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Up Directory CCL Rules


By posting to the list, you agree to adhere to the rules outlined in this document.
These rules, regarding what topics are acceptable/unacceptable and commercial announcements, represent a consensus of subscribers of many past discussions. Do not reopen Pandora's box -- please.

Acceptable Topics

Topics which may appear on the list include:
  • software/hardware-related issues
    • bugs: Reporting bugs in chemistry software and possible work-arounds
    • programs and utilities
    • availability: Information on the availability of particular software, data, etc.
    • hardware-related issues relevant to the computational chemistry community

  • announcements of
    • new chemistry software
    • computational chemistry-related workshops and symposia

  • methods
    • new methods and techniques in computational chemistry
    • Q&A: questions and answers about solving computational chemistry problems

  • opinions about services and products

Unacceptable Topics

Topics which may not appear on this list include:
  • personal attacks
  • topics unrelated to computational chemistry
  • announcements of
    • "vaporware"
    • commercial "meet us at the booth..." announcements
    • job openings or CV's

  • address inquiries:
    • Do not send address inquiries to the list. Try searching Google or printed directories or on-line institutional/departmental listings.
    • look up the ACS Directory of Chemistry Departments in your library
    • As a last resort, if you have exhausted all these options, contact Administrators of CCL. via e-mail (chemistry-request at or Mail Web form available from CCL Home page.

  • job announcements: Do not send job openings directly to the list -- this is one of very few things that supports CCL list. Use Job Submission Page (100 USD per job) or send e-mail message to jobs at (150 USD per job). Your support is very needed to support work, hardware, software, disposables, and connection charges. The CCL Job Service is a very efficient way to attract excellent candidates, since it is being reviewed daily by hundreds of professionals in this field.

Commercial Announcements

Commercial software: software sold to anyone for more than a cost of packing, shipping and handling. If you wish to submit a commercial announcement to the list, please respect the following rules:
  • Be brief -- Short (25 lines or less) commercial postings are allowed of they are relevant to CCL community.
  • Be straightforward -- The subject line should be straightforward.
  • No reposting -- Reposts of software announcements are not permitted unless new features/releases become available.
  • No "vaporware" -- Announcements of "vaporware" (software that is not yet working/available), and invitations to expositions and trade shows at meetings are not allowed.
  • No job advertisements (to the list).
    To limit traffic on the list to matters of general interest and to cover the cost of running CCL, announcements concerning employment opportunities are handled off-line.
  • You can submit commercial postings of any length (e.g., demo software, manuals, use cases, brochures, etc.) to the list administrators at chemistry-request at and/or upload them to the anonymous CCL FTP site ( as described in the CCL Instructions Page. They will be reviewed by CCL Administrators before placing them on CCL Web Site. You can then use the link provided to annouce the availability of this material to CCL subscribers. There is a suggested service charge of 100 USD for this service.


Legal Disclaimer

In no event will the Computational Chemistry List, Ltd., its employees and affiliates, or the list administrators be liable for the opinions or materials posted. We are not reviewing the materials submitted to this list and cannot stop their distribution. The software and messages distributed by the Computational Chemistry List come without any warranty -- if you decide to use them, you do so at your own risk. The list is provided "as is" to computational chemistry researchers; it is provided with the intention of helping computational chemists. However, the data/information and software comes with no explicit or implied claims of validity or suitability. Use at your own risk. By posting to this list or placing materials in CCL Web site, you agree that the content represents your personal opinion.

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Modified: Tue Feb 25 04:24:11 2025 GMT
Page accessed 379995 times since Sat Apr 17 13:05:27 1999 GMT