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Jan K. Labanowski: "Tomcat, servlets, JSPs and other friends"


Hyper Text Transport Protocol

There are several request types in the HTTP protocol:
  • GET -- request for a resource (resource may be a file or a program/scrip) and passes parameters to the resource via URI (iniform resource identifier) itself. For example: The most popular form of GET is when there is no parameters following the file specification, e.g.:, which is usually when you request a static page.
  • POST -- request for a dynamic resource for which parameters are passed in the body of the request.
  • HEAD -- request for information about the resource (only header returned, without actual body).
  • PUT -- request to put a file on the web server. Used in applications which allow remote Web server configuration and maintainance.

Modified: Wed Feb 13 20:23:37 2002 GMT
Page accessed 354 times since Sun Feb 20 14:15:49 2011 GMT