CCL Home Page
NAME:     BIOSCI/BIONET - Biological Science Groups and Lists
   Description:    BIOSCI is a series of freely accessible electronic communi-
      cation forums (i.e., electronic bulletin boards or "newsgroups") for
      use by biological scientists worldwide. No fees are charged for the
      service. The system is intended to promote communication between
      professionals in the biological sciences.  There are over 60 news-
      groups and corresponding electronic lists on Bionet ranging from
      typical biological subjects like cell biology, genetics, parasitology to
      interdisciplinary fields including molecular modeling, NMR structure
      determination, and protein crystallography.
   Subjects:    Virtually all areas of biology/biochemistry/biophysics.
   Editor:   Each list/newsgroup has its own leader. Bionet is managed by
      David Kristofferson (
   To Subscribe:     Once you choose the particular Bionet list and you know
      its LISTNAME, subscribe by sending a message: subscribe LISTNAME
      to the address
   To Unsubscribe:      Send the message unsubscribe LISTNAME to the ad-
   To Post:   Send your message to the address:
      where the some-list is the appropriate list identifier.
   Comments:     Bionet is an excellent, professionally run resource, with
      clear and extensive instructions on its use and topics. The archives
      of Bionet are extensive. Start by sending the message: info faq to
      the address You may also use anony-
      mous FTP or gopher and retrieve tutorials on the use
      of Bionet and description of Bionet lists/newsgroups.  Note that
      some Bionet lists are moderated.
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:44:04 1999 GMT
Page accessed 5850 times since Sat Apr 17 21:20:56 1999 GMT