continuously, and if atoms j, k, and l lie
       within 0.02 Angstroms of a straight line, the calculation will output an error message and
       then stop.  Two exceptions to this constraint are:

        (a)   if the angle is zero or 180 degrees, in which case the dihedral is not used.

        (b)   if  atoms  j,  k,  and  l  lie  in  an  exactly  straight  line  (usually  the  result  of  a  symmetry
              constraint), as in acetylene, acetonitrile, but-2-yne, etc.
    If the exceptions are used, care must be taken to ensure that the program does not violate these
constraints during any optimizations or during any calculations of derivatives - see also FORCE.

Conversion to Cartesian Coordinates

By definition, atom 1 is at the origin of cartesian coordinate space_be careful, however, if atom
1 is a dummy atom.  Atom 2 is defined as lying on the positive X axis _ for atom 2, Y=0 and
Z=0.  Atom 3 is in the X-Y plane unless the angle 3-2-1 is exactly 0 or 180 degrees.  Atom 4, 5,
6, etc.  can lie anywhere in 3-D space.
3.2        Gaussian  Z-matrices

With  certain  limitations,  geometries  can  now  be  specified  within  MOPAC  using  the  Gaussian
Z-matrix format.

Exceptions to the full Gaussian standard

    1. The option of defining an atom's position by one distance and two angles is not allowed.  In
       other words, the N4 variable described in the Gaussian manual must either be zero or not
       specified.  MOPAC requires the geometry of atoms to be defined in terms of, at most, one
       distance, one angle, and one dihedral.

    2. Gaussian cartesian coordinates are not supported.

    3. Chemical symbols must not be followed by an integer identifying the atom.  Numbers after
       a symbol are used by MOPAC to indicate isotopic mass.  If labels are desired, they should
       be enclosed in parentheses, thus "Cl(on  C5)34.96885".

    4. The connectivity (N1, N2, N3) must be integers.  Labels are not allowed.

Specification of Gaussian Z-matrices

The information contained in the Gaussian Z-matrix is identical to that in a MOPAC Z-matrix.
The order of presentation is different.  Atom N, (real or dummy) is specified in the format:

  Element     N1     Length   N2   Alpha     N3   Beta

where Element is the same as for the MOPAC Z-matrix.  N1, N2, and N3 are the connectivity, the
same as the MOPAC Z-matrix NA, NB, and NC: bond lengths are between N and N1, angles are
between N, N1 and N2, and dihedrals are between N, N1, N2, and N3.  The same rules apply to
N1, N2, and N3 as to NA, NB, and NC.
    Length, Alpha, and Beta are the bond lengths, the angle, and dihedral.  They can be `real',
e.g.  1.45, 109.4, 180.0, or `symbolic'.  A symbolic is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters,
e.g.  R51, A512, D5213, CH, CHO, CHOC, etc.  Two or more symbolics can be the same.  Dihedral
symbolics can optionally be preceeded by a minus sign, in which case the value of the dihedral is the
negative of the value of the symbolic.  This is the equivalent of the normal MOPAC SYMMETRY
operations 1, 2, 3, and 14.
    If an internal coordinate is real, it will not be optimized.  This is the equivalent of the MOPAC
optimization flag "0".  If an internal coordinate is symbolic, it can be optimized.
    The  Z-matrix  is  terminated  by  a  blank  line,  after  which  comes  the  starting  values  of  the
symbolics, one per line.  If there is a blank line in this set, then all symbolics after the blank line
are considered fixed;  that is,  they will not be optimized.  The set before the blank line will be
    Example of Gaussian Z-matrix geometry specification
 Line  1       AM1
 Line  2   Ethane
 Line  3
 Line  4       C
 Line  5       C        1        r21
 Line  6       H        2        r32           1        a321
 Line  7       H        2        r32           1        a321          3   d4213
 Line  8       H        2        r32           1        a321          3  -d4213
 Line  9       H        1        r32           2        a321          3     60.
 Line  10     H        1        r32           2        a321          3   180.
 Line  11     H        1        r32           2        a321          3   d300
 Line  12
 Line  13          r21             1.5
 Line  14          r32             1.1
 Line  15          a321        109.5
 Line  16          d4313       120.0
 Line  17
 Line  18          d300        300.0
 Line  19
3.3        Cartesian  coordinate  definition

A definition of geometry in cartesian coordinates consists of the chemical symbol or atomic number,
followed by the cartesian coordinates and optimization flags but no connectivity.
    MOPAC uses the lack of connectivity to indicate that cartesian coordinates are to be used.
A unique case is the triatomics for which only internal coordinates are allowed.  This is to avoid
conflict of definitions: the user does not need to define the connectivity of atom 2, and can elect to
use the default connectivity for atom 3.  As a result, a triatomic may have no explicit connectivity
defined, the user thus taking advantage of the default connectivity.  Since internal coordinates are
more commonly used than cartesian, the above choice was made.
    If  the  keyword  XYZ  is  absent  every  coordinate  must  be  marked  for  optimization.   If  any
coordinates are not to be optimized, the keyword XYZ must be present.  The coordinates of all
atoms,  including  atoms  1,  2  and  3  can  be  optimized.   Dummy  atoms  should  not  be  used,  for
obvious reasons.
3.4        Conversion  between  various  formats

MOPAC can accept any of the following formats:  cartesian,  MOPAC internal coordinates,  and
Gaussian internal coordinates.  Both MOPAC and Gaussian Z-matrices can also contain dummy
atoms.  Internally, MOPAC works with either a cartesian coordinate set (if XYZ is specified) or
internal coordinates (the default).  If the 0SCF option is requested, the geometry defined on input
will be printed in MOPAC Z-matrix format, along with other optional formats.
    The type(s) of geometry printed at the end of a 0SCF calculation depend only on the keywords
XYZ, AIGOUT, and NOXYZ. The geometry printed is independent of the type of input geometry,
and therefore makes a convenient conversion mechanism.
    If XYZ is present, all dummy atoms are removed and the internal coordinate definition remade.
All symmetry relations are lost if XYZ is used.
    If NOXYZ is present, cartesian coordinates will not be printed.
    If AIGOUT is present, a data set using Gaussian Z-matrix format is printed.
    Note:  (1)  Only  if  the  keyword  XYZ  is  absent  and  the  keyword  SYMMETRY  present  in  a
MOPAC  internal  coordinate  geometry,  or  two  or  more  internal  coordinates  in  a  Gaussian  Z-
matrix have the same symbolic will symmetry be present in the MOPAC or Gaussian geometries
output.  (2) This expanded use of 0SCF replaces the program DDUM, supplied with earlier copies

3.5        Definition  of  elements  and  isotopes

Elements are defined in terms of their atomic numbers or their chemical symbols, case insensitive.
Thus,  chlorine  could  be  specified  as  17,  or  Cl.   In  Version  6,  only  main-group  elements  and
transition metals for which the `d' shell is full are available.
    Acceptable symbols for MNDO are:

              Elements                                   Dummy  atom,  sparkles  and
                                                                Translation  Vector
   Li   *                B   C   N   O   F
   Na'  *              Al  Si   P   S  Cl                 +                                    o
     K'  *  ...   Zn   *  Ge   *   *  Br              XX   Cb   ++     +   --     -   Tv
   Rb'  *  ...     *   *  Sn   *   *   I              99  102  103  104  105  106  107
   *     *  ...   Hg   *  Pb   *

'   These  symbols  refer  to  elements  which  lack  a  basis  set.
+   This  is  the  dummy  atom  for  assisting  with  geometry  specification.
*   Element  not  parameterized.
o   This  is  the  translation  vector  for  use  with  polymers.

    Old parameters for some elements are available. These are provided to allow compatibility with
earlier copies of MOPAC. To use these older parameters, use a keyword composed of the chemical
symbol  followed  by  the  year  of  publication  of  the  parameters.   Keywords  currently  available:
Si1978, S1978.
    For AM1, acceptable symbols are:

           Elements                                   Dummy  atom,  sparkles  and
                                                             Translation  Vector
  *   *                B   C   N   O   F
Na'  *              Al  Si   P   S  Cl                 +                                    o
  K'  *  ...   Zn   *  Ge   *   *  Br              XX   Cb   ++     +   --     -   Tv
Rb'  *  ...     *   *  Sn   *   *   I              99  102  103  104  105  106  107
*     *  ...   Hg   *   *   *

    If users need to use other elements, such as beryllium or lead, they can be specified, in which
case MNDO-type atoms will be used. As the behavior of such systems is not well investigated, users
are cautioned to exercise unusual care.  To alert users to this situation, the keyword PARASOK
is defined.
    For PM3, acceptable symbols are:

            Elements                                   Dummy  atom,  sparkles  and
                                                               Translation  Vector

   *   Be                *   C   N   O   F
  Na'  Mg              Al  Si   P   S  Cl                 +                                    o
   K'  *  ...   Zn   Ga  Ge  As  Se  Br              XX   Cb   ++     +   --     -   Tv
  Rb'  *  ...   Cd   In  Sn  Sb  Te   I              99  102  103  104  105  106  107
  *     *  ...   Hg   Tl  Pb  Bi
         Diatomics  Parameterized  within  the  MINDO/3  Formalism
       H     B     C     N     O     F   Si     P     S   Cl        A  star  (*)  indicates
    -----------------------------------------     that  the  atom-pair  is
   H   *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *        parameterized  within
   B   *     *     *     *     *     *                                 MINDO/3.
   C   *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
   N   *     *     *     *     *     *                 *     *
   O   *     *     *     *     *     *           *     *
   F   *     *     *     *     *     *           *
 Si   *           *                        *
   P   *           *           *     *           *           *
   S   *           *     *     *                        *     *
 Cl   *           *     *                        *     *     *

    Note: MINDO/3 should now be regarded as being of historical interest only.  MOPAC contains
the original parameters.  These do not reproduce the original reported results in the case of P, Si,
or S. The original work was faulty, see G. Frenking, H. Goetz, and F. Marschner, J. Am.  Chem.
Soc., 100:5295 (1978).  Re-optimized parameters for P-C and P-Cl were derived later which gave
better results.  These are:

    o  Alpha(P-C): 0.8700 G. Frenking, H. Goetz, F. Marschner,

    o  Beta(P-C): 0.5000 J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:5295-5296 (1978).

    o  Alpha(P-Cl):  1.5400 G. Frenking, F. Marschner, H. Goetz,

    o  Beta(P-Cl):  0.2800 Phosphorus and Sulfur, 8:337-342 (1980).

    Although better than the original parameters, these have not been adopted within MOPAC
because to do so at this time would prevent earlier calculations from being duplicated.  Parameters
for  P-O  and  P-F  have  been  added:   these  were  abstracted  from  Frenking's  1980  paper.   No
inconsistency is involved as MINDO/3 historically did not have P-O or P-F parameters.
    Extra entities available to MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1 and PM3:

         +        A  100%  ionic  alkali  metal.
       ++        A  100%  ionic  alkaline  earth  metal.
         -        A  100%  ionic  halogen-like  atom
       --        A  100%  ionic  group  VI-like  atom.
       Cb        A  special  type  of  monovalent  atom

    Elements 103, 104, 105, and 106 are the sparkles; elements 11 and 19 are sparkles tailored to
look like the alkaline metal ions; Tv is the translation vector for polymer calculations.  See "Full
description of sparkles" in Chapter 6.
    Element 102, symbol Cb, is designed to satisfy valency requirements of atoms for which some
bonds are not completed.  Thus in "solid" diamond the usual way to complete the normal valency
in a cluster model is to use hydrogen atoms. This approach has the defect that the electronegativity
of hydrogen is different from that of carbon.  The "capped bond" atom, Cb, is designed to satisfy
these valency requirements without acquiring a net charge.
    Cb behaves like a monovalent atom, with the exception that it can alter its electronegativity
to achieve an exactly zero charge in whatever environment it finds itself.  It is thus all things to all
atoms.  On bonding to hydrogen it behaves similar to a hydrogen atom.  On bonding to fluorine it
behaves like a very electronegative atom.  If several capped bond atoms are used, each will behave
independently.  Thus if the two hydrogen atoms in formic acid were replaced by Cb's then each
Cb would independently become electroneutral.
    Capped bonds internal coordinates should not be optimized.  A fixed bond-length of 1:7 A is
recommended, if two Cb are on one atom, a contained angle of 109:471221 degrees is suggested,
and if three Cb are on one atom, a contained dihedral of -120 degrees (note sign) should be used.
    Element 99, X, or XX is known as a dummy atom, and is used in the definition of the geometry;
it is deleted automatically from any cartesian coordinate geometry files.  Dummy atoms are pure
mathematic points, and are useful in defining geometries; for example, in ammonia the definition of
C3v symmetry is facilitated by using one dummy atom and symmetry relating the three hydrogens
to it.
    Output normally only gives chemical symbols.
    Isotopes are used in conjunction with chemical symbols.  If no isotope is specified, the average
isotopic  mass  is  used,  thus  chlorine  is  35.453.   This  is  different  from  some  earlier  versions  of
MOPAC, in which the most abundant isotope was used by default.  This change was justified by
the removal of any ambiguity in the choice of isotope.  Also, the experimental vibrational spectra
involve a mixture of isotopes.  If a user wishes to specify any specific isotope it should immediately
follow the chemical symbol (no space), e.g., H2, H2.0140, C(meta)13, or C13.00335.
    The sparkles ++, +, -, and - have no mass; if they are to be used in a force calculation, then
appropriate masses should be used.
    Each internal coordinate is followed by an integer, to indicate the action to be taken.

         Integer                                      Action
            1                         Optimize  the  internal  coordinate.
            0                         Do  not  optimize  the  internal  coordinate.
           -1                         Reaction  coordinate,  or  grid  index.

    Remarks:  Only one reaction coordinate is allowed, but this can be made more versatile by the
use of SYMMETRY. If a reaction coordinate is used, the values of the reaction coordinate should
follow immediately after the geometry and any symmetry data.  No terminator is required, and
free-format-type input is acceptable.
    If two "reaction coordinates" are used, then MOPAC assumes that the two-dimensional space
in the region of the supplied geometry is to be mapped.  The two dimensions to be mapped are
in the plane defined by the "-1" labels.  Step sizes in the two directions must be supplied using
STEP1 and STEP2 on the keyword line.
    Using internal coordinates, the first atom has three unoptimizable coordinates, the second atom
two, (the bond-length can be optimized) and the third atom has one unoptimizable coordinate.
None of these six unoptimizable coordinates at the start of the geometry should be marked for
optimization.  If any are so marked, a warning is given, but the calculation will continue.
    In cartesian coordinates all parameters can be optimized.

3.6        Examples  of  coordinate  definitions

Two examples will be given.  The first is formic acid,  HCOOH, and is presented in the normal
style with internal coordinates.  This is followed by formaldehyde, presented in such a manner as
to demonstrate as many different features of the geometry definition as possible.

  Formic  acid
  Example  of  normal  geometry  definition
     O                                                               Atom  1  needs  no  coordinates.
     C       1.20  1                                               Atom  2  bonds  to  atom  1.
     O       1.32  1   116.8  1                   2   1        Atom  3  bonds  to  atom  2  and
                                                                     makes  an  angle  with  atom  1.
     H       0.98  1   123.9  1       0.0  0     3   2   1   Atom  4  has  a  dihedral  of  0.0
                                                                     with  atoms  3,  2  and  1.
     H       1.11  1   127.3  1   180.0  0     2   1   3
     0       0.00  0       0.0  0       0.0  0     0   0   0

    Atom 2, a carbon, is bonded to oxygen by a bond-length of 1.20 Angstroms, and to atom 3,
an  oxygen,  by  a  bond-length  of  1.32  Angstroms.  The  O-C-O  angle  is  116.8  degrees.  The  first
hydrogen  is  bonded  to  the  hydroxyl  oxygen  and  the  second  hydrogen  is  bonded  to  the  carbon
atom.  The H-C-O-O dihedral angle is 180 degrees.
    MOPAC can generate data-files, both in the Archive files, and at the end of the normal output
file, when a job ends prematurely due to time restrictions.  Note that the data are all neatly lined
up.  This is, of course, characteristic of machine-generated data, but is useful when checking for

Format of internal coordinates in ARCHIVE file

 O       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0     0     0
 C       1.209615  1       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       1     0     0
 O       1.313679  1   116.886168  1       0.000000  0       2     1     0
 H       0.964468  1   115.553316  1       0.000000  0       3     2     1
 H       1.108040  1   128.726078  1   180.000000  0       2     1     3
 0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0     0     0

    Polymers  are  defined  by  the  presence  of  a  translation  vector.   In  the  following  example,
polyethylene,  the  translation  vector  spans  three  monomeric  units,  and  is  7.7  Angstroms  long.
Note in this example the presence of two dummy atoms.  These not only make the geometry defi-
nition easier but also allow the translation vector to be specified in terms of distance only, rather
than both distance and angles.
    Example of polymer coordinates from ARCHIVE file:

            POLYETHYLENE,  CLUSTER  UNIT  :   C6H12

         C       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0     0     0
         C       1.540714   1       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       1     0     0
         C       1.542585   1   113.532306   1       0.000000   0       2     1     0
         C       1.542988   1   113.373490   1   179.823613   1       3     2     1
         C       1.545151   1   113.447508   1   179.811764   1       4     3     2
         C       1.541777   1   113.859804   1  -179.862648   1       5     4     3
       XX       1.542344   1   108.897076   1  -179.732346   1       6     5     4
       XX       1.540749   1   108.360151   1  -178.950271   1       7     6     5
         H       1.114786   1     90.070026   1   126.747447   1       1     3     2
         H       1.114512   1     90.053136   1  -127.134856   1       1     3     2
         H       1.114687   1     90.032722   1   126.717889   1       2     4     3
         H       1.114748   1     89.975504   1  -127.034513   1       2     4     3
         H       1.114474   1     90.063308   1   126.681098   1       3     5     4
         H       1.114433   1     89.915262   1  -126.931090   1       3     5     4
         H       1.114308   1     90.028131   1   127.007845   1       4     6     5
         H       1.114434   1     90.189506   1  -126.759550   1       4     6     5
         H       1.114534   1     88.522263   1   127.041363   1       5     7     6
         H       1.114557   1     88.707407   1  -126.716355   1       5     7     6
         H       1.114734   1     90.638631   1   127.793055   1       6     8     7
         H       1.115150   1     91.747016   1  -126.187496   1       6     8     7
       Tv       7.746928   1       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       1     7     8
         0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0     0     0
Chapter   4


In this chapter various examples of data-files are described.  With MOPAC comes two sets of data
for running calculations.  One of these is called MNRSD1.DAT, and this will now be described.

4.1        MNRSD1  test  data  file  for  formaldehyde

The following file is suitable for generating the results described in the next section, and would be
suitable for debugging data.

Line   1:              SYMMETRY
Line   2:   Formaldehyde,  for  Demonstration  Purposes
Line   3:
Line   4:     O
Line   5:     C  1.2  1
Line   6:     H  1.1  1  120  1
Line   7:     H  1.1  0  120  0  180  0  2  1  3
Line   8:
Line   9:     3  1  4
Line  10:     3  2  4
Line  11:

    These data could be more neatly written as:

Line   1:              SYMMETRY
Line   2:   Formaldehyde,  for  Demonstration  Purposes
Line   3:
Line   4:     O
Line   5:     C       1.20   1                                       1
Line   6:     H       1.10   1   120.00   1                      2   1
Line   7:     H       1.10   0   120.00   0   180.00   0     2   1   3
Line   8:
Line   9:     3,     1,     4,
Line  10:     3,     2,     4,
Line  11:

    These two data-files will produce identical results files.
    In all geometric specifications, care must be taken in defining the internal coordinates to ensure
that no three atoms being used to define a fourth atom's dihedral angle ever fall into a straight
line.  This  can  happen  in  the  course  of  a  geometry  optimization,  in  a  SADDLE  calculation  or
in following a reaction coordinate.  If such a condition should develop,  then the position of the
dependent atom would become ill-defined.
4.2        MOPAC  output  for  test-data  file  MNRSD1

  **  FRANK  J.  SEILER  RES.  LAB.,  U.S.  AIR  FORCE  ACADEMY,  COLO.  SPGS.,  CO.  80840
                                                  MNDO  CALCULATION  RESULTS                      Note  1
  *                MOPAC:   VERSION   6.00                        CALC'D.   4-OCT-90        Note  2
  *     T=          -  A  TIME  OF   3600.0  SECONDS  REQUESTED
            REFERENCE  ATOM          FUNCTION  NO.       DEPENDENT  ATOM(S)
                   3                            1                     4
                   3                            2                     4
              SYMMETRY                                                                                   Note  3
   Formaldehyde,  for  Demonstration  Purposes

     NUMBER   SYMBOL       (ANGSTROMS)        (DEGREES)          (DEGREES)
      (I)                            NA:I                NB:NA:I          NC:NB:NA:I       NA  NB  NC
         1          O                                                                                        Note  4
         2          C              1.20000  *                                                     1
         3          H              1.10000  *          120.00000  *                           2     1
         4          H              1.10000             120.00000        180.00000        2     1     3
      NO.           ATOM              X              Y              Z
        1              O             0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
        2              C             1.2000       0.0000       0.0000                                Note  5
        3              H             1.7500       0.9526       0.0000
        4              H             1.7500     -0.9526       0.0000
   H:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
   C:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
   O:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
                   INTERATOMIC  DISTANCES
                            O   1           C   2           H   3           H   4
        O       1     0.000000
        C       2     1.200000     0.000000
        H       3     1.992486     1.100000     0.000000                                         Note  6
        H       4     1.992486     1.100000     1.905256     0.000000
  CYCLE:     1  TIME:     0.75  TIME  LEFT:     3598.2  GRAD.:        6.349  HEAT:-32.840147
  CYCLE:     2  TIME:     0.37  TIME  LEFT:     3597.8  GRAD.:        2.541  HEAT:-32.880103
  HEAT  OF  FORMATION  TEST  SATISFIED                                                          Note  7
  PETERS  TEST  SATISFIED                                                                           Note  8
              SYMMETRY                                                                                   Note  9
   Formaldehyde,  for  Demonstration  Purposes                                            Note  10
       PETERS  TEST  WAS  SATISFIED  IN  BFGS                   OPTIMIZATION             Note  11
       SCF  FIELD  WAS  ACHIEVED                                                                    Note  12

                                                MNDO       CALCULATION                                Note  13
                                                                                      VERSION   6.00
               FINAL  HEAT  OF  FORMATION  =             -32.88176  KCAL                     Note  14
               TOTAL  ENERGY                   =           -478.11917  EV
               ELECTRONIC  ENERGY           =           -870.69649  EV
               CORE-CORE  REPULSION        =             392.57733  EV
               IONIZATION  POTENTIAL       =              11.04198
               NO.  OF  FILLED  LEVELS       =                6
               MOLECULAR  WEIGHT             =        30.026
               SCF  CALCULATIONS   =                        15
               COMPUTATION  TIME  =     2.740  SECONDS                                         Note  15
    NUMBER   SYMBOL       (ANGSTROMS)        (DEGREES)          (DEGREES)
      (I)                            NA:I                NB:NA:I          NC:NB:NA:I        NA     NB     NC
         1          O
         2          C              1.21678  *                                                       1   Note  16
         3          H              1.10590  *          123.50259  *                            2       1
         4          H              1.10590             123.50259        180.00000          2       1       3
                  INTERATOMIC  DISTANCES
                            O   1           C   2           H   3           H   4
       O       1     0.000000
       C       2     1.216777     0.000000
       H       3     2.046722     1.105900     0.000000
       H       4     2.046722     1.105900     1.844333     0.000000

-42.98352  -25.12201  -16.95327  -16.29819  -14.17549  -11.04198   0.85804   3.6768
    3.84990     7.12408                                                                               Note  17
              ATOM  NO.     TYPE                CHARGE             ATOM   ELECTRON  DENSITY
                 1                O                -0.2903                6.2903
                 2                C                 0.2921                3.7079                      Note  18
                 3                H                -0.0009                1.0009
                 4                H                -0.0009                1.0009
 DIPOLE                 X              Y              Z           TOTAL
 POINT-CHG.        1.692        0.000        0.000        1.692
 HYBRID              0.475        0.000        0.000        0.475                              Note  19
 SUM                   2.166        0.000        0.000        2.166
      NO.           ATOM                        X              Y              Z
       1              O                            0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
       2              C                            1.2168       0.0000       0.0000
       3              H                            1.8272       0.9222       0.0000
       4              H                            1.8272     -0.9222       0.0000
1.88270     1.21586     1.89126     1.30050     1.25532     0.86217     0.89095   0.69950
1.00087     1.00087                                                                                  Note  20
 TOTAL  CPU  TIME:                     3.11  SECONDS
 ==  MOPAC  DONE  ==
Note 1:      The banner indicates whether the calculation uses a MNDO, MINDO/3, AM1 or PM3
       Hamiltonian; here, the default MNDO Hamiltonian is used.

Note 2:      The Version number is a constant for any release of MOPAC, and refers to the program,
       not to the Hamiltonians used.  The version number should be cited in any correspondence
       regarding MOPAC. Users' own in-house modified versions of MOPAC will have a final digit
       different from zero, e.g.  6.01.

       All the keywords used,  along with a brief explanation,  should be printed at this time.  If
       a keyword is not printed, it has not been recognized by the program.  Keywords can be in
       upper or lower case letters,  or any mixture.  The cryptic message at the right end of the
       lower line of asterisks indicates the number of heavy and light atoms this version of MOPAC
       is configured for.

Note 3:      Symmetry information is output to allow the user to verify that the requested symmetry
       functions have in fact been recognized and used.

Note 4:      The data for this example used a mixture of atomic numbers and chemical symbols, but
       the internal coordinate output is consistently in chemical symbols.

       The atoms in the system are, in order:

           o  Atom 1, an oxygen atom; this is defined as being at the origin.

           o  Atom 2, the carbon atom.  Defined as being 1.2 Angstroms from the oxygen atom, it is
              located in the +x direction.  This distance is marked for optimization.

           o  Atom 3, a hydrogen atom.  It is defined as being 1.1 Angstroms from the carbon atom,
              and making an angle of 120 degrees with the oxygen atom.  The asterisks indicate that
              the bond length and angle are both to be optimized.

           o  Atom 4, a hydrogen atom.  The bond length supplied has been overwritten with the
              symmetry-defined C-H bond length.  Atom 4 is defined as being 1.1 A from atom 2,
              making a bond-angle of 120 degrees with atom 1, and a dihedral angle of 180 degrees
              with atom 3.

              None of the coordinates of atom 4 are marked for optimization.  The bond-length and
              angle  are  symmetry-defined  by  atom  3,  and  the  dihedral  is  group-theory  symmetry-
              defined as being 180 degrees.  (The molecule is flat.)

Note 5:      The cartesian coordinates are calculated as follows:

       Stage  1:  The  coordinate  of  the  first  atom  is  defined  as  being  at  the  origin  of  cartesian
       space, while the coordinate of the second atom is defined as being displaced by its defined
       bond length along the positive x-axis.  The coordinate of the third atom is defined as being
       displaced by its bond length in the x-y plane, from either atom 1 or 2 as defined in the data,
       or from atom 2 if no numbering is given.  The angle it makes with atoms 1 and 2 is that
       given by its bond angle.

       The  dihedral,  which  first  appears  in  the  fourth  atom,  is  defined  according  to  the  IUPAC
       convention.  Note:  This is different from previous versions of MNDO and MINDO/3, where
       the dihedral had the opposite chirality to that defined by the IUPAC convention.

       Stage 2:  Any dummy atoms are removed.  As this particular system contains no dummy
       atoms, nothing is done.

Note 6:      The interatomic distances are output for the user's advice, and a simple check made to
       insure that the smallest interatomic distance is greater than 0:8 A.

Note 7:      The geometry is optimized in a series of cycles, each cycle consisting of a line search and
       calculation of the gradients.  The time given is the cpu time for the cycle; time left is the
       total time requested (here 100 seconds) less the cpu time since the start of the calculation
       (which is earlier than the start of the first cycle!).  These times can vary slightly from cycle
       to cycle due to different options being used, for example whether or not two or more SCF
       calculations need to be done to ensure that the heat of formation is lowered.  The gradient
       is the scalar length in kcal/mole/Angstrom of the gradient vector.

Note 8:     At the end of the BFGS geometry optimization a message is given which indicates how
       the optimization ended.  All "normal" termination messages contain the word "satisfied";
       other terminations may give acceptable results, but more care should be taken, particularly
       regarding the gradient vector.

Notes 9, 10:       The keywords used, titles and comments are reproduced here to remind the user
       of the name of the calculation.

Notes 11, 12:        Two messages are given here.  The first is a reminder of how the geometry was ob-
       tained, whether from the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, Eigenvector Following, Bar-
       tel's or the McIver-Komornicki methods.  For any further results to be printed the second
       message must be as shown; when no SCF is obtained no results will be printed.

Note 13:      Again, the results are headed with either MNDO or MINDO/3 banners, and the version
       number.  The date has been moved to below the version number for convenience.

Note 14:      The total energy of the system is the addition of the electronic and nuclear terms.  The
       heat of formation is relative to the elements in their standard state.  The I.P. is the negative
       of the energy level of the highest occupied, or highest partially occupied molecular orbital
       (in accordance with Koopmans' theorem).

Note 15:      Advice on time required for the calculation.  This is obviously useful in estimating the
       times required for other systems.

Note 16:      The fully optimized geometry is printed here.  If a parameter is not marked for opti-
       mization, it will not be changed unless it is a symmetry-related parameter.

Note 17:      The roots are the eigenvalues or energy levels in electron volts of the molecular orbitals.
       There are six filled levels, therefore the HOMO has an energy of -11.041eV; analysis of the
       corresponding eigenvector (not given here) shows that it is mainly lone-pair on oxygen.  The
       eigenvectors form an orthonormal set.

Note 18:      The charge on an atom is the sum of the positive core charge; for hydrogen, carbon,
       and oxygen these numbers are 1.0, 4.0, and 6.0, respectively, and the negative of the number
       of valence electrons, or atom electron density on the atom, here 1.0010, 3.7079, and 6.2902

Note 19:      The  dipole  is  the  scalar  of  the  dipole  vector  in  cartesian  coordinates.   The  compo-
       nents of the vector coefficients are the point-charge dipole and the hybridization dipole.  In
       formaldehyde there is no z-dipole since the molecule is flat.

Note 20:      MNDO  AM1,  PM3,  and  MINDO/3  all  use  the  Coulson  density  matrix.   Only  the
       diagonal elements of the matrix, representing the valence orbital electron populations, will
       be printed, unless the keyword DENSITY is specified.

    Extra lines are added as a result of user requests:

   1.  The total CPU time for the job, excluding loading of the executable, is printed.

   2.  In order to know that MOPAC has ended, the message ==  MOPAC  DONE  == is printed.
Chapter   5


TESTDATA.DAT,  supplied  with  MOPAC  6.00,  is  a  single  large  job  consisting  of  several  small
systems, which are run one after the other.  In order, the calculations run are:

   1.  A  FORCE  calculation  on  formaldehyde.  The  extra  keywords  at  the  start  are  to  be  used
       later when TESTDATA.DAT acts as a SETUP file.  This unusual usage of a data set was
       made necessary by the need to ensure that a SETUP file existed.  If the first two lines are
       removed, the data set used in the example given below is generated.

   2.  The vibrational frequencies of a highly excited dication of methane are calculated.  A non-
       degenerate state was selected in order to preserve tetrahedral symmetry (to avoid the Jahn-
       Teller effects).

