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This is a log of my installation/Compilation of Apache DSO
with SSL, MM, JSERV1.1 under Linux RH 6.1 (i.e., for kernel 2.2.x)
This is IMHO a stable configuration for servlets using Sun's JSDK2.0
as opposed to richer, but at the same time more experimental 
Jakarta/Tomcat approach. I was logged as root.

This stuff if based on INSTALL file which comes with mod_ssl.
If you are outside US, please look into INSTALL which comes
with mod_ssl, since you do not need RSAREF and can use more
robust code [your 8) and apache configure will be different].

1) You actually may need a Korn shell to save yourself editing
   since some scripts require it. It is called Public Domain
   Korn shell, "pdksh". The easiest way is to get it as RPM from
   for RH 6.1. Go to:
   click on  pdksh-5.2.14-1 and then do "Save Link to file" for the
   link "pdksh-5.2.14-1 RPM for i386".
   Copy the pdksh-5.2.14-1.i386.rpm to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
   cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
   rpm -Uhv pdksh-5.2.14-1.i386.rpm

2) Install Java 1.2 under linx RH 6.1
   Note... Usually, you do not have Java installed. But with older
   Linuces, there were various ports to Java (e.g., Kaffe). You jave
   to remove them from your system. If you are not sure if you have
   java installed and in the path, just type 
   and see what happens. If it says: java: command not found
   you are OK.
   Java -- took jdk1.2 from one of the mirrors of
           North America

   I actually took Release 4 from
   What you need is a file:
   and placed it in my usual download directory: /usr/local/src/java
   Then I ran the self installing shell script as:

     chmod 755 \
     cd /usr/local

   It installed the JDK 1.2.2 in /usr/local/jdk1.2.2
3) Get the JSDK2.0  -- It is hidden someplace in the
   since they are pushing the new stuff, but forget that we also need
   to use the old stuff.  Why it is hidden, beats me... 
   It causes a lot of grief for people since JSDK2.0 is the only
   one which will work with JServ. Either you know it or not.
   Once you know it, they will change it {:-(}. Go to:
   Go to the very bottom of the page and select platfom for
   Java Servlet Development Kit 2.0  (Unix) and click continue.
   Then [ACCEPT] terms. Pick up HTTP download (or FTP -- which is
   usually faster) and you will retrieve a file
   It is not really Solaris file. It will work on any UNIX since it
   is Pure Java. Unpack this file in /usr/local, i.e.,
      cd /usr/local
      gtar Zxvf /path/where/you/have/it/jsdk20-solaris2-sparc.tar.Z
   This will create directory /usr/local/JSDK2.0.

4) Set your environment variables for Java (I am assuming you use
   some Bourne shell lookalike -- ksh or bash.

      export JAVA_HOME
      export JSDK_HOME
      export PATH
      export CLASSPATH
5) Make top directory for apache JServ installation. I did
     /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1 but if you do some other, you
   need to remember to use it in the instructions below,
     mkdir /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1

6) I also make a subdirectory sources to have all needed sources
   in one place. 
     mkdir /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources
   place there tar files, and then unpack them as shown below:

  a) apache_1.3.11.tar.gz from
     gtar zxvf apache_1.3.11.tar.gz

  b) mod_ssl-2.5.0-1.3.11.tar.gz from
	gtar zxvf mod_ssl-2.5.0-1.3.11.tar.gz

  c) openssl-0.9.4.tar.gz from
     gtar zxvf openssl-0.9.4.tar.gz

  d) mm-1.0.12.tar.gz from
     gtar zxvf mm-1.0.12.tar.gz

  e) rsaref20.tar.Z -- it is no longer distributed, and I got it
     from my private museum. It is available from many places
     on the Web outside US. Search the Web FOR RSAREF 2.0.
       mkdir rsaref-2.0
       cd rsaref-2.0
       gtar Zxvf ../rsaref20.tar.Z
       cd ..

  f) ApacheJServ-1.1.tar.gz -- jserv module from
       gtar zxvf ApacheJServ-1.1.tar.gz

7) Compiled RSAREF library for openssl since we are in US and RSA has
   a patent, and we cannot use the decent implementation of crypto
   libraries. If you are in Europe, you can skip this thing.
     cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/rsaref-2.0
     cp -rp install/unix local
     cd local
       edited makefile to have
         CC = gcc
	changed  all occurrances of cc --> $(CC)
       added -fPIC to CFLAGS
     mv rsaref.a librsaref.a

8) Compiled the openssl [if you are in Europe, you need to
   check the mod_ssl INSTALL not to include RSAREF]

   cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/openssl-0.9.4
   sh config \
    -L/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/rsaref-2.0/local/rsaref -fPIC
   make test

9) Compiled MM shared memory library
   cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/mm-1.0.12
   ./configure --disable-shared
   cd ..

