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Up Directory CCL 06.07.09 3rd Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, FOMMS2006, Blaine, WA, USA
From: chemistry-request at
To: chemistry-request at
Date: Fri Oct 21 23:21:06 2005
Subject: 06.07.09 3rd Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation, FOMMS2006, Blaine, WA, USA
We are pleased to send you this announcement for the 3rd Foundations
of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS 2006) conference to be
held July 9th - 14th 2006 at Semiahmoo Resort
( ), in Blaine, WA, USA.

Like its predecessors, FOMMS 2006 will be a scientific meeting
balanced between the methods of quantum mechanics, atomistic
simulation, mesoscale methods and beyond, and application areas
in chemistry, biology, materials and their respective industries.
FOMMS is the only focused conference that brings together the
modeling community and emphasizes integration from the most
fundamental level (electronic structure) through atomistic to
meso- and macro-scale modeling.

For additional information about the conference please visit
our web site at , or contact us directly
at .

We look forward to your participation in the conference.

        Joe Golab and Clare McCabe
        Chairs, FOMMS 2006
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Modified: Sat Oct 22 03:21:06 2005 GMT
Page accessed 8409 times since Sat Oct 22 03:21:06 2005 GMT

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