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#! /bin/csh -e -f
# script to run the PSI1/88 program, followed by a run of PSICON/88
# If a new contour level is desired at a later time, one need only
# rerun the PSICON/88 program with the new contour level in the input.
set ofiles = (22 23 24)
if ($#argv == 0) goto noargs
# Run PSI1/88 using cmdlin.psi1 as input
time ./PSI1 < $1.psi1
# remove any old files with the target name
rm -f $1.f17
ln FOR017 $1.f17
# Run PSICON/88 program using cmdlin.psicon as input
time PSICON < $1.psicon
# Store new output files
rm -f FOR017
foreach argument ($ofiles[*])
   rm -f $1.f$argument 
   ln FOR0$argument $1.f$argument 
   rm -f FOR0$argument
# Done!
echo 'Usage: "rpsi1 filename " '
Modified: Fri May 24 16:00:00 1991 GMT
Page accessed 5956 times since Sat Apr 17 22:02:13 1999 GMT