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#                     Apache JServ Configuration File                         #

# Note: this file should be appended or included into your httpd.conf

# Tell Apache on win32 to load the Apache JServ communication module
# LoadModule jserv_module modules/ApacheModuleJServ.dll

# Tell Apache on Unix to load the Apache JServ communication module
# For shared object builds only!!!
# @LOAD_OR_NOT@LoadModule jserv_module @LIBEXECDIR@/
# LoadModule jserv_module libexec/

# Do not edit! 
ApJServManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel debug

### Change if you run tomcat on a different host
#ApJServDefaultHost localhost
ApJServDefaultPort 7287

### Add handler for jsp. Note that the tomcat-apache.conf file
# which is produced by tomcat has a typo: AddType test/jsp .jsp
AddType text/jsp .jsp
AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp

#################### All jsp files will go to tomcat ####################

# JServ1.1.1 engine
ApJServLogFile /usr/local/apache_t3.1/logs/mod_jserv.log
ApJServMount /servlets ajpv12://localhost:7288/jserv111

# the gimics to make the Apache work on the links in the for tomcat
# examles. The problem is that tomcat mounts directory
# /usr/local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/ROOT as: document root "/"
# as can be seen in server.xml:
# while for Apache the document root directory is:
#  /usr/local/apache_t3.1/htdocs
# as seen in httpd.conf:
#    DocumentRoot "/usr/local/apache_t3.1/htdocs"
# The /usr/local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps directory is; 
# drwxr-xr-x   4 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 ROOT
# drwxr-xr-x   4 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 admin
# drwxr-xr-x   6 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 examples
# drwxr-xr-x   7 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 test
# and under /usr/local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/ROOT:
# drwxr-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 WEB-INF
# drwxr-xr-x   3 root     other        512 Jun 10 03:45 docs
# -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       2520 Jun 10 03:45 index.html
# -rw-r--r--   1 root     other       1934 Jun 10 03:45 tomcat.gif
# at the same time, there are links in these documents linke:
#     or
# Everything works under tomcat, but will not work Apache.
# So, I added a mount point docs and ROOT in server.xml
# But now, the relative links called from, say /ROOT/index.html :
# become:
# which is fine, but 
# becomes:
# which is not fine, and /ROOT has to be chopped.

Alias /examples /local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/examples

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /examples ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Alias /docs /local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/docs

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /docs ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Alias /test /local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/test

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /test ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Alias /admin /local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/admin

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /admin ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Alias /ROOT /local/apache_t3.1/tomcat/webapps/ROOT

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /ROOT ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Alias /SciPortal /local/apache_t3.1/htdocs/SciPortal

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

ApJServMount /SciPortal ajpv12://localhost:7287/root

    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# It is good to protect development stuff with passwords

AuthType Basic
AuthName "For internal users only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /usr/local/apache/auth/htgroup
AuthType Basic

require group demo

Modified: Wed Jun 21 05:58:08 2000 GMT
Page accessed 13996 times since Mon Feb 3 15:32:04 2003 GMT