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Up Directory CCL YSN
NAME:     YSN - Young Scientists' Network.

   Description:    1) To let the press, public, and government officials know
      that there is currently no shortage of scientists.  Young scientists
      are currently encountering unprecedented difficulty finding jobs. 2)
      To discuss how young scientists can find both traditional and non-
      traditional careers.  The primary activity of the YSN is the pro-
      duction of the electronic Young Scientists' Digest which is sent out
      five times per week. The Moderated YSN (MYSN) Digest, a weekly
      summary of the regular YSN Digest, is edited by Jennifer Cohen. A
      job list, which contains job openings which have been submitted to
      the YSN, is maintained by Mary Ellen Scott. The YSN archive is
      maintained by Arthur Smith.
   Subjects:    Employment issues, social issues, alternative careers, miscel-
   Editors:   John Quackenbush, Stanford Human Genome Center, Stan-
      ford University Department of Genetics, 855 California Ave., Palo
      Alto, CA 94304, USA. PH: (415) 812-1938.  FX: (415) 812-1916.
      or  for  private  messages.
      MYSN  Moderator:   Jennifer  M.  Cohen,  22  S.  Prince  St.,
      #3,  Shippensburg,  PA  17257,  USA.  PH:  (717)  530-5098.
      EM:  Joblist Administrator:  Mary Ellen
      Scott, University of Akron Chemistry Dept., Akron, Ohio 44325-
      3601, USA. PH: (216) 972-8392(office), (216) 234-7943 (home).
      EM:  Archive administration:
      Arthur P. Smith, Chemistry Department, BG-10, University of
      Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
   To Subscribe:     Send               the               mes-
      sage with a Subject: line subscribe Firstname Lastname YSN if
      you want to get full discussions, or with the Subject: subscribe

     Firstname Lastname MYSN if you want the weekly digest, to the
  To Unsubscribe:      Send             the             message
     with a Subject: line: unsubscribe YSN or unsubscribe YSNM to
     the address:
  To Post:   Send your message to
  Comments:     Unmoderated (YSN) and moderated (MYSN). 22 mes-
     sages/month on YSN. 8 messages/month MYSN. 2500 subscribers
     on YSN and 1750 on MYSN. Archived.
  Archives:    Anonymous FTP:,
Computational Chemistry List

Modified: Thu Feb 11 22:00:26 1999 GMT
Page accessed 6194 times since Sat Apr 17 21:21:14 1999 GMT