10) Configured  mod_ssl
   cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/mod_ssl-2.5.0-1.3.11
   EAPI_MM=../mm-1.0.12 \
     ./configure \

11) Configure and make and install Apache with DSO support:
   cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/apache_1.3.11
   SSL_BASE=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/openssl-0.9.4 \
   RSA_BASE=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/rsaref-2.0/local \
   EAPI_MM=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/mm-1.0.12 \
   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1 \
               --enable-module=so \
               --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
               --enable-module=most \
               --enable-shared=max \
               --enable-module=ssl \
   make certificate TYPE=custom
   make install

   My entries for certificates with 
          make certificate TYPE=custom
   were defaults, no passwords, and:
    STEP 0: R
    STEP 2:
     1. Country Name              [XY]:US
     2. State or Province Name    [Snake Desert]:Ohio
     3. Locality Name             [Snake Town]:Columbus
     4. Organization Name         [Snake Oil, Ltd]:OSC
     5. Organizational Unit Name  [Cer..Authority]:Gateway
     6. Common Name               [Snake Oil CA]
     7. Email Address             [ca@snakeoil.dom]
     8. Certificate Validity      [365]:1000

    STEP 3: 3
    STEP 5:
     1. Country Name              [XY]:US
     2. State or Province Name    [Snake Desert]:Ohio
     3. Locality Name             [Snake Town]:Columbus 
     4. Organization Name         [Snake Oil, Ltd]:OSC
     5. Organizational Unit Name  [Webserver Team]:PSE
     6. Common Name               [www.snakeoil.dom]
     7. Email Address             [www@snakeoil.dom]
     8. Certificate Validity      [365]:1001
    STEP 6: 3
    STEP 7:n
    STEP 8:n

12) edited a file in /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/conf/httpd.conf and
    added (actually uncommented):

13) Testing if Apache works:
    a) make sure other installation of apache is not running,
       or if it runs, it does not use port 80 and port 443.
       (do: ps auwx | grep httpd), and if httpd runs, kill it
       with its own apachectl script or just use (not recommended)
          killall httpd

    b) start apache with:
       /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/bin/apachectl startssl
       If you have warning, you have a problem, and try to
       do "exactly what I say" next time {:-)}.

    c) Use your browser (preferable on some other machine)
       and check if http: and https: work
       In my case, I tries URLs:
       In the https case you should get a lot of windows
       which ask you for accepting the certificate.
       Just click Next to see if you can go through to the

    d) Stop apache, since you are not finshed yet.
       /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/bin/apachectl stop
14) Configuring JServ (note, you need to have JAVA_HOME, JSDK_HOME,
    PATH, and CLASSPATH set correctly as described in 4).

    cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/ApacheJServ-1.1
    ./configure \
      --prefix=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/jserv \
      --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/bin/apxs \
      --with-jdk-home=$JAVA_HOME \
      --with-JSDK=$JSDK_HOME \
      --with-java-platform=2 \
      --enable-EAPI \
      --disable-debugging \

    as a result it will produce some info on the screen.
    Read it and if you can grap it with a mouse and save
    in a file, do it!

15) Building and installing JServ

    cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/ApacheJServ-1.1

16) Making Apache copy [i.e. INSTALL] the JServ module 
    in proper directories.
      cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/apache_1.3.11
      make install
      cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/sources/ApacheJServ-1.1
      make install

17) Some log files end up with wrong permissions.
    cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/logs
    chgrp nobody *
    chmod g+rw *
    chgrp nobody .
    chmod g+rwx .

18) Configuring for the test of JServ.
    a) cd /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/conf
          edit httpd.conf and add at the end:
          Include /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/conf/jserv/jserv.conf
    b) start Apache
       /usr/local/apache_JServ1.1/bin/apachectl startssl

    c) check if JServ works by accessing URL with Hello servlet
       in your browser:
Modified: Wed Feb 2 15:23:39 2000 GMT
Page accessed 18737 times since Sun Feb 6 12:34:11 2000 GMT