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Up Directory CCL BUCKY
NAME:     BUCKY - Fullerene News.

   Description:    A weekly list of the latest titles on C-60 and related
      fullerenes, fullerites, and molecular/solid state derivatives.
   Subjects:    fullerenes, fullerites
   Editor:   Dr. Jack Fischer, 3231 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA, 19104-6202,
      USA. PH: (215) 898-6924. EM:
   To Subscribe:     Send a message SUBSCRIBE to the address:
   To Unsubscribe:      Send a message UNSUBSCRIBE to the address:
   To Post:   Place the single word SUBMISSION on the first line and follow
      it by up to 10 lines of message. Send it to: A successful submission will be ac-
      knowledged with an automatic response.
   Comments:     Unmoderated.  27 messages/month.  1200 subscribers.
   Archives:    Send a message INTRO (note that commands are in capital
      letters) to for more information. Send
      the message to with keyword titles
      or biblio to get the latest set of submissions or the full Bucky Bib-
      liography respectively. Also maintained at Arizona State U. Physics
      Dept as anonymous FTP (and eventually WWW/Mosaic)
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:44:36 1999 GMT
Page accessed 5967 times since Sat Apr 17 21:20:56 1999 GMT