   3.  Illustration of the use of the & in the keyword line,  and of the new optional definition of
       atoms 2 and 3

   4.  Illustration of Gaussian Z-matrix input.

   5.  An example of Eigenvector Following, to locate a transition state.

   6.  Use of SETUP. Normally, SETUP would point to a special file which would contain keywords
       only.  Here, the only file we can guarantee exists, is the file being run, so that is the one used.

   7.  Example of labelling atoms.

   8.  This part of the test writes the density matrix to disk, for later use.

   9.  A simple calculation on water.

  10.  The previous, optimized, geometry is to be used to start this calculation.

  11.  The density matrix written out earlier is now used as input to start an SCF.

    This example is taken from the first data-file in TESTDATA.DAT, and illustrates the working
of a FORCE calculation.

5.1        Data  file  for  a  force  calculation

   Line   1     nointer   noxyz  +  mndo  dump=8
   Line   2       t=2000  +  thermo(298,298)  force  isotope
   Line   3   ROT=2
   Line   5       FORMALDEHYDE,  MNDO  ENERGY  =  -32.8819   See  Manual.
   Line   6       O
   Line   7       C       1.216487   1                                                    1   0   0
   Line   8       H       1.106109   1   123.513310   1                            2   1   0
   Line   9       H       1.106109   1   123.513310   1   180.000000   1     2   1   3
   Line  10       0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0
5.2        Results  file  for  the  force  calculation

  **  FRANK  J.  SEILER  RES.  LAB.,  U.S.  AIR  FORCE  ACADEMY,  COLO.  SPGS.,  CO.  80840

                                                    MNDO  CALCULATION  RESULTS
   *                MOPAC:   VERSION   6.00                        CALC'D.  12-OCT-90
   *     T=          -  A  TIME  OF   2000.0  SECONDS  REQUESTED
   *   DUMP=N     -  RESTART  FILE  WRITTEN  EVERY        8.0  SECONDS
   *   NOINTER   -  INTERATOMIC  DISTANCES  NOT  TO  BE  PRINTED                      Note  1
   *   ROT          -  SYMMETRY  NUMBER  OF   2  SPECIFIED

      T=2000  +  THERMO(298,298)  FORCE  ISOTOPE
      FORMALDEHYDE,  MNDO  ENERGY  =  -32.8819   See  Manual.

   NUMBER   SYMBOL       (ANGSTROMS)        (DEGREES)          (DEGREES)
     (I)                            NA:I                NB:NA:I          NC:NB:NA:I       NA   NB   NC

        1          O
        2          C              1.21649   *                                                    1
        3          H              1.10611   *        123.51331   *                         2     1
        4          H              1.10611   *        123.51331   *   180.00000   *   2     1     3
     H:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
     C:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
     O:  (MNDO):   M.J.S.  DEWAR,  W.  THIEL,  J.  AM.  CHEM.  SOC.,  99,  4899,  (1977)
                 RHF  CALCULATION,  NO.  OF  DOUBLY  OCCUPIED  LEVELS  =   6
                 HEAT  OF  FORMATION  =   -32.881900  KCALS/MOLE

      ATOM   AT.  NO.   BOND                 ANGLE                DIHEDRAL

         1        O
         2        C        0.000604
         3        H        0.000110       -0.000054
         4        H        0.000110       -0.000054        0.000000
                 GRADIENT  NORM  =     0.00063                                              Note  2
                 TIME  FOR  SCF  CALCULATION  =       0.45
                 TIME  FOR  DERIVATIVES        =       0.32                                Note  3

                 MOLECULAR  WEIGHT  =     30.03

                  PRINCIPAL  MOMENTS  OF  INERTIA  IN  CM(-1)

                 A  =       9.832732     B  =       1.261998     C  =       1.118449

                  PRINCIPAL  MOMENTS  OF  INERTIA  IN  UNITS  OF  10**(-40)*GRAM-CM**2

                 A  =       2.846883     B  =     22.181200     C  =     25.028083

       NO.           ATOM              X              Y              Z

         1              8           -0.6093       0.0000       0.0000
         2              6             0.6072       0.0000       0.0000
         3              1             1.2179       0.9222       0.0000
         4              1             1.2179     -0.9222       0.0000

                 ESTIMATED  TIME  TO  COMPLETE  CALCULATION  =       36.96  SECONDS
   STEP:     1  TIME  =        2.15  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =          2.15  TIME  LEFT:     1997.08
   STEP:     2  TIME  =        2.49  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =          4.64  TIME  LEFT:     1994.59
   STEP:     3  TIME  =        2.53  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =          7.17  TIME  LEFT:     1992.06
   STEP:     4  TIME  =        2.31  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =          9.48  TIME  LEFT:     1989.75
   STEP:     5  RESTART  FILE  WRITTEN,  INTEGRAL  =        11.97  TIME  LEFT:     1987.26
   STEP:     6  TIME  =        2.43  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        14.40  TIME  LEFT:     1984.83
   STEP:     7  TIME  =        2.32  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        16.72  TIME  LEFT:     1982.51
   STEP:     8  TIME  =        2.30  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        19.02  TIME  LEFT:     1980.21
   STEP:     9  RESTART  FILE  WRITTEN,  INTEGRAL  =        22.17  TIME  LEFT:     1977.06
   STEP:   10  TIME  =        2.52  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        24.69  TIME  LEFT:     1974.54
   STEP:   11  TIME  =        2.25  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        26.94  TIME  LEFT:     1972.29
   STEP:   12  TIME  =        3.15  SECS,  INTEGRAL  =        30.09  TIME  LEFT:     1969.14
                              O   1           C   2           H   3           H   4
         O       1     9.557495
         C       2     8.682982   11.426823
         H       3     0.598857     2.553336     3.034881
         H       4     0.598862     2.553344     0.304463     3.034886
                 HEAT  OF  FORMATION  =   -32.881900  KCALS/MOLE
                   ZERO  POINT  ENERGY          18.002  KILOCALORIES  PER  MOLE          Note  4


                                                                                                            Note  5
  ROOT  NO.       1                 2                 3                 4                 5                 6

           1209.90331   1214.67040   1490.52685   2114.53841   3255.93651   3302.12319

         1     0.00000        0.00000       -0.04158       -0.25182        0.00000        0.00067
         2     0.06810        0.00001        0.00000        0.00000        0.00409        0.00000
         3     0.00000       -0.03807        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         4     0.00000        0.00000       -0.03819        0.32052        0.00000       -0.06298
         5   -0.13631       -0.00002        0.00000        0.00000        0.08457        0.00000
         6   -0.00002        0.15172        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         7   -0.53308       -0.00005        0.55756        0.08893       -0.39806        0.36994
         8     0.27166        0.00003       -0.38524        0.15510       -0.53641        0.57206
         9     0.00007       -0.60187        0.00001        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
        10     0.53307        0.00006        0.55757        0.08893        0.39803        0.36997
        11     0.27165        0.00003        0.38524       -0.15509       -0.53637       -0.57209
        12     0.00007       -0.60187        0.00001        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000

  ROOT  NO.       7                 8                 9                10                11                12

              -0.00019       -0.00044       -0.00016        3.38368        2.03661       -0.76725

         1     0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         2     0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.17792
         3     0.00000        0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000       -0.19832        0.00000
         4     0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         5     0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.17731
         6     0.00000        0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000        0.19764        0.00000
         7     0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.26930
         8     0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.35565
         9     0.00000        0.00000       -0.25401        0.70572        0.39642        0.00000
       10     0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.26930
       11     0.00000       -0.25401        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.35565
       12     0.00000        0.00000       -0.25401       -0.70572        0.39642        0.00000

                                                                                                            Note  6

 ROOT  NO.       1                 2                 3                 4                 5                 6

           1209.90331   1214.67040   1490.52685   2114.53841   3255.93651   3302.12319

         1     0.00000        0.00000       -0.16877       -0.66231        0.00000        0.00271
         2     0.26985        0.00003        0.00000        0.00000        0.01649        0.00000
         3     0.00002       -0.15005        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         4     0.00000        0.00000       -0.13432        0.73040        0.00001       -0.22013
         5   -0.46798       -0.00005        0.00000        0.00000        0.29524        0.00001
         6   -0.00006        0.51814        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         7   -0.53018       -0.00005        0.56805        0.05871       -0.40255        0.37455
         8     0.27018        0.00003       -0.39249        0.10238       -0.54246        0.57918
         9     0.00007       -0.59541        0.00001        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
       10     0.53018        0.00006        0.56806        0.05871        0.40252        0.37457
       11     0.27018        0.00003        0.39249       -0.10238       -0.54242       -0.57922
       12     0.00007       -0.59541        0.00001        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000

                                                                                                            Note  7
 ROOT  NO.       7                 8                 9                10                11                12

              -0.00025       -0.00022       -0.00047        3.38368        2.03661       -0.76725

         1     0.72996        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         2     0.00000       -0.72996        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.62774
         3     0.00000        0.00000       -0.72996        0.00000       -0.66681        0.00000
         4     0.63247        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000
         5     0.00000       -0.63247        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.54204
         6     0.00000        0.00000       -0.63247        0.00000        0.57578        0.00000
         7     0.18321        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000       -0.23848
         8     0.00000       -0.18321        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.31495
         9     0.00000        0.00000       -0.18321        0.70711        0.33455        0.00000
       10     0.18321        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.23848
       11     0.00000       -0.18321        0.00000        0.00000        0.00000        0.31495
       12     0.00000        0.00000       -0.18321       -0.70711        0.33455        0.00000

   VIBRATION     1                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        1209.90           C  2  --   H  3                 42.7%  (  79.4%)                12.6%
   T-DIPOLE     0.8545           C  2  --   H  4                 42.7%                              12.6%
   TRAVEL        0.1199           O  1  --   C  2                 14.6%                                0.0%
   RED.  MASS   1.9377

   VIBRATION     2                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        1214.67           C  2  --   H  3                 45.1%  (  62.3%)                 0.0%
   T-DIPOLE     0.1275           C  2  --   H  4                 45.1%                                0.0%
   TRAVEL        0.1360           O  1  --   C  2                   9.8%                                0.0%
   RED.  MASS   1.5004

   VIBRATION     3                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        1490.53           C  2  --   H  4                 49.6%  (  61.5%)                 0.6%
   T-DIPOLE     0.3445           C  2  --   H  3                 49.6%                                0.6%
   TRAVEL        0.1846           O  1  --   C  2                   0.9%                            100.0%
   RED.  MASS   0.6639

   VIBRATION     4                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        2114.54           O  1  --   C  2                 60.1%  (100.5%)              100.0%
   T-DIPOLE     3.3662           C  2  --   H  4                 20.0%                              17.7%
   TRAVEL        0.0484           C  2  --   H  3                 20.0%                              17.7%
   RED.  MASS   6.7922

   VIBRATION     5                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        3255.94           C  2  --   H  3                 49.5%  (  72.2%)                98.1%
   T-DIPOLE     0.7829           C  2  --   H  4                 49.5%                              98.1%
   TRAVEL        0.1174           O  1  --   C  2                   1.0%                                0.0%
   RED.  MASS   0.7508

   VIBRATION     6                   ATOM  PAIR        ENERGY  CONTRIBUTION                RADIAL
   FREQ.        3302.12           C  2  --   H  4                 49.3%  (  69.8%)                95.5%
   T-DIPOLE     0.3478           C  2  --   H  3                 49.3%                              95.5%
   TRAVEL        0.1240           O  1  --   C  2                   1.4%                            100.0%
   RED.  MASS   0.6644
                 SYSTEM  IS  A  GROUND  STATE
      FORMALDEHYDE,  MNDO  ENERGY  =  -32.8819   See  Manual.
                 MOLECULE  IS  NOT  LINEAR


                                                                                                            Note  8
                                 CALCULATED  THERMODYNAMIC  PROPERTIES
                                                  KCAL/MOL     CAL/MOLE       CAL/K/MOL     CAL/K/MOL
 298   VIB.              1.007                                23.39484       0.47839       0.09151
         ROT.        709.                                      888.305          2.981        16.026
         INT.        714.                                      911.700          3.459        16.117
         TRA.       0.159E+27                              1480.509          4.968        36.113
         TOT.                                    -32.882   2392.2088        8.4274       52.2300

                      ELEMENTS  IN  THEIR  STANDARD  STATE  AT  298K

   TOTAL  CPU  TIME:                   32.26  SECONDS

   ==  MOPAC  DONE  ==

Note 1:     All three words, ROT, FORCE, and THERMO are necessary in order to obtain thermo-
       dynamic properties.  In order to obtain results for only one temperature, THERMO has the
       first and second arguments identical.  The symmetry number for the C2v  point-group is 2.

Note 2:     Internal coordinate derivatives are in kcal/Angstrom or kcal/radian.  Values of less than
       about 0.2 are quite acceptable.

Note 3:     In larger calculations,  the time estimates are useful.  In practice they are pessimistic,
       and only about 70% of the time estimated will be used, usually.  The principal moments of
       inertia can be directly related to the microwave spectrum of the molecule.  They are simple
       functions of the geometry of the system, and are usually predicted with very high accuracy.

Note 4:     Zero point energy is already factored into the MNDO parameterization.  Force constant
       data are not printed by default.  If you want this output, specify LARGE in the keywords.

Note 5:     Normal coordinate analysis has been extensively changed.  The first set of eigenvectors
       represent the `normalized' motions of the atoms.  The sum of the speeds (not the velocities)
       of the atoms adds to unity.  This is verified by looking at the motion in the `z' direction of
       the atoms in vibration 2.  Simple addition of these terms, unsigned, adds to 1.0, whereas to
       get the same result for mode 1 the scalar of the motion of each atom needs to be calculated

       Users might be concerned about reproducibility.  As can be seen from the vibrational fre-
       quencies  from  Version  3.00  to  6.00  given  below,  the  main  difference  over  earlier  FORCE
       calculations is in the trivial frequencies.

                                             Real  Frequencies  of  Formaldehyde

         Version  3.00   1209.96     1214.96     1490.60     2114.57     3255.36     3301.57
         Version  3.10   1209.99     1215.04     1490.59     2114.57     3255.36     3301.58
         Version  4.00   1209.88     1214.67     1490.52     2114.52     3255.92     3302.10
         Version  5.00   1209.89     1214.69     1490.53     2114.53     3255.93     3302.10
         Version  6.00   1209.90     1214.67     1490.53     2114.54     3255.94     3302.12

                                           Trivial  Frequencies  of  Formaldehyde
                                  T(x)          T(y)          T(z)           R(x)          R(y)          R(z)
         Version  3.00   -0.00517   -0.00054   -0.00285     57.31498   11.59518     9.01619
         Version  3.10   -0.00557     0.00049   -0.00194     87.02506   11.18157   10.65295
         Version  4.00   -0.00044   -0.00052   -0.00041     12.99014   -3.08110   -3.15427
         Version  5.00     0.00040   -0.00044   -0.00062     21.05654     2.80744     3.83712
         Version  6.00   -0.00025   -0.00022   -0.00047       3.38368     2.03661   -0.76725

Note 6:      Normal modes are not of much use in assigning relative importance to atoms in a mode.
       Thus  in  iodomethane  it  is  not  obvious  from  an  examination  of  the  normal  modes  which
       mode represents the C-I stretch.  A more useful description is provided by the energy or
       mass-weighted coordinate analysis.  Each set of three coefficients now represents the relative
       energy carried by an atom.  (This is not strictly accurate as a definition, but is believed (by
       JJPS) to be more useful than the stricter definition.)

Note 7:      The following description of the coordinate analysis is given without rigorous justifica-
       tion.  Again, the analysis, although difficult to understand, has been found to be more useful
       than previous descriptions.

       On the left-hand side are printed the frequencies and transition dipoles.  Underneath these
       are the reduced masses and idealized distances traveled which represent the simple harmonic
       motion of the vibration.  The mass is assumed to be attached by a spring to an infinite mass.
       Its displacement is the travel.

       The next column is a list of all pairs of atoms that contribute significantly to the energy of
       the mode.  Across from each pair (next column) is the percentage energy contribution of the
       pair to the mode, calculated according to the formula described below.

                                           Formula for energy contribution

       The total vibrational energy, T , carried by all pairs of bonded atoms in a molecule is first
       calculated.  For any given pair of atoms, A and B, the relative contribution, R(A; B), as a
       percentage, is given by the energy of the pair, P (A; B), times 100 divided by T , i.e.,

                                                  R(A; B) = 100_x_P_(A;_B)_____T

       As an example, for formaldehyde the energy carried by the pair of atoms (C,O) is added to
       the energy of the two (C,H) pairs to give a total, T .  Note that this total cannot be related
       to anything which is physically meaningful (there is obvious double-counting),  but it is a
       convenient artifice.  For mode 4, the C=O stretch, the relative contribution of the carbon-
       oxygen pair is 60.1%.  It might be expected to be about 100% (after all, we envision the C=O
       bond as absorbing the photon); however, the fact that the carbon atom is vibrating implies
       that it is changing its position relative to the two hydrogen atoms.  If the total vibrational
       energy,  Ev  (the  actual  energy  of  the  absorbed  photon,  as  distinct  from  T ),  were  carried
       equally by the carbon and oxygen atoms, then the relative contributions to the mode would
       be C=O, 50% ; C-H, 25% ; C-H, 25%, respectively.  This leads to the next entry, which is
       given in parentheses.

       For the pair with the highest relative contribution (in mode 4, the C=O stretch), the energy
       of that pair divided by the total energy of the mode, Ev , is calculated as a percentage.  This
       is the absolute contribution, A as a percentage, to the total energy of the mode.

                                                  A(A; B) = 100_x_P_(A;_B)_____E

       Now the C=O is seen to contribute 100.5 percent of the energy.  For this sort of partitioning
       only the sum of all A's must add to 100%, each pair can contribute more or less than 100%.
       In  the  case  of  a  free  rotator,  e.g.  ethane,  the  A  of  any  specific  bonded  pair  to  the  total
       energy can be very high (several hundred percent).

       It may be easier to view P=Ev  as a contribution to the total energy of the mode, Ev .  In this
       case the fact that P=Ev  can be greater than unity can be explained by the fact that there
       are other relative motions within the molecule which make a negative contribution to Ev .

       From the R's an idea can be obtained of where the energy of the mode is going; from the A
       value the significance of the highest contribution can be inferred.  Thus, in mode 4 all three
       bonds are excited, but because the C=O bond carries about 100% of the energy, it is clear
       that this is really a C=O bond stretch mode, and that the hydrogens are only going along
       for the ride.

       In the last column the percentage radial motion is printed.  This is useful in assigning the
       mode as stretching or bending.  Any non-radial motion is de-facto tangential or bending.

       To summarize:  The new analysis is more difficult to understand, but is considered by the
       author (JJPS) to be the easiest way of describing what are often complicated vibrations.

Note 8:     In order, the thermodynamic quantities calculated are:

          1.  The vibrational contribution,

          2.  The rotational contribution,

          3.  The sum of (1) and (2), this gives the internal contribution,

          4.  The translational contribution.
              For partition functions the various contributions are multiplied together.
              A new quantity is the heat of formation at the defined temperature.  This is intended
              for use in calculating heats of reaction.  Because of a limitation in the data available, the
              H.o.F. at T Kelvin is defined as "The heat of formation of the compound at T Kelvin
              from  it's  elements  in  their  standard  state  at  298  Kelvin".  Obviously,  this  definition
              of heat of formation is incorrect, but should be useful in calculating heats of reaction,
              where the elements in their standard state at 298 Kelvin drop out.

5.3        Example  of  reaction  path  with  symmetry

In this example,  one methyl group in ethane is rotated relative to the other and the geometry
is  optimized  at  each  point.  As  the  reaction  coordinate  involves  three  hydrogen  atoms  moving,
symmetry is imposed to ensure equivalence of all hydrogens.

       Line   1:                SYMMETRY     T=600
       Line   2:       ROTATION  OF  METHYL  GROUP  IN  ETHANE
       Line   4:       C
       Line   5:       C       1.479146  1
       Line   6:       H       1.109475  1   111.328433  1
       Line   7:       H       1.109470  0   111.753160  0   120.000000  0     2   1   3
       Line   8:       H       1.109843  0   110.103163  0   240.000000  0     2   1   3
       Line   9:       H       1.082055  0   121.214083  0     60.000000  -1   1   2   3
       Line  10:       H       1.081797  0   121.521232  0   180.000000  0     1   2   3
       Line  11:       H       1.081797  0   121.521232  0   -60.000000  0     1   2   3
       Line  12:       0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
       Line  13:       3  1  4  5  6  7  8
       Line  14:       3  2  4  5  6  7  8
       Line  15:       6  7  7
       Line  16:       6  11  8
       Line  17:
       Line  18:        70  80  90  100  110  120  130  140  150
    Points to note:

    1. The  dihedrals  of  the  second  and  third  hydrogens  are  not  marked  for  optimization:   the
       dihedrals follow from point-group symmetry.

    2. All six C-H bond lengths and H-C-C angles are related by symmetry:  see lines 13 and 14.

    3. The dihedral on line 9 is the reaction coordinate, while the dihedrals on lines 10 and 11 are
       related to it by symmetry functions on lines 15 and 16.  The symmetry functions are defined
       by the second number on lines 13 to 16 (see SYMMETRY for definitions of functions 1, 2,
       7, and 11).

    4. Symmetry data are ended by a blank line.

    5. The reaction coordinate data are ended by the end of file.  Several lines of data are allowed.

    6. Whenever symmetry is used in addition to other data below the geometry definition it will
       always  follow  the  "blank  line"  immediately  following  the  geometry  definition.  The  other
       data will always follow the symmetry data.
Chapter   6


6.1        Introduction

While all the theory used in MOPAC is in the literature, so that in principle one could read and
understand the algorithm, many parts of the code involve programming concepts or constructions
which, while not of sufficient importance to warrant publication, are described here in order to
facilitate understanding.
6.2        AIDER

AIDER will allow gradients to be defined for a system.  MOPAC will calculate gradients, as usual,
and will then use the supplied gradients to form an error function. This error function is: (supplied
gradients - initial calculated gradients), which is then added to the computed gradients, so that
for the initial SCF, the apparent gradients will equal the supplied gradients.
    A typical data-set using AIDER would look like this:

      PM3  AIDER  AIGOUT  GNORM=0.01  EF

    X        1       1.0
    C        1       CX       2   CXX
    C        1       CX       2   CXX       3   120.000000
    C        1       CX       2   CXX       3  -120.000000
    X        1       1.0     2   90.0     3       0.000000
    X        1       1.0     6   90.0     2   180.000000
    C        1       CX       7   CXX       3   180.000000
    C        1       CX       7   CXX       3     60.000000
    C        1       CX       7   CXX       3   -60.000000
    H        3       H1C     1   H1CX     2       0.000000
    H        4       H1C     1   H1CX     2       0.000000
    H        5       H1C     1   H1CX     2       0.000000
    H        8       H1C     1   H1CX     2   180.000000
    H        9       H1C     1   H1CX     2   180.000000
    H       10       H1C     1   H1CX     2   180.000000
    H        3       H2C     1   H2CX     2   180.000000
    H        4       H2C     1   H2CX     2   180.000000
    H        5       H2C     1   H2CX     2   180.000000
    H        8       H2C     1   H2CX     2       0.000000
     H        9       H2C     1   H2CX     2       0.000000
     H       10       H2C     1   H2CX     2       0.000000
     CX          1.46613
     H1C        1.10826
     H2C        1.10684
     CXX       80.83255
     H1CX   103.17316
     H2CX   150.96100

      13.7589     -1.7383
      13.7589     -1.7383       0.0000
      13.7589     -1.7383       0.0000
        0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
        0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
      13.7589     -1.7383       0.0000
      13.7589     -1.7383       0.0000
      13.7589     -1.7383       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.8599     -2.1083       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000
     -17.5612     -0.6001       0.0000

    Each supplied gradient goes with the corresponding internal coordinate.  In the example given,
the gradients came from a 3-21G calculation on the geometry shown.  Symmetry will be taken into
account automatically.  Gaussian prints out gradients in atomic units; these need to be converted
into  kcal/mol/Angstrom  or  kcal/mol/radian  for  MOPAC  to  use.  The  resulting  geometry  from
the MOPAC run will be nearer to the optimized 3-21G geometry than if the normal geometry
optimizers in Gaussian had been used.

6.3        Correction  to  the  peptide  linkage

The residues in peptides are joined together by peptide linkages,  -HNCO-.  These linkages are
almost  flat,  and  normally  adopt  a  trans  configuration;  the  hydrogen  and  oxygen  atoms  being
on opposite sides of the C-N bond.  Experimentally, the barrier to interconversion in N-methyl
acetamide is about 14 kcal/mole, but all four methods within MOPAC predict a significantly lower
barrier, PM3 giving the lowest value.
    The  low  barrier  can  be  traced  to  the  tendency  of  semiempirical  methods  to  give  pyramidal
nitrogens.  The degree to which pyramidalization of the nitrogen atom is preferred can be seen in
the following series of compounds.

            Compound          MINDO/3       MNDO       AM1       PM3        Exp

   Ammonia                     Py                Py        Py        Py          Py
   Aniline                     Py                Py        Py        Py          Py
   Formamide                 Py                Py        Flat     Py          Py
   Acetamide                 Flat             Py        Flat     Py          Flat
   N-methyl  formamide   Flat             Py        Flat     Py          Flat
   N-methyl  acetamide   Flat             Flat     Flat     Py          Flat

    To correct this, a molecular-mechanics correction has been applied.  This consists of identifying
the -R-HNCO- unit, and adding a torsion potential of form:

                                                         k x sin `2

where ` is the X-N-C-O angle, X=R or H, and k varies from method to method.  This has two
effects:  there is a force constraining the nitrogen to be planar, and HNCO barrier in N-methyl
acetamide is raised to 14.00 kcal/mole.  When the MM correction is in place, the nitrogen atom
for all methods for the last three compounds shown above is planar.  The correction should be


   1.  This  correction  will  lead  to  errors  of  0.5-1.5  kcal/mole  if  the  peptide  linkage  is  made  or
       broken in a reaction calculation.

   2.  If the correction is applied to formamide the nitrogen will be flat, contrary to experiment.

   3.  When calculating rotation barriers, take into account the rapid rehybridization which occurs.
       When the dihedral is 0 or 180 degrees the nitrogen will be planar (sp2), but at 90 degrees
       the nitrogen should be pyramidal, as the partial double bond is broken.  At that geometry
       the  true  transition  state  involves  motion  of  the  nitrogen  substituent  so  that  the  nitrogen
       in the transition state is more nearly sp2.  In other words, a simple rotation of the HNCO
       dihedral will not yield the activation barrier, however it will be within 2 kcal/mole of the
       correct answer.  The 14 kcal barrier mentioned earlier refers to the true transition state.

   4.  Any  job  involving  a  CONH  group  will  require  either  the  keyword  NOMM  or  MMOK.  If
       you do not want the correction to be applied,  use the keyword "NOMM" (NO Molecular
6.4        Level  of  precision  within  MOPAC

Several users have criticised the tolerances within MOPAC. The point made is that significantly
different results have been obtained when different starting conditions have been used, even when
the same conformer should have resulted.  Of course, different results must be expected _ there
will  always  be  small  differences  _  nonetheless  any  differences  should  be  small,  e.g.   heats  of
formation (HoF) differences should be less than about 0.1 kcal/mole.  MOPAC has been modified
to allow users to specify a much higher precision than the default when circumstances warrant it.

Reasons for low precision

There are several reasons for obtaining low quality results.  The most obvious cause of such errors
is  that  for  general  work  the  default  criteria  will  result  in  a  difference  in  HoF  of  less  than  0.1
kcal/mole.  This is only true for fairly rigid systems, e.g.  formaldehyde and benzene.  For systems
with low barriers to rotation or flat potential surfaces, e.g.  aniline or water dimer, quite large HoF
errors can result.
Various precision levels

In normal (non-publication quality) work the default precision of MOPAC is recommended.  This
will allow reasonably precise results to be obtained in a reasonable time.  Unless this precision
proves unsatisfactory, use this default for all routine work.
    The  best  way  of  controlling  the  precision  of  the  geometry  optimization  and  gradient  mini-
mization is by specifying a gradient norm which must be satisfied.  This is done via the keyword
GNORM=.  Altering the GNORM automatically disables the other termination tests resulting in
the gradient norm dominating the calculation.  This works both ways:  a GNORM of 20 will give a
very crude optimization while a GNORM of 0.01 will give a very precise optimization.  The default
GNORM is 1.0.
    When  the  highest  precision  is  needed,  such  as  in  exacting  geometry  work,  or  when  you
want results which cannot be improved,  then use the combination keywords GNORM=0.0 and
SCFCRT=1.D-NN;  NN  should  be  in  the  range  2-15.  Increasing  the  SCF  criterion  (the  default  is
SCFCRT=1.D-4) helps the line search routines by increasing the precision of the heat of formation
calculation; however, it can lead to excessive run times, so take care.  Also, there is an increased
chance of not achieving an SCF when the SCF criterion is excessively increased.
    Superficially, requesting a GNORM of zero might seem excessively stringent, but as soon as
the run starts, it will be cut back to 0.01.  Even that might seem too stringent.  The geometry
optimization will continue to lower the energy, and hopefully the GNORM, but frequently it will
not prove possible to lower the GNORM to 0.01.  If, after 10 cycles, the energy does not drop then
the job will be stopped.  At this point you have the best geometry that MOPAC, in its current
form, can give.
    If a slightly less than highest precision is needed, such as for normal publication quality work,
set the GNORM to the limit wanted.  For example, for a flexible system, a GNORM of 0.1 to 0.5
will normally be good enough for all but the most demanding work.
    If higher than the default, but still not very high precision is wanted, then use the keyword
PRECISE. This will tighten up various criteria so that higher than routine precision will be given.
    If  high  precision  is  used,  so  that  the  printed  GNORM  is  0.000,  and  the  resulting  geometry
resubmitted for one SCF and gradients calculation, then normally a GNORM higher than 0.000
will result.  This is NOT an error in MOPAC: the geometry printed is only precise to six figures
after the decimal point.  Geometries need to be specified to more than six decimals in order to
drive the GNORM to less than 0.000.
    If you want to test MOPAC, or use it for teaching purposes, the GNORM lower limit of 0.01 can
be overridden by specifying LET, in which case you can specify any limit for GNORM. However,
if it is too low the job may finish due to an irreducible minimum in the heat of formation being
encountered.  If this happens, the "STATIONARY POINT" message will be printed.
    Finally there is a full analytical derivative function within MOPAC. These use STO-6G Gaus-
sian wavefunctions because the derivatives of the overlap integral are easier to calculate in Gaus-
sians than in STO's.  Consequently, there will be a small difference in the calculated HoFs when
analytical derivatives are used.  If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the finite derivatives,
try using the analytical derivatives.  They are a bit slower than finite derivatives but are more
precise (a rough estimate is 12 figures for finite difference, 14 for analytical).
    Some calculations, mainly open shell RHF or closed shell RHF with C.I. have untracked errors
which prevent very high precision.  For these systems GNORM should be in the range 1.0 to 0.1.

How large can a gradient be and still be acceptable?

