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Up Directory CCL CORROS-L
NAME:     CORROS-L - Corrosion and Degradation.

   Description:    This list is concerned with corrosion and degradation of
      materials. It covers technical questions, general information and the
      notification of conferences, job vacancies etc.
   Subjects:    Corrosion, electrochemistry, materials.
   Editor:   Bob Cottis, Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST, P.O. Box
      88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK. PH: 44 161 200 4843. FX: 44 161
      200 4865. EM:
   Comments:     Unmoderated.  No subscription restrictions.  10 mes-
      sages/month.  100 subscribers.  Archived.  List type: LISTSERV.
      Administrative address: LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK. Distribution ad-
      dress: CORROS-L@IB.RL.AC.UK.
   Archives:    Sent  the  message:   INDEX CORROS-L  to  the  address:
      LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK to get a list of files. Retrieve files by sending
      a message: GET CORROS-L LOGyymm to LISTSERV@IB.RL.AC.UK.
      For  more  information  send  the  message:  INFO DATABASE  to:
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:50:24 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6570 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:01 1999 GMT