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rm -f data

menu << End | sed 's/\[//g' | gawk '{print $1,$2-$5}' > data

atom c-sp3 0 -0.076 0 0		# two uncharged carbon atoms
atom c-sp3 0  0.076 0 0
length 0 1			# joined by a sigma bond
spring-damper 0 1  2.0e4 0.3 100	# and a spring-damper

every 5000
	print time
	print position 1
	print position 0

time-step 1.0e-6
run 0 1.0

gnuplot << End
plot "data" with lines
pause 60
Modified: Wed May 14 16:00:00 1997 GMT
Page accessed 5051 times since Sat Apr 17 22:31:57 1999 GMT