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Up Directory CCL POST
NAME:     POST - Postdoc International.

   Description:    This is not a discussion list but a job announcement ser-
      vice for postdoctoral fellows.  The jobs are organized by coun-
      try and category.  For example:  usa.chemistry, gb.chemistry,
      france.biology, etc. To retrieve the file containing job announce-
      ments send a message to  For ex-
      ample: send the message: get usa.chemistry canada.chemistry
      usa.computers if you want to find out about jobs in chemistry in
      Canada and USA, and computer related jobs in USA.
   Editors:   Claire Gautherin GAUTHERI@AMOCO.SACLAY.CEA.FR,
      Dominique Marchand DOMI@AMOCO.SACLAY.CEA.FR,
      Rosa Antidormi ROSA@AMOCO.SACLAY.CEA.FR,
      Vincent Vigneron VVIGNE@AMOCO.SACLAY.CEA.FR,
      Etienne Amic AMIC@AMOCO.SACLAY.CEA.FR.
   To Post:   The list is not intended for discussions. To announce a new
      position, start your message with the line: message and place your
      announcement below.
   Comments:     Very useful service for those who need jobs or those who
      need them filled fast.
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:57:49 1999 GMT
Page accessed 5868 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:10 1999 GMT