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Up Directory CCL SYBYL
NAME:     SYBYL - Discussions of Sybyl Users.

   Description:    The Sybyl mail exploder is a forum for exchange of infor-
      mation pertaining to use of the Sybyl molecular modeling package
      from Tripos Associates. While this list is not an official means of
      communication with Tripos, it is not unusual for members of the
      technical and sales staff to answer questions posted to the list. There
      is now a sizable archive of contributed SPL (Sybyl Programming
      Language) scripts available in the associated anonymous FTP site
   Subjects:    Molecular Modeling, Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Me-
      chanics, Molecular Dynamics, Sybyl, Tripos, Drug Design.
   Editor:   Prof. Curt Breneman, Department of Chemistry, Cogswell Lab
      319A,       Rensselaer       Polytechnic       Institute,
      Troy, NY 12180, USA. PH: (518) 276-2678.  FX: (518) 276-4045.
   To Subscribe:     Send a message to
      requesting membership.
   To Unsubscribe:      Send         a         message         to requesting deletion.
   To Post:   Send your message to
   Comments:     Unmoderated.  No restrictions on subscribing.  50 mes-
      sages/month. 250 subscribers. Archived.
   Archives:    Sybyl messages and contributed SPL scripts are saved in sub-
      directories of the anonymous FTP server at
Modified: Thu Feb 11 21:59:18 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6993 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:13 1999 GMT