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NAME:     PMD - Parallel Molecular Dynamics.

   Description:    Announcements and Discussion about the parallel molecu-
      lar dynamics program PMD. PMD is an experimental program writ-
      ten in C and implementing the fast multipole algorithm of Green-
      gard and Rokhlin. It is easily portable between different UNIX sys-
      tem architectures and message passing protocols. PMD calculates
      a good approximation of the full long-range Coulomb interactions
      faster than conventional, much less accurate, cutoff methods. PMD
      is also scalably parallel with distributed data storage. It has been
      run on workstation networks as well as dedicated parallel machines
      such as the CM-5 and the Intel Paragon. PMD is made freely avail-
      able at this point to provide a flexible testing ground for advanced
      algorithms to all interested researchers.
   Subjects:    PMD (parallel molecular dynamics)
   Editor:   Andreas Windemut, _Columbia University, Department of Bio-
      chemistry and Biophysics _630 West 168th St.  BB-221, New
      York, NY 10032, USA. PH: (212) 305-6884.  FX: (212) 305-6926.
   To Subscribe:     Send         a         message         to
   To Unsubscribe:      Send         a         message         to
   To Post:   Send mail to Posting is dis-
      couraged at this point. Better to send mail to the coordinator at
      the address: and the an-
      nouncements of general interest will be made.
   Comments:     Unmoderated.  No subscription restrictions.  One mes-
      sage/month. 110 Subscribers. No archives yet.
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:57:06 1999 GMT
Page accessed 14706 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:09 1999 GMT