A common source of confusion is the limit to which the GNORM should be reduced in order to
obtain acceptable results.  There is no easy answer, however a few guidelines can be given.
    First of all reducing the GNORM to an arbitarily small number is not sensible.  If the keywords
GNORM=0.000001, LET, and EF are used, a geometry con be obtained which is precise to about
0.000001 A. If ANALYT is also used, the results obtained will be slightly different.  Chemically,
this change is meaningless, and no significance should be attached to such numbers.  In addition,
any minor change to the algorithm, such as porting it to a new machine, will give rise to small
changes in the optimized geometry.  Even the small changes involved in going from MOPAC 5.00
to MOPAC 6.00 caused small changes in the optimized geometry of test molecules.
    As a guide, a GNORM of 0.1 is sufficient for all heat-of-formation work, and a GNORM of 0.01
for most geometry work.  If the system is large, you may need to settle for a GNORM of 1.0-0.5.
    This whole topic was raised by Dr. Donald B. Boyd of Lilly Research Laboratories, who pro-
vided unequivocal evidence for a failure of MOPAC and convinced me of the importance of in-
creasing precision in certain circumstances.

6.5        Convergence  tests  in  subroutine  ITER

Self-consistency test

The SCF iterations are stopped when two tests are satisfied.  These are (1) when the difference
in  electronic  energy,  in  eV,  between  any  two  consecutive  iterations  drops  below  the  adjustable
parameter, SELCON, and the difference between any three consecutive iterations drops below ten
times SELCON, and (2) the difference in density matrix elements on two successive iterations falls
below a preset limit, which is a multiple of SELCON.
    SELCON  is  set  initially  to  0.0001  kcal/mole;  this  can  be  made  100  times  smaller  by  spec-
ifying  PRECISE  or  FORCE.  It  can  be  over-ridden  by  explicitly  defining  the  SCF  criterion  via
    SELCON is further modified by the value of the gradient norm, if known.  If GNORM is large,
then  a  more  lax  SCF  criterion  is  acceptable,  and  SCFCRT  can  be  relaxed  up  to  50  times  it's
default value.  As the gradient norm drops, the SCF criterion returns to its default value.
    The SCF test is performed using the energy calculated from the Fock matrix which arises from
a density matrix,  and not from the density matrix which arises from a Fock.  In the limit,  the
two  energies  would  be  identical,  but  the  first  converges  faster  than  the  second,  without  loss  of

6.6        Convergence  in  SCF  calculation

A brief description of the convergence techniques used in subroutine ITER follows.
    ITER, the SCF calculation, employs six methods to achieve a self-consistent field.  In order of
usage, these are:

   1.  Intrinsic convergence by virtue of the way the calculation is carried out.  Thus a trial Fock
       gives rise to a trial density matrix, which in turn is used to generate a better Fock matrix.

       This is normally convergent, but many exceptions are known.  The main situations when the
       intrinsic convergence does not work are:

        (a)   A bad starting density matrix.  This normally occurs when the default starting density
              matrix is used.  This is a very crude approximation, and is only used to get the calcu-
              lation started.  A large charge is generated on an atom in the first iteration, the second
              iteration overcompensates, and an oscillation is generated.

        (b)   The equations are only very slowly convergent.  This can be due to a long-lived oscilla-
              tion or to a slow transfer of charge.

   2.  Oscillation damping.  If, on any two consecutive iterations, a density matrix element changes
       by more than 0.05, then the density matrix element is set equal to the old element shifted
       by 0.05 in the direction of the calculated element.  Thus, if on iterations 3 and 4 a certain
       density matrix element was 0.55 and 0.78,  respectively,  then the element would be set to
       0.60 (=0.55+0.05) on iteration 4.  The density matrix from iteration 4 would then be used
       in the construction of the next Fock matrix.  The arrays which hold the old density matrices
       are not filled until after iteration 2.  For this reason they are not used in the damping before
       iteration 3.

    3. Three-point interpolation of the density matrix.  Subroutine CNVG monitors the number
       of iterations, and if this is exactly divisible by three, and certain other conditions relating
       to the density matrices are satisfied, a three-point interpolation is performed.  This is the
       default  converger,  and  is  very  effective  with  normally  convergent  calculations.   It  fails  in
       certain systems, usually those where significant charge build-up is present.

    4. Energy-level shift technique.  The virtual M.O. energy levels are normally shifted to more
       positive energy.  This has the effect of damping oscillations, and intrinsically divergent equa-
       tions can often be changed to intrinsically convergent form.  With slowly-convergent systems
       the virtual M.O. energy levels can be moved to a more negative value.

       The precise value of the shift used depends on the behavior of the iteration energy.  If it is
       dropping, then the HOMO-LUMO gap is reduced, if the iteration energy rises, the gap is
       increased rapidly.

    5. Pulay's method.  If requested, when the largest change in density matrix elements on two
       consecutive iterations has dropped below 0.1, then routine CNVG is abandoned in favor of a
       multi-Fock matrix interpolation.  This relies on the fact that the eigenvectors of the density
       and Fock matrices are identical at self-consistency, so [P.F]=0 at SCF. The extent to which
       this  condition  does  not  occur  is  a  measure  of  the  deviance  from  self-consistency.  Pulay's
       method uses this relationship to calculate that linear combination of Fock matrices which
       minimize [P.F]. This new Fock matrix is then used in the SCF calculation.

       Under certain circumstances, Pulay's method can cause very slow convergence, but some-
       times it is the only way to achieve a self-consistent field.  At other times the procedure gives
       a ten-fold increase in speed, so care must be exercised in its use.  (invoked by the keyword

    6. The Camp-King converger. If all else fails, the Camp-King converger is just about guaranteed
       to work every time.  However, it is time-consuming, and therefore should only be invoked as
       a last resort.

       It evaluates that linear combination of old and current eigenvectors which minimize the total
       energy.  One of its strengths is that systems which otherwise oscillate due to charge surges,
       e.g.  CHO-H, the C-H distance being very large, will converge using this very sophisticated
6.7        Causes  of  failure  to  achieve  an  SCF

In a system where a biradical can form, such as ethane decomposing into two CH3 units, the normal
RHF  procedure  can  fail  to  go  self-consistent.  If  the  system  has  marked  biradicaloid  character,
then BIRADICAL or UHF and TRIPLET can often prove successful.  These options rely on the
assumption that two unpaired electrons can represent the open shell part of the wave-function.
    Consider H-Cl, with the interatomic distance being steadily increased.  At first the covalent
bond  will  be  strong,  and  a  self-consistent  field  is  readily  obtained.   Gradually  the  bond  will
become more ionic, and eventually the charge on chlorine will become very large.  The hydrogen,
meanwhile, will become very electropositive, and there will be an increased energy advantage to
any  one  electron  to  transfer  from  chlorine  to  hydrogen.   If  this  in  fact  occurred,  the  hydrogen
would suddenly become very electron-rich and would, on the next iteration, lose its extra electron
to the chlorine.  A sustained oscillation would then be initiated.  To prevent this, if BIRADICAL
is specified, exactly one electron will end up on hydrogen.  A similar result can be obtained by
specifying TRIPLET in a UHF calculation.
6.8        Torsion  or  dihedral  angle  coherency

MOPAC calculations do not distinguish between enantiomers, consequently the sign of the dihe-
drals  can  be  multiplied  by  -1  and  the  calculations  will  be  unaffected.  However,  if  chirality  is
important, a user should be aware of the sign convention used.
    The dihedral angle convention used in MOPAC is that defined by Klyne and Prelog in Ex-
perientia  16,  521  (1960).   In  this  convention,  four  atoms,  AXYB,  with  a  dihedral  angle  of  90
degrees, will have atom B rotated by 90 degrees clockwise relative to A when X and Y are lined
up in the direction of sight, X being nearer to the eye.  In their words, "To distinguish between
enantiomeric types the angle `tau' is considered as positive when it is measured clockwise from the
front substituent A to the rear substituent B, and negative when it is measured anticlockwise."
The alternative convention was used in all earlier programs, including QCPE 353.

6.9        Vibrational  analysis

Analyzing normal coordinates is very tedious.  Users are normally familiar with the internal co-
ordinates of the system they are studying,  but not familiar with the cartesian coordinates.  To
help characterize the normal coordinates, a very simple analysis is done automatically, and users
are  strongly  encouraged  to  use  this  analysis  first,  and  then  to  look  at  the  normal  coordinate
    In the analysis, each pair of bonded atoms is examined to see if there is a large relative motion
between them.  By bonded is meant within the Van der Waals' distance.  If there is such a motion,
the indices of the atoms, the relative distance in Angstroms, and the percentage radial motion are
printed.  Radial plus tangential motion adds to 100%, but as there are two orthogonal tangential
motions and only one radial, the radial component is printed.

6.10         A  note  on  thermochemistry


                                                     Tsuneo Hirano
                                        Department of Synthetic Chemistry
                                                Faculty of Engineering
                                                  University of Tokyo
                                         Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

6.10.1        Basic  Physical  Constants

Taken from:  "Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry," Blackwell Scientific Publi-
cations Ltd, Oxford OX2 0EL, UK, 1987 (IUPAC, based on CODATA of ICSU, 1986).  pp 81-82.

      |  Speed of light, c = 2:99792458 x 10    cm/s (Definition)-23           -16                      |
      |  Boltzmann constant, k = R=N a = 1:380658-x3104     J/K = 1:380658-x2107     erg/K  |
      |  Planck constant, h = 6:6260755 x 10      J s = 6:6260755 x 10      erg s                   |
      |  Gas constant, R = 8:314510 J/mol/K = 1:9872162cal/mol/K3                               |
      |  Avogadro number, Na  = 6:0221367 x 10    /mol                                                 |
      |  Volume of 1 mol7of gas, V0 = 22:41410 l/mol (at 1 atm, 25 C)                               |
      |  1 J = 1: x 10   erg                                                                                        |
      |  1 kcal = 4:184 kJ (Definition)                                                                        |
      |  1 eV = 23:0606 kcal/mol                                                                               |
      |  1 a.u.-1= 27:21135 eV/mol = 627.509 6 kcal/mol7                                               |
      |  1 cm    = 2:859144 cal/mol5= Na hc=4:1846        2                                              |
    Moment of inertia:  I 1 amu angstrom2  = 1:660540 x 10-40   g cm2 .
    Rotational constants:  A, B, and C (e.g.  A = h=(8ss2 I))
With I in amu angstroms2  then:  A (in MHz) = 5:053791 x 105 =I
A (in cm-1 ) = 5:053791 x 105 =cI = 16:85763=I

6.10.2        Thermochemistry  from  ab  initio  MO  methods

Ab initio MO methods provide total energies, Eeq , as the sum of electronic and nuclear-nuclear
repulsion energies for molecules, isolated in vacuum, without vibration at 0 K.

                                             Eeq  = Eel + Enuclear-nuclear                                              (6:1)

>From the 0 K potential surface and using the harmonic oscillator approximation, we can calculate
the vibrational frequencies,  i, of the normal modes of vibration.  Using these, we can calculate
vibrational,  rotational and translational contributions to the thermodynamic quantities such as
the partition function and heat capacity which arise from heating the system from 0 to T K.
    Q:  partition function, E:  energy, S:  entropy, and C:  heat capacity.


                                                  X                1
                                           Qvib =      ________________                                       (6:2)
                                                    i  [1 - exp (-h i=kT )]

Evib , for a molecule at the temperature T  as:

                                           X    aeh i      h i exp (-h i=kT )       oe
                                    Evib =        _____ + ________________                                    (6:3)
                                             i      2     [1 - exp (-h i=kT )]

where  h  is  the  Planck  constant,   i  the  i-th  normal  vibration  frequency,  and  k  the  Boltzmann
constant.  For 1 mole of molecules, Evib  should be multiplied by the Avogadro number Na  = R=k.
Thus:                                       X    ae                                  oe

                                  Evib = Na         h_i__+ _h_i_exp_(-h_i=kT_)_______                                   (6:4)
                                              i       2    [1 - exp (-h i=kT )]

    Note that the first term in equation (6.4) is the Zero-point vibration energy.  Hence, the second
term in eq. (6.4) is the additional vibrational contribution due to the temperature increase from
0 K to T K. Namely,

                                            Evib     =    Ezero + Evib (0 ! T )                                         (6.5)
                                                             X    h i
                                           Ezero     =    Na      _____                                                 (6.6)
                                                               i    2
                                                             X     h i exp (-h i=kT )
                                 Evib (0 ! T )       =    Na      ________________                            (6.7)
                                                               i  [1 - exp (-h i=kT )]

The value of Evib  from GAUSSIAN 82 and 86 includes Ezero  as defined by Eqs. (6.4,6.7).

                                  X    ae(h i=kT ) exp (-h i=kT )                                oe
                   Svib    =    R        _____________________ - ln[1 - exp (-h i=kT )]                       (6.8)
                                    i      [1 - exp (-h ii=kT )]
                                  X    ae(h i=kT )2 exp  (-h i=kT )       oe
                  Cvib     =    R        _______________________2                                             (6.9)
                                    i       [1 - exp (-h i=kT )]

    At temperature T > 0 K, a molecule rotates about the x, y, and z-axes and translates in x, y,
and z-directions.  By assuming the equipartition of energy, energies for rotation and translation,
Erot and Etr, are calculated.

oe is symmetry number.  I  is moment of inertia.  IA , IB , and IC  are moments of inertia about A,
B, and C axes.

Linear molecule

                                                   2 IkT
                                  Qrot    =     8ss_______oeh2                                                         (6.10)

                                  Erot    =    (2=2)RT                                                                 (6.11)
                                                    ~    2      ~

                                  Srot    =    R ln   8ss__IkT__oeh2+ R                                                (6.12)

                                          =    R ln I + R ln T - R ln oe - 4:349203

where -4:349203 = R ln[8 x 10-16  ss2 k=(Na h2 )] + R.

                                                      Crot = (2=2)R                                                    (6:13)

Non-linear molecule

                          ` p  __' ~    2     ~ 3=2 p  __________

            Qrot    =       ___ss_oe 8ss__kT__h2       IA IB IC

                          ` p  __' ~ `     2     '  `    2      '  `    2      ' ~ 1=2 `      ' 3=2

                    =       ___ss_oe    8ss__cIA__h   8ss__cIB__h    8ss__cIC__h         kT__hc                        (6.14)

            Erot    =     (3=2)RT                                                                                      (6.15)
                                ( `       ' `     2     '  `     2     '  `     2     '  `      ' 3)

            Srot    =     R__2ln     _ss__p_   8ss__cIA__     8ss__cIB__     8ss__cIC__    kT__       + (3=2)R         (6.16)
                                        oe         h              h              h          hc

                    =     (R=2) ln (IA IB IC )  + (3=2)R ln T - R ln oe - 5:3863921

    Here, -5:3863921 is calculated as:
                                 (     `    -16   ' 3=2                          )
                                                        p  _____________
                            R ln    1___h310______N        (3 x 29 x ss7 x k)        + (3=2)R:

                                                      Crot = (3=2)R                                                    (6:17)


M  is Molecular weight.

                                _  p  ________________! 3
                                      2ssM kT =Na
                  Qtra     =       _________h                                                                (6.18)

                  Etra     =    (3=2)RT                                                                                (6.19)
                                  ae           `      '                 `     '                  oe

                   Stra    =    R   5_2+ 3_2ln   2ssk_h2 + ln k + 3_2ln   M___N  + 5_ ln T - ln p                      (6.20)
                                                                               a   2
                           =    (5=2)R ln T + (3=2)R ln M - R ln p - 2:31482                                           (6.21)

                  Ctra     =    (5=2)R                                                                                 (6.22)

or Htra = (5=2)RT  due to the pV  term (cf.  H = U + pV ).  The internal energy U  at T  is:

                                           U = Eeq + [Evib + Erot + Etra]                                              (6:23)
                                U = Eeq + [(Ezero + Evib (0 ! T )) + Erot + Etra]                                      (6:24)

Enthalpy H for one mole of gas is defined as

                                                       H = U + pV                                                      (6:25)

Assumption of an ideal gas (i.e., pV  = RT ) leads to

                                                H = U + pV  = U + RT                                                   (6:26)

Thus, Gibbs free energy G can be calculated as:

                                                  G = H - T S(0 ! T )                                                  (6:27)

Thermochemistry  in  MOPAC

It should be noted that MO parameters for MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1 and PM3 are optimized so
as to reproduce the experimental heat of formation (i.e., standard enthalpy of formation or the
enthalpy change to form a mole of compound at 25 degrees C from its elements in their standard
state) as well as observed geometries (mostly at 25 degrees C), and not to reproduce the Eeq  and
equilibrium geometry at 0 K.
    In this sense, Escf (defined as Heat of formation), force constants, normal vibration frequencies
etc are all related to the values at 25 degree C, not to 0 K!!!!!  Therefore, the Ezero  calculated in
FORCE is not the true Ezero .  Its use as Ezero  should be made at your own risk, bearing in mind
the situation discussed above.
    Since Escf is standard enthalpy of formation (at 25 degree C):

 Escf = Eeq +Ezero +Evib (0 ! 298:15)+Erot +Etra +pV +     [-Eelec(atom   ) +  Hf (atom   )]                           (6:28)

To avoid the complication arising from the definition of Escf, within the thermodynamics calcula-
tion the Standard Enthalpy of Formation,  H, is calculated by

                                               H = Escf + (HT  - H298 )                                                (6:29)

    Here,  Escf  is  the  heat  of  formation  (at  25  degree  C)  given  in  the  output  list,  and  HT  and
H298  are the enthalpy contributions for the increase of the temperature from 0 K to T  and 298.15,
respectively. In other words, the enthalpy of formation is corrected for the difference in temperature
from 298.15 K to T .  The method of calculation for T  and H298  will be given below.
    In MOPAC, the variables defined below are used:

                                                         C1 = _hc_kT                                                   (6:30)

The wavenumber, !i, in cm-1 :
                                                           i = !ic                                                     (6:31)

                           EWJ   = exp  (-h i=kT ) = exp  (-!ihc=kT ) = exp  (-!iC1 )                                  (6:32)

The rotational constants A, B, and C in cm-1 :

                                                      A = _____h______(8ss2 cI                                         (6:33)
                                                                              A )

    Energy  and  Enthalpy  in  cal/mol,  and  Entropy  in  cal/mol/K.  Thus,  eqs.  (6.2-6.27)  can  be
written as follows.

                                              X          1
                             Qvib     =    ss      ______________                                                      (6.34)
                                                i  (1 - EWJ  )
                               E0     =     __0:5Na_hc_____4:184!xi107                                                 (6.35)
                                                    X        i

                                      =    1:429572      !i                                                            (6.36)
                                                 X     !iEWJ                X     WiEWJ
                   Evib (0 ! T )      =    Na hc      ____________= (R=k)hc      ____________                          (6.37)
                                                  i   1 - EWJ                i   1 - EWJ
                                                     X    ae  !iEWJ       oe     X
                              Svib    =    R(hc=kT )        ______________   - R      ln(1 - EWJ  )
                                                      i     (1 - EWJ  )            i
                                               X    ae   !iEWJ      oe     X
                                      =    RC1        ______________   - R      ln(1 - EWJ  )                          (6.38)
                                                 i    (1 - EWJ  )            i
                                                      X    ae   !2 EWJ       oe
                             Cvib     =    R(hc=kT )2        ____i__________2
                                                        i    (1 - EWJ  )
                                               X    ae   !2 EWJ       oe
                                      =    RC21        ___i___________2                                                (6.39)
                                                 i     (1 - EWJ  )


Linear molecule

                Qrot     =    (1=oe)(1=A)(kT =hc) = ___1____oeAC                                                       (6.40)
                Erot     =    (2=2)RT                                                                                  (6.41)
                                   `         '               `         '              `         '

                 Srot    =    R ln   __kT____oehcA+ R = R ln   ___1____oeAC+ R = R ln   __kT____   + R                 (6.42)
                                                                           1            oehcA
                Crot     =    (2=2)R                                                                                   (6.43)

Non-linear molecule

                                              ~              ~1=2

                             Qrot    =     1_oe _____ss______(ABCC3                                                    (6.44)
                                                                  1 )
                             Erot    =     (3=2)RT                                                                     (6.45)
                                                 (             `      ' 3)

                             Srot    =     R__2ln   ____ss_____oe2kABCT_hc  + (3=2)R

                                                                           i    ss  j
                                     =     0:5R3 ln(kT =hc) - 2 ln oe + ln   _______ABC+ 3                             (6.46)
                                                                       i    ss  j
                                     =     0:5R-3 ln C1 - 2 ln oe + ln   _______ABC+ 3

                             Crot    =     (3=2)R                                                                      (6.47)


                                   _ p  ________________! 3   _  p ______________________ ! 3
                                        2ssM kT =Na                1:660540 x-24  x2ssM kT
                     Qtra    =       _________h   =    _________________________h                  (6.48)
                     Etra     =    (3=2)RT                                                                             (6.49)

                     Htra     =    (3=2)RT + pV  = (5=2)RT cf:  pV  = RT                                               (6.50)

                      Stra    =    (R=2)[5 ln T + 3 ln M ] - 2:31482 cf: p = 1atm

                              =    0:993608[5 ln T + 3 ln M ] - 2:31482                                                (6.51)

    In MOPAC:
                                                  Hvib = Evib (0 ! T )                                                 (6:52)

    (Note:  Ezero  is not  included in Hvib  !i is not derived from force-constants at 0 K) and for T :

                                              HT  = [Hvib + Hrot + Htra]                                               (6:53)

while for T = 298:15 K:
                                             H298  = [Hvib + Hrot + Htra]                                              (6:54)

    Note that HT  (and H298 ) is equivalent to:

                                        (Evib - Ezero ) + Erot + (Etra + pV )                                          (6:55)

except that the normal frequencies are those obtained from force constants at 25 degree C, or at
least not at 0 K.
    Thus, Standard Enthalpy of Formation,  H, can be calculated according to Eqs. (6.24,6.25)
and (6.28), as shown in Eq. (6.29);

                                               H = Escf + (HT  - H298 )                                                (6:56)

Note that Ezero  is already counted in Escf, see Eq. (6.28).
    By using Eq. (6.26), Standard Internal Energy of Formation,  U , can be calculated as:

                                              U =  H - R(T - 298:15)                                                   (6:57)

    Standard  Gibbs  Free-Energy  of  Formation,   G,  can  be  calculated  by  taking  the  difference
from that for the isomer or that at different temperature:

   G = [ H - T S] (for the state under consideration          ) - [ H - T S] (for reference state     )                (6:58)

    Taking the difference is necessary to cancel the unknown values of standard entropy of formation
for the constituent elements.

6.11          Reaction  coordinates

The Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate method pioneered and developed by Mark Gordon has been
incorporated in a modified form into MOPAC. As this facility is quite complicated all the keywords
associated with the IRC have been grouped together in this section.


The Dynamic Reaction Coordinate is the path followed by all the atoms in a system assuming
conservation  of  energy,  i.e.,  as  the  potential  energy  changes  the  kinetic  energy  of  the  system
changes in exactly the opposite way so that the total energy (kinetic plus potential) is a constant.
If started at a ground state geometry, no significant motion should be seen.  Similarly, starting at
a transition state geometry should not produce any motion - after all it is a stationary point and
during the lifetime of a calculation it is unlikely to accumulate enough momentum to travel far
from the starting position.
    In  order  to  calculate  the  DRC  path  from  a  transition  state,  either  an  initial  deflection  is
necessary or some initial momentum must be supplied.
    Because  of  the  time-dependent  nature  of  the  DRC  the  time  elapsed  since  the  start  of  the
reaction is meaningful, and is printed.

The  course  of  a  molecular  vibration  can  be  followed  by  calculating  the  potential  and  kinetic
energy at various times.  Two extreme conditions can be identified:  (a) gas phase, in which the
total energy is a constant through time,  there being no damping of the kinetic energy allowed,
and (b) liquid phase, in which kinetic energy is always set to zero, the motion of the atoms being
infinitely damped.
    All possible degrees of damping are allowed.  In addition, the facility exists to dump energy
into the system, appearing as kinetic energy.  As kinetic energy is a function of velocity, a vector
quantity,  the energy appears as energy of motion in the direction in which the molecule would
naturally move.  If the system is a transition state, then the excess kinetic energy is added after
the intrinsic kinetic energy has built up to at least 0.2 kcal/mole.
    For  ground-state  systems,  the  excess  energy  sometimes  may  not  be  added;  if  the  intrinsic
kinetic energy never rises above 0.2kcal/mole then the excess energy will not be added.

Equations  used

Force acting on any atom:

                                                                           2 E            d3 E
                               g(i) + g0(i)t + g00(i)t2 = __dE___dx(i)+ __d_____dx(i)2+ ________dx(i)3

Acceleration due to force acting on each atom:

                                        a(i) = ___1___M((i)g(i) + g0(i)t + g00(i)t2 )

New velocity:
                                                               2  0             3  00
                           V (o) + ___1___M (i)Dtg(i) + (1=2)Dt  g (i) + (1=3)Dt  g  (i)


                                    V (i) = V (i) + V 0(i)t + V 00(i)t2 + V 000(i)t3

That is, the change in velocity is equal to the integral over the time interval of the acceleration.
    New position of atoms:

                        X(i) = X(o) + V (o)t + (1=2)V 0t2 + (1=3)V 00t3 + (1=4)V 000t4

That is, the change in position is equal to the integral over the time interval of the velocity.
    The velocity vector is accurate to the extent that it takes into account the previous velocity,
the current acceleration, the predicted acceleration, and the change in predicted acceleration over
the time interval.  Very little error is introduced due to higher order contributions to the velocity;
those that do occur are absorbed in a re-normalization of the magnitude of the velocity vector
after each time interval.
    The  magnitude  of  Dt,  the  time  interval,  is  determined  mainly  by  the  factor  needed  to  re-
normalize the velocity vector.  If it is significantly different from unity, Dt will be reduced; if it is
very close to unity, Dt will be increased.
    Even with all this, errors creep in and a system, started at the transition state, is unlikely to
return  precisely  to  the  transition  state  unless  an  excess  kinetic  energy  is  supplied,  for  example
    The calculation is carried out in cartesian coordinates, and converted into internal coordinates
for display.  All cartesian coordinates must be allowed to vary, in order to conserve angular and
translational momentum.

The Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate is the path followed by all the atoms in a system assuming all
kinetic energy is completely lost at every point, i.e., as the potential energy changes the kinetic
energy generated is annihilated so that the total energy (kinetic plus potential) is always equal to
the potential energy only.
    The IRC is intended for use starting with the transition state geometry.  A normal coordinate
is  chosen,  usually  the  reaction  coordinate,  and  the  system  is  displaced  in  either  the  positive
or negative direction along this coordinate.  The internal modes are obtained by calculating the
mass-weighted Hessian matrix in a force calculation and translating the resulting cartesian normal
mode eigenvectors to conserve momentum.  That is, the initial cartesian coordinates are displaced
by a small amount proportional to the eigenvector coefficients plus a translational constant; the
constant is required to ensure that the total translational momentum of the system is conserved
as zero.  At the present time there may be small residual rotational components which are not
annihilated; these are considered unimportant.

General  description  of  the  DRC  and  IRC

As the IRC usually requires a normal coordinate, a force constant calculation normally has to be
done first.  If IRC is specified on its own a normal coordinate is not used and the IRC calculation
is performed on the supplied geometry.
    A recommended sequence of operations to start an IRC calculation is as follows:

    1. Calculate  the  transition  state  geometry.   If  the  T/S  is  not  first  optimized,  then  the  IRC
       calculation may give very misleading results.  For example, if NH3 inversion is defined as the
       planar system but without the N-H bond length being optimized the first normal coordinate
       might be for N-H stretch rather than inversion.  In that case the IRC will relax the geometry
       to the optimized planar structure.

    2. Do a normal FORCE calculation, specifying ISOTOPE in order to save the FORCE matri-
       ces.  Do not attempt to run the IRC directly unless you have confidence that the FORCE
       calculation will work as expected.  If the IRC calculation is run directly, specify ISOTOPE
       anyway:  that  will  save  the  FORCE  matrix  and  if  the  calculation  has  to  be  re-done  then
       RESTART will work correctly.

    3. Using IRC=n and RESTART run the IRC calculation. If RESTART is specified with IRC=n
       then the restart is assumed to be from the FORCE calculation.  If RESTART is specified
       without IRC=n, say with IRC on its own, then the restart is assumed to be from an earlier
       IRC calculation that was shut down before going to completion.

    A DRC calculation is simpler in that a force calculation is not a prerequisite; however, most
calculations of interest normally involve use of an internal coordinate.  For this reason IRC=n can
be combined with DRC to give a calculation in which the initial motion (0.3kcal worth of kinetic
energy) is supplied by the IRC, and all subsequent motion obeys conservation of energy.  The DRC
motion can be modified in three ways:

    1. It  is  possible  to  calculate  the  reaction  path  followed  by  a  system  in  which  the  generated
       kinetic  energy  decays  with  a  finite  half-life.   This  can  be  defined  by  DRC=n.nnn,  where
       n.nnn  is  the  half-life  in  femtoseconds.  If  n.nn  is  0.0  this  corresponds  to  infinite  damping
       simulating the IRC. A limitation of the program is that time only has meaning when DRC
       is specified without a half-life.

    2. Excess  kinetic  energy  can  be  added  to  the  calculation  by  use  of  KINETIC=n.nn.   After
       the kinetic energy has built up to 0.2kcal/mole or if IRC=n is used then n.nn kcal/mole of
       kinetic energy is added to the system.  The excess kinetic energy appears as a velocity vector
       in the same direction as the initial motion.
   3.  The RESTART file .RES can be edited to allow the user to modify the velocity
       vector or starting geometry.  This file is formatted.

    Frequently DRC leads to a periodic, repeating orbit.  One special type _ the orbit in which
the direction of motion is reversed so that the system retraces its own path _ is sensed for and if
detected the calculation is stopped after exactly one cycle.  If the calculation is to be continued,
the keyword GEO-OK will allow this check to be by-passed.
    Due to the potentially very large output files that the DRC can generate extra keywords are
provided to allow selected points to be printed.  After the system has changed by a preset amount
the following keywords can be used to invoke a print of the geometry.

               KeyWord              Default                     User  Specification

               X-PRIO          0.05  Angstroms                     X-PRIORITY=n.nn
               T-PRIO          0.10  Femtoseconds                T-PRIORITY=n.nn
               H-PRIO          0.10  kcal/mole                     H-PRIORITY=n.nn

Option  to  allow  only  extrema  to  be  output

In  the  geometry  specification,  if  an  internal  coordinate  is  marked  for  optimization  then  when
that internal coordinate passes through an extremum a message will be printed and the geometry
    Difficulties can arise from the way internal coordinates are processed.  The internal coordinates
are  generated  from  the  cartesian  coordinates,  so  an  internal  coordinate  supplied  may  have  an
entirely  different  meaning  on  output.   In  particular  the  connectivity  may  have  changed.   For
obvious reasons dummy atoms should not be used in the supplied geometry specification.  If there
is any doubt about the internal coordinates or if the starting geometry contains dummy atoms
then  run  a  1SCF  calculation  specifying  XYZ.  This  will  produce  an  ARC  file  with  the  "ideal"
numbering _ the internal numbering system used by MOPAC. Use this ARC file to construct a
data file suitable for the DRC or IRC.

