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NAME:     APCHEM - Astrophysical Chemistry

   Description:    The Astrophysical Chemistry Group (ACG) of the Royal
      Society of Chemistry, which is also affiliated to the Royal Astronom-
      ical Society, held its inaugural meeting in April 1994. The purpose
      of this group is to make a bridge between observational astronomy
      and atomic and molecular physics and chemistry. Meetings are held
      regularly which highlight topics of outstanding importance in as-
      tronomy in areas in which atomic and molecular physics and chem-
      istry can make a major contribution. An important function of the
      ACG is to make astronomers aware of what chemists can deliver and
      chemists aware of what astronomers seek, and to encourage collab-
      orative projects between astronomy and chemistry.
   Subjects:    astrophysical  chemistry,  interstellar  chemistry,  planetary
      chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical
      chemistry, computational chemistry.
   Editors:   Dr. Bernd R. Eggen, University of Exeter,
      Dr.         David    Field,    University    of    Bristol,
   Comments:     Unmoderated. Low volume. 100 participants. Archived.
      List           type:                     MAILBASE.
      Administrative address: Distribution
   Archives:    Available via WWW: and anony-
      mous FTP in the directory /pub/lists/apchem.
      See also /pub/mailbase.
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:43:46 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6312 times since Sat Apr 17 21:20:56 1999 GMT