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NAME:     CAChe - CaChe Users Discussions.

   Description:    The CAChe list is intended to enhance communication be-
      tween academic users of computer modeling for teaching. In partic-
      ular, the focus is on applications of the modeling tools from CAChe
      Scientific in the undergraduate curriculum.  Items appropriate for
      this forum include classroom experiences, course outlines, modeling
      projects, sample results, bug reports, new software announcements,
      requests for help, and troubleshooting tips.
   Subjects:    modeling,thermodynamics, organic chemistry, physical chem-
      istry, inorganic chemistry, CAChe Scientific.
   Editor:   James Currie, Chemistry Department, Pacific University, Forest
      Grove, OR 97116, USA. PH: (503) 357-6151. FX: (503) 359-2933.
   Comments:     Unmoderated.   No subscription restrictions.   5 mes-
      sages/month.  55 subscribers.  No archives.  List type: MAJOR-
      DOMO. Administrative Distri-
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:44:55 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6912 times since Sat Apr 17 21:20:57 1999 GMT