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If you have a sensible conference budget, please contribute to the maintenance of this page and CCL (the charge is only 50 USD). However, I do understand (having organized several conferences myself) that at the stage of conference advertising the "treasury" is sometimes empty. If you do not have money to spend, you can still support CCL by placing a link to CCL Conference page ( or the link to the CCL Home Page ( on one of your conference Web pages. This way, both your web site and CCL Web site will have a higher score on Google and other Internet search engines. Keep the invoice, though, and maybe you will be able to support CCL later, when you collected your registration fees. Consider also supporting CCL with other services: CCL Services Page.
The CCL.NET, Computational Chemistry List, Ltd, covers a broad area of computer applications in chemistry and life sciences and its Web site is visited by students, educators, and researchers in this field. It is run from a private home and needs to be supported to cover the cost of operation. The CCL.NET Conference Page is a convenient source of information about incoming conferences related to computational chemistry, cheminformatics, bioinformatics, materials design, molecular modeling, theoretical chemistry, chemical physics, etc.
Placing Conference Announcement on CCL is beneficial for your conference and will get your conference Web pages listed on all major search engines. CCL.NET is a venerable Internet service (est. 1991), and being one of the oldest Internet Web sites, it is scanned daily by all popular web crawlers and harvesting robots. Your conference announcement will also get the due attention of the select group of professionals, who visit CCL.NET Web site.
CCL.NET is an independent forum run by
Jan K. Labanowski from his home as a for profit Limited Liability Company
registered in the State of Ohio under the name:
Computational Chemistry List, Ltd.
Running it as a non-profit charity is not practical at this
time, since it would require substantial funds to support the
red tape needed to obtain and maintain
the 503(c)3 IRS qualification, as well as
extensive accounting and tax reporting. CCL.NET is not
associated or dependent upon any other organization.
Your support of CCL is greatly appreciated. Apart from the bills
for Internet access with static IP addresses, computers, backup media,
electricity, CCL requires a lot of maintenance and development
to be useful. If you do not help, nobody will...
Thank you in advance for your support of CCL.
Jan Labanowski
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