   1.  Any coordinates marked for optimization will result in only extrema being printed.

   2.  If extrema are being printed then kinetic energy extrema will also be printed.

Keywords  for  use  with  the  IRC  and  DRC

   1.  Setting up the transition state:  NLLSQ SIGMA TS.

   2.  Constructing the FORCE matrix:  FORCE or IRC=n, ISOTOPE, LET.

   3.  Starting an IRC: RESTART and IRC=n, T-PRIO, X-PRIO, H-PRIO.

   4.  Starting a DRC: DRC or DRC=n.nn, KINETIC=n.nn.

   5.  Starting a DRC from a transition state:  (DRC or DRC=n) and IRC=n, KINETIC=n.

   6.  Restarting an IRC: RESTART and IRC.

   7.  Restarting a DRC: RESTART and (DRC or DRC=n.nn).

   8.  Restarting a DRC starting from a transition state:  RESTART and (DRC or DRC=n.nn).

Other keywords, such as T=nnn or GEO-OK can be used anytime.
Examples  of  DRC/IRC  data

Use of the IRC/DRC facility is quite complicated.  In the following examples various `reasonable'
options are illustrated for a calculation on water.  It is assumed that an optimized transition-state
geometry is available.
    Example 1:  A Dynamic Reaction Coordinate, starting at the transition state for water invert-
ing,  initial  motion  opposite  to  the  transition  normal  mode,  with  6kcal  of  excess  kinetic  energy
added in.  Every point calculated is to be printed (Note all coordinates are marked with a zero,
and T-PRIO, H-PRIO and X-PRIO are all absent).  The results of an earlier calculation using
the same keywords is assumed to exist.  The earlier calculation would have constructed the force
matrix.  While the total cpu time is specified, it is in fact redundant in that the calculation will
run to completion in less than 600 seconds.

      KINETIC=6  RESTART   IRC=-1  DRC  T=600

         H       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0
         O       0.911574   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     1   0   0
         H       0.911574   0   180.000000   0       0.000000   0     2   1   0
         0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0

    Example 2:  An Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate calculation.  Here the restart is from a previous
IRC calculation which was stopped before the minimum was reached.  Recall that RESTART with
IRC=n implies a restart from the FORCE calculation.  Since this is a restart from within an IRC
calculation the keyword IRC=n has been replaced by IRC. IRC on its own (without the "=n")
implies an IRC calculation from the starting position _ here the RESTART position _ without
initial displacement.

           RESTART   IRC   T=600

         H       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0
         O       0.911574   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     1   0   0
         H       0.911574   0   180.000000   0       0.000000   0     2   1   0
         0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0       0.000000   0     0   0   0

Output  format  for  IRC  and  DRC

The IRC and DRC can produce several different forms of output.  Because of the large size of
these outputs, users are recommended to use search functions to extract information.  To facilitate
this, specific lines have specific characters.  Thus, a search for the "%" symbol will summarize the
energy profile while a search for "AA" will yield the coordinates of atom 1, whenever it is printed.
The main flags to use in searches are:

                 SEARCH  FOR                                YIELDS

                   '%  '              Energies  for  all  points  calculated,
                                       excluding  extrema
                   '%M'              Energies  for  all  turning  points
                   '%MAX'           Energies  for  all  maxima
                   '%MIN'           Energies  for  all  minima
                   '%'                Energies  for  all  points  calculated
                   'AA*'             Internal  coordinates  for  atom  1  for  every  point
                   'AE*'             Internal  coordinates  for  atom  5  for  every  point
                   '123AB*'        Internal  coordinates  for  atom  5  for  point  123
    As the keywords for the IRC/DRC are interdependent, the following list of keywords illustrates
various options.

      KEYWORD                           RESULTING  ACTION
      DRC                                 The  Dynamic  Reaction  Coordinate  is  calculated.
                                           Energy  is  conserved,  and  no  initial  impetus.
      DRC=0.5                           In  the  DRC  kinetic  energy  is  lost  with  a  half-
                                           life  of  0.5  femtoseconds.
      DRC=-1.0                         Energy  is  put  into  a  DRC  with  an  half-life  of
                                           -1.0  femtoseconds,  i.e.,  the  system  gains
      IRC                                 The  Intrinsic  Reaction  Coordinate  is
                                           calculated.   No  initial  impetus  is  given.
                                           Energy  not  conserved.
      IRC=-4                            The  IRC  is  run  starting  with  an  impetus  in  the
                                           negative  of  the  4th  normal  mode  direction.  The
                                           impetus  is  one  quantum  of  vibrational  energy.
      IRC=1  KINETIC=1              The  first  normal  mode  is  used  in  an  IRC,  with
                                           the  initial  impetus  being  1.0kcal/mole.
      DRC  KINETIC=5                 In  a  DRC,  after  the  velocity  is  defined,  5  kcal
                                           of  kinetic  energy  is  added  in  the  direction  of
                                           the  initial  velocity.
      IRC=1  DRC  KINETIC=4        After  starting  with  a  4  kcal  impetus  in  the
                                           direction  of  the  first  normal  mode,  energy  is
      DRC  VELOCITY  KINETIC=10  Follow  a  DRC  trajectory  which  starts  with  an
                                           initial  velocity  read  in,  normalized  to  a
                                           kinetic  energy  of  10  kcal/mol.

    Instead of every point being printed, the option exists to print specific points determined by the
keywords T-PRIORITY, X-PRIORITY and H-PRIORITY. If any one of these words is specified,
then the calculated points are used to define quadratics in time for all variables normally printed.
In  addition,  if  the  flag  for  the  first  atom  is  set  to  T  then  all  kinetic  energy  turning  points  are
printed.  If the flag for any other internal coordinate is set to T then, when that coordinate passes
through  an  extremum,  that  point  will  be  printed.  As  with  the  PRIORITYs,  the  point  will  be
calculated via a quadratic to minimize non-linear errors.
    N.B.:  Quadratics are unstable in the regions of inflection points, in these circumstances linear
interpolation will be used.  A result of this is that points printed in the region of an inflection may
not correspond exactly to those requested.  This is not an error and should not affect the quality
of the results.

Test  of  DRC_verification  of  trajectory  path

Introduction:  Unlike a single-geometry calculation or even a geometry optimization, verification
of a DRC trajectory is not a simple task.  In this section a rigorous proof of the DRC trajectory is
presented; it can be used both as a test of the DRC algorithm and as a teaching exercise.  Users
of the DRC are asked to follow through this proof in order to convince themselves that the DRC
works as it should.

Part  1:  The  nitrogen  molecule

For  the  nitrogen  molecule  and  using  MNDO,  the  equilibrium  distance  is  1:103802  A,  the  heat
of formation is 8.276655 kcal/mole and the vibrational frequency is 2739:6 cm-1 .  For small dis-
placements, the energy curve versus distance is parabolic and the gradient curve is approximately
linear, as is shown in the following table.  A nitrogen molecule is thus a good approximation to a
harmonic oscillator.


                    N--N  DIST        HoF                   GRADIENT
                 (Angstroms)     (kcal/mole)  (kcal/mole/Angstrom)

                    1.1180           8.714564             60.909301
                    1.1170           8.655723             56.770564
                    1.1160           8.601031             52.609237
                    1.1150           8.550512             48.425249
                    1.1140           8.504188             44.218525
                    1.1130           8.462082             39.988986
                    1.1120           8.424218             35.736557
                    1.1110           8.390617             31.461161
                    1.1100           8.361303             27.162720
                    1.1090           8.336299             22.841156
                    1.1080           8.315628             18.496393
                    1.1070           8.299314             14.128353
                    1.1060           8.287379              9.736959
                    1.1050           8.279848              5.322132
                    1.1040           8.276743              0.883795
                    1.1030           8.278088             -3.578130
                    1.1020           8.283907             -8.063720
                    1.1010           8.294224           -12.573055
                    1.1000           8.309061           -17.106213
                    1.0990           8.328444           -21.663271
                    1.0980           8.352396           -26.244309
                    1.0970           8.380941           -30.849404
                    1.0960           8.414103           -35.478636
                    1.0950           8.451906           -40.132083
                    1.0940           8.494375           -44.809824
                    1.0930           8.541534           -49.511939
                    1.0920           8.593407           -54.238505
                    1.0910           8.650019           -58.989621
                    1.0900           8.711394           -63.765330

Period of vibration

The period of vibration (time taken for the oscillator to undertake one complete vibration,  re-
turning  to  its  original  position  and  velocity)  can  be  calculated  in  three  ways.   Most  direct  is
the calculation from the energy curve; using the gradient constitutes a faster, albeit less direct,
method,  while  calculating  it  from  the  vibrational  frequency  is  very  fast  but  assumes  that  the
vibrational spectrum has already been calculated.

    1. From the energy curve.  For a simple harmonic oscillator the period r is given by:

                                                                  r  ____

                                                           r = 2ss    m__k

       where m is the reduced mass and k is the force constant.  The reduced mass (in amu) of a
       nitrogen molecule is 14:0067=2 = 7:00335, and the force-constant can be calculated from:

                                                   E - c = (1=2)k(R - Ro )2
       Given Ro = 1:1038, R = 1:092, c = 8:276655 and E = 8:593407 kcal/mol then:

                                      =     4548:2 kcal/mole/A      2

                                      =     4545 x 4:184 x 103 x 107 x 1016  ergs/cm   2

                                      =     1:9029 x 1030  ergs/cm   2

                                     r  _________

                   r = 2 x 3:14159 x     ____7:0035________1:9029sxe1030conds= 12:054 x 10-15  s = 12:054 fs

   2.  From the gradient curve.  The force constant is the derivative of the gradient wrt distance:

                                                              k = dG__dx

       Since we are using discrete points, the force constant is best obtained from finite differences:

                                                         k = (G2_-_G1_)____(x
                                                                             2 - x1 )

       For x2  = 1:1100, G2  = 27:163 and for x1  = 1:0980, G1  = -26:244, giving rise to k = 4450
       kcal/mole/A2  and a period of 12:186 fs.

   3.  From the vibrational frequency.  Given a "frequency" (wavenumber) of vibration of N2  of
       ~  = 2739:6 cm-1 , the period of oscillation, in seconds, is given directly by:

                                              r = _1_c~= ______________1_____________2739:6 x 2:998 x 1010

       or as 12:175 femtoseconds.

    Summarizing,  by  three  different  methods  the  period  of  oscillation  of  N2  is  calculated  to  be
12:054, 12:186 and 12:175 fs, average 12:138 fs.

Initial dynamics of N2  with N-N distance = 1.094 A

A useful check on the dynamics of N2  is to calculate the initial acceleration of the two nitrogen
atoms after releasing them from a starting interatomic separation of 1.094 A.
    At  R(N-N)  =  1.094  A,  G  =  -44:810  kcal/mole/A  or  -18:749 x 1019  erg/cm.   Therefore
acceleration, f = -18:749 x 1019 =14:0067 cm/sec/sec or -13:386 x 1018  cm/s2 which is -13:386 x
1015 x Earth surface gravity!
    Distance from equilibrium = 0:00980 A. After 0:1 fs, velocity is 0:110-15  (-13:3861018 ) cm/sec
or 1338:6 cm/s.
    In the DRC the time-interval between points calculated is a complicated function of the curva-
ture of the local surface.  By default, the first time-interval is 0.105fs, so the calculated velocity at
this time should be 0:105 x 1338:6 = 1405:6 cm/s, in the DRC calculation the predicted velocity
is 1405:6 cm/s.
    The option is provided to allow sampling of the system at constant time-intervals, the default
being 0:1 fs.  For the first few points the calculated velocities are as follows.

         TIME     CALCULATED       LINEAR           DIFF.
                      VELOCITY       VELOCITY       VELOCITY

         0.000             0.0           0.0             0.0
         0.100        1338.6       1338.6             0.0
         0.200        2673.9       2677.2           -3.3
         0.300        4001.0       4015.8          -14.8
         0.400        5317.3       5354.4          -37.1
         0.500        6618.5       6693.0          -74.5
         0.600        7900.8       8031.6        -130.8

    As the calculated velocity is a fourth-order polynomial of the acceleration, and the acceleration,
its first, second and third derivatives, are all changing, the predicted velocity rapidly becomes a
poor guide to future velocities.
    For simple harmonic motion the velocity at any time is given by:

                                                    v = v0 sin (2sst=r)

By fitting the computed velocities to simple harmonic motion, a much better fit is obtained:

                    Calculated     Simple  Harmonic           Diff
         Time       Velocity       25316.Sin(0.529t)

        0.000             0.0                 0.0                      0.0
        0.100        1338.6             1338.6                      0.0
        0.200        2673.9             2673.4                     +0.5
        0.300        4001.0             4000.8                     +0.2
        0.400        5317.3             5317.0                     +0.3
        0.500        6618.5             6618.3                     +0.2
        0.600        7900.8             7901.0                     -0.2

    The repeat-time required for this motion is 11:88 fs, in good agreement with the three values
calculated using static models.  The repeat time should not be calculated from the time required
to go from a minimum to a maximum and then back to a minimum - only half a cycle.  For all
real systems the potential energy is a skewed parabola,  so that the potential energy slopes are
different for both sides; a compression (as in this case) normally leads to a higher force-constant,
and shorter apparent repeat time (as in this case).  Only the addition of the two half-cycles is

Conservation of normal coordinate

So far this analysis has only considered a homonuclear diatomic.  A detailed analysis of a large
polyatomic is impractical, and for simplicity a molecule of formaldehyde will be studied.
    In polyatomics, energy can transfer between modes. This is a result of the non-parabolic nature
of the potential surface.  For small displacements the surface can be considered as parabolic.  This
means that for small displacements interconversion between modes should occur only very slowly.
Of the six normal modes, mode 1, at 1204.5 cm-1 , the in-plane C-H asymmetric bend, is the most
unsymmetric vibration, and is chosen to demonstrate conservation of vibrational purity.
    Mode 1 has a frequency corresponding to 3.44 kcal/mole and a predicted vibrational time of
27:69 fs.  By direct calculation, using the DRC, the cycle time is 27:55 fs.  The rate of decay of
this mode has an estimated half-life of a few thousands femtoseconds.

Rate of decay of starting mode

For trajectories initiated by an IRC=n calculation, whenever the potential energy is a minimum
the current velocity is compared with the supplied velocity.  The square of the cosine of the angle
between the two velocity vectors is a measure of the intensity of the original mode in the current

Half-Life for decay of initial mode

Vibrational purity is assumed to decay according to zero'th order kinetics.  The half-life is thus
-0:6931472t= log (_2 ) fs, where _2  is the square of the overlap integral of the original vibration
with  the  current  vibration.   Due  to  the  very  slow  rate  of  decay  of  the  starting  mode,  several
half-life calculations should be examined.  Only when successive half-lives are similar should any
confidence be placed in their value.

DRC print options

The amount of output in the DRC is controlled by three sets of options.  These sets are:

    o  Equivalent Keywords H-PRIORITY, T-PRIORITY, and X-PRIORITY

    o  Potential Energy Turning Point option.

    o  Geometry Maxima Turning Point options.

If T-PRIORITY is used then turning points cannot be monitored.  Currently H-PRIORITY and
X-PRIORITY are not implemented, but will be as soon as practical.
    To monitor geometry turning points, put a "T" in place of the geometry optimization flag for
the relevant geometric variable.
    To monitor the potential energy turning points, put a "T" for the flag for atom 1 bond length
(Do not forget to put in a bond-length (zero will do)!).
    The effect of these flags together is as follows.

   1.  No options:  All calculated points will be printed.  No turning points will be calculated.

   2.  Atom 1 bond length flagged with a "T": If T-PRIO, etc.  are NOT specified, then potential
       energy turning points will be printed.

   3.  Internal  coordinate  flags  set  to  "T":  If  T-PRIO,  etc.   are  NOT  specified,  then  geometry
       extrema will be printed.  If only one coordinate is flagged,  then the turning point will be
       displayed in chronologic order;  if several are flagged then all turning points occuring in a
       given time-interval will be printed as they are detected.  In other words, some may be out of
       chronologic order.  Note that each coordinate flagged will give rise to a different geometry:
       minimize flagged coordinates to minimize output.

   4.  Potential and geometric flags set: The effect is equivalent to the sum of the first two options.

   5.  T-PRIO set:  No turning points will be printed, but constant time-slices (by default 0:1 fs)
       will be used to control the print.
6.12         Sparkles

Four extra `elements" have been put into MOPAC. These represent pure ionic charges, roughly
equivalent to the following chemical entities:

      Chemical  Symbol                Equivalent  to

               +                           Tetramethyl  ammonium  radical,  Potassium
                                           atom  or  Cesium  atom.
               ++                         Barium  atom.
               -                           Borohydride  radical,  Halogen,  or
                                           Nitrate  radical
               --                         Sulfate,  oxalate.

    For the purposes of discussion these entities are called `sparkles':  the name arises from consid-
eration of their behavior.
Behavior  of  sparkles  in  MOPAC

Sparkles have the following properties:

    1. Their nuclear charge is integer, and is +1, +2, -1, or -2; there are an equivalent number
       of electrons to maintain electroneutrality, +1, +2, -1, and -2 respectively.  For example, a
       `+' sparkle consists of a unipositive nucleus and an electron.  The electron is donated to the
       quantum mechanics calculation.

    2. They all have an ionic radius of 0:7 A. Any two sparkles of opposite sign will form an ion-pair
       with a interatomic separation of 1:4 A.

    3. They have a zero heat of atomization, no orbitals, and no ionization potential.

    They can be regarded as unpolarizable ions of diameter 1:4A. They do not contribute to the
orbital count, and cannot accept or donate electrons.
    Since they appear as uncharged species which immediately ionize, attention should be given to
the charge on the whole system.  For example, if the alkaline metal salt of formic acid was run, the
formula would be:  HCOO+ where `+' is the unipositive sparkle.  The charge on the system would
then be zero.
    A water molecule polarized by a positive sparkle would have the formula H2 O+ , and the charge
on the system would be +1.
    At first sight, a sparkle would appear to be too ionic to be a point charge and would combine
with the first charge of opposite sign it encountered.
    This representation is faulty, and a better description would be of an ion, of diameter 1:4A,
and the charge delocalized over its surface.  Computationally,  a sparkle is an integer charge at
the center of a repulsion sphere of form exp  (-ffr).  The hardness of the sphere is such that other
atoms or sparkles can approach within about 2A quite easily, but only with great difficulty come
closer than 1:4A.

Uses  of  Sparkles

    1. They can be used as counterions, e.g.  for acid anions or for cations.  Thus, if the ionic form
       of an acid is wanted, then the moieties H.X, H.-, and +.X could be examined.

    2. Two sparkles of equal and opposite sign can form a dipole for mimicking solvation effects.
       Thus water could be surrounded by six dipoles to simulate the solvent cage.  A dipole of
       value D can be made by using the two sparkles + and -, or using ++ and   --.  If + and
       -  are  used,  the  inter-sparkle  separation  would  be  D=4:803A.  If  ++  and  --  are  used,  the
       separation would be D=9:606A. If the inter-sparkle separation is less than 1:0A (a situation
       that cannot occur naturally) then the energy due to the dipole on its own is subtracted from
       the total energy.

    3. They can operate as polarization functions.  A controlled, shaped electric field can easily be
       made from two or more sparkles.  The polarizability in cubic Angstroms of a molecule in any
       particular orientation can then easily be calculated.

6.13          Mechanism  of  the  frame  in  FORCE  calculation

The FORCE calculation uses cartesian coordinates, and all 3N modes are calculated, where N is the
number of atoms in the system.  Clearly, there will be 5 or 6 "trivial" vibrations, which represent
the three translations and two or three rotations.  If the molecule is exactly at a stationary point,
then these "vibrations" will have a force constant and frequency of precisely zero.  If the force
calculation was done correctly, and the molecule was not exactly at a stationary point, then the
three  translations  should  be  exactly  zero,  but  the  rotations  would  be  non-zero.  The  extent  to
which the rotations are non-zero is a measure of the error in the geometry.
    If the distortions are non-zero, the trivial vibrations can interact with the low-lying genuine
vibrations or rotations, and with the transition vibration if present.
    To prevent this the analytic form of the rotations and vibrations is calculated, and arbitrary
eigenvalues  assigned;  these  are  500,  600,  700,  800,  900,  and  1000  millidynes/angstrom  for  Tx,
Ty, Tz, Rx, Ry and Rz (if present), respectively.  The rotations are about the principal axes of
inertia for the system, taking into account isotopic masses.  The "force matrix" for these trivial
vibrations is determined, and added on to the calculated force matrix.  After diagonalization the
arbitrary eigenvalues are subtracted off the trivial vibrations, and the resulting numbers are the
"true" values.  Interference with genuine vibrations is thus avoided.

6.14         Configuration  interaction

MOPAC contains a very large Multi-Electron Configuration Interaction calculation, MECI, which
allows almost any configuration interaction calculation to be performed.  Because of its complexity,
two distinct levels of input are supported; the default values will be of use to the novice while an
expert has available an exhaustive set of keywords from which a specific C.I. can be tailored.
    A MECI calculation involves the interaction of microstates representing specific permutations
of electrons in a set of M.O.'s.  Starting with a set electronic configuration, either closed shell or
open shell, but unconditionally restricted Hartree-Fock, the first step in a MECI calculation is the
removal from the M.O.'s of the electrons to be used in the C.I.
    Each microstate is then constructed from these empty M.O.'s by adding in electrons according
to a prescription.  The energy of the configuration is evaluated, as is the energy of interaction with
all previously-defined configurations.  Diagonalization then results in state functions.  From the
eigenvectors the expectation value of s2  is calculated, and the spin-states of the state functions

General  overview  of  keywords

Keywords associated with the operations of MECI are:

       SINGLET                         DOUBLET                        EXCITED
       TRIPLET                         QUARTET                        BIRADICAL
       QUINTET                         SEXTET                         ESR
       OPEN(n1,n2)                   C.I.=n                         MECI

    Each  keyword  may  imply  others;  thus  TRIPLET  implies  an  open-shell  system,  therefore
OPEN(2,2), and C.I.=2 are implied, if not user specified.

Starting  electronic  configuration

MECI is restricted to RHF calculations, but with that single restriction any starting configuration
will be supported.  Examples of starting configurations would be

      System                        KeyWords  used           Starting  Configuration

    Methane                                                2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00
    Methyl  Radical                                     2.00  2.00  2.00  2.00  1.00
    Twisted  Ethylene             TRIPLET                   2.00  2.00  2.00  1.00  1.00
    Twisted  Ethylene             OPEN(2,2)                2.00  2.00  2.00  1.00  1.00
    Twisted  Ethylene  Cation  OPEN(1,2)                2.00  2.00  2.00  0.50  0.50
    Methane  Cation                CHARGE=1  OPEN(5,3)  2.00  2.00  1.67  1.67  1.67

    Choice  of  starting  configuration  is  important.   For  example,  if  twisted  ethylene,  a  ground-
state  triplet,  is  not  defined  using  TRIPLET  or  OPEN(2,2),  then  the  closed-shell  ground-state
structure will be calculated.  Obviously, this configuration is a legitimate microstate, but from the
symmetry of the system a better choice would be to define one electron in each of the two formally
degenerate pi-type M.O.'s.  The initial SCF calculation does not distinguish between OPEN(2,2)
and TRIPLET since both keywords define the same starting configuration.  This can be verified
by monitoring the convergence using PL, for which both keywords give the same SCF energy.

Removal  of  electrons  from  starting  configuration

For a starting configuration of alpha M.O. occupancies O(i), O(i) being in the range 0.0 to 1.0,
the energies of the M.O.'s involved in the MECI can be calculated from:
                                        E(i) =      {[2J (i; j) - K(i; j)]O(j)}

where J (i; j) and K(i; j) are the coulomb and exchange integrals between M.O.'s i and j.  The
M.O. index j  runs over those M.O.'s involved in the MECI only.  Most MECI calculations will
involve  between  1  and  5  M.O.'s,  so  a  system  with  about  30  filled  or  partly  filled  M.O.'s  could
have M.O.'s 25-30 involved.  The resulting eigenvalues correspond to those of the cationic system
resulting from removal of n electrons, where n is twice the sum of the orbital occupancies of those
M.O.'s involved in the C.I.
    The arbitrary zero of energy in a MECI calculation is the starting ground state, without any
correction  for  errors  introduced  by  the  use  of  fractional  occupancies.  In  order  to  calculate  the
energy of the various configurations, the energy of the vacuum state (i.e., the state resulting from
removal of the electrons used in the C.I.) needs to be evaluated.  This energy is defined by:
                2                                                                               3
           X                                          X
     GSE =      4 E(i)O(i) + J (i; i) x O(i) x O(i) +     {2[2J (i; j) - K(i; j)] x O(i) x O(j)}5
             i                                        j - )[Occa(k) - Occg(k)] + ()[Occb(k) - Occg(k)]}

       E(p; q) may need to be multiplied by -1, if the number of two electron permutations required
       to bring M.O.'s i and j into coincidence is odd.

       Where Occa(k) is the alpha molecular orbital occupancy in the configuration interaction.

    3. Determinants differing by exactly two M.O.'s: The two M.O.'s can have the same or opposite
       spins.  Three cases can be identified:

         (a)  Both  M.O.'s  have  alpha  spin:  For  the  first  microstate  having  M.O.'s  i  and  j,  and
              the second microstate having M.O.'s k  and l, the matrix element connecting the two
              microstates is given by:
                                                      Q(p; q) =  - 

              E(p; q) may need to be multiplied by -1, if the number of two electron permutations
              required to bring M.O. i into coincidence with M.O. k and M.O. j into coincidence with
              M.O. l is odd.

        (b)   Both M.O.'s have beta spin:  The matrix element is calculated in the same manner as
              in the previous case.

         (c)  One M.O. has alpha spin, and one beta spin:  For the first microstate having M.O.'s
              alpha(i) and beta(j),  and the second microstate having M.O.'s alpha(k) and beta(l),
              the matrix element connecting the two microstates is given by:

                                                            Q(p; q) = 

              E(p; q) may need to be multiplied by -1, if the number of two electron permutations
              required to bring M.O. i into coincidence with M.O. k and M.O. j into coincidence with
              M.O. l is odd.

States  arising  from  various  calculations

Each  MECI  calculation  invoked  by  use  of  the  keyword  C.I.=n  normally  gives  rise  to  states  of
quantized spins.  When C.I. is used without any other modifying keywords, the following states
will be obtained.

No.  of  M.O.'s          States  Arising                   States  Arising  From
                      From  Odd  Electron  Systems       Even  Electron  Systems
   in  MECI        Doublets                                 Singlets  Triplets

      1                   1                                            1
      2                   2                                            3             1
      3                   8              1                            6             3
      4                 20              4                           20           15             1
      5                 75             24           1              50           45             5

These numbers of spin states will be obtained irrespective of the chemical nature of the system.
Calculation  of  spin-states

In order to calculate the spin-state, the expectation value of S2 is calculated.
    where N e is the no.  of electrons in C.I., C(i; k) is the coefficient of microstate i in State k,
Nff(i) is the number of alpha electrons in microstate i, Nfi(i) is the number of beta electrons in
microstate i, Off(l; k) is the occupancy of alpha M.O. l in microstate k, Ofi(l; k) is the occupancy
of beta M.O. l in microstate k, S(+) is the spin shift up or step up operator, S(-) is the spin shift
down or step down operator, the Kroneker delta is 1 if the two terms in brackets following it are
    The spin state is calculated from:

                                                       p  __
                                             S = (1=2)[   (1 + 4S2) - 1]

In practice,  S  is calculated to be exactly integer,  or half integer.  That is,  there is insignificant
error due to approximations used.  This does not mean,  however,  that the method is accurate.
The spin calculation is completely precise, in the group theoretic sense, but the accuracy of the
calculation is limited by the Hamiltonian used, a space-dependent function.

Choice  of  state  to  be  optimized

MECI can calculate a large number of states of various total spin.  Two schemes are provided to
allow a given state to be selected.  First,  ROOT=n will,  when used on its own,  select the n'th
state, irrespective of its total spin.  By default n=1.  If ROOT=n is used in conjunction with a
then  the  n'th  root  of  that  spin-state  will  be  used.  For  example,  ROOT=4  and  SINGLET  will
select the 4th singlet state.  If there are two triplet states below the fourth singlet state then this
will mean that the sixth state will be selected.

Calculation of unpaired spin density

Starting with the state functions as linear combinations of configurations, the unpaired spin den-
sity, corresponding to the alpha spin density minus the beta spin density, will be calculated for
the first few states.  This calculation is straightforward for diagonal terms, and only those terms
are used.
6.15         Reduced  masses  in  a  force  calculation

Reduced masses for a diatomic are given by:

                                                         m1 + m2

    For a Hydrogen molecule the reduced mass is thus 0.5; for heavily hydrogenated systems, e.g.
methane, the reduced mass can be very low.  A vibration involving only heavy atoms , e.g.  a C-N
in cyanide, should give a large reduced mass.
    For the `trivial' vibrations the reduced mass is ill-defined, and where this happens the reduced
mass is set to zero.
6.16         Use  of  SADDLE  calculation

A SADDLE calculation uses two complete geometries, as shown on the following data file for the
ethyl radical hydrogen migration from one methyl group to the other.
      Line   1:                   UHF   SADDLE
      Line   2:              ETHYL  RADICAL  HYDROGEN  MIGRATION
      Line   3:
      Line   4:        C       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
      Line   5:        C       1.479146  1       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     1   0   0
      Line   6:        H       1.109475  1   111.328433  1       0.000000  0     2   1   0
      Line   7:        H       1.109470  1   111.753160  1   120.288410  1     2   1   3
      Line   8:        H       1.109843  1   110.103163  1   240.205278  1     2   1   3
      Line   9:        H       1.082055  1   121.214083  1     38.110989  1     1   2   3
      Line  10:        H       1.081797  1   121.521232  1   217.450268  1     1   2   3
      Line  11:        0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
      Line  12:        C       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
      Line  13:        C       1.479146  1       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     1   0   0
      Line  14:        H       1.109475  1   111.328433  1       0.000000  0     2   1   0
      Line  15:        H       1.109470  1   111.753160  1   120.288410  1     2   1   3
      Line  16:        H       2.109843  1     30.103163  1   240.205278  1     2   1   3
      Line  17:        H       1.082055  1   121.214083  1     38.110989  1     1   2   3
      Line  18:        H       1.081797  1   121.521232  1   217.450268  1     1   2   3
      Line  19:        0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0       0.000000  0     0   0   0
      Line  20:

    Details  of  the  mathematics  of  SADDLE  appeared  in  print  in  1984,  (M.  J.  S.  Dewar,  E.  F.
Healy, J. J. P. Stewart, J. Chem.  Soc.  Faraday Trans.  II , 3, 227, (1984)) so only a superficial
description will be given here.
    The main steps in the saddle calculation are as follows:

    1. The heats of formation of both systems are calculated.

    2. A vector R of length 3N - 6 defining the difference between the two geometries is calculated.

    3. The scalar P  of the difference vector is reduced by some fraction, normally about 5 to 15

    4. Identify the geometry of lower energy; call this G.

    5. Optimize G, subject to the constraint that it maintains a constant distance P from the other

    6. If the newly-optimized geometry is higher in energy then the other geometry, then go to 1.
       If it is higher, and the last two steps involved the same geometry moving, make the other
       geometry G without modifying P , and go to 5.

    7. Otherwise go back to 2.

    The mechanism of 5 involves the coordinates of the moving geometry being perturbed by an
amount equal to the product of the discrepancy between the calculated and required P  and the
vector R.
    As the specification of the geometries is quite difficult, in that the difference vector depends
on  angles  (which  are,  of  necessity  ill-defined  by  360  degrees)  SADDLE  can  be  made  to  run  in
cartesian coordinates using the keyword XYZ. If this option is chosen then the initial steps of the
calculation are as follows:

    1. Both geometries are converted into cartesian coordinates.

    2. Both geometries are centered about the origin of cartesian space.

    3. One geometry is rotated until the difference vector is a minimum _ this minimum is within
       1 degree of the absolute bottom.

