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  1 1                 5.80  -109.94
  2 2                26.25   -89.50
  3 3                17.27   -98.47
  4 4                 5.19   -80.46
  5 5                26.05   -59.60
  6 6                33.20  -123.05
  7 7                41.01  -155.75
  8 8                13.97  -256.53
  9 9                18.41  -406.83
 10 10               20.42   -54.82
 11 11               14.01   -61.23
 12 12               48.29     7.78
 13 13               67.67   102.40
 14 14               15.02   -97.00
 15 15               27.50   -45.25

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Modified: Mon Sep 21 20:03:08 1998 GMT
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