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CCL 06.02.14 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2006: Molecular Properties, Mariapfarr, Austria |
From: chemistry-request at To: chemistry-request at Date: Sat Oct 22 00:46:24 2005 Subject: 06.02.14 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2006: Molecular Properties, Mariapfarr, Austria The Institute of Chemistry at the Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz announces the Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry 2006: Molecular Properties 14 - 17 February 2006, Mariapfarr (Austria) Scientific Organization: Juergen Gauss (Mainz) The speaker and the topics are available at Experts present special topics in Theoretical Chemistry, basics as well as new developments and advanced techniques. The target group of the workshop are senior students, postdocs as well as all senior scientists who want to practise life long learning. We want to offer in depth lectures on the topics, the lecturers should not proceed on the assumption that the participants are familiar with the topic. Five lecturers at most are invited to make the necessary time for the lectures available to them. John F. Stanton (Austin) - Derivative methods and anharmonic force fields in quantum chemistry Trygve Helgaker (Oslo) - Molecular magnetic properties. Christof Httig (Karlsruhe) - Response theory, excitation energies and frequency dependent properties. Kenneth Ruud (Tromsoe) - Relativistic, solvent, and vibrational effects on molecular properties. ================================================= * The workshop takes place at the house of the firebrigade (Feuerwehrhaus) of Mariapfarr. The number of participants is limited to about 40. The conference language is English. * Timetable The workshop takes place annually in the third week of February. It starts on Tuesday in the morning and ends on Friday at noon. Lectures are given on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00 and 17:00 until 19:00. In the afternoon there is time for skiing (or learning). * Minisymposium On Friday there is a Mini-symposium from 9:00 to 12:00 with short talks on any topic in Theoretical Chemistry. Time allocated for talks including discussion is 20 minutes. To register for the Mini-symposium mail the title of your talk to the organizer of the scientific program. Deadline for registration to the minisymposium is 31 January 2006. Registration * Preliminary Registration Announce you interest in the workshop using the web form. This is not the registration. * Pay the fee You are a registered participant when and if your fee is on my account. Mind the deadline! If we have to limit the number of participants the date of payment is decisive. * Fee early birds late ( after Dec. 21 2005) GCH member 55 Euro 65 Euro Non-GCH member 75 Euro 85 Euro * Deadline Deadline for payment is 31 January 2006.This is serious. If payment is made too late you should not be surprised when you are not on the list of registered participants. To get the early bird rates, your payment has to be made before December 21 2005. * Payment Payment should be made without any charges for the beneficiary to Bank Austria Creditanstalt Bank code: 12000 Account number: 500 955 006 05 Innenauftragsnummer: A27164600017 BIC: BKAUATWW IBAN: AT32 1200 0500 9550 0605 Recipient: Universitt Graz The Innenauftragsnummer is most important. If you don't cite it, I will never get you money and you are not registered. Conference material * The registration fee covers conference material consisting of copies of transparencies and/or lecture notes of all lectures and coffee or tea. * Download conference material of most past workshops is available. Accomodation * Accomodation will be in guest houses and hotels in Mariapfarr all within short walking distance from the Feuerwehrhaus. This will be done by the local tourist agency ( Infostelle Mariapfarr). If you have questions concerning accomodation please contact the Infostelle Mariapfarr. A download registration form for accomodation should be sent to the Infostelle Mariapfarr not later than mid January. -- ============================================================================== Alexander F. Sax e-mail: alexander.sax^^^ Institut fuer Chemie tel. : +43 316 380 5513 Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz FAX : +43 316 380 9893 Strassoldogasse 10 A-8010 Graz AUSTRIA Download this as a fileNOTE THAT E-MAIL ADDRESSES HAVE BEEN MODIFIED!!! All @ signs were changed to ^^^ to fight spam. Before you send e-mail, you need to change ^^^ to @ For example: change joe^^^ to Please let colleagues know about conference listingts at Computational Chemistry List Conference Page at Please help: If you find this conference list useful but you noticed some conference missing, please consider including it here by using the Conference Submission Page. It is free but your support is welcome. You will help others!!! |
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