    4. The SADDLE calculation then proceeds as described above.

The two geometries must be related by a continuous deformation of the coordinates.  By default,
internal coordinates are used in specifying geometries, and while bond lengths and bond angles
are unambiguously defined (being both positive), the dihedral angles can be positive or negative.
Clearly 300 degrees could equally well be specified as -60 degrees.  A wrong choice of dihedral
would mean that instead of the desired reaction vector being used, a completely incorrect vector
was used, with disastrous results.
    To  correct  this,  ensure  that  one  geometry  can  be  obtained  from  the  other  by  a  continuous
deformation, or use the XYZ option.
6.17         How  to  escape  from  a  hilltop

A particularly irritating phenomenon sometimes occurs when a transition state is being refined.
A rough estimate of the geometry of the transition state has been obtained by either a SADDLE
or reaction path or by good guesswork.  This geometry is then refined by SIGMA or by NLLSQ,
and  the  system  characterized  by  a  force  calculation.   It  is  at  this  point  that  things  often  go
wrong.   Instead  of  only  one  negative  force  constant,  two  or  more  are  found.   In  the  past,  the
recommendation has been to abandon the work and to go on to something less masochistic.  It is
possible, however, to systematically progress from a multiple maximum to the desired transition
state.  The technique used will now be described.
    If a multiple maximum is identified, most likely one negative force constant corresponds to the
reaction coordinate,  in which case the objective is to render the other force constants positive.
The associated normal mode eigenvalues are complex, but in the output are printed as negative
frequencies, and for the sake of simplicity will be described as negative vibrations. Use DRAW-2 to
display the negative vibrations, and identify which mode corresponds to the reaction coordinate.
This is the one we need to retain.
    Hitherto,  simple  motion  in  the  direction  of  the  other  modes  has  proved  difficult.   However
the DRC provides a convenient mechanism for automatically following a normal coordinate.  Pick
the largest of the negative modes to be annihilated, and run the DRC along that mode until a
minimum is reached.  At that point, refine the geometry once more using SIGMA and repeat the
procedure until only one negative mode exists.
    To  be  on  the  safe  side,  after  each  DRC+SIGMA  sequence  do  the  DRC+SIGMA  operation
again,  but use the negative of the initial normal coordinate to start the trajectory.  After both
stationary points are reached, choose the lower point as the starting point for the next elimina-
tion.  The lower point is chosen because the transition state wanted is the highest point on the
lowest energy path connecting reactants to products.  Sometimes the two points will have equal
energy:  this is normally a consequence of both trajectories leading to the same point or symmetry
equivalent points.
    After  all  spurious  negative  modes  have  been  eliminated,  the  remaining  normal  mode  corre-
sponds to the reaction coordinate, and the transition state has been located.
    This technique is relatively rapid, and relies on starting from a stationary point to begin each
trajectory.  If any other point is used, the trajectory will not be even roughly simple harmonic.
If,  by  mistake,  the  reaction  coordinate  is  selected,  then  the  potential  energy  will  drop  to  that
of either the reactants or products, which, incidentally, forms a handy criterion for selecting the
spurious modes:  if the potential energy only drops by a small amount, and the time evolution is
roughly simple harmonic, then the mode is one of the spurious modes.  If there is any doubt as to
whether a minimum is in the vicinity of a stationary point, allow the trajectory to continue until
one complete cycle is executed.  At that point the geometry should be near to the initial geometry.
    Superficially, a line-search might appear more attractive than the relatively expensive DRC.
However, a line-search in cartesian space will normally not locate the minimum in a mode.  An
obvious example is the mode corresponding to a methyl rotation.
Keyword  Sequences  to  be  Used

    1. To locate the starting stationary point given an approximate transition state:- SIGMA

    2. To define the normal modes:- FORCE  ISOTOPE

       At this point, copy all the files to a second filename, for use later.

    3. Given vibrational frequencies of -654, -123, 234, and 456, identify via DRAW-2 the nor-
       mal  coordinate  mode,  let's  say  that  is  the  -654  mode.   Eliminate  the  second  mode  by:
       IRC=2  DRC  T=30M  RESTART  LARGE

       Use is made of the FORCE restart file.

    4. Identify  the  minimum  in  the  potential  energy  surface  by  inspection  or  using  the  VAX
       SEARCH command, of form:  SEARCH  .OUT  %

    5. Edit out of the output file the data file corresponding to the lowest point,  and refine the
       geometry using:  SIGMA

    6. Repeat the last three steps but for the negative of the normal mode, using the copied files.
       The keywords for the first of the two jobs are:  IRC=-2  DRC  T=30M  RESTART  LARGE

    7. Repeat the last four steps as often as there are spurious modes.

    8. Finally,  carry  out  a  DRC  to  confirm  that  the  transition  state  does,  in  fact,  connect  the
       reactants  and  products.   The  drop  in  potential  energy  should  be  monotonic.   If  you  are
       unsure  whether  this  last  operation  will  work  successfully,  do  it  at  any  time  you  have  a
       stationary point.  If it fails at the very start, then we are back where we were last year - give
       up and go home!!

6.17.1          EigenFollowing

                                      Description of the EF and TS function
                                                    Dr Frank Jensen
                                              Department of Chemistry
                                                   Odense University
                                                       5230 Odense

    The current version of the EF optimization routine is a combination of the original EF algo-
rithm of Simons et al.  (J. Phys.  Chem.  89, 52) as implemented by Baker (J. Comp.  Chem.  7,
385) and the QA algorithm of Culot et al.  (Theo.  Chim.  Acta 82, 189), with some added features
for improving stability.
    The geometry optimization is based on a second order Taylor expansion of the energy around
the current point.  At this point the energy, the gradient and some estimate of the Hessian are
available.   There  are  three  fundamental  steps  in  determining  the  next  geometry  based  on  this

    o  finding the "best" step within or on the hypersphere with the current trust radius.

    o  possibly reject this step based on various criteria.

    o  update the trust radius.
   1.  For a minimum search the correct Hessian has only positive eigenvalues.  For a Transition
       State (TS) search the correct Hessian should have exactly one negative eigenvalue, and the
       corresponding eigenvector should be in the direction of the desired reaction coordinate.  The
       geometry step is parameterized as g=(s - H),  where s is a shift factor which ensure that
       the step-length is within or on the hypersphere.  If the Hessian has the correct structure,
       a pure Newton-Raphson step is attempted.  This corresponds to setting the shift factor to
       zero.  If this step is longer than the trust radius, a P-RFO step is attempted.  If this is also
       too long, then the best step on the hypersphere is made via the QA formula.  This three step
       procedure is the default.  The pure NR step can be skipped by giving the keyword NONR.
       An alternative to the QA step is to simply scale the P-RFO step down to the trust radius
       by a multiplicative constant, this can be accomplished by specifying RSCAL.

   2.  Using the step determined from 1), the new energy and gradient are evaluated.  If it is a TS
       search,  two criteria are used in determining whether the step is "appropriate".  The ratio
       between the actual and predicted energy change should ideally be 1.  If it deviates substan-
       tially from this value, the second order Taylor expansion is no longer accurate.  RMIN and
       RMAX  (default values 0 and 4) determine the limits on how far from 1 the ratio can be
       before the step is rejected.  If the ratio is outside the RMIN and RMAX limits, the step
       is rejected, the trust radius reduced by a factor of two and a new step is determined.  The
       second  criteria  is  that  the  eigenvector  along  which  the  energy  is  being  maximized  should
       not change substantially between iterations.  The minimum overlap of the TS eigenvector
       with that of the previous iteration should be larger than OMIN, otherwise the step is re-
       jected.  Such a step rejection can be recognized in the output by the presence of (possibly
       more) lines with the same CYCLE number.  The default OMIN value is 0.8, which allows
       fairly large changes to occur, and should be suitable for most uncomplicated systems.  See
       below for a discussion of how to use RMIN, RMAX  and OMIN for difficult cases.  The
       selection of which eigenvector to follow towards the TS is given by MODE=n, where n is
       the number of the Hessian eigenvector to follow.  The default is MODE=1.  These features
       can be turned off by giving suitable values as keywords, e.g.  RMIN=-100 RMAX=100
       effectively inhibits step rejection.  Similarly setting OMIN=0 disables step rejection based
       on large changes in the structure of the TS mode.  The default is to use mode following even
       if the TS mode is the lowest eigenvector.  This means that the TS mode may change to some
       higher mode during the optimization.  To turn of mode following,  and thus always follow
       the mode with lowest eigenvalue, set MODE=0.  If it is a minimum search the new energy
       should be lower than the previous.

       The acceptance criteria used is that the actual/predicted ratio should be larger than RMIN,
       which for the default value of RMIN=0 is equivalent to a lower energy.  If the ratio is below
       RMIN, the step is rejected, the trust radius reduced by a factor of two and a new step is
       predicted.  The RMIN, RMAX  and OMIN features has been introduced in the current
       version of EF to improve the stability of TS optimizations.  Setting RMIN  and RMAX
       close to one will give a very stable, but also very slow, optimization.  Wide limits on RMIN
       and RMAX may in some cases give a faster convergence, but there is always the risk that
       very  poor  steps  are  accepted,  causing  the  optimization  to  diverge.  The  default  values  of
       0 and 4 rarely rejects steps which would lead to faster convergence, but may occasionally
       accept poor steps.  If TS searches are found to cause problems,  the first try should be to
       lower the limits to 0.5 and 2.  Tighter limits like 0.8 and 1.2, or even 0.9 and 1.1, will almost
       always slow the optimization down significantly but may be necessary in some cases.

       In  minimum  searches  it  is  usually  desirable  that  the  energy  decreases  in  each  iteration.
       In  certain  very  rigid  systems,  however,  the  initial  diagonal  Hessian  may  be  so  poor  that
       the  algorithm  cannot  find  an  acceptable  step  larger  than  DDMIN,  and  the  optimization
       terminates after only a few cycles with the "TRUST RADIUS BELOW DDMIN" warning
       long before the stationary point is reached.  In such cases the user can specify RMIN  to
       some negative value, say -10, thereby allowing steps which increases the energy.
       The algorithm has the capability of following Hessian eigenvectors other than the one with
       the lowest eigenvalue toward a TS. Such higher mode following are always much more difficult
       to make converge.  Ideally, as the optimization progresses, the TS mode should at some point
       become the lowest eigenvector.  Care must be taken during the optimization, however, that
       the nature of the mode does not change all of a sudden, leading to optimization to a different
       TS than the one desired.  OMIN has been designed for ensuring that the nature of the TS
       mode only changes gradually, specifically the overlap between to successive TS modes should
       be higher than OMIN. While this concept at first appears very promising, it is not without
       problems when the Hessian is updated.

       As the updated Hessian in each step is only approximately correct, there is a upper limit on
       how large the TS mode overlap between steps can be.  To understand this, consider a series
       of steps made from the same geometry (e.g.  at some point in the optimization), but with
       steadily smaller step-sizes.  The update adds corrections to the Hessian to make it a better
       approximation to the exact Hessian.  As the step-size become small,  the updated Hessian
       converges toward the exact Hessian, at least in the direction of the step.  The old Hessian is
       constant, thus the overlap between TS modes thus does not converge toward 1, but rather to
       a constant value which indicate how well the old approximate Hessian resembles the exact
       Hessian.  Test calculations suggest a typical upper limit around 0.9, although cases have been
       seen where the limit is more like 0.7.  It appears that an updated Hessian in general is not
       of sufficient accuracy for reliably rejecting steps with TS overlaps much greater than 0.80.
       The default OMIN of 0.80 reflects the typical use of an updated Hessian.  If the Hessian
       is recalculated in each step, however, the TS mode overlap does converge toward 1 as the
       step-size goes toward zero, and in this cases there is no problems following high lying modes.

       Unfortunately setting RECALC=1 is very expensive in terms of computer time, but used in
       conjecture with OMIN=0.90 (or possibly higher), and maybe also tighter limits on RMIN
       and RMAX, it represents an option of locating transitions structures that otherwise might
       not  be  possible.  If  problems  are  encountered  with  many  step  rejections  due  to  small  TS
       mode overlaps, try reducing OMIN, maybe all the way down to 0.  This most likely will
       work if the TS mode is the lowest Hessian eigenvector, but it is doubtful that it will produce
       any useful results if a high lying mode is followed.  Finally, following modes other than the
       lowest toward a TS indicates that the starting geometry is not "close" to the desired TS.
       In most cases it is thus much better to further refined the starting geometry,  than to try
       following high lying modes.  There are cases, however, where it is very difficult to locate a
       starting geometry which has the correct Hessian, and mode following may be of some use

6.17.2        Franck-Condon  considerations

This section was written based on discussions with

                                                    Victor I. Danilov
                                        Department of Quantum Biophysics
                                        Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine
                                                         Kiev 143

The Frank-Condon principle states that electronic transitions take place in times that are very
short compared to the time required for the nuclei to move significantly.  Because of this,  care
must be taken to ensure that the calculations actually do reflect what is wanted.
    Examples of various phenomena which can be studied are:

Photoexcitation          If the purpose of a calculation is to predict the energy of photoexcitation, then
       the ground-state should first be optimized.  Once this is done, then a C.I. calculation can be
       carried out using 1SCF. With the appropriate keywords (MECI C.I.=n  etc.), the energy
       of photoexcitation to the various states can be predicted.
       A more expensive, but more rigorous, calculation, would be to optimize the geometry using
       all the C.I. keywords.  This is unlikely to change the results significantly, however.

Fluorescence        If the excited state has a sufficiently long lifetime, so that the geometry can relax,
       then if the system returns to the ground state by emission of a photon, the energy of the
       emitted photon will be less (it will be red-shifted) than that of the exciting photon.  To do
       such a calculation, proceed as follows:

           o  Optimize  the  ground-state  geometry  using  all  the  keywords  for  the  later  steps,  but
              specify the ground state, e.g.  C.I.=3 EF GNORM=0.01 MECI.

           o  Optimize the excited state, e.g.  C.I.=3 ROOT=2 EF GNORM=0.01 MECI.

           o  Calculate the Franck-Condon excitation energy, using the results of the ground-state
              calculation only.

           o  Calculate  the  Franck-Condon  emission  energy,  using  the  results  of  the  excited  state
              calculation only.

           o  If indirect emission energies are wanted, these can be obtained from the  Hf  of the
              optimized excited and optimized ground-state calculations.

       In order for fluorescence to occur, the photoemission probability must be quite large, there-
       fore only transitions of the same spin are allowed.  For example, if the ground state is S0 ,
       then the fluorescing state would be S1 .

Phosphorescence           If the photoemission probability is very low, then the lifetime of the excited
       state can be very long (sometimes minutes).  Such states can become populated by S1 ! T1
       intersystem crossing.  Of course, the geometry of the system will relax before the photoemis-
       sion occurs.

Indirect emission          If  the  system  relaxes  from  the  excited  electronic,  ground  vibrational  state
       to the ground electronic, ground vibrational state, then a more complicated calculation is
       called for.  The steps of such a calculation are:

           o  Optimize the geometry of the excited state.

           o  Using the same keywords, except that the ground state is specified, optimize the geom-
              etry of the ground state.

           o  Take the difference in  Hf  of the optimized excited and optimized ground-state calcu-

           o  Convert this difference into the appropriate units.

Excimers       An excimer is a pair of molecules, one of which is in an electronic excited state.  Such
       systems are usually stabilized relative to the isolated systems. Optimization of the geometries
       of such systems is difficult.  Suggestions on how to improve this type of calculation would be
6.18         Outer  Valence  Green's  Function

This section is based on materials supplied by

                                                  Dr David Danovich
                         The Fritz Haber Research Center for Molecular Dynamics
                                       The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                                                    91904 Jerusalem
    The OVGF technique was used with the self-energy part extended to include third order per-
turbation corrections, [?].  The higher order contributions were estimatedPby the renormalization
procedure.  The actual expression used to calculate the self-energy part,     pp(w), chosen in the
                                                  P  (2)         P  (3)
diagonal form, is given in equation (6.59), where    pp  (w) and    pp  (w) are the second- and third-
order  corrections,  and  A  is  the  screening  factor  accounting  for  all  the  contributions  of  higher
                                        X         X(2)                 X 3
                                            (w) =     (w) + (1 - A)-1      (w)                                         (6:59)
                                         pp        pp                   pp

The  particular  expression  which  was  used  for  the  second-order  corrections  is  given  in  equa-
tion (6.60).

                  X(2)       X    X    (2V      - V     )V           X    X    (2V     - V     )V
                       (w) =           ___paij_____paji___paij____ +           ___piab____piba___piab_____             (6:60)
                   pp          a   i;j    w + ea - ei - ej            a;b  i      w + ei - ea - eb

where                                    Z   Z

                                Vpqrs  =        OE*p(1)OE*q(2)(1=r12 )OE*r(1)OE*s(2)do1 do2

    In equation (6.60), i and j denote occupied orbitals, a and b denote virtual orbitals, p denotes
orbitals of unspecified occupancy, and e denotes an orbital energy.  The equations are solved by
an iterative procedure, represented in equation (6.61).

                                                  wi+1p = ep +     (wi)                                                (6:61)

    The SCF energies and the corresponding integrals, which were calculated by one of the semiem-
pirical methods (MNDO, AM1, or PM3), were taken as the zero'th approximation and all M.O.s
may be included in the activePspace for the OVGF calculations.

    The expressions used for    (3)ppand A are given in [?].
    The OVGF method itself, is described in detail in [?].

6.18.1        Example  of  OVGF  calculation

Because Danovich's OVGF method is new to MOPAC, users will want to see how well it works. The
data-set test__green.dat will calculate the first 8 I.P.s for dimethoxy-s-tetrazine.  This calculation
is discussed in detail in [?].  The experimental and calculated I.P.s are shown in Table 6.1.

                        Table 6.1:  OVGF Calculation, Comparison with Experiment

                            M.O.      Expt*       PM3       Error      OVGF(PM3)            Error
                            n1          9.05      10.15      1.10            9.46           0.41
                            ss1         9.6       10.01      0.41            9.65           0.05
                            n2          11.2      11.96      0.76           11.13           -0.07
                            ss2         11.8      12.27      0.47           11.43           -0.37
   *:  R. Gleiter, V. Schehlmann, J. Spanget-Larsen, H. Fischer and F. A. Neugebauer, J. Org.
                                               Chem., 53, 5756 (1988).
    From this, we see that for PM3 the average error is 0.69eV, but after OVGF correction, the
error drops to 0.22eV. This is typical of nitrogen heterocycle calculations.
6.19         COSMO  (Conductor-like  Screening  Model)

This section was written based on material provided by:

                                                     Andreas Klamt
                                                        Bayer AG
                                        Q18, D-5090 Leverkusen-Bayerwerk

    Unlike  the  Self-Consistent  Reaction  Field  model  [?],  the  Conductor-like  Screening  Model
(COSMO) is a new continuum approach which, while more complicated, is computationally quite
efficient. The expression for the total screening energy is simple enough to allow the first derivatives
of the energy with respect to atomic coordinates to be easily evaluated.
    Details of the procedure have been submitted for publication:  A. Klamt and G. Schuurmann,
COSMO: A New Approach to Dielectric Screening in Solvents with Explicit Expressions for the
Screening Energy and its Gradient, J. Chem.  Soc., Perkin Trans.  2, 1993.  (in press).
    The COSMO procedure generates a conducting polygonal surface around the system (ion or
molecule), at the van der Waals' distance.  By introducing a "-dependent correction factor,

                                                     f (") = _("_-_1)__1;
                                                             (" + __2)

into the expressions for the screening energy and its gradient, the theory can be extended to finite
dielectric constants with only a small error.
    The accuracy of the method can be judged by how well it reproduces known quantities, such
as the heat of solution in water (water has a dielectric constant of 78.4 at 25O C), Table 6.2.  Here,
the keywords used were
    From the Table we see that the glycine zwitterion becomes the stable form in water, while the
neutral species is the stable gas-phase form.
    The COSMO method is easy to use, and the derivative calculation is of sufficient precision to
allow gradients of 0.1 to be readily achieved.
         Compound          Method               Hf  (kcal/mol)                              Hydration
         NH+4              AM1              150.6                 59.5               91.1               88.0
         N(Me)+4           AM1              157.1               101.1                56.0               59.9
         N(Et)+4           AM1              132.1                 84.2               47.9               57.0
         neutral           AM1             -101.6              -117.3                15.7               --
      y :  Y. Nagano, M. Sakiyama, T. Fujiwara, Y. Kondo, J. Phys.  Chem., 92, 5823 (1988).

6.20         Solid  state  capability

Currently MOPAC can only handle up to one-dimensional extended systems.  As the solid-state
method used is unusual, details are given at this point.
    If  a  polymer  unit  cell  is  large  enough,  then  a  single  point  in  k-space,  the  Gamma  point,
is sufficient to specify the entire Brillouin zone.  The secular determinant for this point can be
constructed by adding together the Fock matrix for the central unit cell plus those for the adjacent
unit cells.  The Born-von Karman cyclic boundary conditions are satisfied,  and diagonalization
yields the correct density matrix for the Gamma point.
    At this point in the calculation, conventionally, the density matrix for each unit cell is con-
structed.  Instead, the Gamma-point density and one-electron density matrices are combined with
a "Gamma-point-like" Coulomb and exchange integral strings to produce a new Fock matrix.  The
calculation can be visualized as being done entirely in reciprocal space, at the Gamma point.
    Most solid-state calculations take a very long time.  These calculations, called "Cluster" cal-
culations after the original publication, require between 1.3 and 2 times the equivalent molecular
    A minor `fudge' is necessary to make this method work.  The contribution to the Fock matrix
element arising from the exchange integral between an atomic orbital and its equivalent in the
adjacent unit cells is ignored.  This is necessitated by the fact that the density matrix element
involved is invariably large.
    The unit cell must be large enough that an atomic orbital in the center of the unit cell has an
insignificant overlap with the atomic orbitals at the ends of the unit cell.  In practice, a translation
vector of more that about 7 or 8A is sufficient. For one rare group of compounds a larger translation
vector is needed.  Polymers with delocalized ss-systems, and polymers with very small band-gaps
will require a larger translation vector, in order to accurately sample k-space.  For these systems,
a translation vector in the order of 15-20 Angstroms is needed.
Chapter   7


The logic within MOPAC is best understood by use of flow-diagrams.
    There  are  two  main  sequences,  geometric  and  electronic.   These  join  only  at  one  common
subroutine COMPFG. It is possible, therefore, to understand the geometric or electronic sections
in isolation, without having studied the other section.

7.1        Main  geometric  sequence

                                       _          _
                                       _  MAIN  _
                                       _          _
           _          _              ```_```           ````_`````       _     ```_```
           _     ```_```        _           _        _                _     _   _           _
           _   _IRC/DRC_       _  FORCE  _        _   REACT1   _     _   _  PATHS  _
           _   _   or     _       _           _        _                _     _   _           _
           _   _   EF     _       _```````_```   _``````````_     _   _```````_
           _   _   or     _        _       _        _          _              _          _
           _   _  POLAR  _        _       _        _          _              _          _
           _   _```````_        _       _``     _          _`````````_``````_
         `_`````     _          `_````     _   _                     ```_```
       _  NLLSQ  _   _        _          _   _   _````````````_           _
       _   and   _   _        _  FMAT  _   _                        _  FLEPO  _
       _  POWSQ  _   _        _          _   _                        _           _
       _```````_   _        _``````_   _                        _```````_
   ````_```   _     _              _        _                `````_``     _
 _  SEARCH  _  _     _              _        _              _             _   _
 _     or     _  _     _              _        _              _  LINMIN  _   _
 _  LOCMIN  _  _     _              _        _              _             _   _
 _````````_  _     _              _        _              _````````_   _
                                     _             _
                                     _  COMPFG  _   (See  ELECTRONIC  SEQUENCE)
                                     _             _
7.2        Main  electronic  flow

                                         _             _
                                         _  COMPFG  _   (See  GEOMETRIC  SEQUENCE)
                                         _             _
                 ```_```              ```_```          ```_````     _
                _           _           _           _       _             _   _
                _  HCORE  _```````_  DERIV  _````_  GMETRY  _   _
                _           _           _           _       _             _   _
                _```````_           _```````_       _  SYMTRY  _   _
                      _                   _        _        _             _   _
                      _             ````_``     _        _````````_   _
                      _           _           _   _                           _
                      _           _  DCART  _   _                           _
                      _           _           _   _                           _
                      _           _```````_   _``````       ```````_
                      _              ``_``                `_``_`          `````````
                      _             _        _             _          _       _              _
                      _             _  DHC  _       ````_  ITER  _````_     RSP     _
                      _             _        _     _       _          _       _              _
                      _             _`````_     _       _``````_       _`````````_
                      _              _     _       _             _  _
                      _```       ``_     _       _             _  _           ````````
                           _       _        _       _             _  _          _             _
                         `_````_`       _````_`           _  _``````_  DENSIT  _
                       _             _   _           _          _             _             _
                       _  ROTATE  _   _  FOCK1  _          _             _   CNVG   _
                       _             _   _           _          _             _  PULAY   _
                       _  H1ELEC  _   _  FOCK2  _          _             _````````_
                       _             _   _           _          _
                       _````````_   _```````_          _`````
                              _                                 _          _
                         ```_``                              _  MECI  _
                       _          _                            _          _
                       _  DIAT  _                            _``````_
                       _          _
                         _       _
                         _  SS  _
7.3        Control  within  MOPAC

Almost  all  the  control  information  is  passed  via  the  single  datum  "KEYWRD",  a  string  of  80
characters, which is read in at the start of the job.
    Each subroutine is made independent,  as far as possible,  even at the expense of extra code
or  calculation.   Thus,  for  example,  the  SCF  criterion  is  set  in  subroutine  ITER,  and  nowhere
else.  Similarly,  subroutine  DERIV  has  exclusive  control  of  the  step  size  in  the  finite-difference
calculation of the energy derivatives.  If the default values are to be reset, then the new value is
supplied in KEYWRD, and extracted via INDEX and READA. The flow of control is decided by
the presence of various keywords in KEYWRD.
    When a subroutine is called, it assumes that all data required for its operation are available
in either common blocks or arguments.  Normally no check is made as to the validity of the data
received.  All data are "owned" by one, and only one, subroutine.  Ownership means the implied
permission and ability to change the data.  Thus MOLDAT "owns" the number of atomic orbitals,
in  that  it  calculates  this  number,  and  stores  it  in  the  variable  NORBS.  Many  subroutines  use
NORBS, but none of them is allowed to change it.  For obvious reasons no exceptions should be
made to this rule.  To illustrate the usefulness of this convention, consider the eigenvectors, C and
CBETA. These are owned by ITER. Before ITER is called,  C and CBETA are not calculated,
after ITER has been called C and CBETA are known, so any subroutine which needs to use the
eigenvectors can do so in the certain knowledge that they exist.
    Any variables which are only used within a subroutine are not passed outside the subroutine
unless an overriding reason exists. This is found in PULAY and CNVG, among others where arrays
used to hold spin-dependent data are used, and these cannot conveniently be defined within the
subroutines.  In these examples, the relevant arrays are "owned" by ITER.
    A general subroutine, of which ITER is a good example, handles three kinds of data:  First,
data which the subroutine is going to work on, for example the one and two electron matrices;
second, data necessary to manipulate the first set of data, such as the number of atomic orbitals;
third, the calculated quantities, here the electronic energy, and the density and Fock matrices.
    Reference data are entered into a subroutine by way of the common blocks. This is to emphasize
their peripheral role.  Thus the number of orbitals, while essential to ITER, is not central to the
task it has to perform, and is passed through a common block.
    Data the subroutine is going to work on are passed via the argument list.  Thus the one and
two electron matrices, which are the main reason for ITER's existence, are entered as two of the
four arguments.  As ITER does not own these matrices it can use them but may not change their
contents.  The other argument is EE, the electronic energy.  EE is owned by ITER even though it
first appears before ITER is called.
    Sometimes  common  block  data  should  more  correctly  appear  in  an  argument  list.   This  is
usually not done in order to prevent obscuring the main role the subroutine has to perform.  Thus
ITER calculates the density and Fock matrices, but these are not represented in the argument list
as the calling subroutine never needs to know them; instead, they are stored in common.

7.3.1       Subroutine  GMETRY

Description for programmers

GMETRY  has  two  arguments,  GEO  and  COORD.  On  input  GEO  contains  either  (a)  internal
coordinates or (b) cartesian coordinates.  On exit COORD contains the cartesian coordinates.
    The normal mode of usage is to supply the internal coordinates, in which case the connectivity
relations are found in common block GEOKST.
    If the contents of NA(1) is zero, as required for any normal system, then the normal internal
to cartesian conversion is carried out.
    If the contents of NA(1) is 99, then the coordinates found in GEO are assumed to be cartesian,
and no conversion is made.  This is the situation in a FORCE calculation.
    A further option exists within the internal to cartesian conversion.  If STEP, stored in common
block REACTN, is non-zero, then a reaction path is assumed, and the internal coordinates are
adjusted  radially  in  order  that  the  "distance"  in  internal  coordinate  space  from  the  geometry
specified in GEO is STEPP away from the geometry stored in GEOA, stored in REACTN.
    During the internal to cartesian conversion, the angle between the three atoms used in defining
a fourth atom is checked to ensure that it is not near to 0 or 180 degrees.  If it is near to these
angles, then there is a high probability that a faulty geometry will be generated and to prevent
this the calculation is stopped and an error message printed.

    1. If the angle is exactly 0 or 180 degrees, then the calculation is not terminated:  This is the
       normal situation in a high-symmetry molecule such as propyne.

    2. The check is only made if the fourth atom has a bond angle which is not zero or 180 degrees.
Chapter   8

Error   messages   produced   by


MOPAC  produces  several  hundred  messages,  all  of  which  are  intended  to  be  self-explanatory.
However, when an error occurs it is useful to have more information than is given in the standard
    The following alphabetical list gives more complete definitions of the messages printed.


When internal coordinates are supplied, six coordinates cannot be optimized.  These are the three
coordinates of atom 1, the angle and dihedral on atom 2 and the dihedral on atom 3.  An attempt
has been made to optimize one of these.  This is usually indicative of a typographic error,  but
might simply be an oversight.  Either way, the error will be corrected and the calculation will not
be stopped here.


The rules for definition of atom connectivity are:

   1.  Atom 2 must be connected to atom 1 (default - no override)

   2.  Atom 3 must be connected to atom 1 or 2, and make an angle with 2 or 1.

   3.  All other atoms must be defined in terms of already-defined atoms:  these atoms must all
       be different.  Thus atom 9 might be connected to atom 5, make an angle with atom 6, and
       have a dihedral with atom 7.  If the dihedral was with atom 5, then the geometry definition
       would be faulty.

    If any of these rules is broken, a fatal error message is printed, and the calculation stopped.


An element has been used for which parameters are not available.  Only if a typographic error has
been made can this be rectified.  This check is not exhaustive,  in that even if the elements are
acceptable there are some combinations of elements within MINDO/3 that are not allowed.  This
is a fatal error message.


An atom has been specified with a negative or zero atomic number.  This is normally caused by
forgetting to specify an atomic number or symbol.  This is a fatal error message.

Two genuine atoms (not dummies) are separated by a very small distance.  This can occur when a
complicated geometry is being optimized, in which case the user may wish to continue.  This can
be done by using the keyword GEO-OK. More often, however, this message indicates a mistake,
and the calculation is, by default, stopped.


A quite rare message, produced by Bartel's gradient norm minimization. Bartel's method attempts
to  minimize  the  gradient  norm  by  searching  the  gradient  space  for  a  minimum.  Apparently  a
minimum has been found, but not recognized as such.  The program has searched in all (3N - 6)
directions, and found no way down, but the criteria for a minimum have not been satisfied.  No
advice is available for getting round this error.


A non-fatal message, but still cause for concern. During a SADDLE calculation the two geometries
involved are on opposite sides of the transition state.  This situation is verified at every point by
calculating the cosine of the angle between the two gradient vectors.  For as long as it is negative,
then the two geometries are on opposite sides of the T/S. If, however, the cosine becomes positive,
then the assumption is made that one moiety has fallen over the T/S and is now below the other
geometry.  That is, it is now further from the T/S than the other, temporarily fixed, geometry.  To
correct this, identify geometries corresponding to points on each side of the T/S. (Two geometries
on the output separated by the message "SWAPPING...") and make up a new data-file using these
geometries.  This  corresponds  to  points  on  the  reaction  path  near  to  the  T/S.  Run  a  new  job
using these two geometries,  but with BAR set to a third or a quarter of its original value,  e.g.
BAR=0.05.  This normally allows the T/S to be located.


There  is  no  UHF  configuration  interaction  calculation  in  MOPAC.  Either  remove  the  keyword
that implies C.I. or the word UHF.


A particularly annoying message!  In order to define an atom's position, the three atoms used in
the connectivity table must not accidentally fall into a straight line.  This can happen during a
geometry optimization or gradient minimization.  If they do, and if the angle made by the atom
being defined is not zero or 180 degrees, then its position becomes ill-defined.  This is not desirable,
and the calculation will stop in order to allow corrective action to be taken.  Note that if the three
atoms are in an exactly straight line, this message will not be triggered.  The good news is that the
criterion used to trigger this message was set too coarsely.  The criterion has been tightened so that
this message now does not often appear.  Geometric integrity does not appear to be compromized.


If cartesian coordinates are read in, but the calculation is to be carried out using internal coordi-
nates, then either all possible geometric variables must be optimized, or none can be optimized.  If
only some are marked for optimization then ambiguity exists.  For example, if the "X" coordinate
of atom 6 is marked for optimization, but the "Y" is not, then when the conversion to internal
coordinates  takes  place,  the  first  coordinate  becomes  a  bond-length,  and  the  second  an  angle.
These bear no relationship to the "X" or "Y" coordinates.  This is a fatal error.

If cartesian coordinates are read in, but the calculation is to be carried out using internal coordi-
nates, then any symmetry relationships between the cartesian coordinates will not be reflected in
the internal coordinates.  For example, if the "Y" coordinates of atoms 5 and 6 are equal, it does
not follow that the internal coordinate angles these atoms make are equal.  This is a fatal error.


When an external file is used to redefine MNDO, AM1, or PM3 parameters, the chemical symbols
used must correspond to known elements.  Any that do not will trigger this fatal message.


Something is wrong with the geometry data.  In order to help find the error, the geometry already
read in is printed.  The error lies either on the last line of the geometry printed, or on the next
(unprinted) line.  This is a fatal error.


Not  a  fatal  error.   The  McIver-Komornicki  gradient  minimization  involves  use  of  a  line-search
to  find  the  lowest  gradient.   This  message  is  merely  advice.   However,  if  SIGMA  takes  a  long
time, consider doing something else, such as using NLLSQ, or refining the geometry a bit before
resubmitting it to SIGMA.

<<<<----****  FAILED  TO  ACHIEVE  SCF.  ****---->>>>

The SCF calculation failed to go to completion; an unwanted and depressing message that unfor-
tunately appears every so often.
    To date three unconditional convergers have appeared in the literature:  the SHIFT technique,
Pulay's method, and the Camp-King converger.  It would not be fair to the authors to condemn
their methods.  In MOPAC all sorts of weird and wonderful systems are calculated, systems the
authors of the convergers never dreamed of.  MOPAC uses a combination of all three convergers
at times.  Normally only a quadratic damper is used.
    If  this  message  appears,  suspect  first  that  the  calculation  might  be  faulty,  then,  if  you  feel
confident, use PL to monitor a single SCF. Based on the SCF results either increase the number
of allowed iterations, default:  200, or use PULAY, or Camp-King, or a mixture.
    If nothing works, then consider slackening the SCF criterion.  This will allow heats of formation
to be calculated with reasonable precision, but the gradients are likely to be imprecise.


In a reaction path calculation the initial geometry for a point is calculated by quadratic extrapo-
lation using the previous three points.
    If a quadratic fit is likely to lead to an inferior geometry, then the geometry of the last point
calculated will be used.  The total effect is to slow down the calculation,  but no user action is


Before  a  FORCE  calculation  can  be  performed  the  gradient  norm  must  be  so  small  that  the
third and higher order components of energy in the force field are negligible.  If,  in the system
under examination, the gradient norm is too large, the gradient norm will first be reduced using
FLEPO, unless LET has been specified.  In some cases the FORCE calculation may be run only
to decide if a state is a ground state or a transition state, in which case the results have only two
interpretations.  Under these circumstances, LET may be warranted.

In a calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the system, if the rotation and translation
vibrations  are  non-zero,  as  would  be  the  case  if  the  gradient  norm  was  significant,  then  these
`vibrations' would interfere with the low-lying genuine vibrations.  The criteria for THERMO are
much more stringent than for a vibrational frequency calculation, as it is the lowest few genuine
vibrations that determine the internal vibrational energy, entropy, etc.


An element has been specified by an atomic number which is not in the range 1 to 107.  Check
the data:  the first datum on one of the lines is faulty.  Most likely line 4 is faulty.


The keyword OPEN(n1,n2) has been used,  but for an even-electron system n1 was specified as
odd or for an odd-electron system n1 was specified as even.  Either way, there is a conflict which
the user must resolve.


A general catch-all.  This message will be printed if two incompatible options are used, such as
both MINDO/3 and AM1 being specified.  Check the keywords, and resolve the conflict.


If internal coordinates are read in, but the calculation is to be carried out using cartesian coordi-
nates, then either all possible geometric variables must be optimized, or none can be optimized.
If only some are marked for optimization, then ambiguity exists.  For example, if the bond-length
of atom 6 is marked for optimization, but the angle is not, then when the conversion to cartesian
coordinates takes place, the first coordinate becomes the `X' coordinate and the second the `Y'
coordinate.  These bear no relationship to the bond length or angle.  This is a fatal error.


If internal coordinates are read in, but the calculation is to be carried out using cartesian coordi-
nates, then any symmetry relationships between the internal coordinates will not be reflected in
the cartesian coordinates.  For example, if the bond-lengths of atoms 5 and 6 are equal, it does
not follow that these atoms have equal values for their `X' coordinates.  This is a fatal error.


Any MOPAC calculation, for which the SHUTDOWN command works, can be stopped by a user
who issues the command "$SHUT  , from the directory which contains .DAT.
    MOPAC will then stop the calculation at the first convenient point, usually after the current
cycle has finished.  A restart file will be written and the job ended.  The message will be printed
as soon as it is detected, which would be the next time the timer routine is accessed.

****  MAX.  NUMBER  OF  ATOMS  ALLOWED:  : : :

At compile time the maximum sizes of the arrays in MOPAC are fixed.  The system being run
exceeds the maximum number of atoms allowed.  To rectify this, modify the file DIMSIZES.DAT
to increase the number of heavy and light atoms allowed.  If DIMSIZES.DAT is altered, then the
whole of MOPAC should be re-compiled and re-linked.
****  MAX.  NUMBER  OF  ORBITALS:  : : :

At compile time the maximum sizes of the arrays in MOPAC are fixed.  The system being run
exceeds the maximum number of orbitals allowed.  To rectify this, modify the file DIMSIZES.DAT
to change the number of heavy and light atoms allowed.  If DIMSIZES.DAT is altered, then the
whole of MOPAC should be re-compiled and re-linked.


At compile time the maximum sizes of the arrays in MOPAC are fixed.  The system being run
exceeds the maximum number of two-electron integrals allowed.  To rectify this, modify the file
DIMSIZES.DAT to modify the number of heavy and light atoms allowed.  If DIMSIZES.DAT is
altered, then the whole of MOPAC should be re-compiled and re-linked.


Various atomic parameters can be modified in MOPAC by use of EXTERNAL=.  These comprise:

               Uss              Betas              Gp2                GSD
               Upp              Betap              Hsp                GPD
               Udd              Betad              AM1                GDD
               Zs                Gss                 Expc              FN1
               Zp                Gsp                 Gaus              FN2
               Zd                Gpp                 Alp                FN3

    Thus to change the Uss of hydrogen to -13:6 the line USS       H       -13.6 could be used.  If
an attempt is made to modify any other parameters, then an error message is printed, and the
calculation terminated.


When user-defined microstates are not used, the MECI will calculate all possible microstates that
satisfy the space and spin constraints imposed. This is done in PERM, which permutes N electrons
in M levels.  If N is greater than M, then no possible permutation is valid.  This is not a fatal error
- the program will continue to run, but no C.I. will be done.


The number of permutations of alpha or beta microstates is limited to 60. Thus if 3 alpha electrons
are permuted among 5 M.O.'s, that will generate 10 = 5!=(3!2!) alpha microstates, which is an
allowed  number.   However  if  4  alpha  electrons  are  permuted  among  8  M.O.'s,  then  70  alpha
microstates  result  and  the  arrays  defined  will  be  insufficient.  Note  that  60  alpha  and  60  beta
microstates  will  permit  3600  microstates  in  all,  which  should  be  more  than  sufficient  for  most
purposes.  (An exception would be for excited radical icosohedral systems.)


This is self explanatory.  The DRC requires all geometric constraints to be lifted.  Any symmetry
constraints  will  first  be  applied,  to  symmetrize  the  geometry,  and  then  removed  to  allow  the
calculation to proceed.


This  is  a  gradient  norm  minimization  message.   These  routines  will  only  work  if  the  nearest
minimum to the supplied geometry in gradient-norm space is a transition state or a ground state.
Gradient norm space can be visualized as the space of the scalar of the derivative of the energy
space  with  respect  to  geometry.  To  a  first  approximation,  there  are  twice  as  many  minima  in
gradient norm space as there are in energy space.
    It is unlikely that there exists any simple way to refine a geometry that results in this message.
While  it  is  appreciated  that  a  large  amount  of  effort  has  probably  already  been  expended  in
getting to this point, users should steel themselves to writing off the whole geometry.  It is not
recommended that a minor change be made to the geometry and the job re-submitted.
    Try using SIGMA instead of POWSQ.


The  thermodynamics  calculation  assumes  that  the  statistical  summations  can  be  replaced  by
integrals.  This assumption is only valid above 100K, so the lower temperature bound is set to 100,
and the calculation continued.


The SCF criterion has been reset by the user, and the new value is so small that the SCF test
may never be satisfied.  This is a case of user beware!


This message should never appear; a fault has been introduced into MOPAC, most probably as a
result of a programming error.  If this message appears in the vanilla version of MOPAC (a version
ending in 00), please contact JJPS as I would be most interested in how this was achieved.


If the cartesian coordinates of an atom depend on the dihedral angle it makes with three other
atoms, and those three atoms fall in an almost straight line, then a small change in the cartesian
coordinates of one of those three atoms can cause a large change in its position.  This is a potential
source of trouble, and the data should be changed to make the geometric specification of the atom
in question less ambiguous.
    This message can appear at any time, particularly in reaction path and saddle-point calcula-
    An exception to this rule is if the three atoms fall into an exactly straight line.  For example,
if, in propyne, the hydrogens are defined in terms of the three carbon atoms, then no error will
be flagged.  In such a system the three atoms in the straight line must not have the angle between
them optimized, as the finite step in the derivative calculation would displace one atom off the
straight line and the error-trap would take effect.
    Correction involves re-defining the connectivity.  LET and GEO-OK will not allow the calcu-
lation to proceed.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  TIME  UP  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

The time defined on the keywords line or 3,600 seconds, if no time was specified, is likely to be
exceeded if another cycle of calculation were to be performed.  A controlled termination of the
run would follow this message.  The job may terminate earlier than expected:  this is ordinarily
due to one of the recently completed cycles taking unusually long, and the safety margin has been
increased  to  allow  for  the  possibility  that  the  next  cycle  might  also  run  for  much  longer  than


If TRIPLET has been specified the number of electrons must be even.  Check the charge on the
system, the empirical formula, and whether TRIPLET was intended.

See the error-message:  <<<<----****  FAILED  TO  ACHIEVE  SCF.   ****---->>>>.


Symmetry operations are restricted to those defined, i.e., in the range 1-18.  Any other symmetry
operations will trip this fatal message.


In the geometric specification a chemical symbol which does not correspond to any known element
has been used.  The error lies in the first datum on a line of geometric data.

****  WARNING  ****

Don't  pay  too  much  attention  to  this  message.  Thermodynamics  calculations  require  a  higher
precision than vibrational frequency calculations.  In particular, the gradient norm should be very
small.  However, it is frequently not practical to reduce the gradient norm further, and to date
no-one  has  determined  just  how  slack  the  gradient  criterion  can  be  before  unacceptable  errors
appear in the thermodynamic quantities.  The 0.4 gradient norm is only a suggestion.


Triatomics  are,  by  definition,  defined  in  terms  of  internal  coordinates.  This  warning  is  only  a
reminder.   For  diatomics,  cartesian  and  internal  coordinates  are  the  same.   For  tetra-atomics
and higher,  the presence or absence of a connectivity table distinguishes internal and cartesian
coordinates, but for triatomics there is an ambiguity.  To resolve this, cartesian coordinates are
not allowed for the data input for triatomics.
Chapter   9


MOPAC uses various criteria which control the precision of its stages.  These criteria are chosen
as the best compromise between speed and acceptable errors in the results.  The user can override
the default settings by use of keywords; however, care should be exercised as increasing a criterion
can introduce the potential for infinite loops, and decreasing a criterion can result in unacceptably
imprecise results.  These are usually characterized by `noise' in a reaction path, or large values for
the trivial vibrations in a force calculation.

9.1        SCF  criterion

 Name:                SCFCRT.
 Defined  in        ITER.
 Default  value   0.0001  kcal/mole
 Basic  Test        Change  in  energy  in  kcal/mole  on  successive
                         iterations  is  less  than  SCFCRT.

 Exceptions:       If  PRECISE  is  specified,             SCFCRT=0.000001
                         If  a  polarization  calculation     SCFCRT=1.D-11
                         If  a  FORCE  calculation                SCFCRT=0.0000001
                         If  SCFCRT=n.nnn  is  specified       SCFCRT=n.nnn
                         If  a  BFGS  optimization,  SCFCRT  becomes  a  function
                         of  the  difference  between  the  current  energy  and
                         the  lowest  energy  of  previous  SCFs.
 Secondary  tests:  (1)  Change  in  density  matrix  elements  on  two
                                  successive  iterations  must  be  less  than  0.001
                            (2)  Change  in  energy  in  eV  on  three  successive
                                  iterations  must  be  less  than  10  x  SCFCRT.

9.2        Geometric  optimization  criteria

 Name:                 TOLERX     "Test  on  X  Satisfied"
 Defined  in          FLEPO
 Default  value     0.0001  Angstroms
 Basic  Test          The  projected  change  in  geometry  is  less  than
                          TOLERX  Angstroms.

 Exceptions          If  GNORM  is  specified,  the  TOLERX  test  is  not  used.

 Name:                 DELHOF       "Herbert's  Test  Satisfied"
  Defined  in          FLEPO
  Default  value     0.001
  Basic  Test          The  projected  decrease  in  energy  is  less  than
                           DELHOF  kcals/mole.

  Exceptions          If  GNORM  is  specified,  the  DELHOF  test  is  not  used.

  Name:                 TOLERG       "Test  on  Gradient  Satisfied"
  Defined  in          FLEPO
  Default  value     1.0
  Basic  Test          The  gradient  norm  in  kcals/mole/Angstrom  is  less
                           than  TOLERG  multiplied  by  the  square  root  of  the
                           number  of  coordinates  to  be  optimized.

  Exceptions          If  GNORM=n.nnn  is  specified,  TOLERG=n.nnn  divided
                           by  the  square  root  of  the  number  of  coordinates
                           to  be  optimized,  and  the  secondary  tests  are  not
                           done.   If  LET  is  not  specified,  n.nnn  is  reset  to
                           0.01,  if  it  was  smaller  than  0.01.
                           If  PRECISE  is  specified,  TOLERG=0.2

                           If  a  SADDLE  calculation,  TOLERG  is  made  a  function
                           of  the  last  gradient  norm.
  Name:                 TOLERF       "Heat  of  Formation  Test  Satisfied"
  Defined  in          FLEPO
  Default  value     0.002  kcal/mole
  Basic  Test          The  calculated  heats  of  formation  on  two  successive
                           cycles  differ  by  less  than  TOLERF.

  Exceptions          If  GNORM  is  specified,  the  TOLERF  test  is  not  used.

  Secondary  Tests  For  the  TOLERG,  TOLERF,  and  TOLERX  tests,  a
                           second  test  in  which  no  individual  component  of  the
                           gradient  should  be  larger  than  TOLERG  must  be

  Other  Tests        If,  after  the  TOLERG,  TOLERF,  or  TOLERX  test  has  been
                           satisfied  three  consecutive  times  the  heat  of
                           formation  has  dropped  by  less  than  0.3kcal/mole,  then
                           the  optimization  is  stopped.

  Exceptions          If  GNORM  is  specified,  then  this  test  is  not  performed.

  Name:                 TOL2
  Defined  in          POWSQ
  Default  value     0.4
  Basic  Test          The  absolute  value  of  the  largest  component  of  the
                           gradient  is  less  than  TOL2

  Exceptions          If  PRECISE  is  specified,  TOL2=0.01
                           If  GNORM=n.nn  is  specified,  TOL2=n.nn
                           If  LET  is  not  specified,  TOL2  is  reset  to
                           0.01,  if  n.nn  was  smaller  than  0.01.
 Name:                 TOLS1
 Defined  in          NLLSQ
 Default  Value     0.000  000  000  001
 Basic  Test          The  square  of  the  ratio  of  the  projected  change  in  the
                          geometry  to  the  actual  geometry  is  less  than  TOLS1.

 Defined  in          NLLSQ
 Default  Value     0.2
 Basic  Test          Every  component  of  the  gradient  is  less  than  0.2.
Chapter   10


There  are  three  potential  sources  of  difficulty  in  using  MOPAC,  each  of  which  requires  special
attention.  There can be problems with data, due to errors in the data, or MOPAC may be called
upon to do calculations for which it was not designed.  There are intrinsic errors in MOPAC which
extensive testing has not yet revealed, but which a user's novel calculation uncovers.  Finally there
can be bugs introduced by the user modifying MOPAC, either to make it compatible with the
host computer, or to implement local features.
    For whatever reason, the user may need to have access to more information than the normal
keywords can provide, and a second set, specifically for debugging, is provided.  These keywords
give information about the working of individual subroutines, and do not affect the course of the

10.1         Debugging  keywords

A full list of keywords for debugging subroutines:

1ELEC                the  one-electron  matrix.                                         Note  1
COMPFG              Heat  of  Formation.
DCART                Cartesian  derivatives.
DEBUG                                                                                              Note  2
DEBUGPULAY        Pulay  matrix,  vector,  and  error-function.              Note  3
DENSITY             Every  density  matrix.                                              Note  1
DERI1                Details  of  DERI1  calculation
DERI2                Details  of  DERI2  calculation
DERITR              Details  of  DERITR  calculation
DERIV                All  gradients,  and  other  data  in  DERIV.
DERNVO              Details  of  DERNVO  calculation
DFORCE              Print  Force  Matrix.
DIIS                 Details  of  DIIS  calculation
EIGS                 All  eigenvalues.
FLEPO                Details  of  BFGS  minimization.
FOCK                 Every  Fock  matrix                                                    Note  1
HCORE                The  one  electron  matrix,  and  two  electron  integrals.
ITER                 Values  of  variables  and  constants  in  ITER.
LARGE                Increases  amount  of  output  generated  by  other  keywords.
LINMIN              Details  of  line  minimization  (LINMIN,  LOCMIN,  SEARCH)
MOLDAT              Molecular  data,  number  of  orbitals,  "U"  values,  etc.
MECI                 C.I.  matrices,  M.O.  indices,  etc.
PL                     Differences  between  density  matrix  elements           Note  4
                       in  ITER.
LINMIN              Function  values,  step  sizes  at  all  points  in  the
                       line  minimization  (LINMIN  or  SEARCH).
TIMES                Times  of  stages  within  ITER.
VECTORS             All  eigenvectors  on  every  iteration.                      Note  1


    1. These keywords are activated by the keyword DEBUG. Thus if DEBUG and FOCK are both
       specified, every Fock matrix on every iteration will be printed.

    2. DEBUG is not intended to increase the output,  but does allow other keywords to have a
       special meaning.

    3. PULAY is already a keyword, so DEBUGPULAY was an obvious alternative.

    4. PL initiates the output of the value of the largest difference between any two density matrix
       elements on two consecutive iterations.  This is very useful when investigating options for
       increasing the rate of convergence of the SCF calculation.

Suggested  procedure  for  locating  bugs

Users are supplied with the source code for MOPAC, and, while the original code is fairly bug-free,
after it has been modified there is a possibility that bugs may have been introduced.  In these
circumstances the author of the changes is obviously responsible for removing the offending bug,
and the following ideas might prove useful in this context.
    First  of  all,  and  most  important,  before  any  modifications  are  done  a  back-up  copy  of  the
standard MOPAC should be made.  This will prove invaluable in pinpointing deviations from the
standard  working.   This  point  cannot  be  over-emphasized  _  make  a  back-up  before  modifying
    Clearly, a bug can occur almost anywhere, and a logical search sequence is necessary in order
to minimize the time taken to locate it.
    If possible, perform the debugging with a small molecule, in order to save time (debugging is,
of necessity, time consuming) and to minimize output.
    The two sets of subroutines in MOPAC, those involved with the electronics and those involved
in  the  geometrics,  are  kept  strictly  separate,  so  the  first  question  to  be  answered  is  which  set
contains the bug.  If the heats of formation, derivatives, I.P.s, and charges, etc., are correct, the
bug lies in the geometrics; if faulty, in the electronics.

Bug in the Electronics Subroutines

Use formaldehyde for this test.  The supplied data-file MNRSD1.DAT could be used as a template
for this operation.  Use keywords 1SCF, DEBUG, and any others necessary.
    The main steps are:

    1. Check the starting one-electron matrix and two-electron integral string, using the keyword
       HCORE. It is normally sufficient to verify that the two hydrogen atoms are equivalent, and
       that the pi system involves only pz on oxygen and carbon.  Note that numerical values are
       not checked, but only relative values.

       If an error is found, use MOLDAT to verify the orbital character, etc.

       If faulty the error lies in READ, GETGEO or MOLDAT.

       Otherwise the error lies in HCORE, H1ELEC or ROTATE.

       If the starting matrices are correct, go on to step (2).
   2.  Check the density or Fock matrix on every iteration, with the words FOCK or DENSITY.
       Check the equivalence of the two hydrogen atoms, and the pi system, as in (1).

       If an error is found, check the first Fock matrix.  If faulty, the bug lies in ITER, probably in
       the Fock subroutines FOCK1 or FOCK2.  or in the (guessed) density matrix (MOLDAT).
       An exception is in the UHF closed-shell calculation, where a small asymmetry is introduced
       to initiate the separation of the alpha and beta UHF wavefunctions.

       If no error is found,  check the second Fock matrix.  If faulty,  the error lies in the density
       matrix DENSIT, or the diagonalization RSP.

       If the Fock matrix is acceptable, check all the Fock matrices.  If the error starts in iterations
       2 to 4, the error probably lies in CNVG, if after that, in PULAY, if used.

       If SCF is achieved,  and the heat of formation is faulty,  check HELECT. If C.I. was used
       check MECI.

       If  the  derivatives  are  faulty,  use  DCART  to  verify  the  cartesian  derivatives.  If  these  are
       faulty, check DCART and DHC. If they are correct, or not calculated, check the DERIV finite
       difference calculation.  If the wavefunction is non-variationally optimized, check DERNVO.

       If the geometric calculation is faulty, use FLEPO to monitor the optimization, DERIV may
       also be useful here.

       For the FORCE calculation, DCART or DERIV are useful for variationally optimized func-
       tions, COMPFG for non-variationally optimized functions.

       For reaction paths, verify that FLEPO is working correctly; if so, then PATHS is faulty.

       For saddle-point calculations, verify that FLEPO is working correctly; if so, then REACT1
       is faulty.

    Keep in mind the fact that MOPAC is a large calculation, and while intended to be versatile,
many  combinations  of  options  have  not  been  tested.   If  a  bug  is  found  in  the  original  code,
please communicate details to the Academy, to Dr. James J. P. Stewart, Frank J. Seiler Research
Laboratory, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO 80840-6528.
Chapter   11

Installing   MOPAC

MOPAC is distributed on a magnetic tape as a set of FORTRAN-77 files,  along with ancillary
documents  such  as  command,  help,  data  and  results  files.   The  format  of  the  tape  is  that  of
DIGITAL'S VAX computers.  The following instructions apply only to users with VAX computers:
users with other machines should use the following instructions as a guide to getting MOPAC up
and running.

   1.  Put the magnetic tape on the tape drive, write protected.

   2.  Allocate the tape drive with a command such as $ALLOCATE  MTA0:

   3.  Go into an empty directory which is to hold MOPAC

   4.  Mount the magnetic tape with the command $MOUNT  MTA0:   MOPAC

   5.  Copy all the files from the tape with the command $COPY  MTA0:*.*  *

    A useful operation after this would be to make a hard copy of the directory.  You should now
have the following sets of files in the directory:

   1.  A file, AAAINVOICE.TXT, summarizing this list.

   2.  A set of FORTRAN-77 files, see Appendix A.

   3.  The command files COMPILE, MOPACCOM, MOPAC, RMOPAC, and SHUT.

   4.  A file, MOPAC.OPT, which lists all the object modules used by MOPAC.

   5.  Help files MOPAC.HLP and HELP.FOR

   6.  A text file MOPAC.MAN.

   7.  A manual summarizing the updates, called UPDATE.MAN.

   8.  Two test-data files:  TESTDATA.DAT and MNRSD1.DAT, and corresponding results files,
Structure  of  command  files:  COMPILE

The parameter file DIMSIZES.DAT should be read and, if necessary, modified before COMPILE
is run.

    COMPILE  should  be  run  once  only.   It  assigns  DIMSIZES.DAT,  the  block  of  FORTRAN
which contains the PARAMETERS for the dimension sizes to the logical name "SIZES". This is
a temporary assignment, but the user is strongly recommended to make it permanent by suitably
modifying LOGIN file(s).  COMPILE is a modified version of Maj Donn Storch's COMPILE for
    All the FORTRAN files are then compiled, using the array sizes given in DIMSIZES.DAT: these
should be modified before COMPILE is run.  If, for whatever reason, DIMSIZES.DAT needs to be
changed, then COMPILE should be re-run, as modules compiled with different DIMSIZES.DAT
will be incompatible.
    The parameters within DIMSIZES.DAT that the user can modify are MAXLIT, MAXHEV,
MAXTIM and MAXDMP. MAXLIT is assigned a value equal to the largest number of hydrogen
atoms that a MOPAC job is expected to run, MAXHEV is assigned the corresponding number of
heavy (non-hydrogen) atoms.  The ratio of light to heavy atoms should not be less than 1/2.  Do
not set MAXHEV or MAXLIT less than 7.  If you do, some subroutines will not compile correctly.
Some  molecular  orbital  eigenvector  arrays  are  overlapped  with  Hessian  arrays,  and  to  prevent
compilation time error messages, the number of allowed A.O.'s must be greater than, or equal to
three times the number of allowed real atoms.  MAXTIM is the default maximum time in seconds
a job is allowed to run before either completion or a restart file being written.  MAXDMP is the
default time in seconds for the automatic writing of the restart files.  If your computer is very
reliable, and disk space is at a premium, you might want to set MAXDMP as MAXDMP=999999.
    If SYBYL output is wanted, set ISYBYL to 1, otherwise set it to zero.
    If you want, NMECI can be changed.  Setting it to 1 will save some space, but will prevent all
C.I. calculations except simple radicals.
    If  you  want,  NPULAY  can  be  set  to  1.   This  saves  memory,  but  also  disables  the  PULAY
    If you want, MESP can be varied.  This is only meaningful if ESP is installed.
    Compile MOPAC. This operation takes about 7 minutes,  and should be run "on-line",  as a
question and answer session is involved.
    When  everything  is  successfully  compiled,  the  object  files  will  then  be  assembled  into  an
executable  image  called  MOPAC.EXE.  Once  the  image  exists,  there  is  no  reason  to  keep  the
object files, and if space is at a premium these can be deleted at this time.
    If you need to make any changes to any of the files, COMPILE followed by the names of the
changed files will reconstruct MOPAC, provided all the other OBJ files exist.  For example, if you
change the version number in DIMSIZES.DAT, then READ.FOR and WRITE.FOR are affected
and will need to be recompiled.  This can be done using the command @COMPILE  WRITE,READ
    In the unlikely event that you want to link only, use the command @COMPILE  LINK
    Sometimes the link stage will fail, and give the message

  "%LINK-E-INSVIRMEM,  insufficient  virtual  memory  for  2614711.  pages
   -LINK-E-NOIMGFIL,  image  file  not  created",

    or your MOPAC will not run due to the size of the image.  In these cases you should ask the
system manager to alter your PGFLQUO and WSEXTENT limits.  Possibly the system limits,
VIRTUALPAGECNT  CURRENT  and  MAX  will  need  to  be  changed.   As  an  example,  on  a
Microvax 3600 with 16Mb of memory:


are sufficient for the default MOPAC values of 43 heavy and 43 light atoms.
    In order for users to have access to MOPAC they must insert in their individual LOGIN.COM
files the line:


where  is the name of the disk and directory which holds all the MOPAC files.
For example:

thus:  $@  DRA0:[MOPAC]MOPAC
    MOPACCOM.COM  should  be  modified  once  to  accommodate  local  definitions  of  the  di-
rectory  which  is  to  hold  MOPAC.  This  change  must  also  be  made  to  RMOPAC.COM  and  to


This  command  file  submits  a  MOPAC  job  to  a  queue.   Before  use,  MOPAC.COM  should  be
modified to suit local conditions.  The user's VAX is assumed to run three queues, called QUEUE3,
QUEUE2, and QUEUE1. The user should substitute the actual names of the VAX queues for these
symbolic names.  Thus, for example, if the local names of the queues are "TWELVEHOUR", for
jobs of length up to 12 hours, "ONEHOUR", for jobs of less than one hour, and "30MINS" for quick
jobs, then in place of "QUEUE3", "QUEUE2", and "QUEUE1" the words "TWELVEHOUR",
"ONEHOUR", and "30MINS" should be inserted.


RMOPAC  is  the  command  file  for  running  MOPAC.  It  assigns  all  the  data  files  that  MOPAC
uses to the channels.  If the user wants to use other file-name endings than those supplied,  the
modifications should be made to RMOPAC.
    When  a  long  job  ends,  RMOPAC  will  also  send  a  mail  message  to  the  user  giving  a  brief
description of the job.  You may want to change the default definition of "a long job"; currently it
is 12 hours.  This feature was written by Dr. James Petts of Kodak Ltd Research Labs.
    A recommended sequence of operations to get MOPAC up and running would be:

   1.  Modify the file DIMSIZES.DAT. The default sizes are 40 heavy atoms and 40 light atoms.
       Do not make the size less than 7 by 7.

   2.  Read through the COMMAND files to familiarize yourself with what is being done.

   3.  Edit the file MOPAC.COM to use the local queue names.

   4.  Edit the file RMOPAC.COM if the default file-names are not acceptable.

   5.  Edit MOPACCOM.COM to assign MOPACDIRECTORY to the disk and directory which
       will hold MOPAC.

   6.  Edit the individual LOGIN.COM files to insert the following line:

       $@  MOPACCOM

       Note that MOPACDIRECTORY cannot be used, as the definition of MOPACDIRECTORY
       is made in MOPACCOM.COM

   7.  Execute the modified LOGIN command so that the new commands are effective.

   8.  Run COMPILE.COM. This takes about 8 minutes to execute.

   9.  Enter the command $MOPAC

       You will receive the message What  file?  : to which the reply should be the actual data-file
       name.  For example, "MNRSD1", the file is assumed to end in .DAT, e.g.  MNRSD1.DAT.
       You will then be prompted for the queue:

       What  queue?  :
       Any queue defined in MOPAC.COM will suffice:  "SYS$BATCH"

    Finally, the priority will be requested:  What  priority?  [5]: To which any value between 1
and 5 will suffice.  Note that the maximum priority is limited by the system (manager).

11.1          ESP  calculation

As supplied, MOPAC will not do the ESP calculation because of the large memory requirement
of the ESP. To install the ESP, make the following changes:

    1. Rename ESP.ROF to ESP.FOR

    2. Add to the first line of MOPAC.OPT the string "  ESP,  " (without the quotation marks).

    3. Edit MNDO.FOR to uncomment the line C#  CALL  ESP.

    4. Compile ESP and MNDO, and relink MOPAC using, e.g.  @COMPILE  ESP,MNDO.

    5. If the resulting executable is too large,  modify DIMSIZES.DAT to reduce MAXHEV and
       MAXLIT, then recompile everything and relink MOPAC with @COMPILE.

    To familiarize yourself with the system, the following operations might be useful.

    1. Run the (supplied) test molecules, and verify that MOPAC is producing "acceptable" results.

    2. Make some simple modifications to the datafiles supplied in order to test your understanding
       of the data format

    3. When satisfied that MOPAC is working, and that data files can be made, begin production

Working  of  SHUTDOWN  command

If, for whatever reason, a run needs to be stopped prematurely, the command $SHUT   
can be issued.  This will execute a small command-language file, which copies the data-file to form
a new file called .END.
    The next time MOPAC calls function SECOND, the presence of a readable file called SHUT-
DOWN, logically identified with .END, is checked for,  and if it exists,  the apparent
elapsed CPU time is increased by 1,000,000 seconds, and a warning message issued.  No further
action is taken until the elapsed time is checked to see if enough time remains to do another cycle.
Since an apparently very long time has been used,  there is not enough time left to do another
cycle, and the restart files are generated and the run stopped.
    SHUTDOWN is completely machine-independent.
    Specific  instructions  for  mounting  MOPAC  on  other  computers  have  been  left  out  due  to
limitations of space in the Manual; however, the following points may prove useful:

    1. Function SECOND is machine-specific.  SECOND is double-precision, and should return the
       CPU time in seconds, from an arbitary zero of time.  If the SHUT command has been issued,
       the value returned by SECOND should be increased by 1,000,000.

    2. On UNIX-based and other machines, on-line help can be provided by using help.f.  Docu-
       mentation on help.f is in help.f.

    3. OPEN and CLOSE statements are a fruitful source of problems.  If MOPAC does not work,
       most likely the trouble lies in these statements.

    4. RMOPAC.COM should be read to see what files are attached to what logical channel.
How  to  use  MOPAC

The COM file to run the MOPAC can be accessed using the command "MOPAC" followed by
none, one, two or three arguments.  Possible options are:

    MOPAC     MYDATAFILE  120   4

    In the latter case it is assumed that the shortest queue will be adequate.  The COM file to
run the MOPAC can be accessed using the command "MOPAC" followed by none,  one or two
arguments.  Possible options are:


In the latter case it is assumed that the default time (15 seconds) will be adequate.


In this case you will be prompted for the datafile, and then for the queue.  Restarts should be user
transparent.  If MOPAC does make any restart files, do not change them (It would be hard to do
anyhow, as they're in machine code), as they will be used when you run a RESTART job.  The
files used by MOPAC are:

       File              Description                                 Logical  name

.DAT       Data                                                  FOR005
.OUT       Results                                              FOR006
.RES       Restart                                              FOR009
.DEN       Density  matrix  (in  binary)                FOR010
SYS$OUTPUT             LOG  file                                            FOR011
.ARC       Archive  or  summary                            FOR012
.GPT       Data  for  program  DENSITY                   FOR013
.SYB       SYBYL  data                                         FOR016
SETUP.DAT              SETUP  data                                         SETUP

Short  version

For various reasons it might not be practical to assemble the entire MOPAC program. For example,
your computer may have memory limitations, or you may have very large systems to be run, or
some options may never be wanted. For whatever reason, if using the entire program is undesirable,
an abbreviated version, which lacks the full range of options of the whole program, can be specified
at compile time.
    At the bottom of the DIMSIZES.DAT file the programmer is asked for various options to be
used in compiling.  These options allow arrays of MECI, PULAY, and ESP to assume their correct
    As  long  as  no  attempt  is  made  to  use  the  reduced  subroutines,  the  program  will  function
normally.  If an attempt is made to use an option which has been excluded then the program will

Size  of  MOPAC

The amount of storage required by MOPAC depends mainly on the number of heavy and light
atoms.  As it is useful for programmers to have an idea of how large various MOPACs are, the
following data are presented as a guide.
    Sizes of various MOPAC Version 6.00 executables in which the number of heavy atoms is equal
to the number of light atoms, assembled on a VAX computer, are:
   No.  of  heavy  atoms        Size  of  Executable  (Kbytes)
                                      MOPAC  5.00     MOPAC  6.00        (AMPAC  2.00)
         10                                1,653          2,054                 N/A
         20                                3,442          4,689                4,590
         30                                6,356          8,990                9,150
         40                              10,400        14,955              15,588
         50                              15,572        22,586              23,944
         60                              21,872        31,880              34,145
        100                              58,361        87,519
        200                            228,602       336.867
        300                            511,723       754,540

    The size, S, of any given MOPAC executable, in Kbytes, may be estimated for MOPAC 5.00
                                        S = 9939 + N * 9:57 + N * N * 5:64

and for MOPAC 6.00 as:
                                       S = 1091 + N * 13:40 + N * N * 8:33

    The  large  increase  in  size  of  MOPAC  was  caused  mainly  by  the  inclusion  of  the  analytical
C.I. derivatives.  Because they are so much more efficient and accurate than finite differences, and
because computer memory is becoming more available, this increase was accepted as the lesser of
two evils.
    The size of MOPAC executables will vary from machine to machine, due to the different sizes of
the code.  For a VAX, this amounts to approximately 0.1Mb.  Most machines use a 64 bit or 8 byte
double precision real number, so the multipliers of N and N*N should apply to them.  For large
jobs, 0.1Mb is negligible, therefore the above expression should be applicable to most computers.
    No.  of lines in program in Version 5.00 = 22,084 = 17,718 code + 4,366 comment.  Version
6.00 = 31,857 = 22,526 code + 9,331 comment.
Appendix   A

Names   of   FORTRAN-77   files

 AABABC     ANALYT     ANAVIB     AXIS        BLOCK       BONDS       BRLZON
 CALPAR     CAPCOR     CDIAG       CHRGE       CNVG        COMPFG     DATIN
 DERI1       DERI2       DERI21     DERI22     DERI23     DERITR     DERIV
 DERNVO     DERS        DFOCK2     DFPSAV     DIAG        DIAT        DIAT2
 DIIS        DIJKL1     DIJKL2     DIPIND     DIPOLE     DOFS        DOT
 DRC          DRCOUT     EF           ENPART     EXCHNG     FFHPOL     FLEPO
 FMAT        FOCK1       FOCK2       FORCE       FORMXY     FORSAV     FRAME
 GMETRY     GOVER       GRID        H1ELEC     HADDON     HCORE       HELECT
 HQRII       IJKL        INTERP     ITER        JCARIN     LINMIN     LOCAL
 MECIP       MNDO        MOLDAT     MOLVAL     MULLIK     MULT        NLLSQ
 NUCHAR     PARSAV     PARTXY     PATHK       PATHS       PERM        POLAR
 POWSAV     POWSQ       PRTDRC     QUADR       REACT1     READ        READA
 REFER       REPP        ROTAT       ROTATE     RSP          SEARCH     SECOND
Appendix   B

Subroutine   calls   in   MOPAC

A list of the program segments which call various subroutines.

SUBROUTINE                   CALLS

AXIS              RSP
BKRSAV           GEOUT
CDIAG             ME08A   EC08C     SORT
                    DIHED   DERIV     MECIP
DCART             ANALYT   DHC        DIHED
DELMOL           ROTAT
                    DIJKL1   MECID     MECIH   SUPDOT  TIMER
DERI2             DERI21   DERI22   MXM       OSINV   MTXM     SCOPY   DERI23
                    DIJKL2   MECID     MECIH   SUPDOT
DERI21           MTXMC     HQRII     MXM
DERI22           MXM        MXMT       FOCK2   FOCK1   SUPDOT
DERI23           SCOPY
                    JCARIN   MXM        GEOUT   DERITR
DERNVO           DERI0     DERI1     DERI2
DFOCK2           JAB        KAB
DHC                H1ELEC   ROTATE   SOLROT   FOCK2
DIAG              EPSETA
DIAT              COE        GOVER     DIAT2
DIAT2             SET
DIHED             DANG
DIIS              SPACE     VECPRT   MINV
DIJKL1           FORMXY
DRC                GMETRY   COMPFG   PRTDRC
EA08C             EA09C
EC08C             EA08C
FMAT              FORSAV   COMPFG     CHRGE
FOCK2             JAB        KAB
                    FMAT       VECPRT     FRAME     RSP       MATOUT   FREQCY   MATOUT
                    DRC        ANAVIB     THERMO
FORMD             OVERLP
FRAME             AXIS
FREQCY           BRLZON   FRAME       RSP
GEOUTG           XXX
GMETRY           GEOUT
GRID              DFPSAV   FLEPO       GEOUT   WRTTXT
H1ELEC           DIAT
IJKL              PARTXY
                    HQRII     DIAG        MATOUT   SWAP     DENSIT  CNVG
LOCAL             MATOUT
MNDO              GETDAT   READ   MOLDAT   DATIN     REACT1   GRID       PATHS
                    PATHK     FORCE  DRC        NLLSQ     COMPFG   POWSQ     EF
                    FLEPO     WRITE  POLAR
ME08A             ME08B
MECI              IJKL       PERM   MECIH     VECPRT   HQRII     MATOUT
MECIP             MXM
MTXMC             MXM
PULAY             MAMULT   OSINV
                    SYMTRY   NUCHAR   WRTTXT  GMETRY
ROTATE             REPP
RSP                 EPSETA   TRED3   TQLRAT   TQL2   TRBAK3
SEARCH             COMPFG
SET                 AINTGS     BINTGS
SOLROT             ROTATE
SPLINE             BFN
SYMTRY             HADDON
                      LOCAL   ENPART   MULLIK  MPCPOP   GEOUTG

    A list of subroutines called by various segments (the inverse of the first list)

Subroutine                Called  by
AXIS           FORCE          FRAME          POLAR
BFN             SPLINE
BKRSAV        EF
BONDS          WRITE
CHRGE          DIPIND        FMAT           GEOUT          PRTDRC        WRITE
CNVG           ITER
COE             DENROT        DIAT
COMPFG        DRC             EF              FFHPOL        FLEPO          FMAT
                 FORCE          LINMIN        LOCMIN        MNDO           NLLSQ
                 POLAR          POWSQ          REACT1        SEARCH
DANG           DIHED
DATIN          MNDO
DENSIT        ITER           MULLIK
DERI0          DERNVO
DERI1          DERNVO
DERI2          DERI2          DERNVO
DERI21        DERI2
DERI22        DERI2
DERI23        DERI2
DERS           ANALYT
DFOCK2        DERI1
DFPSAV        FLEPO          GRID           PATHK          PATHS
DHC             DCART          DERI1
DIAG           DERI21        ITER
DIAGI          DERI21
DIAT           DIAT           H1ELEC
DIAT2          DIAT
DIHED          COMPFG        DCART          XYZGEO        XYZINT
DIIS           FLEPO
DIJKL1        DERI1
DIJKL2        DERI2
DIPOLE        FMAT           WRITE
DOFS           BRLZON
DRC             FORCE          MNDO
EA08C          EC08C
EA09C          EA08C
EC08C          CDIAG
EF              MNDO
EPSETA        DIAG           ITER           RSP
FLEPO          FORCE          GRID           MNDO           PATHK          PATHS
FMAT           FORCE
FOCK2          DERI22        DHC             ITER
FORCE          MNDO
FORMD          EF
FORMXY        DIJKL1        PARTXY
FRAME          FORCE          FREQCY
GEOUT          BKRSAV        DERITR        DFPSAV        FLEPO          GETGEO
                 GMETRY        GRID           NLLSQ          PARSAV        PATHK
                 POWSAV        REACT1        READ
WRITE          WRITE
GETGEO        REACT1        READ
GMETRY        COMPFG        DENROT        DERITR        DIPIND        DRC
                 FORCE          JCARIN        MOLDAT        MULLIK        POLAR
                 REACT1        READ           WRITE
GOVER          DIAT
GRID           MNDO
H1ELEC        DHC             DHCORE        HCORE
HCORE          COMPFG        DERITR
HELECT        DCART          DERI2          ITER
HQRII          EF              INTERP        ITER           MECI
IJKL           MECI
ITER           COMPFG        DERITR
JAB             DFOCK2        FOCK2
KAB             DFOCK2        FOCK2
LOCAL          WRITE
MNDO           (main  segment)
MATOUT        FFHPOL        FORCE          ITER           LOCAL          MECI
ME08A          CDIAG
ME08B          ME08A
MECI           COMPFG        DERI1          DERI2          MECI
MECIH          DERI1          DERI2          MECI
MINV           DIIS
MOLDAT        DATIN          MNDO
MTXM           DERI1          DERI2          DERI21
MTXMC          DERI21
MULT           MULLIK
MXM             DERI1          DERI2          DERI21        DERI22        DERITR
                 MECIP          MTXMC
MXMT           DERI22
NLLSQ          FORCE          MNDO
NUCHAR        GETGEO        READ
OSINV          DERI2          PULAY
PATHK          MNDO
PATHS          MNDO
PERM           MECI
POLAR          MNDO
POWSQ          MNDO
PULAY          ITER
REACT1        MNDO
READ           MNDO
REPP           ROTATE
ROTAT          DELMOL        DHC             DHCORE        HCORE          SOLROT
ROTATE        DHC             DHCORE        HCORE          SOLROT
RSP             AXIS           FFHPOL        FORCE          FREQCY        MULLIK
SCOPY          DERI1          DERI2          DERI23        FLEPO
SECOND        DERI2          DRC             EF              ESP             FLEPO
                 FMAT           FORCE          GRID           ITER           MNDO
                 NLLSQ          PATHK          PATHS          POWSQ          REACT1
                 TIMER          WRITE
SET             COMPFG        DIAT2
SOLROT        DHC             HCORE
SORT           CDIAG
SPACE          DIIS
SUPDOT        DERI1          DERI1          DERI2          DERI22        FLEPO
SWAP           ITER
SYMTRY        COMPFG        DERITR        EF              JCARIN        REACT1
                 READ           WRITE
TIMER          COMPFG        DERI1          DERI1
TQL2           RSP
TRBAK3        RSP
TRED3          RSP
UPDHES        EF
VECPRT        BONDS          DIIS           FFHPOL        FORCE          HCORE
                 ITER           MECI           MOLDAT        MULLIK        POWSQ
WRITE          FORCE          ITER           MNDO           PATHS          REACT1
WRTTXT        GEOUT          GRID           PATHK          READ           WRITE
XXX             GEOUTG
XYZINT        DFPSAV        FORCE          GEOUT          GETGEO        PARSAV
                 POWSAV        PRTDRC
Appendix   C

Description   of   subroutines

    o  AABABC  Utility:   Calculates  the  configuration  interaction  matrix  element  between  two
       configurations differing by exactly one alpha M.O. Called by MECI only.

    o  AABACD  Utility:   Calculates  the  configuration  interaction  matrix  element  between  two
       configurations differing by exactly two alpha M.O.'s.  Called by MECI only.

    o  AABBCD  Utility:   Calculates  the  configuration  interaction  matrix  element  between  two
       configurations differing by exactly two M.O.'s; one configuration has alpha M.O. "A" and
       beta M.O. "C" while the other configuration has alpha M.O. "B" and beta M.O. "D". Called
       by MECI only.

    o  AINTGS  Utility:  Within  the  overlap  integrals,  calculates  the  A-integrals.   Dedicated  to
       function SS within DIAT.

    o  ANALYT Main Sequence:  Calculates the analytical derivatives of the energy with respect
       to cartesian coordinates for all atoms.  Use only if the mantissa is short (less than 52 bits)
       or out of interest.  Should not be used for routine work on a VAX.

    o  ANAVIB Utility:  Gives a brief interpretation of the modes of vibration of the molecule.  The
       principal pairs of atoms involved in each vibration are identified, and the mode of motion
       (tangential or radial) is output.

    o  AXIS Utility:  Works out the three principal moments of inertia of a molecule.  If the system
       is linear, one moment of inertia is zero.  Prints moments in units of cm-1  and 10-40   g cm2 .

    o  BABBBC Utility:  Calculates the configuration interaction matrix element between two con-
       figurations differing by exactly one beta M.O. Called by MECI only.

    o  BABBCD  Utility:   Calculates  the  configuration  interaction  matrix  element  between  two
       configurations differing by exactly two beta M.O.'s.  Called by MECI only.

    o  BANGLE Utility: Given a set of coordinates, BANGLE will calculate the angle between any
       three atoms.

    o  BFN Utility:  Calculates the B-functions in the Slater overlap.

    o  BINTGS Utility:  Calculates the B-functions in the Slater overlap.

    o  BKRSAV  Utility:  Saves  and  restores  data  used  by  the  eigenvector  following  subroutine.
       Called by EF only.

    o  BONDS Utility: Evaluates and prints the valencies of atoms and bond-orders between atoms.
       Main argument:  density matrix.  No results are passed to the calculation, and no data are
       changed.  Called by WRITE only.
    o  BRLZON Main Sequence:  BRLZON generates a band structure, or phonon structure, for
       high polymers.  Called by WRITE and FREQCY.

    o  CALPAR  Utility:  When  external  parameters  are  read  in  via  EXTERNAL=,  the  derived
       parameters are worked out using CALPAR. Note that all derived parameters are calculated
       for all parameterized elements at the same time.

    o  CAPCOR  Utility:  Capping  atoms,  of  type  Cb,  should  not  contribute  to  the  energy  of  a
       system.  CAPCOR calculates the energy contribution due to the Cb and subtracts it from
       the electronic energy.

    o  CDIAG Utility:  Complex diagonalization.  Used in generating eigenvalues of complex Her-
       mitian secular determinant for band structures.  Called by BRLZON only.

    o  CHRGE  Utility:  Calculates  the  total  number  of  valence  electrons  on  each  atom.   Main
       arguments:  density matrix, array of atom charges (empty on input).  Called by ITER only.

    o  CNVG Utility:  Used in SCF cycle.  CNVG does a three-point interpolation of the last three
       density matrices.  Arguments:  Last three density matrices, Number of iterations, measure of
       self-consistency (empty on input).  Called by ITER only.

    o  COE Utility:  Within the general overlap routine COE calculates the angular coefficients for
       the s, p and d real atomic orbitals given the axis and returns the rotation matrix.

    o  COMPFG Main Sequence:  Evaluates the total heat of formation of the supplied geometry,
       and  the  derivatives,  if  requested.   This  is  the  nodal  point  connecting  the  electronic  and
       geometric parts of the program.  Main arguments:  on input:  geometry, on output:  heat of
       formation, gradients.

    o  DANG Utility:  Called by XYZINT, DANG computes the angle between a point, the origin,
       and a second point.

    o  DATIN Utility: Reads in external parameters for use within MOPAC. Originally used for the
       testing of new parameters, DATIN is now a general purpose reader for parameters.  Invoked
       by the keyword EXTERNAL.

    o  DCART  Utility:  Called  by  DERIV,  DCART  sets  up  a  list  of  cartesian  derivatives  of  the
       energy  wrt  coordinates  which  DERIV  can  then  use  to  construct  the  internal  coordinate

    o  DELMOL Utility:  Part of analytical derivates.  Two-electron.

    o  DELRI Utility:  Part of analytical derivates.  Two-electron.

    o  DENROT Utility:  Converts the ordinary density matrix into a condensed density matrix
       over basis functions s (sigma),  p (sigma) and p (pi),  i.e.,  three basis functions.  Useful in
       hybridization studies.  Has capability to handling "d" functions, if present.

    o  DENSIT  Utility:  Constructs  the  Coulson  electron  density  matrix  from  the  eigenvectors.
       Main  arguments:  Eigenvectors,  No.  of  singly  and  doubly  occupied  levels,  density  matrix
       (empty on input) Called by ITER.

    o  DEPVAR Utility: A symmetry-defined "bond length" is related to another bond length by a
       multiple.  This special symmetry function is intended for use in Cluster calculations.  Called
       by HADDON.

    o  DERI0 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Calculates the diagonal dom-
       inant part of the super-matrix.
    o  DERI1 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Calculates the frozen density
       contribution to the derivative of the energy wrt cartesian coordinates, and the derivatives of
       the frozen Fock matrix in M.O. basis.  It's partner is DERI2.

    o  DERI2 Utility: Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package. Calculates the relaxing density
       contribution to the derivative of the energy wrt cartesian coordinates.  Uses the results of

    o  DERI21 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Called by DERI2 only.

    o  DERI22 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Called by DERI2 only.

    o  DERI23 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Called by DERI2 only.

    o  DERITR  Utility:  Calculates  derivatives  of  the  energy  wrt  internal  coordinates  using  full
       SCF's.  Used as a foolproof way of calculating derivatives.  Not recommended for normal use.

    o  DERIV Main Sequence: Calculates the derivatives of the energy with respect to the geomet-
       ric variables.  This is done either by using initially cartesian derivatives (normal mode), by
       analytical C.I. RHF derivatives, or by full SCF calculations (NOANCI in half-electron and
       C.I. mode).  Arguments:  on input:  geometry, on output:  derivatives.  Called by COMPFG.

    o  DERNVO Analytical C.I. Derivative main subroutine. Calculates the derivative of the energy
       wrt geometry for a non-variationally optimized wavefunction (a SCF-CI wavefunction).

    o  DERS Utility: Called by ANALYT, DERS calculates the analytical derivatives of the overlap
       matrix within the molecular frame.

    o  DEX2 Utility:  A function called by ESP.

    o  DFOCK2 Utility: Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package. Called by DERI1, DFOCK2
       calculates the frozen density contribution to the derivative of the energy wrt cartesian coor-

    o  DFPSAV Utility:  Saves and restores data used by the BFGS geometry optimization.  Main
       arguments:  parameters  being  optimized,  gradients  of  parameters,  last  heat  of  formation,
       integer and real control data.  Called by FLEPO.

    o  DHC Utility:  Called by DCART and calculates the energy of a pair of atoms using the SCF
       density matrix.  Used in the finite difference derivatve calculation.

    o  DHCORE Utility: Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package. Called by DERI1, DHCORE
       calculates the derivatives of the 1 and 2 electron integrals wrt cartesian coordinates.

    o  DIAG  Utility:  Rapid  pseudo-diagonalization.  Given  a  set  of  vectors  which  almost  block-
       diagonalize a secular determinant, DIAG modifies the vectors so that the block-diagonalization
       is more exact.  Main arguments: Old vectors, Secular Determinant, New vectors (on output).
       Called by ITER.

    o  DIAGI Utility:  Calculates the electronic energy arising from a given configuration.  Called
       by MECI.

    o  DIAT Utility:  Calculates overlap integrals between two atoms in general cartesian space.
       Principal quantum numbers up to 6,  and angular quantum numbers up to 2 are allowed.
       Main arguments: Atomic numbers and cartesian coordinates in Angstroms of the two atoms,
       Diatomic overlaps (on exit).  Called by H1ELEC.

    o  DIAT2  Utility:  Calculates  reduced  overlap  integrals  between  atoms  of  principal  quantum
       numbers 1, 2, and 3, for s and p orbitals.  Faster than the SS in DIAT. This is a dedicated
       subroutine, and is unable to stand alone without considerable backup.  Called by DIAT.
    o  DIGIT Utility:  Part of READA. DIGIT assembles numbers given a character string.

    o  DIHED Utility:  Calculates the dihedral angle between four atoms.  Used in converting from
       cartesian to internal coordinates.

    o  DIIS Utility:  Pulay's Geometric Direct Inversion of the Iterative Subspace (G-DIIS) accel-
       erates the rate at which the BFGS locates an energy minimum.  (In MOPAC 6.00, the DIIS
       is only partially installed _ several capabilities of the DIIS are not used)

    o  DIJKL1 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Called by DERI1, DIJKL1
       calculates the two-electron integrals over M.O. bases, e.g.  /.

    o  DIJKL2 Utility:  Part of the analytical C.I. derivative package.  Called by DERI2, DIJKL2
       calculates the derivatives of the two-electron integrals over M.O. bases, e.g.  /,
       wrt cartesian coordinates.

    o  DIPIND Utility:  Similar to DIPOLE, but used by the POLAR calculation only.

    o  DIPOLE Utility:  Evaluates and, if requested, prints dipole components and dipole for the
       molecule or ion.  Arguments:  Density matrix, Charges on every atom, coordinates, dipoles
       (on exit).  Called by WRITE and FMAT.

    o  DIST2 Utility:  Called by ESP only, DIST2 works out the distance between two points in
       3D space.

    o  DOFS  Main  Sequence:  Calculates  the  density  of  states  within  a  Brillouin  zone.  Used  in
       polymer work only.

    o  DOT Utility:  Given two vectors, X and Y, of length N, function DOT returns with the dot
       product X.Y. I.e., if X=Y, then DOT = the square of X. Called by FLEPO.

    o  DRC  Main  Sequence:  The  dynamic  and  intrinsic  reaction  coordinates  are  calculated  by
       following the mass-weighted trajectories.

    o  DRCOUT  Utility:  Sets  up  DRC  and  IRC  data  in  quadratic  form  preparatory  to  being

    o  EA08C Part of the diagonalizer RSP.

    o  EA09C Part of the diagonalizer RSP.

    o  EC08C Part of the diagonalizer RSP.

    o  EF Main Sequence:  EF is the Eigenvector Following routine.  EF implements the keywords
       EF and TS.

    o  ELESP Utility:  Within the ESP, ELESP calculates the electronic contribution to the elec-
       trostatic potential.

    o  ENPART  Utility:  Partitions  the  energy  of  a  molecule  into  its  monatomic  and  diatomic
       components.   Called  by  WRITE  when  the  keyword  ENPART  is  specified.   No  data  are
       changed by this call.

    o  EPSETA Utility:  Calculates the machine precision and dynamic range for use by the two

    o  ESP Main Sequence:  ESP is not present in the default copy of MOPAC. ESP calculates the
       atomic charges which would reproduce the electrostatic potential of the nuclii and electronic

    o  ESPBLO Block Data:  Used by the ESP calculation, ESPBLO fills two small arrays!
    o  ESPFIT Utility:  Part of the ESP. ESP fits the quantum mechanical potential to a classical
       point charge model

    o  EXCHNG Utility:  Dedicated procedure for storing 3 parameters and one array in a store.
       Used by SEARCH.

    o  FFHPOL Utility:  Part of the POLAR calculation.  Evaluates the effect of an electric field
       on a molecule.

    o  FLEPO  Main  Sequence:  Optimizes  a  geometry  by  minimizing  the  energy.   Makes  use  of
       the first and estimated second derivatives to achieve this end.  Arguments:  Parameters to
       be optimized, (overwritten on exit with the optimized parameters), Number of parameters,
       final optimized heat of formation.  Called by MAIN, REACT1, and FORCE.

    o  FM06AS Utility:  Part of CDIAG.

    o  FM06BS Utility:  part of CDIAG.

    o  FMAT Main sequence:  Calculates the exact Hessian matrix for a system This is done by
       either using differences of first derivatives (normal mode) or by four full SCF calculations
       (half electron or C.I. mode).  Called by FORCE.

    o  FOCK1 Utility:  Adds on to Fock matrix the one-center two electron terms.  Called by ITER

    o  FOCK2 Utility:  Adds on to Fock matrix the two-center two electron terms.  Called by ITER
       and DERIV. In ITER the entire Fock matrix is filled; in DERIV, only diatomic Fock matrices
       are constructed.

    o  FOCK2D Written out of MOPAC 6.00.

    o  FORCE Main sequence:  Performs a force-constant and vibrational frequency calculation on
       a given system.  If the starting gradients are large, the geometry is optimized to reduce the
       gradient  norm,  unless  LET  is  specified  in  the  keywords.  Isotopic  substitution  is  allowed.
       Thermochemical quantities are calculated.  Called by MAIN.

    o  FORMD Main Sequence:  Called by EF. FORMD constructs the next step in the geometry
       optimization or transition state location.

    o  FORMXY Utility:  Part of DIJKL1.  FORMXY constructs part of the two- electron integral
       over M.O.'s.

    o  FORSAV Utility:  Saves and restores data used in FMAT in FORCE calculation.  Called by

    o  FRAME  Utility:  Applies  a  very  rigid  constraint  on  the  translations  and  rotations  of  the
       system.  Used to separate the trivial vibrations in a FORCE calculation.

    o  FREQCY Main sequence:  Final stage of a FORCE calculation.  Evaluates and prints the
       vibrational frequencies and modes.

    o  FSUB Utility:  Part of ESP.

    o  GENUN Utility: Part of ESP. Generates unit vectors over a sphere.  called by SURFAC only.

    o  GEOUT  Utility:  Prints  out  the  current  geometry.  Can  be  called  at  any  time.  Does  not
       change any data.

    o  GEOUTG Utility:  Prints out the current geometry in Gaussian Z-matrix format.

    o  GETDAT Utility:  Reads in all the data, and puts it in a scratch file on channel 5.
    o  GETGEG  Utility:  Reads  in  Gaussian  Z-matrix  geometry.   Equivalent  to  GETGEO  and
       GETSYM combined.

    o  GETGEO Utility:  Reads in geometry in character mode from specified channel, and stores
       parameters in arrays.  Some error-checking is done.  Called by READ and REACT1.

    o  GETSYM Utility:  Reads in symmetry data.  Used by READ.

    o  GETTXT Utility:  Reads in KEYWRD, KOMENT and TITLE.

    o  GETVAL  Utility:  Called  by  GETGEG,  GETVAL  either  gets  an  internal  coordinate  or  a
       logical name for that coordinate.

    o  GMETRY Utility:  Fills the cartesian coordinates array.  Data are supplied from the array
       GEO, GEO can be (a) in internal coordinates, or (b) in cartesian coordinates.  If STEP is
       non-zero, then the coordinates are modified in light of the other geometry and STEP. Called

    o  GOVER Utility:  Calculates the overlap of two Slater orbitals which have been expanded
       into six gaussians.  Calculates the STP-6G overlap integrals.

    o  GRID  Main  Sequence:  Calculates  a  grid  of  points  for  a  2-D  search  in  coordinate  space.
       Useful when more information is needed about a reaction surface.

    o  H1ELEC  Utility:  Given  any  two  atoms  in  cartesian  space,  H1ELEC  calculates  the  one-
       electron energies of the off-diagonal elements of the atomic orbital matrix.

                                              H(i; j) = -S(i; j)[fi(i) + fi(j)]=2

       Called by HCORE and DERIV.

    o  HADDON Utility:  The symmetry operation subroutine,  HADDON relates two geometric
       variables by making one a dependent function of the other.  Called by SYMTRY only.

    o  HCORE  Main  sequence:  Sets  up  the  energy  terms  used  in  calculating  the  SCF  heat  of
       formation.  Calculates the one and two electron matrices, and the nuclear energy.  Called by

    o  HELECT Utility:  Given the density matrix, and the one electron and Fock matrices, calcu-
       lates the electronic energy.  No data are changed by a call of HELECT. Called by ITER and

    o  HQRII Utility:  Rapid diagonalization routine.  Accepts a secular determinant, and produces
       a set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues.  The secular determinant is destroyed.

    o  IJKL Utility:  Fills the large two-electron array over a M.O. basis set.  Called by MECI.

    o  INTERP Utility:  Runs the Camp-King converger.  q.v.

    o  ITER Main sequence:  Given the one and two electron matrices, ITER calculates the Fock
       and density matrices, and the electronic energy.  Called by COMPFG.

    o  JAB Utility:  Calculates the coulomb contribution to the Fock matrix in NDDO formalism.
       Called by FOCK2.

    o  JCARIN Utility:  Calculates the difference vector in cartesian coordinates corresponding to
       a small change in internal coordinates.

    o  KAB Utility:  Calculates the exchange contribution to the Fock matrix in NDDO formalism.
       Called by FOCK2.
    o  LINMIN Main sequence:  Called by the BFGS geometry optimized FLEPO, LINMIN takes
       a step in the search-direction and if the energy drops, returns.  Otherwise it takes more steps
       until if finds one which causes the energy to drop.

    o  LOCAL Utility:  Given a set of occupied eigenvectors, produces a canonical set of localized
       bonding orbitals, by a series of 2 x 2 rotations which maximize <_4 >.  Called by WRITE.

    o  LOCMIN Main sequence:  In a gradient minimization, LOCMIN does a line- search to find
       the  gradient  norm  minimum.   Main  arguments:  current  geometry,  search  direction,  step,
       current gradient norm; on exit:  optimized geometry, gradient norm.

    o  MAMULT  Utility:  Matrix  multiplication.   Two  matrices,  stored  as  lower  half  triangular
       packed arrays, are multiplied together, and the result stored in a third array as the lower
       half triangular array.  Called from PULAY.

    o  MATOUT Utility:  Matrix printer.  Prints a square matrix, and a row-vector, usually eigen-
       vectors  and  eigenvalues.  The  indices  printed  depend  on  the  size  of  the  matrix:  they  can
       be either over orbitals, atoms, or simply numbers, thus M.O.'s are over orbitals, vibrational
       modes are over numbers.  Called by WRITE, FORCE.

    o  ME08A, ME08B Utilities:  Part of the complex diagonalizer, and called by CDIAG.

    o  MECI Main sequence:  Main function for Configuration Interaction,  MECI constructs the
       appropriate C.I. matrix, and evaluates the roots, which correspond to the electronic energy
       of the states of the system.  The appropriate root is then returned.  Called by ITER only.

    o  MECID Utility:  Constructs the differential C.I. secular determinant.

    o  MECIH Utility:  Constructs the normal C.I. secular determinant.

    o  MECIP Utility:  Reforms the density matrix after a MECI calculation.

    o  MINV Utility:  Called by DIIS. MINV inverts the Hessian matrix.

    o  MNDO Main sequence:  MAIN program.  MNDO first reads in data using READ, then calls
       either FLEPO to do geometry optimization, FORCE to do a FORCE calculation, PATHS
       for a reaction with a supplied coordinate, NLLSQ for a gradient minimization or REACT1
       for locating the transition state.  Starts the timer.

    o  MOLDAT Main Sequence:  Sets up all the invariant parameters used during the calculation,
       e.g.   number  of  electrons,  initial  atomic  orbital  populations,  number  of  open  shells,  etc.
       Called once by MNDO only.

    o  MOLVAL Utility:  Calculates the contribution from each M.O. to the total valency in the
       molecule.  Empty M.O.'s normally have a negative molecular valency.

    o  MTXM  Utility:  Part  of  the  matrix  package.   Multiplies  together  two  rectangular  packed
       arrays, i.e., C = A.B.

    o  MTXMC Utility:  Part of the matrix package.  Similar to MTXM.

    o  MULLIK Utility:  Constructs and prints the Mulliken Population Analysis.  Available only
       for RHF calculations.  Called by WRITE.

    o  MULT Utility:  Used by MULLIK only, MULT multiplies two square matrices together.

    o  MXM Utility:  Part of the matrix package.  Similar to MTXM.

    o  MXMT Utility:  Part of the matrix package.  Similar to MTXM.
    o  MYWORD Utility:  Called in WRTKEY, MYWORD checks for the existance of a specific
       string.  If it is found,  MYWORD is set true,  and the all occurances of string are deleted.
       Any words not recognised will be flagged and the job stopped.

    o  NAICAP Utility:  Called by ESP.

    o  NAICAP Utility:  Called by ESP.

    o  NLLSQ Main sequence:  Used in the gradient norm minimization.

    o  NUCHAR Takes a character string and reads all the numbers in it and stores these in an

    o  OSINV Utility:  Inverts a square matrix.  Called by PULAY only.

    o  OVERLP Utility:  Part of EF. OVERLP decides which normal mode to follow.

    o  OVLP Utility:  Called by ESP only.  OVLP calculates the overlap over Gaussian STO's.

    o  PARSAV Utility:  Stores and restores data used in the gradient-norm minimization calcula-

    o  PARTXY Utility:  Called by IJKL only, PARTXY calculates the partial product /.

    o  PATHK Main sequence:  Calculates a reaction coordinate which uses a constant step-size.
       Invoked by keywords STEP and POINTS.

    o  PATHS  Main  sequence:  Given  a  reaction  coordinate  as  a  row-vector,  PATHS  performs  a
       FLEPO geometry optimization for each point, the later geometries being initially guessed
       from  a  knowledge  of  the  already  optimized  geometries,  and  the  current  step.   Called  by
       MNDO only.

    o  PDGRID Utility:  Part of ESP. Calculates the Williams surface.

    o  PERM Utility:  Permutes n1 electrons of alpha or beta spin among n2 M.O.'s.

    o  POLAR Utility:  Calculates the polarizability volumes for a molecule or ion.  Uses 19 SCF
       calculations, so appears after WRITE has finished.  Cannot be used with FORCE, but can
       be used anywhere else.  Called by WRITE.

    o  POWSAV Utility: Calculation store and restart for SIGMA calculation.  Called by POWSQ.

    o  POWSQ  Main  sequence:  The  McIver  -  Komornicki  gradient  minimization  routine.  Con-
       structs a full Hessian matrix and proceeds by line-searches Called from MAIN when SIGMA
       is specified.

    o  PRTDRC Utility:  Prints DRC and IRC results according to instructions.  Output can be
       (a) every point calculated (default), (b) in constant steps in time, space or energy.

    o  PULAY Utility:  A new converger.  Uses a powerful mathematical non-iterative method for
       obtaining the SCF Fock matrix.  Principle is that at SCF the eigenvectors of the Fock and
       density matrices are identical, so [F.P] is a measure of the non-self consistency.  While very
       powerful, PULAY is not universally applicable.  Used by ITER.

    o  QUADR: Utility:  Used in printing the IRC - DRC results.  Sets up a quadratic in time of
       calculated quantities so that PRTDRC can select specific reaction times for printing.

    o  REACT1 Main sequence:  Uses reactants and products to find the transition state.  A hy-
       persphere of N dimensions is centered on each moiety, and the radius steadily reduced.  The
       entity of lower energy is moved, and when the radius vanishes, the transition state is reached.
       Called by MNDO only.
    o  READ Main sequence:  Almost all the data are read in through READ. There is a lot of
       data-checking in READ, but very little calculation.  Called by MNDO.

    o  READA Utility:  General purpose character number reader.  Used to enter numerical data in
       the control line as =n.nnn where  is a mnemonic such as SCFCRT
       or CHARGE. Called by READ, FLEPO, ITER, FORCE, and many other subroutines.

    o  REFER Utility:  Prints the original references for atomic data.  If an atom does not have a
       reference, i.e., it has not been parameterized, then a warning message will be printed and
       the calculation stopped.

    o  REPP Utility: Calculates the 22 two-electron reduced repulsion integrals, and the 8 electron-
       nuclear  attraction  integrals.  These  are  in  a  local  coordinate  system.  Arguments:  atomic
       numbers of the two atoms, interatomic distance, and arrays to hold the calculated integrals.
       Called by ROTATE only.

    o  ROTAT Utility: Rotates analytical two-electron derivatives from atomic to molecular frame.

    o  ROTATE Utility:  All the two-electron repulsion integrals, the electron- nuclear attraction
       integrals,  and  the  nuclear-nuclear  repulsion  term  between  two  atoms  are  calculated  here.
       Typically 100 two- electron integrals are evaluated.

    o  RSP Utility:  Rapid diagonalization routine.  Accepts a secular determinant, and produces a
       set of eigenvectors and eigenvalues.  The secular determinant is destroyed.

    o  SAXPY Utility:  Called by the utility SUPDOT only!

    o  SCHMIB Utility:  Part of Camp-King converger.

    o  SCHMIT Utility:  Part of Camp-King converger.

    o  SCOPY Utility:  Copies an array into another array.

    o  SDOT Utility:  Forms the scalar of the product of two vectors.

    o  SEARCH Utility:  Part of the SIGMA and NLLSQ gradient minimizations.  The line-search
       subroutine, SEARCH locates the gradient minimum and calculates the second derivative of
       the energy in the search direction.  Called by POWSQ and NLLSQ.

    o  SECOND Utility:  Contains VAX specific code.  Function SECOND returns the number of
       CPU seconds elapsed since an arbitrary starting time.  If the SHUTDOWN command has
       been  issued,  the  CPU  time  is  in  error  by  exactly  1,000,000  seconds,  and  the  job  usually
       terminates with the message "time exceeded".

    o  SET Utility:  Called by DIAT2, evaluates some terms used in overlap calculation.

    o  SETUP3 Utility:  Sets up the Gaussian expansion of Slater orbitals using a STO-3G basis

    o  SETUPG Utility:  Sets up the Gaussian expansion of Slater orbitals using a STO-6G basis

    o  SOLROT Utility:  For Cluster systems, adds all the two-electron integrals of the same type,
       between different unit cells, and stores them in a single array.  Has no effect on molecules.

    o  SORT Utility:  Part of CDIAG, the complex diagonalizer.

    o  SPACE Utility:  Called by DIIS only.

    o  SPCG Written out of Version 6.00.
    o  SPLINE Utility:  Part of Camp-King converger.

    o  SS Utility:  An almost general Slater orbital overlap calculation.  Called by DIAT.

    o  SUPDOT Utility:  Matrix mutiplication A=B.C

    o  SURFAC Utility:  Part of the ESP.

    o  SWAP Utility:  Used with FILL=, SWAP ensures that a specified M.O. is filled.  Called by
       ITER only.

    o  SYMTRY Utility: Calculates values for geometric parameters from known geometric param-
       eters and symmetry data.  Called whenever GMETRY is called.

    o  THERMO Main sequence: After the vibrational frequencies have been calculated, THERMO
       calculates thermodynamic quantities such as internal energy, heat capacity, entropy, etc, for
       translational, vibrational, and rotational, degrees of freedom.

    o  TIMCLK Utility:  Vax-specific code for determining CPU time.

    o  TIMER Utility:  Prints times of various steps.

    o  TIMOUT Utility:  Prints total CPU time in elegant format.

    o  TQL2 Utility:  Part of the RSP.

    o  TQLRAT Utility:  Part of the RSP.

    o  TRBAK3 Utility:  Part of the RSP.

    o  TRED3 Utility:  Part of the RSP.

    o  UPDATE Utility:  Given a set of new parameters, stores these in their appropriate arrays.
       Invoked by EXTERNAL.

    o  UPDHES Utility:  Called by EF, UPDHES updates the Hessian matrix.

    o  VECPRT  Utility:  Prints  out  a  packed,  lower-half  triangular  matrix.  The  labeling  of  the
       sides  of  the  matrix  depend  on  the  matrix's  size:  if  it  is  equal  to  the  number  of  orbitals,
       atoms, or other.  Arguments:  The matrix to be printed, size of matrix.  No data are changed
       by a call of VECPRT.

    o  WRITE Main sequence: Most of the results are printed here. All relevant arrays are assumed
       to be filled.  A call of WRITE only changes the number of SCF calls made, this is reset to
       zero.  No other data are changed.  Called by MAIN, FLEPO, FORCE.

    o  WRTKEY Main Sequence:  Prints all keywords and checks for compatability and to see if
       any are not recognised.  WRTKEY can stop the job if any errors are found.

    o  WRTTXT Main Sequence:  Writes out KEYWRD, KOMENT and TITLE. The inverse of

    o  XXX  Utility:  Forms  a  unique  logical  name  for  a  Gaussian  Z-matrix  logical.   Called  by
       GEOUTG only.

    o  XYZINT Utility:  Converts from cartesian coordinates into internal.

    o  XYZGEO XYZINT sets up its own numbering system, so no connectivity is needed.
Appendix   D

Heats   of   formation

Test  MNDO,  PM3  and  AM1  compounds

In order to verify that MOPAC is working correctly, a large number of tests need to be done. These
take about 45 minutes on a VAX 11-780, and even then many potential bugs remain undetected.
It is obviously impractical to ask users to test MOPAC. However, users must be able to verify the
basic working of MOPAC, and to do this the following tests for the elements have been provided.
    Each element can be tested by making up a data-file using estimated geometries and running
that file using MOPAC. The optimized geometries should give rise to heats of formation as shown.
Any difference greater than 0.1 kcal/mole indicates a serious error in the program.


   1.  Geometry definitions must be correct.

   2.  Heats of formation may be too high for certain compounds.  This is due to a poor starting
       geometry trapping the system in an excited state.  (Affects ICl at times)

       Element        Test  Compound                Heat  of  Formation
                                                     MINDO/3        MNDO       AM1     PM3
       Hydrogen              CH4                 -6.3       -11.9     -8.8   -13.0
       Lithium                LiH                              +23.2
       Beryllium             BeO                              +38.6              +53.0
       Boron                   BF3              -270.2     -261.0  -272.1*
       Carbon                 CH4                 -6.3       -11.9     -8.8   -13.0
       Nitrogen              NH3                 -9.1        -6.4     -7.3     -3.1
       Oxygen                 CO2                -95.7       -75.1   -79.8   -85.0
       Fluorine              CF4              -223.9     -214.2  -225.7  -225.1
       Magnesium             MgF2                                                 -160.7
       Aluminium             AlF                              -83.6   -77.9   -50.1
       Silicon                SiH                +82.9       +90.2   +84.5   +94.6
       Phosphorus           PH3                 +2.5        +3.9   +10.2     +0.2
       Sulfur                 H2S                 -2.6        +3.8     +1.2     -0.9
       Chlorine              HCl                -21.1       -15.3   -24.6   -20.5
       Zinc                     ZnMe2                           +19.9   +19.8       8.2
       Gallium                GaCl3                                                 -79.7
       Germanium             GeF                              -16.4   -19.7     -3.3
       Arsenic                AsH3                                                  +12.7
       Selenium              SeCl2                                                 -38.0
       Bromine                HBr                                +3.6   -10.5     +5.3
        Cadmium                CdCl2                                                 -48.6
        Indium                 InCl3                                                 -72.8
        Tin                      SnF                              -20.4              -17.5
        Antimony              SbCl3                                                 -72.4
        Tellurium             TeH2                                                  +23.8
        Iodine                 ICl                                -6.7   -4.6     +10.8
        Mercury                HgCl2                           -36.9  -44.8     -32.7
        Thallium              TlCl                                                  -13.4
        Lead                     PbF                              -22.6              -21.0
        Bismuth                BiCl3                                                 -42.6
     *  Not  an  exhaustive  test  of  AM1  boron.
Appendix   E



"Computational Strategies for the Optimization of Equilibrium Geometry and Transition-State
Structures  at  the  Semiempirical  Level",  Peter  L.  Cummings,  Jill  E.  Gready,  J.  Comp.  Chem.,
10:939-950 (1989).

On Analytical C.I. Derivatives

"An  Efficient  Procedure  for  Calculating  the  Molecular  Gradient,  using  SCF-CI  Semiempirical
Wavefunctions with a Limited Number of Configurations", M. J. S. Dewar, D. A. Liotard, J. Mol.
Struct.  (Theochem), 206:123-133 (1990).

On Eigenvector Following

J. Baker, J. Comp.  Chem., 7:385 (1986).

On ElectroStatic Potentials (ESP)

"Atomic  Charges  Derived  from  Semiempirical  Methods",  B.  H.  Besler,  K.  M.  Merz,  Jr.,  P.  A.
Kollman, J. Comp.  Chem., 11:431-439 (1990).


"Ground States of Molecules. 38. The MNDO Method. Approximations and Parameters.", M.J.S.
Dewar, W.Thiel, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99:4899, (1977).
    Original References for Elements Parameterized in MNDO:

H   M.J.S. Dewar, W. Thiel, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99, 4907, (1977).

Li  Parameters taken from the MNDOC program, written by Walter Thiel, Quant.  Chem.  Prog.
       Exch.  No.  438; 2:63, (1982).

Be   M.J.S. Dewar, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:777, (1978).

B   M.J.S. Dewar, M.L. McKee, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99:5231, (1977).

C   M.J.S. Dewar, W. Thiel, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99:4907, (1977).

N   M.J.S. Dewar, W. Thiel, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99:4907, (1977).

O   M.J.S. Dewar, W. Thiel, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 99:4907, (1977).

F  M.J.S. Dewar, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:58, (1978).
Al   L.P. Davis, R.M. Guidry, J.R. Williams, M.J.S. Dewar, H.S. Rzepa J. Comp.  Chem., 2:433,

Si  (a) M.J.S. Dewar, M.L. McKee, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:3607 (1978).  z
       (c) M.J.S. Dewar, J. Friedheim, G. Grady, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, Organometallics, 5:375

P   M.J.S. Dewar, M.L. McKee, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:  3607 (1978).

S  (a) M.J.S. Dewar, M.L. McKee, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100:3607 (1978).  z
       (b) M.J.S. Dewar, C. H. Reynolds, J. Comp.  Chem., 7:140 (1986).

Cl   (a) M.J.S. Dewar, M.L. McKee, H.S. Rzepa, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 100, 3607 (1978).  z
       (b) M.J.S. Dewar, H.S. Rzepa, J. Comp.  Chem., 4, 158, (1983)

Zn   M.J.S. Dewar, K. M. Merz, Organometallics, 5:1494 (1986).

Ge    M.J.S. Dewar, G.L. Grady, E.F. Healy, Organometallics, 6:186 (1987).

Br   M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy, J. Comp.  Chem., 4:542, (1983).

I  M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Comp.  Chem., 5:358, (1984).

Sn   M.J.S. Dewar, G.L. Grady, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 106:6771 (1984).

Hg    M.J.S. Dewar, G.L. Grady, K. Merz, J.J.P. Stewart, Organometallics, 4:1964, (1985).

Pb    M.J.S. Dewar, M. Holloway, G.L. Grady, J.J.P. Stewart, Organometallics, 4:1973, (1985).

    N.B.:  z_ Parameters defined here are obsolete.


Part XXVI, Bingham, R.C., Dewar, M.J.S., Lo, D.H, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 97, (1975).

On AM1

"AM1:  A  New  General  Purpose  Quantum  Mechanical  Molecular  Model",  M.J.S.  Dewar,  E.G.
Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 107:3902-3909 (1985).

On PM3

"Optimization of Parameters for Semi-Empirical Methods I-Method", J.J.P. Stewart, J. Comp.
Chem., 10:221 (1989).
"Optimization  of  Parameters  for  Semi-Empirical  Methods  II-Applications,  J.J.P.  Stewart,  J.
Comp.  Chem.,  10:221  (1989).   (These  two  references  refer  to  H,  C,  N,  O,  F,  Al,  Si,  P,  S,  Cl,
Br, and I).
    "Optimization of Parameters for Semi-Empirical Methods III-Extension of PM3 to Be, Mg,
Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Te, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi", J.J.P. Stewart, J. Comp.  Chem.  (In
press, expected date of publication, Feb.  1991).
    Original References for Elements Parameterized in AM1:

H   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 107:3902-3909

B   M.J.S. Dewar, C Jie, E. G. Zoebisch, Organometallics, 7:513-521 (1988).

C   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 107:3902-3909
N   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 107:3902-3909

O   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart, J. Am.  Chem.  Soc., 107:3902-3909

F  M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, Theochem., 180:1 (1988).

Al   M.J.S. Dewar, A.J. Holder, Organometallics, 9:508 (1990).

Si  M.J.S. Dewar, C. Jie, Organometallics, 6:1486-1490 (1987).

P  M.J.S. Dewar, C.Jie, Theochem., 187:1 (1989)

S  (No reference)

Cl   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, Theochem., 180:1 (1988).

Zn   M.J.S. Dewar, K.M. Merz, Jr., Organometallics, 7:522 (1988).

Ga   M.J.S. Dewar, C. Jie, Organometallics, 8:1544 (1989).

Br   M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, Theochem., 180:1 (1988).

I M.J.S. Dewar, E.G. Zoebisch, Theochem., 180:1 (1988).

Hg    M. J. S. Dewar, C. Jie, Organometallics, 8:1547 (1989).  (see also PARASOK for the use of
       MNDO parameters for other elements)

On Shift

"The Dynamic `Level Shift' Method for Improving the Convergence of the SCF Procedure", A.
V. Mitin, J. Comp.  Chem., 9:107-110 (1988).

On Half-Electron

"Ground States of Conjugated Molecules.  IX. Hydrocarbon Radicals and Radical Ions", M.J.S.
Dewar, J.A. Hashmall, C.G. Venier, J.A.C.S., 90:1953 (1968).
"Triplet  States  of  Aromatic  Hydrocarbons",  M.J.S.  Dewar,  N.  Trinajstic,  Chem.  Comm.,  646,
"Semiempirical SCF-MO Treatment of Excited States of Aromatic Compounds", M.J.S. Dewar,
N. Trinajstic, J. Chem.  Soc., (A), 1220, (1971).

On Pulay's Converger

"Convergence Acceleration of Iterative Sequences.  The Case of SCF Iteration", Pulay, P., Chem.
Phys.  Lett., 73:393, (1980).

On Pseudodiagonalization

"Fast  Semiempirical  Calculations",  Stewart.   J.J.P.,  Csaszar,  P.,  Pulay,  P.,  J.  Comp.   Chem.,
3:227, (1982).

On Localization

"A New Rapid Method for Orbital Localization.", P.G. Perkins and J.J.P. Stewart,J.C.S. Faraday
(II), 77:000, (1981).
On Diagonalization

Beppu, Y., Computers and Chemistry, Vol.6 (1982).


"Molecular  Orbital  Theory  for  the  Excited  States  of  Transition  Metal  Complexes",  D.R.  Arm-
strong,  R. Fortune,  P.G. Perkins,  and J.J.P. Stewart,  J.  Chem.  Soc.,  Faraday  II, 68:1839-1846

On Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno Method

Broyden, C. G., Journal of the Institute for Mathematics and Applications, Vol.  6, pp 222-231,
Fletcher, R., Computer Journal, Vol.  13, pp 317-322, 1970.  Goldfarb, D., Mathematics of Com-
putation, Vol.  24, pp 23-26, 1970.
Shanno,  D. F.,  Mathematics  of  Computation,  Vol.  24,  pp 647-656 1970.  See also summary in:
Shanno, D. F., J. of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol.46, No 1 pp 87-94 1985.

On Polarizability

"Calculation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules", H. A. Kurtz, J. J. P. Stewart, K. M.
Dieter, J. Comp.  Chem., 11:82 (1990).  See also "Semiempirical Calculation of the Hyperpolariz-
ability of Polyenes", H. A. Kurtz, I. J. Quant.  Chem.  Symp., 24, xxx (1990).

On Thermodynamics

"Ground States of Molecules.  44 MINDO/3 Calculations of Absolute Heat Capacities and En-
tropies of Molecules without Internal Rotations.  Dewar, M.J.S., Ford, G.P., J. Am.  Chem.  Soc.,
99:7822 (1977).

On SIGMA Method

Komornicki, A., McIver, J. W., Chem.  Phys.  Lett., 10:303, (1971).
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On Molecular Orbital Valency

"Valency  and  Molecular  Structure",  Gopinathan,  M.  S.,  Siddarth,  P.,  Ravimohan,  C.,  Theor.
Chim.  Acta , 70:303 (1986).

On Bonds

"Bond  Indices  and  Valency",  Armstrong,  D.R.,  Perkins,  P.G.,  Stewart,  J.J.P.,  J.  Chem.  Soc.,
Dalton, 838 (1973).  For a second, equivalent, description, see also:  Gopinathan, M. S., and Jug,
K., Theor.  Chim.  Acta, 63:497 (1983).

On Locating Transition States

"Location of Transition States in Reaction Mechanisms", M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy, J.J.P. Stewart,
J. Chem.  Soc., Faraday Trans.  II, 3:227, (1984).

On Dipole Moments for Ions

"Molecular Quadrupole Moments", A.D. Buckingham, Quarterly Reviews, 182 (1958 or 1959).
On Polymers

"MNDO Cluster Model Calculations on Organic Polymers", J.J.P. Stewart, New Polymeric Ma-
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"Calculation of Elastic Moduli using Semiempirical Methods", H. E. Klei, J.J.P. Stewart, Int.  J.
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+, 13                                                               CRAY-XMP, 1
&, 12                                                               CYCLE, 95
0SCF, 13
1ELECTRON, 13                                                       Danilof, V. I., v
1SCF, 13                                                            data
                                                                          commas in, 41
Ab initio total energies, 72                                              for ethene, 5
AIDER, 13                                                                 for polytetrahydrofuran, 6
AIGIN, 14                                                                 for polythene, 47
AIGOUT, 14                                                                layout, 6
AM1, 14                                                                   MNRSD1
      elements in, 44                                                        input, 49
      references, 150                                                        output, 50
ANALYT, 14                                                                tabs in, 41
analytical derivatives, 68                                                TESTDATA
                                                                             input, 55
BAR, 14                                                                      output, 56
BIRADICAL, 14                                                       Data General, 1
Boltzmann constant, 71                                              DCART, 17
BONDS, 15                                                           DEBUG, 17
Born-von Karman, 100                                                DEC, 1
Boyd, Donald B., 69                                                 definitions
bugs                                                                      Boltzmann constant, 71
      locating, 118                                                       velocity of light, 71
                                                                    DELHOF, 113
C.I., 15                                                            DENOUT, 17
capped bonds, 45                                                    DENSITY, 4
CDC, 1                                                              DENSITY (0), 17
CHARGE, 16                                                          Dewar research group, 3
cluster model, 100                                                  dihedral angle coherency, 71
command file                                                        dipole moments
      COMPILE, 121                                                        of ions, 152
      MOPAC, 123                                                    DRAW program, 4
      RMOPAC, 123                                                   DRC
CONH linkage, 67                                                          background, 76
constants                                                                 conservation of momentum, 77
      physical, 71                                                        definition, 76
coordinates                                                               dummy atoms in, 79
      Cartesian, 42                                                       keyword options, 81
      examples, 46
      Gaussian                                                      Eigenvector
         example, 66                                                      following, 94
      internal to Cartesian, 42                                     elements
      reaction, 76                                                        specification of, 44
COSMO, 99                                                           energy, 72
entropy, 72                                                         Kurtz, Henry, A., v
error messages, 105
ESP                                                                 LaTeX, v
      installing, 124                                               liquids, 77
Excimers, 97                                                        Localized orbitals, 2

Fluorescence, 97                                                    mass-weighted coordinates, 62
force constant, 82                                                  MECI
force constants, 1, 61                                                    description of, 87
frame                                                               messages, 105
      description of, 86                                            MNDO
Franck-Condon, 96                                                         elements in, 44
                                                                    MODE, 95
gas constant, R, 71                                                 MOHELP, 4
Gaussian coordinates, 42                                            molecular orbitals, 1
geometry                                                            MOPAC
      flags for, 43                                                       geometric structure, 101
Gibbs free energy, 74                                                     copyright, 2
GMETRY                                                                    cost, 2
      description, 103                                                    criteria, 113
Gordon, Mark, 76                                                          development, 3
Gould, 1                                                                  electronic structure, 102
grid map, 46                                                              error messages, 105
                                                                          installing, 121
H-PRIORITY, 85                                                            programming policy, 102
heat capacity, 72                                                         size of, 126
heat of formation, 74                                                     using, 125
      criteria, 113                                                       version number, 52
      molecular standards, 147                                      MOSOL, 4
Hessian, 94                                                         NONR, 94
Hirano, Tsuneo, 71                                                  normal coordinate analysis, 62

IBM PC-AT, 1                                                        OMIN, 94
internal coordinate definition, 41
ions, 1                                                             partition function, 72
IRC                                                                 PATH calculation, 63
      definition, 78                                                Petts, Dr.  J., 123
      example of, 80                                                Phosphorescence, 97
      example of restart, 80                                        Photoemission, 97
      keywords for, 79                                              Photoexcitation energy, 96
isotopes                                                            POLAR, 28
      specification of, 44                                          polymers, 1
                                                                          data for, 6
Jensen, Frank, 94                                                   Program
                                                                          DENSITY, 4
keywords                                                                  MOHELP, 4
      debugging, 117                                                      MOSOL, 4
      specification, 6
KINETIC, 81                                                         QCPE address, 2
kinetic energy
      damping, 77                                                   radicals, 1
Klamt, Andreas, v                                                   reaction coordinate
Klyne and Prelog, 71                                                      specification, 46
Korambath, Prakashan, v                                             Red-shift, 97
reduced mass, 82                                                    version number
references                                                                of MOPAC, 52
      AM1, 150                                                      vibrational analysis, 62
      BFGS method, 152
      bonds, 152                                                    zero point energy, 61
      CI derivatives, 149
      diagonalization, 152
      dipole moments of ions, 152
      eigenvector following, 149
      ESP, 149
      half-electron, 151
      localization, 151
      MECI, 152
      MINDO/3, 150
      MNDO, 149
      MO valency, 152
      on G-DIIS, 149
      PM3, 150
      polarizability, 152
      polymers, 153
      pseudo-diagonalization, 151
      Pulay's converger, 151
      SHIFT, 151
      SIGMA method, 152
      thermodynamics, 152
      transition state location, 152
RMAX, 95
RMIN, 95

sparkles, 45
      calls in MOPAC, 129
      description of, 137
      full list of, 127
supercomputers, 1
symmetry functions
      defined, 35

Taylor expansion, 94
      example of, 55
TOL2, 113
TOLS1, 113
transition state, 1

      on-line help, 124

VAX, 2, 4
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